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    posted a message on So, how do you feel?

    Honestly this is pretty interesting stuff, the whole 2 new zones thing has been done before and it's fun for a bit to at least get a change of scenery in such a static game like the d3 world. Honestly I'm most looking forward to the anniversary patch as that looks to be loads of fun and I'm looking forward to playing a Necromancer again......I never got into the WD and it'll be fun to play a Necro for a new seasonal character.

    I don't know though exactly what their "real" future plans are for the Diablo universe and that is a little disappointing......I was hoping they'd either go all in with an expansion or just surprise us with a D4. An Exp 2 would have been nice because it could have done some major changes to the game and really made it even better. They could have really tried to fix the core issues remaining with D3 and really made the game shine. A D4 could have started from scratch with everything that worked in D3 but removed all the crap that just didn't work. Instead they seemed to have continued with the previous development cycle of a little additional content which leaves us in a limbo wondering what else is next.

    I'm still hoping they'll provide some more details later today about the future of the game but for now I am content with the current announcement and it has given me a reason to reinstall d3 and play again for now.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 at Blizzcon!

    Honestly as far as patches are concerned this does look like an interesting patch. Fixes to some core issues like buffs, UI improvements and antiquated sets for better build diversity, a new zone aka new content (Greyhollow Island was initially referenced in a 2.2 datamine so its been under development a while), etc so at the very least it looks like they do want to further improve the game and add to it. At this point it looks like they will continue with the major patches every season with various feature additions and improvements for the foreseeable future which isn't horrible.....I mean they could just fix the old sets and then stop all development and release minor patches for each season with a few items and call it a day so this isn't worst case scenario. We will learn a lot more I'm sure at the official panel and hopefully they will have some cool announcements for the coming months besides just 2.4......maybe some early 2.5 info as well?

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on BlizzCon 2015 - Diablo is dead

    Personally I find it odd that Blizzard released 2.3, a fairly big patch as far as D3 has been concerned which added a new zone, the cube (which is a pretty big feature), various new sets as well as doing various promotions for games like Heroes of the Storm with Diablo tie-ins like the treasure goblns, 2 diablo themed maps, etc... to basically try and build up interest and excitement in D3 and then not announce anything at blizzcon. Maybe I'm grasping at straws but I'd like to think they'll do more than just announce 2.4 with some bug fixes, new/revamped sets and maybe another new zone.....I'm still hoping for a surprise expansion announcement even if it's release is over a year away.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on BlizzCon 2015 - Diablo is dead

    Honestly I'd be happy if Blizzard even released a DLC of sorts instead of a full expansion. Add in a DLC with Skovos Isles, new quests, new bounties, new rift tiles, maybe a new game mode like king of the hill or something and I think a lot of players would be happy. What I hope for in 2.4 is more than anything a big bug fix/balance patch to bring all the classes on par. I know for 2.4 Area Damage is 1 thing they are planning to fix as right now a lot of skills don't work properly with it ie crusaders hammers aren't having the 6x set bonus calculated into the area damage so there is a lot of damage lost there.

    Still I'm holding out hope for an expansion.....

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on BlizzCon 2015 - Diablo is dead

    I'm really hoping they have a big surprise at the start of the ceremony and announce the expansion but it sounds like there will be additional new zones like the Ruins of Sescheron coming so if they keep adding new zones every 2-3 patches for another year I'd be happy with that though disappointed about the future of the game. Blizzard has though already supported D3 much better than they did D2 so I guess we can't complain too much? Hopefully though enough people ask about an expansion and pvp at Blizzcon that we see something or even at least hints on both fronts.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 2.3 PTR tomorrow or nah?

    my 2.2.1 ptr install is downloading a 480MB+ update right now

    update: just finished, its

    update 2: servers are still down

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on CM Wizard Rebirth
    So just to add to this thread, I believe it would be possible to use 3 piece Tal's set with the RoRG and gain a big bonus to your damage output from the meteors. At the very least right now you'd gain Cold and Lightning Meteors and if you switched out the cold blooded passive for elemental exposure and changed explosive blast to a fire rune then you'd have 3 different types of meteors being freely cast. It is a very cool idea though and I think it's very cool that you came up with it.

    For Tal's you could use the belt, source and ammy.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Nephalem Trials
    This is a great idea! I'm glad to see it is finally being implemented....next up on my checklist is PvP. If Blizzard really wants to blow everyone away, they should also toss that in at the Blizzcon preview.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on DiabloFans Interview With the Diablo 3 Team, Blue Posts, BlizzCon 2013 Talent Contest
    Here are a few of my top questions

    1 - Considering it has been over 7 months since the last PvP blog......Are there any updates on when the PvP Patch will be released? What features it will contain? What PvP modes are being tested? What rewards will be offered?

    2 - Are there plans to add a real endgame to D3? Things like a PvE Arena where you fight waves of monsters either solo or with a group? What about an Endless Dungeon? What about a maps system like Path of Exile/Torchlight?

    3 - Can we get any additional detail on upcoming character customization features? I know the Paragon System is being modified but we don't have any added information yet.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on PTR 1.0.8 Files are UP!
    Anyone else start to try to data mine these files?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Expansion 1 Speculation Thread
    If I had to guess I'd say we can expect a lot of the features that were in the game either in the Alpha or Beta and were removed before release.

    -Act 5 .... possible location of Ureh, there is a jungle outside of it and a lot of the modeling work was done plus it's in a cinematic
    -The Mystic Artisan to either enchant items or modify stats
    -Scrolls of Companions aka pets
    -Talisman with Charms
    -Additional Gem Types aka skulls and saphires
    -Paragon Improvements and more "debth", maybe tie in some passives to paragon levels, maybe an increase in the paragon level cap
    -Nephalem Cube and the associated Nephalem Cave in Act 1
    -Cauldron of Jordan, possibly with other elixir types
    -Followers gaining a 3rd skill row

    Now outside of these features? I expect we could see Runes/Runewards added, 1 or 2 new classes, new item tier of ilvl64, new crafting levels for higher level items, additional random evens in acts 1-4, addition of new zones and dungeons to acts 1-4, a redesign of the battle.net UI similar to what happened with SC2, Guild support, new abilities and passives, etc....

    I do believe that they will maintain a level cap of 60 as Blizzard has been saying for a while that they aren't planning on increasing it but they could always change their mind.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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