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    posted a message on Been half assing my favorite game for too long

    Well... Normally people go for GR pushing and Leaderboard ranking as end game, so you should focus that.

    To climb GRs you need the sets and items for your build asap and as strong as possible, so your choices of what to do should revolve around that.

    I'd do GRs to get the gems you need, then focus on getting all my build items either on T-X or speed mid tier GRs, depending on your gear.

    After that I'd level my build gems to 25 min, to get the bonus.

    Bounties come into play depending on your need of mats for cube recipes, so you'll have to decide that as you go.

    Once you have your build going, do a mix of highest GR pushing, lower GR speed farming, group XP Paragon farming or even solo xp farm if you don't like or don't have a group.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why my DPS is really bad?

    Are you maintaining the correct rotation?

    Do you keep casting EB and Blades till Dynamo 5 stacks to cast your AOrbit?

    Are you staying under your Slow Time bubble all the time?

    Besides that... What was already said, Area Damage and Endless Walk

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Did I read that there will be no seasonal exclusive items this season?

    Yes, no exclusive items.

    People whined so much they took that away. Seasons reward now is extra stash through the Journey completion and that's it.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on How to improve the Damage

    You're missing a lot from the "base" setup:

    - Missing 15% EP Damage from Helm slot )Instead of LoH)

    - Missing 8% CDR from Shoulder slot (Instead of Life Regen)

    - Missing CHD, Elem% and specially a socket on Neck AND also Leg Gem ***HUGE LOSS OF DAMAGE HERE***

    - Missing CHD from Gloves slot (instead of RRC)

    - Missing best Emeralds from Legs slot

    - Missing MS from Boots slot to free more Paragon points for Dex

    - Missing a Focus for Bastion set bonus but also CHC, CHD on Restraint

    - Missing +130% CHD from your Fist ***HUGE LOSS OF DAMAGE HERE***

    - O.o Why did you reroll Secondary on your Lion's Fist?!??

    - You need to get your other 2 Leg Gems going into your gear asap. They'll help immensely.

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on "A" Dev did not know about lvling 0-60 in roughly 15 minutes...
    Quote from Abstract_Chaos
    Quote from TKTank

    If a player takes his time and go very slowly, reading everything, exploring everything and is simply slower than me and takes 10hs to get 1>60 and I don't stop to pick anything, don't check everything and rush as much as I can and level alone by myself doing the exact same acts and following the story and get to 1>60 in 5hs...Am I breaking the game? Am I not? I'm leveling twice as fast as someone else...is that powerleveling? Why is it not?

    That's why your reasoning fails. You simply can't measure it. If the player uses a glitch or a bug, like finding a mob that in some situation or place gives more XP than Devs programed it to give or somehow manage to kill monsters way stronger than him without being able to be hit or immune, or glitching them in the scenary and so on...then that's abusing and should not be allowed, otherwise your argument doesn't hold water.
    My reasoning fails according to someone who is only capable of run-on-sentences, but alright. Why does my argument not hold water? Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you failing to define power leveling yourself? Are you asking questions that somehow constitute as automatically refuting my argument?

    If someone is watching all of the cinematics and taking a slow stroll through the game, of course it is likely they may take twice as long or more than a player who is mashing ESC and running to the next mob. However, I don't believe developers would consider "rushing" an exploit as opposed to gaining 40 levels in way under 10 minutes doing effortless nonsense. So just because someone who is taking their time takes half as long as someone (legitimately) "rushing" means that the latter is "power leveling" or questionably so? Compare that with whatever "method" is being used to gain 60 levels in 15 minutes if you feel lack of water in this argument. By the way, exponential XP gain is definitely quantifiable; you can measure it.

    I somewhat agree with your 3rd sentence, final paragraph (example of an exploit). It is a more clear cut example of something clearly not intended in the game. Explain to me why a glitch like that should be removed if a player can use an even more efficient leveling method (i.e. the one that started this post) to achieve the same results. If you can level every class to 60 in one day using mentioned method, then IMHO that isabusing. If anything, I think the hardcore community should be concerned the most because it's more difficult by far to get a HC character from 1-60. Remember a lot of players make a defensive build to be able to more easily survive. Yes, people can die "power leveling" but as I'm sure you know there are various forms and ideas of "power leveling" and it sounds to me like 1-60 in 15 mins is generally risk free with low time investment.

    And TK, I truly did read your post, I just didn't agree with the premise :)
    English is not my first language and it was 4am here at the time I replied thus my rushed typing and bad punctuation/sentencing.

    I also apologize if my writing style didn't suit your mood but I can infer that it didn't detract the meaning of what i was trying to transmit in my post and neither your capability of understanding it, considering you replied.

    Touching once again on my questions...the whole point with it that I'm trying to make: Both agree with my example of exploits simply because we can clearly see and understand the game wasn't programmed to work that way. A random mob around the world of Sanctuary isn't to simply become unable to deal damage to a hero just because it's stuck at some specific place in a very specific manner. That's what we both agree to be a glitch and abusing it IS detrimental to the game and community as a whole be it due to unfair advantage in XP gains, loot or whatever.

    My whole point is that people being pleveled by a much higher player (what the vast majority of pleveling consist) while wearing a full set of +XP Gained is NOT against the game rules and is NOT against the Devs desires. You can disagree as much as you want, but it is what it is.

    If Devs tought that wasn't fair game or if they didn't want that to happen, they could simply and easily put a hard cap in parties for XP gained: If you party with someone 3 Levels apart from yours both gain 0 XP. Simple. as. that.

    It would be really, really simple to put a lock like that in place if being leveled by someone higher level than you was as egregious as you make it sound
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on "A" Dev did not know about lvling 0-60 in roughly 15 minutes...
    Also would like to add that I already pleveled people in Hardcore and some people simply died in a blink... I still remember a guy that had full Cain's with gems and whatnot being pleveled by me got Vortexed into 3 pools of Desecrator. By chance I was streaming and he died in 0.8secs.

    While it certainly doesn't happen often, pleveling has it drawbacks and difficulties, and the game is completely working as it should...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on "A" Dev did not know about lvling 0-60 in roughly 15 minutes...
    Quote from Abstract_Chaos
    Quote from TKTank

    Am I "power leveling"? What is it that I'm doing "against the game rules"? How do you measure what I'm doing and what you're doing if we're going the same route?
    I even said it in my first post; if that's how people want to play the game then fine. If you wish to run the same screen for the same easy environmental dmg on a high lvl pack or have a high level friend run you through the same part 50 times in 3 hours for some XP and you're not holding your breath then good for you. Why not formally request a button to just click all the way to max lvl? It just deviates from the intention of the design. One could argue it discourages other player's in the way that they feel there is no true effort behind their accomplishments of building their character when someone can achieve somewhat similar results effortlessly. You might think, "who cares?", but for developers who dedicate all of their time to this they want it to be perfect for the community.

    I don't believe that people will want to rush through the game or find it such a drag on their first few playthroughs, though a veteran may wish to get other classes to higher levels. Think of choosing a main or first class as some kind of commitment; it will take time to max level other mew characters. At least with Paragon 2.0, that won't be as true now.
    You clearly didn't read my post...

    If a player takes his time and go very slowly, reading everything, exploring everything and is simply slower than me and takes 10hs to get 1>60 and I don't stop to pick anything, don't check everything and rush as much as I can and level alone by myself doing the exact same acts and following the story and get to 1>60 in 5hs...Am I breaking the game? Am I not? I'm leveling twice as fast as someone else...is that powerleveling? Why is it not?

    That's why your reasoning fails. You simply can't measure it. If the player uses a glitch or a bug, like finding a mob that in some situation or place gives more XP than Devs programed it to give or somehow manage to kill monsters way stronger than him without being able to be hit or immune, or glitching them in the scenary and so on...then that's abusing and should not be allowed, otherwise your argument doesn't hold water.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on "A" Dev did not know about lvling 0-60 in roughly 15 minutes...
    Ok...could you all just let this sink in and them reply:

    If the vast majority of sophisticated players are trying to find ways to skip the story and leveling process, what do you think it's worse:

    - The story being so bad and shallow that doesn't add anything or any desire to be seen again AND the leveling process is really negligible compared to end-game at 60/70 that you don't have to pay any attention at all;


    - People using/borking game mechanics to speed up the chores of passing by the above stages so they actually start playing the game and having fun.

    ALSO...if someone just take their time, read and pay attention to every dialogue, go to every place and take like 10hs to get a char 1>60 solo and "legitimaly" and I do the same "legitimate" way/path but not reading anything, not checking anything, just rushing my way to xp and get my char 1>60 in 5h or if I'm really good in like 3h.

    Am I "power leveling"? What is it that I'm doing "against the game rules"? How do you measure what I'm doing and what you're doing if we're going the same route?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Last Chance Contest: Win 2 BlizzCon Tickets!
    The Classes changes made me really excited about RoS, with all the changes to the really OP ones, skill tweaking, new spells and such.

    Also the new loot system, with changes like LS gone and alike are reaaaaaaally interesting!
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Hidden Footprints Spec
    Not to sound rude....your gear is ok and such, but as others have pointed there's nothing really new to this build, eh?

    The rune you're using for SW only allows more breathing room, but it's basically the same deal. I've been farming with that build for a while, using Cyclone rune and instead of Resolve Passive I'm using Beacon of Ytar for extra awesomeness more quickly.

    It's a good build, not new...but good.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Temple of the Frozen Dragon. A Monk GUIDE!
    Hello everyone!

    This is a guide I developed to try to help people with the monk class.

    I did post it on the official forums to supposedly make it more accessible to as many people as possible.

    Here's the link to it and hope everyone can find something useful inside.

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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