"I normally don't drink alcohol, because of some reasons I rather keep to myself, but... I think I'll go all out tonight. I gonna have a drink or two here then go somewhere else and get some food. I am hungry for some delicious fish." At this, Scorpius starts salivating at the mouth, which is a weird sight to see with him being a genetically engineered scorpion.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
"HEY, Hippo, give me eight more shots of whiskey will ya'" Dorf yelled out to the animitronic hippo. The hippo quickly dispensed the eight drink and brought them back to Dorf. Dorf grabbed two drinks in each hand and raised them up in the air. Throwing his head back, he poured all eight drinks into his mouth at once.
"That's what I am talking about." Dorf exclaimed. He reached into his pockets and pulled the remainder of his money from his pocket.
"Here you go" Dorf said as he threw the remainder of his money at the hippo.
"Well boys, I'm all out of money. I guess that means it is time to go find some work for us." Dorf got up from his chair and exited the bar. He went outside as the sun glared into his eyes. For a brief second he felt like he was on Bormunth again. Dorf rubbed his eyes and began looking up and down the streets.
"It's going to be hard to find some dirty work on this clean planet." Dorf thought to himself.
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Oltu walks into the rainforest themed bar knowing that the yelling and ruckus had to be Dorf and the rest of the group. As he pushed back the vines that made up the door he sees Dorf throwing back 8 shots at once.He's not gonna be flying us anywhere tonight, Oltu thinks to himself,I hope I wont either when I'm done here too.
Oltu walks up to the table and sits down at one of the open chairs. Meth, a stowaway on board is finishing a vodka with a jagerbomb. The hippo waiter come back over to the table to serve Oltu.
"Start me off with a pint of your finiest beer and a glass of whiskey," Oltu tells the hippo waiter before it zooms off to get his drinks.
Oltu turns back to the table to hear Dorf leaving since he's spent all his money.
"Dorf, wait, you paid for the fuel, have a couple beers on me," Oltu tells him waving him back over as the hippo waiter puts Oltu's requests in front of him.
Oltu throws his head back and drinks the whiskey followed with sips from his beer.
"Alright, I had enough alcohol to give me a buzz. I'm gonna go to a place that serves some magnificent fish." Lt. Venom's new cloak is now soaked in Scorpion saliva. "...And after we eat, I gotta do some laundry." Venom then heads for the door, paying the hippo on the way out for his second drink.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Kayden woke up to the silence of an empty ship. He rolled out of bed, feeling the shock of pain from the bio mortar that cauterized his wounds. It hasn't subsided much, so I must not have slept long. He steps outside his room to find a bag of money, larger than expected, and a thin piece of metal that he recognized as a communicator. I'll need to get a coat and hat to cover up. He thought to himself, since his gang didn't have the best of reputations here on New Earth. And the emblem on his armor is an open invitation for somebody to start trouble, something that the Revenants don't need.
He steps off the ship, and heads straight for the nearest clothing shop, and digs up a worn, dark brown duster coat, and a dark brown western hat. Both have seen much better days. He payed for the clothing and made his way outside to the alley behind the shop. He pulled the duster on and left it unbuttoned, just covering the insignia, but still allowing him to get to his now concealed maul if he had to. He took off his helmet, pushed a button on the inside. The helmet folded in on itself, becoming no more than a curved thin strip of metal, which he held at his left side, magnetically fastening it to his hip. Kayden then pulled the hat down just above his eyebrows, casting a perfect shadow across his face.
Kayden then made his way down the main street, and eventually came upon a couple of themed bars. A rainforest themed bar, and a western themed bar. Well I'll fit in just fine. He thought as he made his way inside the western bar. As soon as he walked in, he noticed a group men with matching cropped haircuts and perfectly creased pants, obviously military pilots on leave. Best to avoid these guys. He thought to himself as he discretely made his way to the other end of the bar. "Barkeep, get me a bottle of whiskey."
The bartender, dressed as a cattleman, pulled a bottle of whiskey from the middle shelf and was about to set it down when Kayden interrupted.
"I don't think so. Get me the good stuff, one of those bottles on the bottom shelf." He said, slapping a wad of cash on the table.
This is a day for celebrating. He thought, pouring a shot and tossing it down his throat. He immediately refilled the glass and pounded it down as well. The perfect start to a good day.
"Dorf, wait, you paid for the fuel, have a couple beers on me," Dorf hears Oltu say as he began walking away from the bar.
"Thanks for the offer Oltu but I think I am going to go look for some jobs for us" Dorf replied.
Dorf began walking the streets trying to find any area that wasn't so perfect as most of New Earth was. He stumbled around a bit as the 8 shots he had recently taken started to make their way through his body. Dorf began to get dizzy as everything around him started spinning. Then, with a giant thud, Dorf's body collapsed to the ground.
"Perhaps eight at once was too much." Dorf thought to himself.
Dorf managed to get himself back onto his two feet after lying down for a second.
"Good thing no one saw that, that would have been embarrassing" Dorf said quietly under his breath.
"I saw that" a strange voice said in a back alley next to where Dorf just fell down.
Dorf turned around and saw a Reptylia hunched over in the corner of the alley.
"Oh, uh, hey. Whatcha doin'" Dorf said trying to change the subject of his fall.
"Looking for you" the Reptylia replied back.
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Putting the fork down on the empty plate and finishing off the the second glass of iced tea, Venom and Scorpius sated themselves and still have some money to spend on some new fishing gear. While waiting for the waitress to comeback and give Venom the check, Lt. Venom then looks at the map, "Pretty good map considering how cheap it was." "Yeah it is a good map, umm... sorry for drooling all over your new cloak." "It's alright," Venom replied as the waitress handed him the check, "Ok, lets head back to the ship." Venom gets up and walks out the door, stopping to pay for the meals.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
"You are Dorf of the Revenants aren't you?" the lizard asked Dorf.
"Why, yes I am" Dorf responded trying to stand erect and proud while still tipsy from the drinks.
"Good, my leader sent me here secretly to scout and find you. My name is slith and I come from the Ungaru tribe on the southern island of Segwen. We need your help back on Fauna. Another tribe has threatened to take our land and unfortunately our tribe lacks the numbers needed to face them. My leader is willing to offer a handsome reward as well as promise of a safe haven if and when your team should need it. After all, you might find a hard time finding someone accepting of you guys on Fauna." the Reptylia explained.
"Consider us your allies then" Dorf exclaimed to Slith. "I shall gather my men and we can be there in two days." Dorf added.
"Glad to hear it." Slith replied as he sunk back into the shadows and disappeared from Dorf's sight.
Dorf made his way back to the ship and sent out a message to everyone's holographic communicators.
"Everyone, return to the ship immediately. We have another job waiting for us on Fauna." was all Dorf said keeping the message direct and to the point.
Dorf then made his way back to the cockpit of the ship and readied the ship for take off.
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Suddenly, as Venom reached for the doors to the ship, the communicator lit up and burst into a dark green flame as a voice was heard. "Everyone, return to the ship immediately. We have another job waiting for us on Fauna." "That sounds like Dorf." Scorpius said after the message was relayed. "Yes, we get to go to Fauna and not get eaten alive." Venom replied, "I always wanted to go fishing there." Venom and Scorpius then board the ship and head to the kitchen to grab an extra large coffee with sugar as they wait.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Kayden was about half way through the bottle of whiskey when the communicator crackled with static as Dorf's voice announced that it was time to head back to the ship.
"Son of a bitch! Just as I get some time to myself, these bastards call me back again"
"Is there a problem?" A well built, ugly human asks. "Mister, you better mind your own business and get out of my way."
"Uhuh" The man steps aside, fingering the hilt of a blade hanging from his belt.
Kayden heads outside, to find that the sun has gone down. Kayden finally feels at ease in his element. Just when he starts down the street on his way back to the ship, Kayden's helmet sensors pick up somebody moving at a quick pace from behind. Kayden takes a turn into an alley, and moves swiftly to the shadows while engaging his cloaking field.
The burly man from the bar comes running around the corner, with his short energy sword at the ready.
Kayden waits patiently for the man to jog past where he is hiding. As he does, Kayden gets up and moves quickly and silently behind the burly man, the dampers in Kayden's boots working flawlessly. The twin blades on Kayden's left wrist extend to their full 18" length. He pulls his arm back, and slams it into the man's left shoulder. At the same time, Kayden bends the bar patron's right arm behind his back, feeling the pop of a couple ligaments in the man's shoulder. The shortblade falls to the ground.
"Aaaahhhhh!!! My arm!!!"
"The only reason you aren't dead right now," Kayden says in a deep menacing voice, "is because I have simply, killed too many today."
"Do not try to follow me, because I will know."
"Who... who are you?"said the man in a gasping, pained voice. "Kayden Darkstryde, Hardblood of the Kiss of Midnight gang."As he said this, Kayden kicks the man away. The wrist blades doing more damage coming out than they did going in, and now the man's left arm barely hangs on by a few strands of muscle and sinew.
"Shiiii..." The man trails off, as he falls limp to the ground in a pool of his own blood.
Kayden disappears back into the shadows, and runs to the ship. He decloaks just as he rounds the corner to the docking bay, slowing to a brisk walk. Kayden walks into the cargo bay, and heads to his room to wash the blood off his blade. He walks past the ship's armory and see's a man that he hasn't met before, just sitting on a bench, working on some goggles.
Kayden moves toward the man, adrenaline still pumping, ready to gut this man like a fish if he tries anything.
"Who are you? And what are you doing inside this ship?"
Kayden retracts the blades on his left arm, and extends a friendly hand, still a little cautious.
"I apologize for my bluntness, I ran into trouble on the way back to the ship. I'm Kayden, welcome aboard." Kayden says, realizing the man is telling the truth.
Just as Zip was finishing the last of his pitcher, he got a message from Dorf saying to head to the ship. He sipped his last beer, inserted a bill into the hippos mouth and started running to the ship.
Once he got in the ship Zip realized that he wanted to sober up. He went to the kitchen and poured himself coffee. Venom was already there, Zip walked up to Venom and asked, "So how did you two meet?"
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I'll be damned if I have to climb another tree. From now on the Squirrels and Birds can come to me.
"So how did you two meet?" Zip asked the Lieutenant. "We ran into each other here on New Earth, when I went to the lab to pick up some stuff." answered Venom. "I wanted to do some traveling instead of sitting in a big room sized cage all day, so I joined him and we have been traveling together ever since." Scorpius said, reflecting upon the past. "He and I work very well together and it is his poison that is on my daggers." Venom said, showing Zip the Daggers lined with the poison.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Dorf watched as the remainders of The Revenants boarded the ship. After everyone was on board, Dorf returned to the cock pit and slammed his fist down onto the giant red "GO" button. The ship lifted from New Earth and broke from its orbit. Setting the autopilot to the coordinates for Fauna, Dorf made his way to the kitchen.
"Hey" Dorf said to Lt.Venom, Scorpius and Zip. He sat down at the table with him.
"I'd be careful once we get to Fauna. You know they don't like your kind much there." Dorf explained as he unwrapped his hand to see how it was healing after holding of the jaws from the giant T-Rex.
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Before Anyone could respond to Dorf, The ship began flashing red as a blaring signal echoed throughout the ships hull. Dorf stood up and ran for the cockpit of the ship. Dorf saw Fauna much closer then he expected. A message flashed on the screen "IMPACT"
"What happened to the autopilot?" Dorf thought to himself. Dorf sat in his pilot's chair and grabbed all four of the control sticks. He pulled up on them as hard as he could, attempting to pull the ship to avoid crashing. He pulled so hard that one of the controllers broke off. As he continued his effort the ship slowly began changing direction as the nose of the ship leveled out.
The ship hit the planet with a violent crash as the ship skidded across the terrain knocking down tress until it finally hit a body of water and come to a stop.
Dorf took a brief second of relief before turning on the intercom.
"Sorry about the rough landing." Dorf said to the passengers of the ship, "but the good new is that we are here. Everybody prepare for the mission, Oltu and I will of speak to the leader of the tribe and report back when it is time for some action."
Dorf walked over to Oltu's room and beckoned him to come with him as they departed the ship. Dorf followed the coordinates on his map to the tribe's location.
"Hey, we're here to see the leader." Dorf explained to the two Reptylia standing outside of a gate that housed the tribe.
"We've been expecting you" The Reptylia answered as they opened the door. They lead Dorf and Oltu to a large hut that was ornately decorated.
"Inside" one of the Reptylia commanded.
Dorf and Oltu walked inside the hut to see a large Reptylia sitting in a chair.
"Glad you could make it. My name is Turok and I am the leader of the Ungaru tribe. The tribe to the south of us have been planning a takeover of our land and I can not let this happen. Unfortunately they outnumber us two to one and I am afraid it is a fight we can not win on our own. That is why I have enlisted the help of you and your Revenants to help us fight off the Umbazi tribe. My scouts have infiltrated their camp and they plan to attack soon. I must ask you guys to invade their camp and attack before they get a chance to attack us. I will send as many warriors as I can with you to aid in your fight. Here are their coordinates." The Reptylia toosed a map with their coordiantes to Dorf.
"What do we get out of this?" Dorf asked the leader.
"You will be rewarded with what ever money we can spare as well as a promsie to house you are your team when ever you need it."
"That will work, an ally can always be useful in times like these."
With that said, Dorf and Oltu left the camp with two dozen other Reptylia. They made their way back to their ship as they informed the other Revenants of their mission.
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As the ship crash landed on the surface of Fauna, Scorpius shot off Lt. Venom's shoulder and smashed into a wall. He quickly got to his feet, sputtering curses worse than a pissed-off, retired marine. Venom quickly stabilized himself before he followed the same fate. "Goddamn it! The ship had damn better be in a stable condition or I will be pissed!"
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Oltu was thrown from his bed as the ship came to a crashing halt upon the surface of Fauna. Dorf's voice then came over the intercome, apologizing for their landing, but reassuring them of the new job at hand. Oltu stood up and stretched before slipping his robe back over his head. The door to his room slide open, revealing Dorf on the other side, who waved him to follow him.
Dorf and Oltu arrived on the Ungaru tribal grounds where they were then lead to their leader by two Reptylia. After Dorf and Oltu were informed about the leaders fears of the rival tribe before Dorf and the leader made agreements of payment. After terms were settled, Dorf and Oltu made their way back to their ship with a decent handful of Ungaru Reptylia to help them fight the rival tribe.
"Hopefully our ship wont need much repair," Oltu said to Dorf as they arrived back on their ship, "Why did we crash anyway? Could it be that some sensors are off?"
"Hopefully, nothing some of these humans shouldn't be able to repair. The autopilot was probably thrown off since they don't have any sensory beckons on this planet, the ship couldn't tell where it was. Damn Fauna and their lack of tech." Dorf answered.
"alright boys let's move out" Dorf commanded as they headed towards the camp of the Umbazi tribe.
Dorf watched as some of the Reptylia became nearly invisible to his sight even with his four eyes. The Reptylia quickly spread out as they attempted to encircle the camp.
Dorf looked at his team and instructed "We will be flanking them from all sides. We will take no prisoners and show no mercy. We are being paid to eliminate this tribe and that is what we will do."
Dorf headed to the front entrance of the camp, standing in the brush with his sight aimed on the main gate.
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"Enjoy your drink, snort, snort, snort"
Zip looked around and saw the place packed with animatrons and humans.
"Hopefully we dont find any trouble here." Zip thought to himself.
"That's what I am talking about." Dorf exclaimed. He reached into his pockets and pulled the remainder of his money from his pocket.
"Here you go" Dorf said as he threw the remainder of his money at the hippo.
"Well boys, I'm all out of money. I guess that means it is time to go find some work for us." Dorf got up from his chair and exited the bar. He went outside as the sun glared into his eyes. For a brief second he felt like he was on Bormunth again. Dorf rubbed his eyes and began looking up and down the streets.
"It's going to be hard to find some dirty work on this clean planet." Dorf thought to himself.
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Oltu walks up to the table and sits down at one of the open chairs. Meth, a stowaway on board is finishing a vodka with a jagerbomb. The hippo waiter come back over to the table to serve Oltu.
"Start me off with a pint of your finiest beer and a glass of whiskey," Oltu tells the hippo waiter before it zooms off to get his drinks.
Oltu turns back to the table to hear Dorf leaving since he's spent all his money.
"Dorf, wait, you paid for the fuel, have a couple beers on me," Oltu tells him waving him back over as the hippo waiter puts Oltu's requests in front of him.
Oltu throws his head back and drinks the whiskey followed with sips from his beer.
He steps off the ship, and heads straight for the nearest clothing shop, and digs up a worn, dark brown duster coat, and a dark brown western hat. Both have seen much better days. He payed for the clothing and made his way outside to the alley behind the shop. He pulled the duster on and left it unbuttoned, just covering the insignia, but still allowing him to get to his now concealed maul if he had to. He took off his helmet, pushed a button on the inside. The helmet folded in on itself, becoming no more than a curved thin strip of metal, which he held at his left side, magnetically fastening it to his hip. Kayden then pulled the hat down just above his eyebrows, casting a perfect shadow across his face.
Kayden then made his way down the main street, and eventually came upon a couple of themed bars. A rainforest themed bar, and a western themed bar. Well I'll fit in just fine. He thought as he made his way inside the western bar. As soon as he walked in, he noticed a group men with matching cropped haircuts and perfectly creased pants, obviously military pilots on leave. Best to avoid these guys. He thought to himself as he discretely made his way to the other end of the bar. "Barkeep, get me a bottle of whiskey."
The bartender, dressed as a cattleman, pulled a bottle of whiskey from the middle shelf and was about to set it down when Kayden interrupted.
"I don't think so. Get me the good stuff, one of those bottles on the bottom shelf." He said, slapping a wad of cash on the table.
This is a day for celebrating. He thought, pouring a shot and tossing it down his throat. He immediately refilled the glass and pounded it down as well. The perfect start to a good day.
"Thanks for the offer Oltu but I think I am going to go look for some jobs for us" Dorf replied.
Dorf began walking the streets trying to find any area that wasn't so perfect as most of New Earth was. He stumbled around a bit as the 8 shots he had recently taken started to make their way through his body. Dorf began to get dizzy as everything around him started spinning. Then, with a giant thud, Dorf's body collapsed to the ground.
"Perhaps eight at once was too much." Dorf thought to himself.
Dorf managed to get himself back onto his two feet after lying down for a second.
"Good thing no one saw that, that would have been embarrassing" Dorf said quietly under his breath.
"I saw that" a strange voice said in a back alley next to where Dorf just fell down.
Dorf turned around and saw a Reptylia hunched over in the corner of the alley.
"Oh, uh, hey. Whatcha doin'" Dorf said trying to change the subject of his fall.
"Looking for you" the Reptylia replied back.
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"You are Dorf of the Revenants aren't you?" the lizard asked Dorf.
"Why, yes I am" Dorf responded trying to stand erect and proud while still tipsy from the drinks.
"Good, my leader sent me here secretly to scout and find you. My name is slith and I come from the Ungaru tribe on the southern island of Segwen. We need your help back on Fauna. Another tribe has threatened to take our land and unfortunately our tribe lacks the numbers needed to face them. My leader is willing to offer a handsome reward as well as promise of a safe haven if and when your team should need it. After all, you might find a hard time finding someone accepting of you guys on Fauna." the Reptylia explained.
"Consider us your allies then" Dorf exclaimed to Slith. "I shall gather my men and we can be there in two days." Dorf added.
"Glad to hear it." Slith replied as he sunk back into the shadows and disappeared from Dorf's sight.
Dorf made his way back to the ship and sent out a message to everyone's holographic communicators.
"Everyone, return to the ship immediately. We have another job waiting for us on Fauna." was all Dorf said keeping the message direct and to the point.
Dorf then made his way back to the cockpit of the ship and readied the ship for take off.
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"Son of a bitch! Just as I get some time to myself, these bastards call me back again"
"Is there a problem?" A well built, ugly human asks.
"Mister, you better mind your own business and get out of my way."
"Uhuh" The man steps aside, fingering the hilt of a blade hanging from his belt.
Kayden heads outside, to find that the sun has gone down. Kayden finally feels at ease in his element. Just when he starts down the street on his way back to the ship, Kayden's helmet sensors pick up somebody moving at a quick pace from behind. Kayden takes a turn into an alley, and moves swiftly to the shadows while engaging his cloaking field.
The burly man from the bar comes running around the corner, with his short energy sword at the ready.
Kayden waits patiently for the man to jog past where he is hiding. As he does, Kayden gets up and moves quickly and silently behind the burly man, the dampers in Kayden's boots working flawlessly. The twin blades on Kayden's left wrist extend to their full 18" length. He pulls his arm back, and slams it into the man's left shoulder. At the same time, Kayden bends the bar patron's right arm behind his back, feeling the pop of a couple ligaments in the man's shoulder. The shortblade falls to the ground.
"Aaaahhhhh!!! My arm!!!"
"The only reason you aren't dead right now," Kayden says in a deep menacing voice, "is because I have simply, killed too many today."
"Do not try to follow me, because I will know."
"Who... who are you?" said the man in a gasping, pained voice.
"Kayden Darkstryde, Hardblood of the Kiss of Midnight gang."As he said this, Kayden kicks the man away. The wrist blades doing more damage coming out than they did going in, and now the man's left arm barely hangs on by a few strands of muscle and sinew.
"Shiiii..." The man trails off, as he falls limp to the ground in a pool of his own blood.
Kayden disappears back into the shadows, and runs to the ship. He decloaks just as he rounds the corner to the docking bay, slowing to a brisk walk. Kayden walks into the cargo bay, and heads to his room to wash the blood off his blade. He walks past the ship's armory and see's a man that he hasn't met before, just sitting on a bench, working on some goggles.
Kayden moves toward the man, adrenaline still pumping, ready to gut this man like a fish if he tries anything.
"Who are you? And what are you doing inside this ship?"
"I apologize for my bluntness, I ran into trouble on the way back to the ship. I'm Kayden, welcome aboard." Kayden says, realizing the man is telling the truth.
"So what is your specialty?"
Once he got in the ship Zip realized that he wanted to sober up. He went to the kitchen and poured himself coffee. Venom was already there, Zip walked up to Venom and asked, "So how did you two meet?"
"Hey" Dorf said to Lt.Venom, Scorpius and Zip. He sat down at the table with him.
"I'd be careful once we get to Fauna. You know they don't like your kind much there." Dorf explained as he unwrapped his hand to see how it was healing after holding of the jaws from the giant T-Rex.
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"What happened to the autopilot?" Dorf thought to himself. Dorf sat in his pilot's chair and grabbed all four of the control sticks. He pulled up on them as hard as he could, attempting to pull the ship to avoid crashing. He pulled so hard that one of the controllers broke off. As he continued his effort the ship slowly began changing direction as the nose of the ship leveled out.
The ship hit the planet with a violent crash as the ship skidded across the terrain knocking down tress until it finally hit a body of water and come to a stop.
Dorf took a brief second of relief before turning on the intercom.
"Sorry about the rough landing." Dorf said to the passengers of the ship, "but the good new is that we are here. Everybody prepare for the mission, Oltu and I will of speak to the leader of the tribe and report back when it is time for some action."
Dorf walked over to Oltu's room and beckoned him to come with him as they departed the ship. Dorf followed the coordinates on his map to the tribe's location.
"Hey, we're here to see the leader." Dorf explained to the two Reptylia standing outside of a gate that housed the tribe.
"We've been expecting you" The Reptylia answered as they opened the door. They lead Dorf and Oltu to a large hut that was ornately decorated.
"Inside" one of the Reptylia commanded.
Dorf and Oltu walked inside the hut to see a large Reptylia sitting in a chair.
"Glad you could make it. My name is Turok and I am the leader of the Ungaru tribe. The tribe to the south of us have been planning a takeover of our land and I can not let this happen. Unfortunately they outnumber us two to one and I am afraid it is a fight we can not win on our own. That is why I have enlisted the help of you and your Revenants to help us fight off the Umbazi tribe. My scouts have infiltrated their camp and they plan to attack soon. I must ask you guys to invade their camp and attack before they get a chance to attack us. I will send as many warriors as I can with you to aid in your fight. Here are their coordinates." The Reptylia toosed a map with their coordiantes to Dorf.
"What do we get out of this?" Dorf asked the leader.
"You will be rewarded with what ever money we can spare as well as a promsie to house you are your team when ever you need it."
"That will work, an ally can always be useful in times like these."
With that said, Dorf and Oltu left the camp with two dozen other Reptylia. They made their way back to their ship as they informed the other Revenants of their mission.
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Dorf and Oltu arrived on the Ungaru tribal grounds where they were then lead to their leader by two Reptylia. After Dorf and Oltu were informed about the leaders fears of the rival tribe before Dorf and the leader made agreements of payment. After terms were settled, Dorf and Oltu made their way back to their ship with a decent handful of Ungaru Reptylia to help them fight the rival tribe.
"Hopefully our ship wont need much repair," Oltu said to Dorf as they arrived back on their ship, "Why did we crash anyway? Could it be that some sensors are off?"
"Hopefully, nothing some of these humans shouldn't be able to repair. The autopilot was probably thrown off since they don't have any sensory beckons on this planet, the ship couldn't tell where it was. Damn Fauna and their lack of tech." Dorf answered.
"alright boys let's move out" Dorf commanded as they headed towards the camp of the Umbazi tribe.
Dorf watched as some of the Reptylia became nearly invisible to his sight even with his four eyes. The Reptylia quickly spread out as they attempted to encircle the camp.
Dorf looked at his team and instructed "We will be flanking them from all sides. We will take no prisoners and show no mercy. We are being paid to eliminate this tribe and that is what we will do."
Dorf headed to the front entrance of the camp, standing in the brush with his sight aimed on the main gate.
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