Drawing from the strength of the unformed land, Kifu raised his hands in the air. Chanting a meticulous yet bizzare sounding chant, the ground began to shake. As Kifu's chant became louder the earth shook more violently, forming crevasses in the ground. Slimy green hands reached up from the crevasses. Finally Kifu yelled "UMBAZU TIFI" at the top of his lungs and 3 large and grotesque zombie hounds jumped up out of the ground snarling and ready to fight. Kifu lowered his arms and dropped to his knees, exhausted from the energy consumed to summon these monstrosities from the unformed land.
Kifu reached into the pouch he had resting on his hip. He grabbed a hand full on diseased locusts and pulled them out of the pouch. He threw them towards the onslaught of zombies who were approaching closer and closer. The swarm of plagued locusts quickly consumed the first zombie and wen on to the next. The devoured everything in their path and quickly eliminated the five zombies that were threatening Kifu. The others turned to him and were astonished to see the remains of the zombies on the floor with no signs of fatigue from Kifu. This is when the other members realized the power of Kifu and what he was capable of.
possible ways to use mana without saying mana?
P.S can we get this thing started. Im dying to begin. I was the third to last to create my character when I made him a week ago. The only people to make a character after me was donsro and junction3 who is my friend from work who i encouraged to make one which was still 5 days ago. maybe we could at least post a deadline for anybody else who is still contemplating.
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There are a few that are/may be working on theirs still. (I know of one person that is anyway.)
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Smiling is infectious.
Give, expecting nothing thereof. ------------ BoD - Come have some fun! Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
Drawing from the strength of the unformed land, Kifu raised his hands in the air. Chanting a meticulous yet bizzare sounding chant, the ground began to shake. As Kifu's chant became louder the earth shook more violently, forming crevasses in the ground. Slimy green hands reached up from the crevasses. Finally Kifu yelled "UMBAZU TIFI" at the top of his lungs and 3 large and grotesque zombie hounds jumped up out of the ground snarling and ready to fight. Kifu lowered his arms and dropped to his knees, exhausted from the energy consumed to summon these monstrosities from the unformed land.
Kifu reached into the pouch he had resting on his hip. He grabbed a hand full on diseased locusts and pulled them out of the pouch. He threw them towards the onslaught of zombies who were approaching closer and closer. The swarm of plagued locusts quickly consumed the first zombie and wen on to the next. The devoured everything in their path and quickly eliminated the five zombies that were threatening Kifu. The others turned to him and were astonished to see the remains of the zombies on the floor with no signs of fatigue from Kifu. This is when the other members realized the power of Kifu and what he was capable of.
That would work fine.
P.S can we get this thing started. Im dying to begin. I was the third to last to create my character when I made him a week ago. The only people to make a character after me was donsro and junction3 who is my friend from work who i encouraged to make one which was still 5 days ago. maybe we could at least post a deadline for anybody else who is still contemplating.
While I appriciate your eagerness, you can't just slap a RP together, you have to working things out.
You need to have a solid chunk of the story at least planned out. Characters (NPCs) people will encounter, places they might go, sure we are using Sanctuary, but it's not quite like how we saw it in D1 and D2 (and few people have seen how it's like in D3, not that I have /cry).
I'm trying to think of an example to better explain this, say we were RPing Diablo 2 we start in act 1, Before we started the person running it should of had all of the content, story, characters, places, etc for act 1 done before they started playing. They should also have had Act 2 and a good chunk of Act 3 plotted out. The exact words that characters say, in these 2 acts may not have been all written down, but at least the direction the story is to go is known. And some basic details of act 4, such as a rough idea of what Hell would look like and some key characters, Hadriel, Haephestos, and Diablo of course.
I hope to get some stuff worked out this week.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Of course no problem I am just REALLY excited to start this. Never done one before but I am eager to try it out. I always liked writing even though im not very good.
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Luckily I won't have to worry about magic ^^.
I've got melee combat to worry about though :/.
Speaking of which... how exactly are we supposed to handle melee/ranged combat ?
Do we explain our characters moves/tecnhiques, as well as those of the monsters/people we are fighting ?
I guess I'll write out how I'm assuming we'll be handling combat... correct me if I'm wrong of course.
Ignis heard a deafening roar some twenty feet behind him, and bolted towards a tree as an axe whistled past. The axe grazed his left arm, leaving a several inch gash along the length of his leather sleeve. Ignis swore under his breath, and gathering his senses, peeked out from behind the tree. He saw a brutish red humanoid standing 7 feet tall creeping closer towards him, it carried what looked like a fence post, and had some form of dog leashed to his hand. The dog was an ugly creature, foaming and growling insanely as it barked in Ignis's direction. The red beast caught sight of Ignis once more, and grinned as he let go of the strap that was holding his hound.
The dog streaked towards Ignis, and launched itself at him when it was several feet away. Ignis quickly ducked under, and drawing his katana, thrust it up into the air as the hound sailed overhead. The blade drove into the dog's gut, and tore a deep wound along it's length, the momentum of it's jump becoming it's undoing. The dog hit the ground with a thud, innards spilling out as the force of the fall was dispersed through it's body. The hound barked feebly at Ignis, and after thrasing around for several seconds, went limp.
Distracted, Ignis did not notice the red brute rushing towards him. He looked up in time just to duck out of the way of the makeshift cudgel, and backed up to avoid the next attack. Putting several feet between himself and the brute, Ignis jerked his right hand towards it, which loosed the knife strapped to his arm, and sent it sailing towards the monster. The fiend howled as the knife sunk deep into the flesh of it's shoulder. Seemingly unphased, it rushed Ignis once more and caught him in the shin with his club. Ignis was sent sprawling to the ground, and had to roll aside to avoid a follow up attack.
As his aggressor brought it's club up for another swipe, Ignis threw a handul of dry dirt into it's eyes. The fiend, now barely able to see, was at the mercy of Ignis's blade. Ignis rolled to the side to avoid any further attacks, as the monster was now flailing his club around to defend himself. Ignis drew a knife out of his boot, aimed, and threw it towards it's leg. Luckily, it sunk into it's kneecap, and brought it to the ground with a roar. Ignis wasted no time, drew his second blade, his Wakizashi, with his left hand, and sprinted towards the fiend. In seconds he was upon it, raining blows with right and left blades. After several seconds of constant slices, the beast stopped moving. After a minute of exhausted breathing, Ignis ripped his 2 knives from the beast's kneecap and shoulder.
Ignis tore a tooth from it's maw, added it to a bracelet he kept, before continuing on his merry way.
.... Something like that, I hope ?
Be aware that this is my first time writing out a detailed combat scenario, so I guess it's better to fail at it here, than in the actual RP.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Kk :D.
Didn't know if we were supposed to explain the actions of the monsters or not, seems like that would open up a lot of room for overpowered characters if people don't make their combat realistic, and just say that they kill everything.
Anywho, thanks for clearing it up ^^.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Anyone ever played SotDRP on Warcraft 3?
If you have, you're practicly whoopass at RolePlaying
edit: Hmm, thinking of making a new character and junk Caleum..
Usually thief roles are not as usefull as say, a mage that can tear up the fabric of reality
I have been kind of thinking to do that with Warick, the more and more I think about spell casters, the less appealing to me they are. I kinda like the Death Knight (minus the magic).
Well Party, if you need any help the offer still stands ^^.
Theres quite a few badass looking knight pics in the game I'm playing, I'll get some if you want.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Wow, this game actually doesn't have many good looking mages :/.
Humans are all.... old.
Demons are either evil looking, or demons.
Mountain Clans just look shitty.
And the undead are well.... fucking skeletons.
Oh well :/.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Hmm, a good looking mage would be nice. Possible with a purple robe
Hahaha, that's because I am yet to post my character. Give me a few days, getting enough computer time to type something up and posting it is difficult. I have all the info written up on paper, and pictures saved on my favs, but thats it.
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One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
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It's essentially magical energy of some kind.
Kifu reached into the pouch he had resting on his hip. He grabbed a hand full on diseased locusts and pulled them out of the pouch. He threw them towards the onslaught of zombies who were approaching closer and closer. The swarm of plagued locusts quickly consumed the first zombie and wen on to the next. The devoured everything in their path and quickly eliminated the five zombies that were threatening Kifu. The others turned to him and were astonished to see the remains of the zombies on the floor with no signs of fatigue from Kifu. This is when the other members realized the power of Kifu and what he was capable of.
possible ways to use mana without saying mana?
P.S can we get this thing started. Im dying to begin. I was the third to last to create my character when I made him a week ago. The only people to make a character after me was donsro and junction3 who is my friend from work who i encouraged to make one which was still 5 days ago. maybe we could at least post a deadline for anybody else who is still contemplating.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
Excitement is building for us to get this thing going
That would work fine.
While I appriciate your eagerness, you can't just slap a RP together, you have to working things out.
You need to have a solid chunk of the story at least planned out. Characters (NPCs) people will encounter, places they might go, sure we are using Sanctuary, but it's not quite like how we saw it in D1 and D2 (and few people have seen how it's like in D3, not that I have /cry).
I'm trying to think of an example to better explain this, say we were RPing Diablo 2 we start in act 1, Before we started the person running it should of had all of the content, story, characters, places, etc for act 1 done before they started playing. They should also have had Act 2 and a good chunk of Act 3 plotted out. The exact words that characters say, in these 2 acts may not have been all written down, but at least the direction the story is to go is known. And some basic details of act 4, such as a rough idea of what Hell would look like and some key characters, Hadriel, Haephestos, and Diablo of course.
I hope to get some stuff worked out this week.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
I've got melee combat to worry about though :/.
Speaking of which... how exactly are we supposed to handle melee/ranged combat ?
Do we explain our characters moves/tecnhiques, as well as those of the monsters/people we are fighting ?
I guess I'll write out how I'm assuming we'll be handling combat... correct me if I'm wrong of course.
Ignis heard a deafening roar some twenty feet behind him, and bolted towards a tree as an axe whistled past. The axe grazed his left arm, leaving a several inch gash along the length of his leather sleeve. Ignis swore under his breath, and gathering his senses, peeked out from behind the tree. He saw a brutish red humanoid standing 7 feet tall creeping closer towards him, it carried what looked like a fence post, and had some form of dog leashed to his hand. The dog was an ugly creature, foaming and growling insanely as it barked in Ignis's direction. The red beast caught sight of Ignis once more, and grinned as he let go of the strap that was holding his hound.
The dog streaked towards Ignis, and launched itself at him when it was several feet away. Ignis quickly ducked under, and drawing his katana, thrust it up into the air as the hound sailed overhead. The blade drove into the dog's gut, and tore a deep wound along it's length, the momentum of it's jump becoming it's undoing. The dog hit the ground with a thud, innards spilling out as the force of the fall was dispersed through it's body. The hound barked feebly at Ignis, and after thrasing around for several seconds, went limp.
Distracted, Ignis did not notice the red brute rushing towards him. He looked up in time just to duck out of the way of the makeshift cudgel, and backed up to avoid the next attack. Putting several feet between himself and the brute, Ignis jerked his right hand towards it, which loosed the knife strapped to his arm, and sent it sailing towards the monster. The fiend howled as the knife sunk deep into the flesh of it's shoulder. Seemingly unphased, it rushed Ignis once more and caught him in the shin with his club. Ignis was sent sprawling to the ground, and had to roll aside to avoid a follow up attack.
As his aggressor brought it's club up for another swipe, Ignis threw a handul of dry dirt into it's eyes. The fiend, now barely able to see, was at the mercy of Ignis's blade. Ignis rolled to the side to avoid any further attacks, as the monster was now flailing his club around to defend himself. Ignis drew a knife out of his boot, aimed, and threw it towards it's leg. Luckily, it sunk into it's kneecap, and brought it to the ground with a roar. Ignis wasted no time, drew his second blade, his Wakizashi, with his left hand, and sprinted towards the fiend. In seconds he was upon it, raining blows with right and left blades. After several seconds of constant slices, the beast stopped moving. After a minute of exhausted breathing, Ignis ripped his 2 knives from the beast's kneecap and shoulder.
Ignis tore a tooth from it's maw, added it to a bracelet he kept, before continuing on his merry way.
.... Something like that, I hope ?
Be aware that this is my first time writing out a detailed combat scenario, so I guess it's better to fail at it here, than in the actual RP.
I'd project a start point (and therefore character deadline) of Friday, this week. Maybe Sunday. Probably Friday.
Didn't know if we were supposed to explain the actions of the monsters or not, seems like that would open up a lot of room for overpowered characters if people don't make their combat realistic, and just say that they kill everything.
Anywho, thanks for clearing it up ^^.
Having trouble finding a pic of like a dark/black knight
edit: found one w00t!
Theres quite a few badass looking knight pics in the game I'm playing, I'll get some if you want.
Orare you down with normal mages as well ?
And do you want evil looking mages, or good ones ?
Humans are all.... old.
Demons are either evil looking, or demons.
Mountain Clans just look shitty.
And the undead are well.... fucking skeletons.
Oh well :/.
Hahaha, that's because I am yet to post my character. Give me a few days, getting enough computer time to type something up and posting it is difficult. I have all the info written up on paper, and pictures saved on my favs, but thats it.
One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku