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    posted a message on About to spend it all!
    Quote from TheDFO

    I've seen some mistakes here, and some other things that seem to be misunderstood.

    First, the difference between int and dps is that int multiplies base dps, point for point (100 dps gives a 100% increase). A weapon will not include int in it's dps calculations (it will be included in the tiny +/- changes below the item though). At a certain point, int is more important than raw DPS, that 800 dps with +200 int would, in the end, get 800 dps +1600 from int, whereas that 1000 would get 1000 +1000 from dps. Int is improved more if you have another item that adds damage, as that will get increased damage (if the off-hand mojo had 200 dps, the first item would get an extra 400, where as the second would only get an extra 200). Attack speed basically works this way.

    This is all compounded by what spells you use. DoT spells (and channeling spells) do not benifit, from what I now, from increased attack speed, as they are set hits. Also, crit is better if you're using something like splinters, because now you have three chances to crit on each attack.

    That said, as to where the balance point is, I have no opinion. I don't think I'll be playing my WD that far so as to get gear that good. At least not for a long while.


    First you type dps instead of int 2 places, which I thought I could overlook.. Then you manage to say that having an offhand affects int value, which it does not. The offhand simply increases the main weapon's min-max damage. Say your 1h has 500 average damage and it's attack speed is 1.5 aps then it would display 750 dps. Say then your offhand has 200 average damage. That will only make your weapon have: (500+200)*1.5= 1050 dps. It's made this way to compensate for the lower dps number on one handers than you find on 2handers. Has nothing to do with int other than more base weapon dps (and yes we include the offhand because it would be irrational to leave it out considering it takes a hand like a 2 hand would).

    THEN you proceed to say that more small attacks benefit more from crit than few heavy ones. WOW. I thought we were past that shit. Let me show you lol:

    1000 attacks that do 1000 non crit dmg that crit 10 % of the time for 100 % crit damage (double damage)
    = (1000*1000) + (0.10*1000*1000) = 1,100,000
    100 attacks that to 10,000 non crit damage that crit 10 % of the time for 100 % crit damage (double damage)
    = (100*10,000) + (0.10*100*10,000) = 1,100,000

    Many small crits end up doing the same damage as fewer higher crits. Damage from crits are not affected by attackspeed, only crit hit chance and crit hit damage. And of course the value of crit is as you mentioned, affected by what spells you use. For me for example, a spliters+roll the bones bombs user, crit is phenomenal and stacking it doesnt make you go oom from spamming either of those 10 mana spells like attack speed does. But do read my other post regarding where I like attack speed over crit.

    And btw only reason I'm being this harsh on you is because you open your post by saying you have found mistakes. Seriously..
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on About to spend it all!

    I posted this link in my initial post here. So you who wanted me to show the gear it was always there. Since then i upgraded neck and rings.

    Anyway, the attack speed chest and the lacuni bracers arent worth getting. Not with my crit hit damage at least, in my calculations. Rather get bracers with 100 int and 6 % crit, or 4.5+ crit and 140+ int.

    For chest I would take 130+ int and 3 sockets with 38+ int over the attack speed one any day.

    Regarding you saying your offhand has 280 damage, by that I assume you mean high end damage.. You do realize that low end is just as important? Add the two (min-max) and divide by 2, THAT is your offhand damage. They dont go much further than 260 as average. Mine f. ex. has 239.5 average dps.

    Regarding what has been said about attack speed and mana issues, at approx 2 attacks per second you can hold your mana fairly stable and still use cc. At 2.5 and beyond you cannot without spending your spirit walk with honored guest (mana) on every cooldown to keep from going oom. And I don't like that because vs many packs you need that spirit walk WHEN you need it.

    Glad to be of help with any more questions and/or will gladly hear anyone elses opinions on gearing (and WHY).
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on About to spend it all!
    Quote from iamwengy

    Quote from Drglatze

    Quote from Naught

    Search 1h weap with over 150 int and get the best one you can with 1.40 or higher IAS. That's how I do weapons and I have 75k base dps. I value 100 int on a weapon more than 200 dps. So I'd take an 800 with 200 int over a plain 1200

    much more interesting that i have 500 int less than you but exact the same dps! int on weapon is totally overrated! look for a 1.6++ wep with at best a socket & optional ADDITIONAL critdmg!

    i second that,

    obviously what i say is heavily influenced by other stats you have on rest of y our gear, as crit chance or intelect, but in my own case basing on spreadsheet calculation if i switched my weapon that has 60% crit dmg and 60% crit dmg socket into weapon that has 200 intelect on it, i would loose 4k dmg.
    Imo find something with additional crit dmg + socket and fit nicely developed crit dmg gem into it. Intelect on weapon is a nice bonus, but not gamebreaking

    92k dps WD thoughts:

    (this was before i upgrader my ring and neck.

    Atm 270 crit hit, 1.99 aps (dont go oom as fast with darts using this speed) 38% crit hit chance.

    Int on weap is the same as int anywhere else, it matters. How much though, is up to the infamous CALC to decide:


    Immagine me with a 1100 dps 1h with 90 %+ crit hit damage and possibly a socket for another 70 %+.
    That's 120000 dps+.

    If you cannot afford to get crit+crithitdmg+attackspeed+int on the pieces that allow it. Do this:

    Neck: Crit, crit hit dmg, int
    Gloves: Crit, crit hit dmg, int
    Rings, Crit hit dmg, attackspeed, int

    This is because rings can roll more attackspeed than crit (value is approx 2:1 while crit rolls to like 4 on rings and attackspeed like 17), while gloves and necks can roll so much more crit compared to max attackspeed. With approx 230 % crit hit damaage 1 crit is better than 2 ias. It would be 200 % if attackspeed didnt benefit the offhand so much.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on crit for witch doctors
    Quote from superfula

    Quote from verbatim21

    I was wondering what the community thinks about crit (chance/hit damage) for a witch doctor. I noticed that a flawless square emerald increases damage more than a star ruby (on my weapon). I don't have a star emerald to compare but I will try to make one as soon as possible (once I get enough flawless square emeralds, only have 60 so far; donations of these are appreciated). I suppose crit hit damage might be worth more when you have more crit chance since a higher crit chance is a higher chance to "use" that crit hit damage. I'd like to hear what people think, as well as look at any calculations anyone has done. Please don't simply say "it sucks" or "it's good" without anything to back it up. Thanks.

    Check out the spreadsheet http://www.diablofan...ps-spreadsheet/

    As far as "how good is crit" really depends on your gear. For me, Increased Attack Speed is slightly better right now. I imagine if I add more AS, Crit % will be better.

    Crit will never scale into being better no matter how much AS you get. What is better relies on the ammounts of each and your other gear. Very good offhands scale with more AS, while high crit hit values benefit the crit value. The value of crit is based on your crit hit damage. Crit is only better with more crit hit damage, which again is better by your crit. When you get 200 crit hit damage 1% crit will be approx. 2 % AS. But not quite as the AS gets the bonus of increasing the damage from offhand and other bonus min/max dmg (the ones on ring, neck etc).

    Atm with my 250 % crit hit damage, I value 1 crit slightly better than 2 ias. This means that gloves that can roll up to 10 crit are better than up to 17 AS which also is max. But for rings, where AS rolls are much more than double of max crit roll value, makes AS better for rings. But crit hit damage is needed on both. Necks can get crit rolls about half of AS rolls, so on necks you can chose which to go for. You can also get all 3 affixes on these items, but if you want int as well we're talking 5 mill + items, but they are the best ones.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on crit for witch doctors
    85k dps

    Here is my gear and damage stats:

    Focusing on decent crit / crit damage ratio. In the sence that crit damage makes crit better and vice versa. 40 % crit chance like some of you got is NOTHING without crit hit damage.

    I still have plenty of upgrades to get, biggest ones would be weapon, one ring and neck. And some places I could get more int than i currently have.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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