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    posted a message on Grouping & Magic Find
    Quote from jaclashflash

    Quote from Omann

    I think this system is good for whichever end of the spectrum you are on.

    Consider the two situations most people are talking about.

    1. 3 players have a lot of MF and one has 0.

    2. 3 players have 0 MF and one has a lot.

    In scenario 1, the one guy without magic find gets benefit from being in a MF group. You might think this is unfair to the other three, but actually, the guy without MF will greatly increase the kill rate of the whole group because his stats are all geared to killing.

    In scenario 2, the 3 players get a MF boost from the one guy with tons of MF. The one guy with MF gets the benefit of 3 players tearing through monsters extremely fast.

    In both cases, MF people and non-MF people benefit equally from having each other in their groups.

    Don't bring your logic in here sir, this is the leecher QQ thread!!!

    All these leechers think they are not only going to be more skilled, but also better geared than all the pugs they join. Thus they in turn deserve far more loot and gold than everyone else in the groups.

    Ah yes, I see what you're saying. I do try to be constructive and look at topics from every angle. I'll go do that in another thread, haha.

    But one more thought first. Someone mentioned that this new system is like socialism. I think it is pure capitalism. The commodities are MF and Killing Speed. They each have value and by joining a group, you are exchanging benefits to each other. If you feel that your MF is too high for the killing speed of the group, then you join another public group that is more to your liking.

    Sorry, more logic.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Grouping & Magic Find
    I think this system is good for whichever end of the spectrum you are on.

    Consider the two situations most people are talking about.

    1. 3 players have a lot of MF and one has 0.

    2. 3 players have 0 MF and one has a lot.

    In scenario 1, the one guy without magic find gets benefit from being in a MF group. You might think this is unfair to the other three, but actually, the guy without MF will greatly increase the kill rate of the whole group because his stats are all geared to killing.

    In scenario 2, the 3 players get a MF boost from the one guy with tons of MF. The one guy with MF gets the benefit of 3 players tearing through monsters extremely fast.

    In both cases, MF people and non-MF people benefit equally from having each other in their groups.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)
    Here is my build for a summoning type Witch Doctor.


    My goal is to have lots of summoned allies running around killing and distracting the enemies while I nuke them from afar.

    I have zombie wall to halt monsters in their tracks while the gargantuan, fetish army and zombie dogs overwhelm them. While they are bottled up I would drop grasp of the dead with increased damage rune to slow them and do damage. During the grasp cd, I nuke with a large aoe firebomb.

    Most of my runes are focused on increased damage. The only survivability in the build is the Zombie Dog rune that leaches life. Other than that I plan to stay well out of harm's way, using higher damage to kill monsters before they can kill my minions and get to me.

    It might get a little sketchy when all the summons are on cooldown but I try to compensate for that with my passive abilities. I use zombie handler to add another zombie dog and increase the life of the gargantuan and dogs. Since I won't be doing a very high amount of casting, I added Pierce the veil to increase damage with increased mana costs. With 4 summoning abilities, that have long cooldowns, Vision Quest greatly increases my mana regen for supplemental nuking with firebomb and grasp of the dead.

    It will be interesting to see if this is too far to the side of damage for inferno without much survivability. I wanted to push it as far one direction as I could to see at what point I need to start adding some balance. I would probably replace something with Horrify aoe fear as an "Oh sh**" button.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Magic Find - yes? no? another option?
    I like having MF on gear. It gives you another dimension to the whole quest for better gear. Players will have to optimize their rate of finding gear with kill speed and MF bonus. Also, it feels good knowing that you can alter your outcome of gear drops to get more, better quality items.

    Leachers will always be addressed the same as discussed many times before.

    I also don't have a problem with groups assigning one or more people to having all MF gear. You can choose to do it or not and it offers a different group dynamic and flexibility in game play. Make the game harder for 3 people with a better chance of items or slow yourself down too much? Same balancing act as on a single character's MF level
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 expectations
    My expectation is that they will improve on what went well for them in D2 while taking a decade of constructive criticism to improves areas that needed it. Maybe that's wishful thinking but I have faith. The point and click ability mechanics look improved in that you have a visual interface when switching between spells. Graphics look great from what I've seen. D2 was always a little clunky at times.

    Of course, I am not going into it with the expectation that every detail will be perfect as I envision it. We all have different ideas of what the perfect D3 will be and I think that the bottom line is that it will be a great step in the diablo series.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Proof that The Witch Doctor IS Not the Necro
    I was always a big fan of the Necro in D2. That is what first drew me toward the WD originally. But as has been stated, there are enough disimilarities that I am not sure if the WD is the way I want to go to start. The summons are appealing, and I think the real challenge will be to synergize the spirit spells with the summon spells for control and damage.

    I am sure that I will get to all 5 classes eventually, but I don't want to have buyer's regret on the first one.

    Edit: Crap, didn't see that this was an old necro'd thread (pun, anyone?). Still interesting topic to me as I have only been reading the forums for a couple weeks.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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