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    posted a message on Why do *you* want to play Beta
    With the miniscule amount of content available in the Beta why do you want to play? Do you think it'll give you an edge-up when the full game releases? Do you just jones for Diablo with new crispy graphicy goodness?

    With videos such as the level 1 naked witch doctor killing the Skeleton King, the challenge certainly does not seem to be there.

    Is it the joy of "aha.. I got you little bug!!!"

    When the Beta first started I was refreshing 5 times a day... after a few weeks it had gotten down to once a day maybe... now it's maybe once a week... even with 100,000 invites I've so far resigned myself to playing it when it's done.

    It's just my perspective, that if they are at the point of wanting to stress test, just open it wide, and let it get hammered.

    Anywho... why do you still want in, if you're like me and still out?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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