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    posted a message on life steal question!!
    Quote from Jamoose

    The game is so much fun without life steal... You actually have to avoid getting damaged by certain things. It's a lot more challenging and feels like a game.

    Just don't believe all the noobs who claim that they are "farming t6 easy" like a few days after release because they will probably be clearing a very small area and only killing like one pack or a rare mob spawn and farming chests or some crap.

    People always bullshit. Some dude on twitch was like "lol wiz op, bought gear for 2m gold on ah and can farm t6 easy" and i spent like half an hour arguing with him basically telling him that he is bullshitting. His argument was that he kites with 200k toughness... I told him that some elite affixes will rape him, he got mad and left the stream eventually.

    Don't believe all the trolls.
    I'd like to see someone kite T6 with 200k toughness...then come along a pack with Vortex/Jailer/(insert AoE here affix here).

    Good luck kiting it. Jailed? OK teleport out..oh wait now you are vortexed back in and one shot. At 700-800k toughness T6 champs practically 2 shot my Barbarian (who has aboue 70-80k hp)....so a wiz who lacks that passive 30% damage reduction that Barb/Monk get and only 200k toughness would just explode when the mobs even LOOKED at them.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Loot 2.0 did not change a thing
    ....if you already had the best of the best before this patch, odds are upgrades for you will be few and far between.

    If you did NOT already have best of the best you will be upgrading quite frequently. Roll a new toon and level it to 60...then see how quickly it gains in power compared to previously. But don't go onto you character that you spent bllions of gold on the AH buying the absolute best gear and expect to find upgrades left and right.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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