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    posted a message on Money money mooooneeeeey

    The one saving grace is that I can continue grinding up my Paragon levels and then transfer to a PS4 version later when I eventually get one. I'll be undergeared, but I'll at least have something to catch up on. Thanks for the advice though y'all, mods can feel free to lock this thread if they want

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on [RoS FAQ] Reaper of Souls: Frequently Asked Questions

    I know this is super late and might have already been mentioned, but I think it's worth noting that PS3 users will find much of this content to be different and/or nonexistent. I honestly might not have purchased the expansion at all had I known this, so it could be worthwhile for those smart people who are actually researching beforehand (which was, of course, not me).

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Money money mooooneeeeey

    Oh lord please tell me I'm not totally screwed and will never get GRift keys...

    I'm on the PS3

    EDIT: FUUUUUUUUUU I just saw a forum post stating GRifts will never come to PS3. Thanks a lot Blizzard, I now have no motivation to continue playing. (Not that that's anyone's fault but mine, just sucks that i didn't figure it out earlier)

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Money money mooooneeeeey

    Good extra tips, thanks. I've still been unable to get my first GRift key despite playing T3 for two days straight, but maybe I'll have better luck by farming T1 at a faster rate rather than plugging away more slowly in T3

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Money money mooooneeeeey

    Thanks for the detailed reply. I'm not always quick on the uptake so you made it dummy-proof for me! I guess it just seems to take longer than it really does because I can only play 1-2 hours a day.

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Money money mooooneeeeey

    Haven't reached the GRifts yet. I've been doing NRifts for a while but haven't had any luck getting the pieces I need to access GRifts. No Boon of the Hoarder yet either, is there a simple way to get it?

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Money money mooooneeeeey

    Ok so I don't know if I'm doing something massively wrong here, but I wanted to check to make sure. I'm playing on the console, and I've gotten to the point where I have a backlog of marquise and imperial gems that I need to combine, but I am constantly scraping for funds to do so. The quickest way I've found to gather money is by just doing bounties and then selling all the loot rather than salvaging. This tends to net me maybe 1mil gold per hour, which is good for what, 3ish gem combos? Now maybe I'm just a moron and I'm missing something obvious, but is this really the fastest I'm able to get money? If it is, it's going to take me forever to get any kind of high level gem. Any helpful advice is appreciated!

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Does difficulty affect Legendary stat rolls?
    Perhaps I should have prefaced this by saying I play console and not PC, so I'm not sure how the "Masters" relate to Torment as far as bonuses go. My question was answered though.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does difficulty affect Legendary stat rolls?
    That is encouraging to hear. What is weird though is that I was playing recently on my DH in Medium when I normally play my Monk on Master III, and I seemed to be finding MORE Legendary items in Medium mode. Perhaps this is just an optical illusion because I was just killing stuff way faster, or I just got lucky.

    Either way, thanks for the tip!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does difficulty affect Legendary stat rolls?
    I've been trying to figure this out and I figure someone else probably knows better than I do. If you are farming Inferno on, say, Medium difficulty instead of Master I or II, will acquired Legendary items roll worse stats? I know as the Master level increases so does the MF/GF/EXP, which means obviously the likelihood of Legendary items dropping goes up. However, what I'd like to know is if the increase in difficulty has a direct effect on the quality of the Legendary items that DO drop. Trying to decide if it's better to keep farming Master III or if I should opt for speed runs on Easy or Medium. Any tips are appreciated!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Console] Best place to farm Gems?
    Can't find much on this, and I suspect I already know the answer, but just in case I'll ask here. Are Gem drops truly random? Or do specific enemies/acts drop them more/less often than others? I'm trying to get enough max level gems to fill all my sockets and it is painfully slow.

    Also, where is the best place to find the recipes for the Level 15 (Marquise) gems to teach my Artisan? I've only obtained the Ruby recipe and that was from another player who dropped it -_-. If anyone has any insight in this area I would much appreciate it!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on "A" Dev did not know about lvling 0-60 in roughly 15 minutes...
    Quote from NCSledge

    I am quite sure they just forgot to add a restriction for people to join Master/Torment. That is how they solved power leveling earlier, didn't they? They just didn't allow people to join other people's games if they haven't already unlocked the difficulty (I.E. A Player whose character just entered Nightmare was not permitted to join someone who was in Inferno at the time.
    This is at least true in the console version. You have to beat Normal before unlocking Nightmare, Nightmare before Hell, and Hell before Inferno. Also, the MP system is different in that you can only use the first 3 levels (called Easy/Medium/Hard) until you have beaten the game with a character, at which point you unlock Master 1 through 5. I don't own the PC version, so I guess it's different there? Either way, this means that in the console version you have to go through the process of unlocking higher "MP" levels with a character initially, so you cannot use the powerleveling method until you've played through on your own. This means anyone who is "power leveling" has still done the story before at normal speed, so it's not like they are a brand new player who doesn't know anything about the game. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I can get a little bored with the story after playing through it so many times in a row to get to Inferno mode, and it's nice that there is a way I can get to the endgame faster on subsequent runs if I so desire.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on "A" Dev did not know about lvling 0-60 in roughly 15 minutes...
    For a game that has so little real competition between players and is largely based on individual achievement, people seem to be awfully concerned about what OTHER players are doing with their characters...

    Until you can show proof that this "situation" is actually harming you or other people, there isn't a real reason to even worry about it. As long as it only has a measurable effect on the actual player and character participating in it, it shouldn't be on your radar.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Console] Fastest way to Paragon 100?
    womp womp, guess I don't have much to look forward to then. I'll probably have to start all this over again anyway when RoS comes out and I am forced to buy a PS4! Thanks for the tips y'all, hopefully I can chip away at this over time and get there. Fortunately you only have to do the process once per account!
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on [Console] Fastest way to Paragon 100?
    Hey folks! So I am currently at Paragon 14, and I have been endlessly repeating the run from beginning of "Sword of the Stranger" through the end of Act I. EXP seems unusually slow, as it takes me 4 cycles just to gain 1 level. What I am wondering is if I am missing something drastic, and is there a faster, more efficient way to gain EXP? I have been on Master II for a while, so is the EXP jump really that significant that I should jump to Master V? Or is it better to stay with Master II and rush through the runs as fast as possible? For the sake of reference, my Monk is sitting at 157k unbuffed DPS, 62k Life, 6k Armor, 2.3 ApS, and 451 Resist All. HALP!
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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