It will now follow you, help you, and aid you in battle.
The whole Pinky race is now your ally.
You gain 1 Evo Point and 25 EXP.
One of the Pinkies re-produces.
You can barely see the little Pinky in the water.
You think it would be nice to have better eye sight.
You sense the large presence again.
The Pinkies don't react.
Maybe they have seen it before.
(You are the thing in the middle...)
A) Go to the large presence Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
C) Attack the Pinkies!
D) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
E) Stay (Something might happen...)
F) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
G) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
1) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Passive) (Additional damage) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20%. EP - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40%. EP - 9
(More to come)
_____________________________ OOC:
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
_____________________________ OOC:
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
And... POP! You grew a mouth with fairly sharp teeth, increasing your attack damage.
You want to reproduce, and the best chance you have is Pinky.
You smoothly move up to Pinky, and begin to show your affection.
Fail. Pinky does not respond.
The other Pinkies swim off.
The large presence is coming closer.
A) Go to the large presence Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
C) Attack the Pinkies!
D) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
E) Stay (Something might happen...)
F) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
G) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
1) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
_____________________________ OOC:
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
The colour of the liquid changes, as does the direction.
The liquid is more dense, and pulls you off into a different direction.
Pinky is not too far behind you.
You sense the presence of something large. Very large.
You think you see more cells.
Pinky is behind you.
You gain 1 Evo Point and 20 EXP for your first exploration.
A) Go to the large presence Go to one of the other cells
C) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
D) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
E) Stay (Something might happen...)
F) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
G) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
1) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
_____________________________ OOC:
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
You realise they are actually sucking juice out of this large presence.
These cells look tough.
Primary votes (Must vote):
A) Bite and suck the large presence Attempt to communicate with the cells
C) Attack one of the cells
D) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
E) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
F) Stay (Something might happen...)
Seconday votes (Do not have to vote):
1) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
2) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
3) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
_____________________________ OOC:
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
Primary votes (Must vote):
A) Continue sucking Attempt to communicate with the cells
C) Attack one of the cells
D) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
E) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
F) Stay (Something might happen...)
Seconday votes (Do not have to vote):
1) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
2) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
3) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
BLOB Brain LVL - 1/5 EXP - 195/200
HP - 5/5 SP - 3/3 TH - 5 (+20% for 2 turns) ATK - 5 (+20% for 2 turns) DEF - 7 (+20% for 2 turns) SPD - 2 (+20% for 2 turns) Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use) LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage) LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 2
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!) Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5 SP - 3/3 TH - 5 (+20% for 2 turns) ATK - 4 (+20% for 2 turns) DEF - 4 (+20% for 2 turns) SPD - 4 (+20% for 2 turns) Sight - 2/6
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
_____________________________ OOC:
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
They're two times our size and already started to get angry.
I say B, try to communicate but that probably won't change anything.
Ah and, Kamrad, is there no kind of map? Or at least memorize location names? Can we not go back to the pink fluid for example, where Pinkies friends are?
The massive cell is now almost down to half it's original size.
It seems to you that it does not have any other body parts, except for the body itself.
The other cells are slightly more angered as it is shrinking too quickly.
You gain 1 Evo Point and 25 EXP.
You feel much stronger.
Your Brain Level increased!
Primary votes (Must vote):
A) Continue sucking Attempt to communicate with the cells
C) Attack one of the cells
D) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
E) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
F) Stay (Something might happen...)
Seconday votes (Do not have to vote):
1) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
2) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
3) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
BLOB Brain LVL - 2/5 (LEVEL UP!) EXP - 20/400
HP - 5/5 SP - 3/3 TH - 5 (+40% for 3 turns) ATK - 5 (+40% for 3 turns) DEF - 7 (+40% for 3 turns) SPD - 2 (+40% for 3 turns) Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use) LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage) LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 3
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!) Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5 SP - 3/3 TH - 5 (+40% for 3 turns) ATK - 4 (+40% for 3 turns) DEF - 4 (+40% for 3 turns) SPD - 4 (+40% for 3 turns) Sight - 2/6
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
_____________________________ OOC:
You cell has just increased it's Brain Level.
Select 3 main stats you which to level up.
The 3 stats the have recieved the most votes will be increased, the amount it is increased is detemined by the cell's main body type (You are defence), so make sure you select the best stats that you think will increase the most.
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
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(You are the thing in the middle...)
A) Go to the large presence
C) Attack the Pinkies!
D) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
E) Stay (Something might happen...)
F) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
G) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
1) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Brain LVL - 1/5
EXP - 125/200
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 3
DEF - 7
SPD - 2
Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use)
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 3
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!)
Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 4
DEF - 4
SPD - 4
Sight - 2/6
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Passive) (Additional damage) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20%. EP - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40%. EP - 9
(More to come)
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
New skills added.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
You can choose either one, or both.
If there are three or more votes with evolve, then time will freeze, then every one votes for a part to evolve/skill to learn.
EDIT: Tomorrow.
Time freeze.
You have 3 Evo Points to spend.
Spend them wisely.
3 or more votes on a part will be the winning evolution.
Brain LVL - 1/5
EXP - 125/200
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 3
DEF - 7
SPD - 2
Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use)
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 3
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!)
Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 4
DEF - 4
SPD - 4
Sight - 2/6
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
New skills added.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
That is correct :]
I need a breaker!
A) Go to the large presence
C) Attack the Pinkies!
D) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
E) Stay (Something might happen...)
F) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
G) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
1) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Brain LVL - 1/5
EXP - 125/200
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 5
DEF - 7
SPD - 2
Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use)
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 0
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!)
Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 4
DEF - 4
SPD - 4
Sight - 2/6
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
New skills added.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
A) Go to the large presence
C) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
D) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
E) Stay (Something might happen...)
F) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
G) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
1) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Brain LVL - 1/5
EXP - 145/200
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 5
DEF - 7
SPD - 2
Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use)
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 1
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!)
Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 4
DEF - 4
SPD - 4
Sight - 2/6
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
New skills added.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
Primary votes (Must vote):
A) Bite and suck the large presence
C) Attack one of the cells
D) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
E) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
F) Stay (Something might happen...)
Seconday votes (Do not have to vote):
1) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
2) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
3) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Brain LVL - 1/5
EXP - 145/200
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 5
DEF - 7
SPD - 2
Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use)
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 1
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!)
Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5
ATK - 4
DEF - 4
SPD - 4
Sight - 2/6
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
New skills added.
ANYONE is welcome to join!
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
Primary votes (Must vote):
A) Continue sucking
C) Attack one of the cells
D) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
E) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
F) Stay (Something might happen...)
Seconday votes (Do not have to vote):
1) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
2) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
3) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Brain LVL - 1/5
EXP - 195/200
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5 (+20% for 2 turns)
ATK - 5 (+20% for 2 turns)
DEF - 7 (+20% for 2 turns)
SPD - 2 (+20% for 2 turns)
Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use)
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 2
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!)
Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5 (+20% for 2 turns)
ATK - 4 (+20% for 2 turns)
DEF - 4 (+20% for 2 turns)
SPD - 4 (+20% for 2 turns)
Sight - 2/6
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D
New skills added.
Nope :]
Your cell has no idea where he is.
Primary votes (Must vote):
A) Continue sucking
C) Attack one of the cells
D) Mate with Pinky (25% chance of reproduction)
E) Move somewhere else (Let's see what else we can find)
F) Stay (Something might happen...)
Seconday votes (Do not have to vote):
1) Eat the red cell (Replenishes HP by 1)
2) Eat the yellow cell (Replenishes SP by 1)
3) EVOLVE! (Time freeze)
Brain LVL - 2/5 (LEVEL UP!)
EXP - 20/400
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5 (+40% for 3 turns)
ATK - 5 (+40% for 3 turns)
DEF - 7 (+40% for 3 turns)
SPD - 2 (+40% for 3 turns)
Sight - 1/6
SKILLS (3 or more votes to use)
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Evo Points (EP) - 3
PINKY (You do not control Pinky!)
Brain LVL - 1/5
HP - 5/5
SP - 3/3
TH - 5 (+40% for 3 turns)
ATK - 4 (+40% for 3 turns)
DEF - 4 (+40% for 3 turns)
SPD - 4 (+40% for 3 turns)
Sight - 2/6
LVL 1/3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
Change Colour - 2 EP
Translucent Skin - 4 EP (Skill: Hides your organism)
Small Eye - 3 EP (Increases sight by 2)
Normal Eye - 6 EP (Increases sight by 4 and TH by 2)
Large Eye - 9 EP (Increases sight by 6 and TH by 4)
Small Flagella - 4 EP (Increases SPD by 3)
Normal Flagella - 6 EP (Increases SPD by 6)
Pump - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
Fin - 5 EP (Increases SPD by 4)
legs - 10 EP (Increases SPD by 8)
Mouth - 3 EP (Increases ATK by 2)
Pincers - 6 EP (Increases ATK by 4)
Spike - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 4 and TH by 1)
Poison Spike - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 6, poison enemy for 3 turns dealing up to 3 DMG)
Small claw - 8 EP (Increases ATK by 6)
Claw - 10 EP (Increases ATK by 8)
Squishy Skin - 5 EP (Increases DEF by 3)
Hard Skin - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Electric skin - 18 EP (Increases DEF by 10, ATK by 5 and 50% chance to stun enemy for 2 turns)
Soft Shell - 7 EP (Increases DEF by 5)
Comfy Shell - 9 EP (Increases DEF by 7)
Hard shell - 12 EP (Increases DEF by 9)
Steel Shell - 15 EP (Increases DEF by 12)
(You can sell skill back for 1/2 the original price)
(EP cost is the same as SP Cost)
LVL /3 Bash (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 (Already owned) - 50% chance to deal 1.5x the damage. SP Cost - 3
LVL 2 - 50% chance to deal 1.7x the damage. SP Cost - 5
LVL 3 - 50% chance to deal 2x the damage. SP Cost - 7
LVL /3 Bubble Blast (Active) (Single Attack) (Ranged) (Requires a mouth)
LVL 1 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 50% chance of hit. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Fire a powerful bubble at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Fire 2 powerful bubbles at an enemy in the area, 100% chance of hit. SP Cost - 9
LVL /3 Clone (Active) (Test Dummy) (Requires LVL 2 Brain)
LVL 1 - Make one copy of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 5
LVL 2 - Make two copies of yourself, cannot attack, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 7
LVL 3 - Make two copies of yourself, can attack, half of your own stats, dies after being attacked. SP Cost - 10 (Requires LVL 3 Brain)
LVL /3 Frenzy (Active) (Additional damage)
LVL 1 - Go into a frenzy attacking 2 enemies at once, dealing 20% more DMG. SP Cost - 7
LVL 2 - Go into a frenzy attacking 3 enemies at once, dealing 40% more DMG. SP Cost - 10
LVL 3 - Go into a frenzy attacking all enemies at once, dealing 60% more DMG. SP Cost - 13
LVL /2 Cell Power (Buff) (Only Cell Phase)
LVL 1 - Increases damage of your cell by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases damage of your cell by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
LVL /2 Iron Man (Buff)
LVL 1 - Increases defence by 20% for 2 turns. SP Cost - 6
LVL 2 - Increases defence by 40% for 3 turns. SP Cost - 9
(More to come)
You cell has just increased it's Brain Level.
Select 3 main stats you which to level up.
The 3 stats the have recieved the most votes will be increased, the amount it is increased is detemined by the cell's main body type (You are defence), so make sure you select the best stats that you think will increase the most.
If I missed anything or made an error just tell me ;D