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    posted a message on In this thread you help me pick a new mouse!
    Honestly Razer is shit man. I've had 3 razer products and they all died without like 3 months or so and I wasn't a fan of the overall quality either. Also razer black widow keyboard w/ blue mx switches is terrible for gaming IMO and I've tried a bunch of different switches but enough keyboard talk. For a mouse, you can't go wrong with a Lgitech mx518 or the new version, the G400. The click feel is fantastic and quick...and the weight is just right.

    If you plan to buy online, I would highly suggest to visit a local computer store first where you can "feel" and actually test it (wrapping your hand on it and shit). A mouse is a very personal thing and it needs to fit very well in your hand. I would never get a "bulky" mouse like the Naga for D3.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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