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    posted a message on Question about % Block on Shield - Bug or misunderstood
    Damn! ahahhahaha

    Thanks a lot guys.

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Question about % Block on Shield - Bug or misunderstood
    So, last night I noticed I had "only" 35% Block Rate in my Status Panel.

    I'm using 2 pieces with % Block in my gear:

    The Helm of Command = 8%

    Shield X = 27% showing on its second line and with a 8% block bonus.

    So… the 27% is the total Block (already considering the 8% bonus) or should it should be only the passive % Block of the Shield?

    Thanks a lot!
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Changed my gear to almost 200/300 All Resist + 17k DPS (full buffed) + 2x WOTB + DPS Passives =


    Almost died twice (due his meele hits) but...

    Doable with 3mins enrage timer but I don't think it's possible (FOR ME) to farm 5x NV then do Belial :P
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    After the 1.0.3 Nerf I could run much better in Act II. I couldn't rush into elites and loot the goodies but I was able to kill all of them (ok, few packs I died a lot, but I'm not a very good player).

    The trouble I have now is BELIAL.

    After 3 minutes (usually 25% health) he starts to Summon-Without-Stop-Meteors and no matter how good I am to dodge (latency >= 250ms -:sigh: Brazil- that stuff I die.

    Anyway, anybody else is having trouble to kill Belial with this "soft" (yeah right, "soft" is when the boss does more 25% damage) enrage? Is it a Bug? (the patch notes says he will spawn MORE and not Constantly ehhee)

    Thanks a lot folks.

    PS: I was able to kill 2 elite packs at same time but only because they had really "easy" affix.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Quote from ballon

    I for example plow through act 2 with 24k dps, 0 loh, 0% life leech but 10k armor, 56k hp, 23% sacred and ~900 resists. Those health globes every now and then are enough to keep me up while playing with the cookie cutter defensive build (charge, leap, ignore pain).

    Just wondering, how can you get 24k DPS, 10k Armor, 56k HP and 900 resists with Act II Gear + AH? How much did you spent in your Barb? I believe you already finished the game, farmed Act IV and now have this stats, right?

    Right now I noticed it's impossible to buy better gear costing less than 800k each piece (with good stats + All Resists).

    Anyway, I can post my stats/gear/build but I'm not sure what I can improve without buying gold or playing endless Act I runs (or using the RMAH :ouch:) - Once again, I think I just can't understand how this Inferno difficult works eheheh (or maybe I'm really unluck with RNG w/ Drops and Elites Spawns).

    Thanks again!

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Quote from MrWinkle

    Looking at your latest gear post i would suggest upgrading your weapon as a priroity.

    If you can grab a 800dps sword with a socket your dps will skyrocket. It should cost <1mil.

    Other than that the gear looks reasonable for act 2.

    Last night I got a new weapon with 700+ DPS (I don't remember the exact value right now) plus 400+ LoH and >90 Vit/Str, my DPS increased (around 11k DPS when i have 5 stacks of Frenzy+100% Fury) and now I have around 750+ LoH but I still couldn't do Inferno Act II! ahahhahahahha

    I think I'm just a bad player (which is weird since I play games since forever but... happens, right?) so I'm going to farm Act I, get more gold, wait for the Nerf Patch and then I can have fun again.

    Anyway, thanks a lot folks!!!


    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Hello, quick question.

    A friend of mine sent me a String of Ears and now i'm not sure what belt to use... (I think i'm going to stick with SoE, so I can get the meele resistance).


    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Quote from Silvist

    Just wanted to say I've been following this thread because I'm in the same boat. Not sure how far you got in act 2 solo, but I was able to get up to where you have to get kule's blood and the other part of him.

    - My last attempt to run Act II failed: I tried a run with a DH friend but we couldn't reach Maghda. Last night I only ran Act I again to farm more gold and maybe get some upgrades - but, of course, didn't drop anything good for me =/ (I have the amazing luck to get STR/INT in all gears, Bow, Monk Helm, Wizard Hats, Staves etc).

    I'd post a screenie of my character too, but I'm on my other computer to post lol. Probably not better than what you have by any means. I can tell you i got 30k hp 500 res all, 7.6k def buffed and about 12k dps. I really need to get my vit and str to an even 1k, but hard to find gear like you stated. I'm thinking about trying to get a string of ears for the DR %, and see how that helps out.

    - 12k DPS? Nice. I'm trying to keep my health high (40k+) while I try to buy gear with more Str but still hard to find pieces that I can afford =/

    What really blows my mind is my weapon has 400 life on hit, and its still not enough to survive sometimes lol.

    - Nice! Do you know the DPS value of your weapon and how much you paid for it?

    I bought my dagger by mistake (missclick sucks) but at least it's not that bad (I had to buy the Gem with LoH, but it's only 105), i think i paid around 130-200k, not sure + 40-50k gem (OUCH) =/

    Just wanted to thank all you guys, cause I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did without reading all this. Now I just need to win the lottery (in game joke of course) and buy a stormshield lol.

    - Same here!!! ahahahhaha

    Thanks a lot!

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Right now this is my Gear and Stats (War Cry + Enchantress):

    And my build is:

    I'm pretty much farming act I w/o any trouble at all - so, I still need to figure out how I can handle Act II w/o issues.

    I marked with a Red Square the gear I want to replace, but right now I couldn't find any REAL upgrade costing less than 1k D:

    Any ideas?

    PS: I didn't find *any* gear with LIFE ON HIT and good stats (Vit/Str) in the AH =/
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Quote from Darkfrosty521

    Holy hell your damage and armor are god awful. lose some resistance and get some strength on items man.

    Are you talking about the 1st screenshot in this thread? If yes, I should say I changed almost every piece of my old gear.

    If you are talking about my new set (I posted a screenshot yesterday), I have no idea why my stats are "god awful". Do you mind to explain?

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Just a heads up.

    Last night I got a new shield, with less armor (980ish), same amount of Str/Vit, 23% passive block rate + 8% Block Bonus and 1.8-3k (not sure) Block Value. I played both SOLO (using the same build as the last time) and COOP (with a Demon Hunter with 75k DPS Ö_o) and I/we got OWNED all the time. Just to try to explain: I couldn't kill (solo) a pack of Nightmare/Mortar/Jailer/Avenger...

    Like i said before I lost AllResistance (my lowest resistance now is 650ish) but now I have around 38% Block Chance when I changed my shield...

    The question is:
    What the heck happened?! ahahhahahha

    I did a better run with a worst Shield. Did Blizzard changed anything last night?

    Anyway, after spending a lot of gold in AH and getting (constantly) pwned in Act II (and losing a lot of gold in Repairs) now I feel very upset. I kinda lost my "joy" playing with my Barb =/

    Well, let's see what happens after 1.0.3 (but I don't think anything good is going to happen after RMAH).

    Thanks a lot folks.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Quote from Rainbowdash

    2. Always always always use leap with armor rune, its like a 3 second immortality.
    - Already doing it :D

    3. Swap smite for sidearm or maniac depending on your play style, the stun on 1mob isn't good enough for you - you want to be surrounded by mobs spamming revenge.
    - I was thinking about it few hours ago. I'm going to change the rune to Maniac then test with Sidearm too, but thanks for the heads up!

    4. GET A NEW SHIELD FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING! with 10% block and 1550 to 2k block absorb you might as well dual wield, I cannot stress this enough.
    - Yes. I know, but like i said before: I couldn't find any great upgrade for less than 500k in AH last night - I think more people are going to use the RMAH now =/
    But this is my first priority :)

    5. I'd try to get some more life on hit (I know its expensive but well worth it!)
    - Yes! Another thing I was thinking this morning. Thanks again!


    Quote from Rianabi

    The big reason why those two stats are so hugely important, is that once you get your resistances and armour up to high levels (wich you already have for act2) the individual hits you take are quite low, so with so high block ammount and chance, those blocks basically nullify those attacks alltogether.
    - I was thinking about it. Gonna check if I find a good Sacred Shield in AH...

    One thing:

    If I swap my shield to, let's say, one without ALL RESIST but with more Block%/Value (hopefully armor), is that ok to do Act II with less than 700 AllResist?

    Thanks again!

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Quote from Noctus78

    Try to get a sacred shield (those big white shields). they block up to 4704 dmg and will be very good for your survivability. also the block chance on the shield can be better, try to have one with 20% or close to that.

    Easy to say =P
    I couldn't find any shield with good stats selling for a reasonable price (I couldn't afford a shield costing 500k D:).

    Anyway, things worked last night - slow, but worked. I might try to keep searching AH for more armor/dps gear while I try to keep (or increase) my resistances.

    I think I will change the Furious Charge to Overpower, seens to be more consistent (ok, 5secs more downtime, but...)

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    ( Just a heads up: I didn't read the lasts posts )

    I'm here just to let you guys know I was able to run Act II and killed Maghda! :D

    I spent like 1.200.000g in AH and sold some pieces of my DPS gear to buy the new pieces ahahhaahah...

    I still don't have the best gear so it was a really dangerous run. Actually, against the "normal" mobs, I didn't die (only against some Whasps/huge group combo). Of course, I ran away from the elites, like JAILER ARCANE ENCHANTED FIRE CHAINS CONFLAGRATE (i always forgot the name of this affix).

    Maghda itself was fun and not hard at all - oh yeah, the last group is really dangerous but I could kill her 1-shot.

    My new stats:
    ( My dps with full rage was 10k or 12k, not sure... )
    *** Self-buffed + Enchantress buff but w/o the Berserk Rage bonus ***

    My new build:
    ( I dislike Furious Charge, only worked nice to run free from the Jail ehehhehe )

    and the "proof" (not that killing her is a big accomplishment but...)

    PS: I was using the Enchantress as Follower but she wasn't doing much dps - she still wearing Nightmarish gear.... ahahahhah
    PS2: I played Solo.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Act II - Inferno: Yes, another thread about it
    Quote from Hemptation

    If you arnt putting out your end no matter how good your DH is there not going to down mobs before u die.

    The real issue we found in act II was me/us dying before she had a chance to start killing stuff ;)

    But I will change/buy new pieces - less resistance, more armor/str/vit - and see what happens!

    Thanks a lot!

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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