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    posted a message on How come IAS nerfs will be retroactive and legendary buffs won't?
    Two reasons. First is that it may be a change to the stat itself as opposed to just changing the amount on gear. They have not decided yet, however if they do go with a change to the amount on gear then it brings us to the second reason. Nerfs have to effect everything. If they are nerfing something then it is overpowered, leaving overpowered versions of items out there defeats the entire point of the nerf in the first place.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 hackers crying over being banned
    Quote from Letlive

    Quote from LaplaceNoMa

    Babby's first visit to BH.cc?

    Apparently you're one of those people that came to D3 from WoW and can't relate to D2-cheaters.


    Was playing D2 for years as a matter of fact. I obviously knew stuff like this happened, but as I didn't care for duping or hacking in any form, I didn't bother to look into it any further, unlike you it seems.
    Shouldn't assume people are cheaters just because they are curious. I keep up with the "cheating" communities for pretty much every game I play mainly because it interests me from a technical stand point and because I like to know what to look out for in regards to non-legit players.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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