Oddly enough, I think this might have been found due to the MoP Beta ( I know he says datamining). Today Apoc Linked me an item from D3 (while I was in wow), instead of just posting text. it had the {C_######}name{/c} we both thought it was odd... I guess someone tried typing that back and there you go. Go figure (or he found it in the datafiles and typed it) but still... find it funny that it poped up today as well.
Cool little trick, I assume they're going to have chat options/color pannel to choose from ultimately.
Probably not. The same type of feature exists in WoW and the only way to get it is to manually enter in the color strings or use a mod like Prat. This will probably be no different, they tend to leave these type of features hidden.
Hey guys, that was my blog post and just saw it was linked to from here - I've been a lurker for ages, so figured I'd finally create an account and reply
Oddly enough, I think this might have been found due to the MoP Beta
I actually found it some time back, and posted in a paid-for-access D3-gold-making forum (wont link it, but I think some of you are members on it already) and thought I'd release it publicly before someone else did, taking credit for it
At the time I was looking in to whether the Demon Hunter's Ferret Companion rune was still going to make it in to the game, and noticed that the skill texts used the {c_green} (or whatever it was) to add emphasis to the % of something to happen, or damage that would be done. I did some searching and found a whole bunch of "{c_" strings in memory, being used in different places, and decided to just try it in chat, and it worked (I'm not lucky enough to have MoP beta access)
I can't remember exactly how I found the icons, I think it had to do with one of the tutorial tooltips that used color as well as the mouse icons, from there I just searched for "{icon:" and found the others. I'm most interested in that "Platinum" one though!
Hey guys, that was my blog post and just saw it was linked to from here - I've been a lurker for ages, so figured I'd finally create an account and reply
Really good find, mate. It's the little stuff like this that always fascinates me.
For different colors, you can do standard colors such as
{c_red}This is my red text{/c}
{c_blue}This is my blue text{/c}
{c_green}This is my green text{/c}
You can also use hex:
{c:FF000000}This is my black text{/c}
{c:FFFF8C00}This is my orange text{/c}
You can also use the colors of the item types and other text:
There are also some icon you can display:
Additionally, you can chat with a different or smaller font size:
{f_alpha_tiny}This is smaller text{/f_alpha_tiny}
Had no idea you could do this.. mind = blown.
D3 Channel: OnetwoD3
Btw, 5-star thread definitely. Hopefully it works on retail.
Cool little trick, I assume they're going to have chat options/color pannel to choose from ultimately.
Probably not. The same type of feature exists in WoW and the only way to get it is to manually enter in the color strings or use a mod like Prat. This will probably be no different, they tend to leave these type of features hidden.
I actually found it some time back, and posted in a paid-for-access D3-gold-making forum (wont link it, but I think some of you are members on it already) and thought I'd release it publicly before someone else did, taking credit for it
At the time I was looking in to whether the Demon Hunter's Ferret Companion rune was still going to make it in to the game, and noticed that the skill texts used the {c_green} (or whatever it was) to add emphasis to the % of something to happen, or damage that would be done. I did some searching and found a whole bunch of "{c_" strings in memory, being used in different places, and decided to just try it in chat, and it worked
I can't remember exactly how I found the icons, I think it had to do with one of the tutorial tooltips that used color as well as the mouse icons, from there I just searched for "{icon:" and found the others. I'm most interested in that "Platinum" one though!
There are some "slash commands" for chat (all available from /? I believe) :
And some "emotes" - which are bound to your numpad by default:
Got a list with 8-char ones?
Been using {c_yellow} a lot in games
Edit: Had it backwards.
The first two digits are the alpha channel. Just prepend your 6-digit color with FF.
Originally Posted by (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Ha. Bagstone.
Really good find, mate. It's the little stuff like this that always fascinates me.