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    posted a message on [video] ROS beta - New barbarian build - baba pull
    Hi guys, I've been playing around with the beta of Reaper of Souls and I came out with this build that I'll like to share and have comments on. I'm very open to suggestions and also to try some build for barbarian or wizard that you might have imagined without the possibility of testing yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq2foAv2BjY&feature=youtu.be
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 ROS - the COMPETITIVE mode
    I’ve been enjoying watching the beta so far. There are so many cool stuff out there that got me excited for the release. But the real end game appears to be missing.
    Certainly a perfect PvP will address the issue in the future, but when?
    Imo the adventure mode is super fun, but cannot be considered end game, because we still miss a final goal. Furthermore, with infinite paragon, we don’t even have the desire to max out and it will take a couple of our to go from a situation in which I’ve never played monk before to have the perfect monk , level 70 paragon 500 with the perfect build. Also, there is no real attachment to your main character. I don’t see it lasting long this way.

    Here comes the competitive mode:

    1. Competitive mode is a dungeon with 100 levels (already heard, I know, just wait!)
    2. HAS to be done in a group of 4 players, that cannot change
    3. It is so damn hard, that to reach level 100 will be impossible for a long long time
    4. Needs something to be opened. Once it is, it stays open for the duration of the game
    5. There is a super boss fight(not random, maybe with some bosses from the past) every 10 levels
    6. It does not give you experience, gold or items, but BOA items to keep in the inventory every boss. This 10 items only exist in competitive mode
    7. It is linked with a LADDER
    8. The ladder last 2-3 months
    9. The ladder isn't linked to your account, but to a specific PG (your barbarian for example), so you can be attached to your main pg
    10. It can be done to compete against other teams (PvPvE).
    The idea is that, once you are good enough, you can enter the competitive mode. Every level is random, but with some rules: a level can have a time to be completed, another a boss, another different point in the map that have to be reached before time goes off, ecc.
    If someone in the team dies, the team can complete the dungeon and win. If everybody die, you go back to level 1. After every boss the team can decide to pause the game for another day or continue. If the team continues and dies, it will go back to level 1.
    You can have as many teams as you want, but the ladder will keep score of the team and, separately, of the player progresses. Other ladders can exist, like amount of kills, ecc. The main ladder consider the highest level reached by a team. Then you, in the personal ladder, will gain points for every boss or quest completed. Other stat can influence the ladder, as is the deaths, the timing (fastest level 10 ecc). The ladder reset will delete all the progresses AND the items collected during the competitive mode, but not the pg himself.
    Other prizes could exist, like visual effect, wings, new skins for items, new colour for your in-chat name, ecc.
    You can also compete against other teams, in a tournament or just declaring war. The battle takes place at the same time with exactly the same maps, and will give you points for your personal and team ladder. A matchmaking system (starcraft style) could exist, with different leagues.
    Just random thoughts on something that, if implemented somehow, will make me so happy.

    What do you think? Any feedback?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mini D3 Console Review

    I was invited too but at the very last moment I had to renounce. So bad. What time did you finish? I was still around cq at 21 and thought to come...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why hota soj?
    Whatever you are doing, soj is a must. Also the cold damage greatly help to deal with the fear effect of the Echoing fury. The 30% damage to elites with the 6% elemental damage is a boost in damage you will never get with a normal ring, also because an extra damage stays with the +15 fury (3% crit change). Without soj you can't hammer forever, no matter what you say.

    Really, the point is: there is ANY ring better then a cold HOTA soj? Not at all...
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on DiaBro3 - find your Optimized MP Level, and a quick gear analysis
    The tool is not bad and it is fun to use. The main point here, imo, is that it is totally useless.

    Is telling me that my barb is rated mp10, but this has no real meaning. I use to farm mp8 for essences and there is no point for me to farm mp10 solo unless for ubers.

    I would LOVE to see some of those stat:

    - Skill used (bash): oneshot average white mob at mp:x
    - skill (sprint): oneshot average white mob at mp:y
    - skill (hota): oneshot average white mob at mp:z
    - average time to kill an elite pack: mp1-2 sec, mp5-6 seconds, mp10-25 seconds
    - maximun damage dealt by monster oneshot you at mpxx (20 i guess lol)

    Oneother thing i will like to see is survivability to lag and dc for HC.

    well done btw
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on LIGHT IS LIFE - the akajakob build for invincible wizard (HC) (not a bug this time)
    Quote from Zero(pS)

    Maybe the affix "Lightning Skills deal +% more damage" applies to all Lightning damage dealt by your character, and not just those that come from skills.

    If the damage added from SoJ, Tal Rasha's amulet and that sort of item takes your black damage and adds that amount in "lightning damage" there's a good chance that it might get affected by the affix from Schaefer's Hammer.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to trying this on my HC Barbarian or Wizard.

    ty. and what you said it is exactly what I thought, even though it has to be tested an I didn't have the chance yet. Also, I know very little about the wizard as a class, for I stop playing it last july. This is why I was seeking help for the maths
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on LIGHT IS LIFE - the akajakob build for invincible wizard (HC) (not a bug this time)
    Quote from Zero(pS)

    Nice build.

    Moved to the Wizard forums. Lemme know if you want it on the Hardcore forums instead (as it's kinda about 2 classes).
    maybe hardcore forum is better.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on LIGHT IS LIFE - the akajakob build for invincible wizard (HC) (not a bug this time)
    Hi guys,
    I'm currently playing hardcore and enjoying the Schaefer's build to protect myself against disconnection and lag spikes with my barbarian (references:http://eu.battle.net...opic/7762586386

    I figured it out a way to improve it and bring it to a wizard and I came out with this:

    i did all the tests with a very crappy wizard (47k life, 600 AR and 53k dps) and still, as you can see, she manage to survive while AFK even in very bad situation, killing everybody around her.

    Also, the build is pretty damn funny to play, gives you a huge AOE damage for a fast and effective farming and allows you to go around with your improved arcon, renouncing to half of your dps but gaining a very high "indirect" dps due to the lightnings.

    The build I used allows you to play safely and fast even without being in arcon, for an old style/diablo 2 full light sorceress but it can be changed to improve the dps or the defense renouncing to the possibility of being effective without arcon.

    Here is the build: http://eu.battle.net...mSTj!hZf!cZcaaZ

    electrocute/arc lightning: AOE damage, buffed by the build and by the stone of jordan
    lightning idra: as above, single target
    improved arcon: the skill with almost always use for farming. If it expires, we can either play without you quite well, or go back to town for debuffing
    magic weapon, elctrify: dps boost, lightning damage buffed by the build
    storm armor, reactive armor: huge range, greatly buffed by the build
    familiar, vigoron: 620 life per second, we have to survive!


    unstable anomaly: we are playing harcore
    blur: as abover
    galvanizing ward: increases the duration of storm armor and gave us 620 life per second (1240 in total only from the skills)

    the stone of jordan with lightning damage that should have the buffs from the weapon and the equip
    3 tal rasha pieces to have the buff to lightning damage:
    amulet with lightning damage and, if possible, with critical hit damage
    tal rasha chest
    tal rash elm

    zuni pox with critical hit chance
    zuni boots

    The SCHAEFER'S HAMMER has a chance up to 50% while hit to cast a lightning shield that protect us, dealing damage to everybody around and activating life steal, allowing us to stay alive while AFK. It HAS to have life steal! Try to get one with the lighning statistics close to the cap.

    The lightning damage of the schaefer's hammer is increased by: primary stat, average damage, critical hit chance and critical hit damage. The highest the damage, the highest the life we get. He can easily crit for 3 times your paper dps, many enemies at a time and it last for about 4 seconds after activation (it is basically always active)

    p.s. This video has been done in a hurry with a very crappy wizard that everybody can get in HC mode with very little gold. Better wizard should be able to survive to any disconnection at least at mp3.

    p.s.2: I had not the chance to register a decent guide and to deeply study the maths of the lightning buff. If anybody wants to help me with it and has a good wizard in hc, it will be greatly appreciated.

    p.s.3: Credits goes to FieleXCD and the guys that were present in team speak when this build has been thought the first time.

    p.s.4: the video should be visible in one hour from now, I have to go and can't wait for it.

    p.s.5: I didn't know where to post it. If in hardcore, theory crafting or wizard section. Please move it to where it should be

    enjoy and stay alive!

    here is the video i made for the barbarian, even if after 4 min of music I start to explain the build in italian

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on hi guysto w
    Hello everybody. long time reader, new poster.

    Posted in: Introduction
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