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    posted a message on Leoric's Signet on my Enchantress
    Check your followers stats, you get 20% for the exp% value from leoric's signet (4-6%)and the hellfire ring (7%).
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
  • 2

    posted a message on 1.0.7 looks good, but it's missing something important!
    Quote from eldimmy

    I think they will probably "fix" it in a major patch/expansion, because they're messing with people's gear and will result in a devaluation of it. Wyatt said on reddit that they don't fixed monks OWE because of this too. They can't just hotfix this you know.
    In short it will not make in 1.0.7

    Anyways nice ideas, but you can't even sum up to someone who asks about it, makes me think you just copy and paste it from someone else, no offense.

    I did copy and paste it, but not from someone else. Check my info and the battle.net account that posted it. I posted this.

    Quote from Zakumene

    Quote from Gohei27

    Quote from Syronicus

    So to sum up the wall of text, you say that the next update is missing a fix to the RNG issues? Can you give me a more specific reason as to what you say the update will be missing?

    I was very specific however I failed at summing it up the first time, don't think I can help you.

    You posted a quote from someone else and didn't add any of your own input to it. Yea - you failed at summing it up.

    My takeaway: you clearly don't understand what RANDOM means. Anything Blizzard does to make drops 'better' will obliterate the market. You either settle for what you find or trade up for something that someone else did. Go play torch light if you don't want a game with a market.

    You should check first before assuming. I wouldn't sum it up because I took the time to write it and if you or anyone else isn't bothered to read it then "I can't help you."

    D2 didn't have an in flux of rares using the same system. You assume that the market will become flooded and void. The end result is still legendaries are the best in slot. You can't avoid this or change it. Changing the top tier of gear now would be worse than what they did with ias. That said the top tier the market will remain the same, the mid tier which isn't worth much, might become less. You might see a few trifecta gloves on the market, but I wouldn't count it considering the odds you need to get a good trifecta require at least five prefixes or four with a suffix. The odds of still finding an item like this after a revamp to the system should still be very rare.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on 1.0.7 looks good, but it's missing something important!
    Quote from Syronicus

    So to sum up the wall of text, you say that the next update is missing a fix to the RNG issues? Can you give me a more specific reason as to what you say the update will be missing?

    I was very specific however I failed at summing it up the first time, don't think I can help you.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on 1.0.7 looks good, but it's missing something important!

    The itemization, finding items was considered the "end game" and how the game rewards you for time spent playing it and is still the same glaring issue. The itemization is so bad that it actually causes several other problems one being "some" people think that the AH/RMAH ruins Diablo when actually this problem stems from the itemization. D2 had a "pay to win' element as well, eBay, while not built into the game it did exist and there was no out cry from the community about it. Same can be said for the AH, trade channels did exist in game and serves the same basic function. Not a lot of people used the trade channels because it wasn't needed. So some might not realize this but the trade channels required you to not play the game like the AH, you would have to read a constantly spammed channel to look for sellers or buyers, and usually everyone either "lowballed" or over charged. It was a lot of grief, finding serious traders wasn't easy and the channel was mainly used to rip people off.

    Blizzard sits behind the term, "RNG" but anyone who has played this game excessively knows that certain drops have a much lower chance to drop. The odds are stacked against us, the itemization is A LOT more like the lottery than it is random. There are several major changes to the itemization in D3 that differs from D2, two of them I consider to be the root of the cause.

    ILvl: while also in D2, this would determine whether a certain item could drop or not, there was another factor involved called "TC" or treasure class. In order for certain affixes or legendaries to drop the monster had to have a certain lvl and treasure class. For example Pindleskin at one point could drop anything in the game, later Blizzard went back and lowered his treasure class since he was too easy to farm. Now ilvl is another ball bouncing around in the lottery machine.

    Affixes: not the actual affixes themselves although I plan on getting into them, but how they used to work.Before you could get 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes on an item. This has been changed that an item can get 6 prefixes, this is why you never find any good rares. There are 120+ affixes total, (some don't apply to every item) in most cases you need either four or five prefixes in order to be good. On top of that, each affix then has tiers from its min to max value. So in order to get a really good item you need to win the lottery.

    With the update to legendaries, gear has gone towards a more "LoD" approach than "Classic" and while people seem to prefer that, you guys did a really bad job with it, I'm sorry to say that. Some of the updates are detrimental to the itemization of the game, or in your case the end game. Manticore is one of the worst offenders, but Lacuni's are by far the worst along with Skorn, Meepo, Witching Hour, Inna's pants, and the offhands.

    Stacking ONE legendary of each type with one amazing unique ability followed by most of the affixes needed is a huge imbalance. You now have set the bar for most rares to low end of these legendaries. Ideally you should have one unique affix, one prefix and one suffix, allowing for three more random mods. This would of forced you to spread the love across all the legendaries making most of them useful instead of one clear winner. You also wouldn't of set the bar so low for rares.

    We're going to have to live with these legendary changes, the current issue with itemization affects rares more than anything. You have addressed the ilvl part of the itemization and I feel it was an improvement. You need to take a look at how item's are generated and revamp the prefix/suffix list. This change shouldn't affect any important gear, you would possibly make a collector item out of a few blues, but I doubt it.

    Below is a list seperated into prefix and suffix. You can see that the prefix list seems bigger than the suffix list and that the majority of good affixes are prefixes. The list is decieving, there are actually more suffxes than prefixes but I have the class skills listed as one when actually it's 58 suffixes. Another thing to realize is that every piece of gear doesn't have to compete with every affix.


    % to Blind
    % to Chill
    % to Knockback
    % to Slow
    Crit Chance
    Crit Damage
    CC Reduction
    Dmg vs Elites
    Def Range
    Hatred Regen
    Health Globes
    Health Regen
    Ignore Durability
    Life per Fury
    Mana Regen
    Pickup Radius
    Resist All
    Single Resists
    Spirit Heals
    Spirit Regen


    % to Fear
    % to Freeze
    % to Immobilize
    % to StunArcane Dmg
    Class Skills x58
    Cold Dmg
    Def Melee
    Fire Dmg
    Holy Dmg
    Lvl Req
    Lightning Dmg
    Max Dmg
    Min Dmg
    Min/Max Dmg
    Poison Dmg

    Weapons are the easiest and important so I'm going to start there for an example so I can show you the "RNG."

    Crit Dmg (prefix)
    Dmg (suffix)
    Dmg% (prefix)
    LS/LoH (prefix/suffix)
    Socket (prefix)
    APoC/Ias/Stats or Stats/Vit (wand only prefix/prefix/suffix/prefix)

    So 3/3 at the minimum, most likely 4/2 or the very best is 5/1. "So what?" you might think. So... while your weapon needs 4 or 5 prefixes you have roll against a majority of suffixes.

    Helm: 5/1 (crit, life%, res all, socket, stat/vit, pure stat)
    Shoulders: 4/2 (life%, pickup rad/single res, res all, stat/vit, pure stat, pure vit)
    Chest: 4/2 (life%, res all, socket, stat/vit, pure stat, pure vit)
    Amulet: 4/2 (crit chance, crit dmg, ias, stat/vit, pure stat, min/max dmg or loh) 5/1 resists/socket.
    Gloves: 5/1 (crit chance, crit dmg, ias, stat/vit, res all, pure stat)
    Belt: 4/2 (life%, pickup rad/single res, res all, stat/vit, pure stat, pure vit)
    Bracers: 4/2 (crit chance, pickup rad/single res, res all, stat/vit, pure stat, pure vit)
    Ring: 4/2 (crit chance, crit dmg, ias, stat/vit, pure stat, min/max dmg or loh) 5/1 resists/socket.
    Pants: 4/2 (pickup rad/single res, res all, socket, stat/vit, pure stat, pure vit)
    Boots: 4/2 (ms, pickup rad/single res, res all, stat/vit, pure stat, pure vit)

    This is what the majority want. You can see that your items need to be more prefix than suffix. If you do manage to get all the right affixes you then need to roll high on each affix. Use the term, "RNG" loosely please.

    Another thing that needs to be mentioned is class specific items should only be capable of rolling the proper stat for that class. Not to mention that the block chance on shields should be affected by the shield type and the damage range on mojos and sources should be affected by the offhand type, like quivers. Mojos, shields, and sources need to roll 7 affixes to be good and this needs to be addressed.

    Now I'd like to talk about the affixes themselves. First of all I'd like to talk about the affixes I think should be removed from the game and wouldn't impact current items.

    Dex/Int, Str/Dex, Str/Int, LoK, Max Dmg, and Min Dmg.

    The first three have no use in D3, in D2 maybe, but this isn't D2. LoK isn't needed and between LS, LoH, and health globes It's fluff that dilutes the chance of good loot. Max and Min dmg is a good affix however you have two versions of it, while this is the least offender of all of them it is a duplicate affix and poor one at that.

    The next group of affixes need work in order to be good. I believe they all have the possibility of being good and shouldn't require a ton of work to do so either.

    % to CC, Bleed, CC reduction, Class resources and skills, Health globe/potion bonus, Ignore durability, Lvl req, and Thorns.

    Some of these have been mentioned already which is good, because you acknowledge that they need work.

    % to CC suffers from its low chance to proc because of spell coefficients. The % needs to be buffed to 10% with a 100% coefficient spell. You should also remove the 100% chance to snare with cold damage weapons and adds cold damage so that the % to chill and slow are the only ways of snaring from an affix.You should add these affects to the fear immunity you gain briefly after getting feared. You should also add jailor, frozen, and vortex to that fear immunity buff. Don't forget to buff the cold damage to be on par with other elements.

    CC reduction. See what I just did there? Dueling will already make this affix good, along with buffing the % to cc procs.

    Bleed chance should be buffed that it procs 100% of the time with a 100% coefficient spell. It needs to be % based and the duration needs to be shortened to 1-2 seconds. Buff this so that it's always useful in higher MP and useful vs high hp monsters and elites in lower MP.

    Some of the class resources are good, some are ok, the life per resources are bad. They can't compete with health regen and it's no contest considering LS or LoH. I would change life per fury to fury regen, Life per spirit to max spirit, and hatred regen to disc on crit.

    Class skills need two changes. The first being that you can get them on more than one piece of gear so we can stack the damage, or crit or a certain skill or reduce a certain skill to no cost. The second being only class specific items can spawn these affixes.

    Healthglobe/potion bonus needs work. You change it to a on hit proc that you can spawn a health globe. Remove potion from the affix. Then you buff passives like pound of flesh, vengence, power hungry, add one for monk, similar to gruesome feast. With a chance on hit to proc a health globe, you make it viable for higher MP. With a buff to those passives to gain dps, you could make this affix viable and promote "build diversity". Also buff potions so they give back more health.

    Ignore durability is lackluster. Change it so that having the affix on any piece of your gear affects all your gear. I realize repair is one of the gold sinks in the game, however it so marginal that it doesn't matter at all if we can prevent it entirely. You need to add real gold sinks into the game we want to spend on gold on anyway.

    Lvl req is a medicore affix, You should start at 10 levels instead of 1, and go to 30. So basically from the start of hell to possibly the start of nightmare.

    Thorns needs to be % based. You should really buff this to the point where its OP in lower MP and really good at higher MP. This will also bring back tank builds and hybrids and promote "Build diversity"

    The last group of affixes aren't bad at all but still need work, they are GF and MF. While these affixes could be ignored and left alone. MF and GF, mainly MF have caused quite a bit of problems in game. It's a difficult issue for sure, it's always been a staple in D2 and with the direction D3 has gone I'd argue it no longer has a place in the game. The best thing I can think of is that GF/MF on gear only affects monster kills and NV/Paragon GF/MF works on everything. Everything being chests, barrels, etc.

    Thought I'd share it here.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Raoha Route: The bar has been raised even further, 30% faster then Alkaizers Route!! [outdated]
    Quote from Mecha

    And reason why i wont use RAOHA RUN name for new run:
    Thank you for sharing this route Raoha, BUT i don't feel like naming another run after a Players name since it has been months since 1.04 release.
    Alkaizers run was named after him because he was 1st person to reach 100paragon faster than anyone else. Now there are not so much people rushing to paragon 100 since it's very easy to do so now.
    Also, i'm Sorry, but RAOHA ROUTE just doesn't sound right.

    I've always hated "Alkaizer's" route too. At least he didn't name it, like you said it was the community who opted the name since he made it first. Plenty of people have been fiddling with their route, due to class, or preference.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Raoha's Loot Route: Farming items at top efficiency!
    You can get 4-6 packs in skycrown battlements

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Raoha Route: The bar has been raised even further, 30% faster then Alkaizers Route!! [outdated]
    Quote from Ryude

    Tower of the Cursed 1 > Arreat Crater 2 > Rakkis > Keeps 2

    Avg of 10 runs
    66m xp/hr
    11 minutes/run
    12 elites/run

    Arreat Crater 2 > Rakkis > Keeps 2

    Avg of 10 runs
    69m xp/hr
    8 minutes/run
    9 elites/run

    I'm going to continue trying different variations of the run to see if there is anything better.

    I did this run from 99 to 100 last night, 32 runs total iirc. Even though I disliked the start of the run I kept with it to see how well I did. Getting 3 stacks in arreat crater 2 wasn't uncommon at all, which you have to deal with, I would check the next room over at keep depths 1 to see if I could get a fourth or fifth stack. Overall it's a fast paced run which is nice, I didn't get much loot though, six legendaries : /
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Raoha Route: The bar has been raised even further, 30% faster then Alkaizers Route!! [outdated]
    Quote from Ryude

    Back on topic, I figured out that there is three basic layouts for the Arreat Crater Level 2, once you figure those out you will know where elites are most likely to spawn and where the exit is. I've pretty gotten it down where I can get 4-5 stacks every game just in the crater without too much back-running. I've improved my xp/hr by about 3m, so now I'm at 65m xp/hr.

    The minimum amount of packs that can spawn in the crater is three. While the exp seems pretty good without getting five stacks before walking into keep depths, I don't like it for that reason.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on INSANELY Fast Paragon Run - 20% Faster then Alkaizers
    Quote from JKlimek

    Quote from Gohei27

    The only time I have issues with keeping archon up going backwards in raxxis is if the door is open and the amount of mobs outside the door is low that going inside wasted a bunch of archon time.
    do you refresh before you go to that area? I usually cancel Archon and recast my buff spells before depths, fields, and crater 2.

    It can vary because the beginning of the run isn't consistent keeping archon up, however usually I refresh after taking the raxxis wp. Sometimes I have a really good archon coming out of tower of the damned so I don't refresh. I also don't refresh going in fields of slaughter after raxxis, and sometimes I refresh at skycrown after keep depths depending if I had to back track. If I have less than 60s after keep depths, I usually refresh at skycrown. I use teleport archon so I'd rather keep the 10s teleport, the 40% resists, and 300% damage nuke over my buffs. Which are force weapon/blood magic and shock armor/scramble.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on INSANELY Fast Paragon Run - 20% Faster then Alkaizers
    Quote from ogeishere

    Out of the 6 zones I use in the route, skycrown has the lowest xp/min, and the highest elites/min. This makes it perfect for starting the run with, as you can get that 4-5 stacks quick without sacrificing xp. The Core of Arreat's xp/min is too low in my opinion, which is why I don't use it, as my xp/min drops significantly.

    I'd really like to see your data because core's exp per minute shouldn't even equal a minute.

    Quote from JKlimek

    There is a lot of dead space at the beginning of Skycrown (walking from town to the exit point from town, walking from the door to the stairs) that you don't need to do if you run it backwards. It may only be 10-15 seconds, but it adds up when your runs are 10 mins. (if you do the math, it's about a 2.5% loss in experience per hour).

    As an archon I think it's worth the 15s to run to the beginning since I get that time in archon from the starter pack that runs down the steps.

    Quote from JKlimek

    I'm not sure that Raxxis matters if you run it backwards or not, but the density in Raxxis isn't enough for me to build up Archon, so I have to start in the fields and then once I have an Archon buffer, I can do Raxxis fine. I do Skycrown forwards as well because I do Stonefort afterwards and that area has the same Archon mob spacing problem.

    The only time I have issues with keeping archon up going backwards in raxxis is if the door is open and the amount of mobs outside the door is low that going inside wasted a bunch of archon time.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Disintergrate Volatility
    ive been using disintergrate since 1.0.6's release, ive been quite happy with it on low mp
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on INSANELY Fast Paragon Run - 20% Faster then Alkaizers
    Quote from Litheum

    This is almost exactly what I do as well. Except I normally don't run battlements, I really only run stonefort for KW, becuase there are 2 points where theres a stretch of no mobs and I often lose Archon.

    I'l try battlement tonight and see. I guess the only other thing I do is Keeps 3, but I only do 1 pass.....its basically a big X, so I go to the center, pick 1 leg, run it, and port out. Its quick and a good way to finish out the area since I usually have 45 seconds or more left on Archon after Keeps 2.

    I have the same issue with stonefort, also an archon build. I have no issues keeping archon up during battlements and usually walk into stonefort with a minute plus. Which gives me time to check the little paths where packs and the kw can hide. I usually repop archon in the middle of the zone and it fades at the last catapult where there are never any mobs. Sometimes archon lasts long enough to get passed the catapult but if not by that time it should have cooled off.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on INSANELY Fast Paragon Run - 20% Faster then Alkaizers
    I do something very similar to this run, it's a mix between yours and alkaizers actually.

    I start off at core like Alkaizers, I like this zone because it has a 1-3 champ packs and is small. wp to the tower of damned 1, also small, 1-3 packs, if I don't have 5 stacks I wp to tower of cursed 1, relatively small 1-3 packs. Once I have 5 stacks I head to raxxis, work my way backwards to fields of slaughter, run a circle around the fields and wp to keep depths level 1, head to level 2, clear it and teleport to town. stash the items i have and then run to skycrown battlements, clear it and stonefort.

    The only area you need to know your way around if keep depths 2, which is pretty easy, the exit is always left, so I always check going right first. If i started on a bottom entrance, I do right then bottom first, if I started on a top entrance, I go right then top first. This method usually helps me finding all the champs without backtracking, "much."

    Correct me if I'm wrong but iirc it's something like this.

    Core = 1-3 packs
    Damned 1 = 1-3 packs
    Cursed 1 = 1-3 packs* I only run this if I was unlucky with packs in the first two zones.

    Raxxis = 3-5 packs* Since I don't clear the top part I never count on getting the min or max number of packs.
    Fields of Slaughter = 2-4 packs
    Keep Depths 2 = 3-5 packs
    Skycrown Battlements = 3-6 packs
    Stonefort = 2-4 packs + keywarden
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Blizzard is a joke...
    Quote from Bagstone

    Quote from TheDemokin

    There will always be 2 types of gamers:

    The actual D2 players:
    The gamers from that era are no longer 18 or 19 years old, we're more like late 20s even 30s - we know how the world works, we've lived with absolute rubbish games back in the day and we appreciate the up and downsides of D3. We also know that Blizzard generally still provides the best quality and content when compared to any other game developer out there.
    I think to this layer of gamers the game is ok. It's not brilliant yet, but it's definitely not something to cry about every day before sleep. 40-50 bucks is not something to cry about either, hell - beer for one night could cost way more than that. D3 is a potentially fantastic platform, give it some time and it will possibly develop into superb game, just like D2 did with LOD release - because lets face it original D2 was pretty damn boring.

    The i played D2 gamers:
    Yep they are early 20s or even below that, yet somehow despite the simplest calculus they played D2 for many years, even the original... These guys want INSTANT GRATIFICATION. They want to whine and cry and demand things - because lets face it - the modern society rewards whining and crying and demanding - that's the only thing they know and that's the only thing they will ever do.
    They are the one and only mistake Blizzard ever made - listening to QQQQqqqQQQqqqQQqqqQQQ. Back in the day Blizzard never did bother with as much 'community management' or even really reading forums. They just released content and it was a simple decision - play it if you like, if you don't - there are many other games to choose from.
    Today, because of all these QQs Blizzard actually made a step forward towards community and started working with the community (unlike any other game developer out there), and the only result of them trying to 'satisfy' the 'instant gratification generation' is the incessantly increasing amount of QQ. Because now...the QQers feel empowered! Blizzard did react to them a few times and that was their biggest mistake.

    Hence there will always be 2 sides to this argument, and this argument is not based on the game itself, it is rather based on the perception of the world in general and the gap between generations. There will never be any agreement about it or any solution. If 'instant gratification' is not achieved = it's shit. End of story. Screw waiting, screw everything. I paid 40 bucks i want it NOW. While the rest of us are thinking 'wdf have we done to our younger generation? Should've sent them out to work at the age of 16 like we did instead'

    It's a shame that I can only +1, because this deserves +1000.

    the real shame is that you gave it +1
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard is a joke...
    Quote from RockmanDoom

    I forgot where but that long photo jpeg describing what is wrong with the loot is basically why I stopped playing. This combined with the fact they cant get PVP up after 6 months after release.

    Sigh, goodbye blizzard.

    *cues song
    ...as we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together...

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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