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    posted a message on 37mil in the bank. WHAT DO

    Updating it when I can, but it's there to provide a general guideline as to where to go.

    Your DPS and EHP looks to be in respectable shape, and since you run Archon and CM-stunlock as separate builds, why not combine them both? Take out Explosive Blast and substitute it with Archon-Arcane Destruction. You can take out Slow Time and put in Force Weapon or Blood Magic Weapon instead. Might consider taking out Cold-Blooded and replacing it with Glass Cannon in order to put out more constant damage with Archon or Galvanizing Ward for the passive HP regen. With the build, you can farm MPs as high as your gear can allow. Stun, nuke with Archon, attack until it wears off, spam until Archon is back off cooldown, nuke again, repeat.

    If you're looking for more EHP, run the Zuni Trail+Marrow combo and throw in Lacuni's if you can afford to do so. If you're looking for DPS, run Zuni Trail+Pox and then Tal chest+Inna's Temperance. The latter is significantly more expensive.

    You can probably do the Zuni Trail+Marrow upgrade with 37M, but you won't be getting top-tier varieties. You can get one of them with decent-good stats with the 37M.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Challenging everyone in the world
    Please close this thread.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do you play D3?
    Because it's a game and I play games.

    Also, the official forum is so saturated with trolls and idiots that sometimes I can't help but go there to troll the troll posts. It's such a disgusting cesspool of human scum. I pretty much go to the official forum just to put up "WTS" offers.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 power leveling guide, should i invest?

    And by no, I mean "No."
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What rare items do u leave on the ground?
    I ignore everything except:

    ilvl 63 helms, chest, pants, shoulder, bracers, boots, belt
    All gloves
    All jewelry
    Blacksmith plans I don't have
    Jeweler designs I don't have
    Legendaries and sets
    ilvl 61+ 1-hand class-unspecified weapons
    Ilvl 63 1-hand class-specified weapons (don't ask why I do this)
    Hellion crossbows and Revenant bows

    Everything else not in that list remains on the ground.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on auctions should add 1 minute when overbid!
    Quote from Westy357

    Is there some kind of lock-up in the Gold auction house? When I bid on a Zunimassa Mask tonight, I expected someone to overbid me, no problem. It's after when I went to bid no matter what I did it says 'bid too low' even though the bid was for the next higher amount listed.

    Is there some kind of automated bidder bots who look for cheap items and then somehow manage to lock others out? One time it happened with over a minute left, I could not bid for nothing.

    I have good gear, I didn't really care, I just wanted to see if the Voodoo mask was better or worse than my Tal Rasha helm which is real good anyways.

    I'm just more curious than anything about what the heck is going on here?


    Quote from Jaetch

    Proxy bid... look it up.

    Whoops. Double post. Anyway, look at my previous post.

    Voodoo Mask at 50M. I throw in 300M. Mask goes up to 52.5M bid. You see that bid and punch in 60M. Game will tell you it's not enough and push the bid to 55M. Why? Because I already set my max bid to 300M, which you cannot see. So unless you keep dumping in gold until you surpass 300M, that voodoo mask will never be yours.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help Me: I Want to Enjoy this Game
    You, my friend, are exactly the same as one of my real-life buddies who also used a Witch Doctor and never made it out of Nightmare before he quit.

    1. Good time to play now. Witch Doctors are a lot more fun, it's easier to level up, loot tables have become dramatically better since the first month (you'll find out after you reach Inferno). Game is catered more to casual players now.

    2. If you have friends who are still playing since the beginning, they can give you a major jumpstart. I help out all my friends that way if they have been MIA for a while. I recently just bumped one of my DH friends (who hadn't played in two months) from 60K unbuffed DPS to over 100K DPS unbuffed, also from 20K HP to over 40K HP. He's now playing regularly.

    3. This game takes a lot of patience if you want to reach the top of your class. Not that everyone plays the game for that purpose, but the whole point is to have fun. It's a lot easier now since the game's release—I've been through it all—so you can play the game more to your own liking.

    4. If WD still isn't your thing, there are four more classes for you to try out. Personally, I like them all, but mostly wizard and monk (as you can see from my sig), so I'm focusing on those two first.

    On a personal note, I died for the first time in Nightmare back in May when the game first came out. My driving force was actually all my gamer friends who were all ahead of me at that time, so I just kept playing to keep up with them. My first brick wall was in Hell mode, but I managed to get through it through serious grinding... you know, RPG-style, since this is an RPG after all. Once you hit higher levels and difficulty, remember this is still an RPG type of game, so you have to grind. This applies for Inferno (not sure about now), back when the nerfs hadn't hit, Inferno was notorious for infuriating all sorts of people. But again, grind it out, farm more, change builds, etc. and eventually you'll get through things.

    Hope I inspired you to put a little more oomph into your D3 efforts.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Stunlock Archon - MP10 - Act 3 Inferno

    Tried this out for the first time. Just a brief showing of me using a mix of CM-stunlock with Archon.

    Also, fail at 5:16. And yeah, these mobs were pretty easy. Reflect isn't a real problem, but Fire Chains is (first NV stack before I tried recording this).

    Build: http://us.battle.net...XYSO!bgf!caaccc
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Pvp idea
    Honestly, this would be absolutely terrible because that would essentially make all the PvE farm runs absolutely useless and worthless. The whole point in PvE farming is to gear up and use that gear to beat on other players. If you take out PvE farming and people showing off the gear they got, what's a Diablo game?
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on Set item in inventory - does it count?
    What did I just read?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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