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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Loot Servers - > Easy Legendary Drops?
    Quote from ZFPuhi

    Every time you leave a game u leave the server too, so when u join a new game u join a new server and u need to re-type Netstat -n in the command port.

    Ok thought so... So basically people that say they been farming the same servers multiple times keep making new games till they find that magical number they want?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Loot Servers - > Easy Legendary Drops?
    Just made a account here cuz I love diablo and I think this is an interesting topic. Anyway I have been testing this out for the past week on all different double digit even servers. While I haven't gotten anything that sold for 100 million+ I seem to be getting legendaries more often ALSO I have gotten four 6 prop crafting patterns this past week and prior to me not doing this I had gotten none at all and I have seriously farmed alot since release. I only took maybe 1 break from the game and that was just only for about 2 weeks. Gonna still be testing this because it doesn't hurt and I'm pretty sure it's not a bannable exploit.

    Got a question though... I see people saying they do multiple runs on same servers. My question is every time you enter a game and you do the command prompt netstat -n. Is that when it resets the server or does the server reset everytime you enter a new game?

    What I mean is if someone says they do multiple #68 runs do they search for a #68 game finish the run then search again for #68 or does each game you make stay on #68 till you do the netstat -n command again?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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