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    posted a message on TP w/ wormhole???
    Quote from Antirepublican

    He did answer the question clearly this time. The answer is no, you can't teleport till you run out of AP.
    You can teleport as many times as you can within the 1 second window listed on the skill. Which is more than likely just 1 addition cast, maybe 2 if you have a lot of IAS.

    I'm not seeing it. He doesn't state when the cooldown is triggered. Are we left to assume its one second after the first cast and thats that? If that's the case, then the WDs lack of mobility compared to the Wizard is nearly nonexistent. And that was the only sticking point for me on chosing the WD over the Wizard.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on TP w/ wormhole???
    - Teleport and the Wormhole rune -

    Can you keep teleporting if you are under 1 second, using the wormhole rune on the wizard?
    JayWilson: You can teleport as many times as the animation will allow in the time before the cooldown is triggered.

    What the heck does this even mean?? I'm so tired of the vague ambiguous answers concerning this rune. This is THE main reason I am chosing Wizard over Witch Doctor. If I can't teleport until my mana is empty, I'm going to be pissed.

    Why can't someone just ask or answer this clearly? Is it so hard.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Vacuum Monk
    Here's a build I've been tossing around in my head. I'm not sure how it would work. Its based off Cyclone Strike with the Wall of Wind rune combined with MoE(mantra of evasion) with the Backlash rune.

    The opening combo would consist of Cyclone Strike followed with Serenity. It should be easy enough to vacuum the mobs in and pop Serenity right when they land on top of you. WIth enough mobs, the 30% of damage absorbed reflected should 1 shot the group. If that is not enough damage then maybe an Exploding Palm followed with a Breath of Heaven heal with the Circle of Scorn(%80 aoe damage) rune should finish them off.

    The build will be much more effective if dodge chance is rolled on before the serenity immunity/absorb is tallied. If it is then the Backlash runed combined with the +20% dodge for 3 seconds after Cyclone Strike could also be brutal.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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