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    posted a message on [Guide] Massive Guide to Upgrading Wizard Gear
    Quote from Jaetch

    I'll update and remake some parts of this guide this weekend.
    Many thanks for this guide! I'm looking forward to the updates and hoping I can start building up my AH fund. Right now I'm around G02.5A, so to speak, because (can't use URLs until 10 posts: Janax#1478 US) I'm "dirt poor" (~1 million gold) and would die a lot if I tried A3 in v1.0.4 with ~40k unbuffed DPS. Now in v1.0.5 I'm doing MP1 and will try MP2 once more tonight when I can get on again. I know there are lots of slots I need better stuff in, but even minor upgrades in each slot seems to go for 2 million or more, especially the main weapon (the black background dagger with lifesteal and "high" 1h Vit and Int). I was thinking of pricing out a Skorn tonight to see if that would help...
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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