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    posted a message on anyone else fighting with spouse/significant other over d3?
    ever since the beta was released and i spent more time following the game, the wife has been on my ass...curious if anyone else has had a few run ins related to the game and what they are...figured this could be a pretty interesting thread if people share their stories, i'll start...

    planning on going to a midnight release with a buddy who i will be playing with when the servers go live. told the wife about it and she gets offended...wished that i would have asked her. so i ask her and she says she doesnt want to go...so i ask why she wants me to ask her if she didnt want to go, and she doesnt really have a reason other than she wanted to go with me. i tell her i think it is so sweet that she would offer to do that with me considering her hate of the game (and it really is!). then she just keeps making these underhanded comments wishing i would have asked her instead of my mate (for you aussies)...

    needless to say im thoroughly confused by this entire interaction, led to some minor bickering, nothing major (this time)...

    anyone else got some good stories (or advice) to add?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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