Kayden emerges from his room once the ship had settled from the crash landing into the planet Fauna.
"I hope we don't have to deal with more rough landings like that." says Kayden as he enters the cargo bay.
He listens to Dorf's explanation of the crash landing, and chimes in "I should be able to repair the ship if someone can diagnose exactly what was damaged in the crash."
"alright boys let's move out" Dorf commanded. Kayden readied himself as the crew moved out to the enemy camp. The appetite for blood radiating from each soldier.
"Ready when you are" he whispers to the team, his blades extended, prepped for battle.
Dorf waited for the last patrol to go by and then charged in to battle. With his thick armor on, Dorf lunged his body into the gate to the village.
"Now everybody!" Dorf shouted out.
With the main entrance open, Dorf watched as some of the other Reptylia unveiled themselves and began attacking. He watched as one Reptylia spit out a corrosive acid onto another Reptylia, their skin melting from the flesh it was attached to. Another one swung his tail around piercing the heart of the enemy with the giant spikes on his tail.
Dorf stood there for only a brief second before joining the fight himself. With his hammer in his four hands, Dorf raised it into the air before slamming it into the ground. The shock wave from both the force and the electricity rang out and knocked down several of the Reptylia to the ground.
A Reptylia ran towards Dorf from behind with his spear in his hand.
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Venom then appears between two reptylia, taking them out quicker than they could react. Saw a third going at Meth as he retrieve his energy blade, and hurled one dagger with deadly precision. Disappearing, he then runs to retrieve his own weapon and suddenly finds himself surrounded as he disables his cloaking. "Finally, a real fight!" He was surrounded by 13 Umbazi Reptylia. Scorpius jumps off Venom's shoulder and lunged at the nearest Umbazi foot.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
"Meet you in the middle." Said Kayden, as he sprinted off full speed towards the side of the encampment. Skin shifters, Infrared. He thought to himself as he switched his helmet display to Infrared, and the world exploded into a field of blues, greens, oranges and reds.
Kayden didn't wait for Dorf to crash open the gate. Instead, he crouched near the 20ft fence, charged his powered legs, and exploded upwards. He sailed over the fence, his Heads Up Display selecting the immediate targets on his projected course. Kayden came down right in the thick of the Umbazi Reptylia, which appeared as solid white against a background of blues and reds.
Kayden landed on the back of one of the Reptylia, and with both of his arms extended, he pierced his blades straight through the tough hide of the lizard man. He tore the maul from the Reptylia's side, intestines spilling out as the blade pulls free. In the same outward motion, Kayden swiped the blade to his side to impale another Umbazi in the throat, a sick gurgling sound coming from the creature's mouth. A dozen Umbazi begin surrounding Kayden, and move in to strike.
A loud crash sounds out, and Kayden feels the earth tremble for a second, as Dorf's hammer smashed into the ground. Good, the others have joined the fight. Kayden used the momentary distraction to his advantage, and slashed out at the legs of several lizard men, severing their limbs from their bodies.
The HUD in Kayden's helmet flashed a brief warning, as a spear was released, and flew through the air, destined to impale him. Kayden rolled away, his blades ripping free of his victims. The spear deflected off Kayden's shoulder armor, and slammed an Umbazi in the stomach, spraying blood out the lizardman's back as the sharpened spearhead burst free of the flesh.
Kayden got to his feet, and punched out with both blades straight to his side, catching two attacking Umbazi's in their chests. The bone crunched, and the bodies slumped as they began to fall free of the blades. Kayden began to march towards the gate of the encampment, his blades cutting a bloody path through the swarms of lizardmen.
As Dorf and Meth stood back to back, 8 Reptylia surrounded the two. Dorf reached out with each arm and grabbed 4 of the Reptylia, one in each hand. He held his grip on their necks as they thrashed around trying to free themselves. Their tails hitting against his armor, causing only minor scratches to the armor. He held them until their bodies fell limp. He tossed them onto the floor as he set his aim on two more.
Just as he was about to grab another one, the Reptylia to his left spit out a corrosive acid onto his armor. The saliva quickly melted through the dense armor and hit his flesh.
"AAARRGH!!" Dorf yelled out at the acid burned through his arm.
The other four Reptylia continued their advancement towards Dorf and Meth.
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Whiteness flashes across Kayden's display for a microsecond as a massive force crashed into him. The force of the blow throws Kayden from his feet, bowling over several Reptylia as he skips across the ground. He stabs his wrist blades into the ground to finally bring himself to a stop. Kayden didn't have to search for the source of the blow, because the aggressor stood straight in front of him 30 ft away. Before him stood an 8 ft tall massive Reptylia, spikes covered the lower half of his tail, and his skin looked especially thick. This warrior Reptylia wore a heavy armor that partially covered his chest and shoulders and carried a massive axe in one hand and a giant war hammer in the other.
Kayden stood slowly, tightening his grip on the maul. The Reptylia started in Kayden's direction with pure hatred filling it's eyes, weapons at the ready. Kayden begins walking towards the warrior Reptylia, his weapons held low to his sides. A couple strides seperate the warriors now. The Reptylia roars. Kayden lunges.
The Reptylia moved like lightning, dodging Kayden's strike, and swung the battleaxe, meaning to seperate Kayden's head from his body. Kayden ducks, the wind of the axe letting him know how close he was to being beheaded. Only a moment later, the Hammer came crashing down, Kayden doing the best he could to deflect the blow with his armored forearm. The dampers did their job, but the pain still buzzed up his arm.
Kayden had no time to react to the pain, and swept his maul towards the feet of the warrior Reptylia. But the blade met nothing but air as the Reptylia catapulted himself flying over his opponent. Kayden spun with his maul, in an attempt to catch the beast offguard, but Kayden's weapon embedded itself into the heavy metallic alloy of the axe. The Reptylia yanked and flung both weapons away, leaving Kayden now unarmed save for his wrist blades. The Reptylia raises the hammer with both hands. Kayden crosses his arms in a feeble attempt to block the blow. The hammer begins it's decent to crush the human...
Venom saw the beast that Kayden was up against and quickly got ready to intercept should things get hairy. As Kayden was disarmed, Venom chose that moment to slam into Kayden and stop him from turning into a pancake. As he hit Kayden, Lt. Venom quickly gripped the ground and spun back on the beast, daggers homing towards it's soft neck. The giant of a Reptylia managed to disengage a split second before the dagger tasted blood, but suddenly it howled with pain and rage. Scorpius shot from the Reptylia, quickly evading the stomping feet. "Now it's only a matter of time..." Venom said as the Reptylia laughed and advanced slowly upon him...
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Oltu quickly entered the on going battle between the Revenants and the Reptylia of the Umbazi tribe. Reptylian body parts and blood were littered across the tribal grounds as more and more Reptylia fall to the hands of the Revenants. Oltu steps up holding his hands out in front of him toward the mass of Reptylia, feeling the energy course through his body as it turns into a weapon.
Quickly, Oltu diverts his hands toward one single Reptylia, focusing his energy on him. The Reptylia lifts from the ground before slamming his way through the front lines of the other Umbazi Reptylia, knocking several to the ground. As they stumble back to their feet, the large Reptylia flies back through them, knocking them back and down once more. Oltu releases his mental grip on the large Reptylia into the crowd, knocking more Reptylia down.
Looking over Oltu sees Venom standing, watching as more Reptylia close in on him, laughing. Oltu's hands lunge out, grabbing two Reptylia and throwing them into the air as the Reptylia around them stare unknowingly. Two more Reptylia fly away as Oltu's hands raise into the air again. They keep pushing their way toward Venom as Oltu tries to dilute the number of forces.
Oltu grabs two more, but he's forcefully thrown to the ground as the spikes from a Reptylia's tail rip from Oltu's side. Slowly making his way back to his feet, Oltu sizes up the enemy that attacked him. It's a medium build Reptylia, standing over Oltu, ready to attack again. As it's spiked tail come down upon Oltu like a hammer, Oltu pushes out his hand, stopping the attack. He jerks his hand upwards, flipping the Reptylia off its feet, landing it face first in the ground. Oltu releases his hold as it rises to one knee, ready to fight more, before lurching his hand out at the Reptylia. Oltu's hand slowly starts to close as the Reptylia cannot make his way to his feet under the intense crushing force of Oltu's power. Oltu's hand closes more and more as the Reptylia falls to the ground becoming smaller and smaller into the dirt. The sound of breaking and crushing bones is heard before Oltu's hand closes completely and the Reptylia is reduced to nothing more than a spec of what was life on the ground on the tribe.So brutal, but this must be done, Oltu thinks, before turning back to the main fight.
Dorf crushed two more Reptylia as he headed towards a shack that stood out to him. He heard screaming and yelling coming from the house despite all of the fighting going on outside. He made his way to the house as he saw three humans being held captured and tortured. A large Reptylia stood between Dorf and the humans. Dorf looked at the humans and saw the disparity in their eyes. Dorf remembered his own kind being taken against their will to do the bidding of others. Dorf could not let this injustice go.
Dorf ran towards the Reptylia as he threw his entire body onto him. The lizard fell under the weight of Dorf's large body. Dorf stood up and slammed his foot down onto the skull of the Reptylia.
Dorf looked over at the humans and commanded "Quick get out of here" as he pulled apart the chains holding them there. The two men and one woman ran out of the house into the chaotic battlefield.
"Follow me" Dorf shouted as he lead the way out of the village.
Another Reptylia jumped in front of Dorf, halting their escape. Dorf valiantly stood in between the Reptylia and the freed captives. Dorf took blow after blow from the Reptylia as he covered the fragile humans from the Reptylia's attacks. Dorf took an opportunity and grabbed the lizard's tail. He used three of his arms, avoiding further damage to the burned arm, and tossed the Reptylia hard, causing him to crash into the side of a building.
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Suddenly, a little girl runs out of a nearby building. Seeing this, Lt. Venom runs to stop any pursuers. He quickly dispatches two of the three Reptylia that were following her. Before he could stop the third, it yelled "Kill the girl, before she escapes!" Venom ended him with a sudden slash to the neck. He turns around and just as he witnesses the death of the little girl, it brings back very painful memories.
Scorpius immediately knew what was coming and took off as fast as he can, towards the leaders to tell them what is happening.
*"Kill them all, let him live as he will be very useful." "Yes, boss, he will be useful." Screams echo out of the small house as a much younger Venom witnesses the death of his wife and two children. "No!" Venom said with such force, standing up. "You will not survive to see the next dawn." He quickly darts forward and grabs the closest thug and tears his throat out with his teeth.*
Suddenly as Venom watched the girl collapse, the demons within surfaced. Venom suddenly gets wounded on the right thigh as Reptylia saliva hit him. He suddenly whirls around, forgetting his weapons and lunges for his throat, tearing the flesh.
*Young Venom's self control lost and his Sanity nearly shattered. Goes into such a rage that not even the bullets of the gun wielding thugs could stop him. He lashed out with such a fury, they had no chance of survival.*
He then gets thrown into a group of very big Reptylia, before any of them could react, he then grabbed one by a foot and brought him down to the ground as he got up. He then used the adrenaline surge to power his next move. Using the Umbazi Reptylia as a sledge hammer, he then pounded at all those closest to him and after all they were destroyed, he was not finished.
*Venom raced outside and spotted three more thugs burning three similar houses. Taking off, he smashed into the nearest one and before the thug could fall, he grabbed him and slammed the other two with such force that they flew 6 feet through the air before hitting the near by wall with a heavy, wet thud. He then tossed the thug he was holding right into the burning house.*
The Lieutenant then throws the Reptylia with such force at a nearby tree, cracking it in two, sending the tree and its Umbazi inhabitants to the ground. He made quick work of the rest of the surviving Umbazi that came down with the tree.
*Venom then runs into a larger house and found the last of the thugs, who were making a pile of the dead family and intended to burn the house to the ground. Friend and neighbors they were. He suddenly lost it, and throwing all caution to the wind, he lunged at the first thug, killing him and before the blood hit the floor, Venom then bolted to the last two thugs. They quickly dropped their weapons and pleaded for mercy. They had shown none, so shall he. Grabbing both of them, he slammed them into the wall and floor until they were unrecognizable piles of flesh and blood.*
Lt. Venom, wracked with grief, found the last three Reptylia, and before they could react, he kicks one in the head with enough force to decapitate him, the other two turned to flee, but venom jumped and landed on one and ripped his throat out and threw the body at the other. The last Reptylia screamed as Lt. Venom tore into his torso and spilling out the organs into a ghastly heap. He then, falls to his knees and with one last cry, falls to the ground. Unconscious and severely wounded.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
As the massacre continues Oltu notices Dorf freeing captured humans from cages in on of the nearby huts. While leading them to safety another small girl runs out of a hut followed by three Reptylia. Venom attempts to kill the three Reptylia that are pursuing the girl, but she dies in the process, enraging Venom. A rage that Oltu has seen before. A devastating rage. Oltu turns to the group of Revenants as Venom is attacked by other Reptylia.
"We must leave now!" Oltu shouts to the group, "Lt. Venom is too dangerous. His rage only brings destruction and death to whoever he can reach. He'll be fine, but we must leave. Let's head back to the Ungaru tribe now."
Oltu turns with the rest of the Revenants behind him and they flee back to the Ungaru tribe as Venom murders the remaining Reptylia.
As Dorf runs with the other members of the Revenants, he wonders what Lt.Venom is capable of and what they have done by leaving him there by himself.
Dorf and the group eventually make there way back to the Ungaru tribe.
"We are here to speak to Turok" Dorf tells the two guards outside the gate. As they are lead in, Dorf looks around at all of the Reptylia excited by their return.
"Did you kill them all?" Turok asks Dorf as they enter his hut.
"They should all be dead by now" Dorf answers
"What do you mean should"
"We left our last man there to finish the job. I assure you that no member of the Umbazi tribe will bother you again." Dorf explains to the Reptylia leader.
"Very good then, here is your money." Turok exclaims as he passes over a small pouch with money.
"This is everything you can spare?" Dorf asks Turok.
"That is all of the money we have, but don't forget my friend, my home is now your home. Anytime you need a safe place to hide, you can come here. We will keep you hidden from the rest of the Dark Abyss."
"Well boys, I guess our work is done here. Let's get back to the ship and go pick up Lt.Venom, I shudder to think of what that man did to the rest of those Reptylia."
Dorf headed back to the ship ready and eager to start another mission.
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The giant Reptylia warrior that Kayden continued to fight, blinked heavily, giving Kayden just the moment to deal the killing blow. Kayden kicked out his leg against the knee joint of the Reptylia, exploding the bone out the skin in the wrong direction. He then swept his maul upwards, severing the Reptylia's arm from it's body.
Kayden jumped, and in one final motion, plunged the maul straight down into the skull of the beast. The massive Reptylia fell to the ground and finally laid still, and the few remaining Reptylia in area, turned and fled.
"We must leave now!" Oltu shouted to the group.
"Good timing" Said Kayden, exhausted from the fight.
Kayden accompanies the rest of the Revenants back to the Ungaru camp, where they recieved their insignificant pay. Once they had left earshot and were nearly at the ship, Kayden said to Oltu, "Next time, can we get a job from someone who pays better?"
As the rest of the members of the Revenants jumped aboard the ship, Dorf went to the cockpit and started the ship. As the ship left the ground, Dorf looked down at the simple Reptylia, a bit envious of their more simple life.
Dorf settled into his pilot's seat taking a moment to relax. Just as soon as he drifted off, the pain from his burned arm woke him up.
"Ahh" Dorf let out as he wrapped his hand around the wound.
"I should head to the infirmary" Dorf thought to himself. Dorf engaged the autopilot set to Lt.Venom's coordiantes as he left the cockpit and went to the infirmary.
Dorf reached down into a cabinet and pulled out a large bottle of soothing ointment. With his lower left arm, he pulled out a giant glob of the stinky lotion and rubbed into into the burn on his upper right arm.
"Ehhh!" Dorf squealed out as the cream burned and soothed at the same time.
Dorf headed into the cargo bay and reached for the intercom.
The sound of the intercom chimed.
"Attention Revenants, our next job will be taking us to my home planet of Bormunth. We have been hiredto sabotage a mining company. More information will be given when we land." Dorf announced to the team.
Dorf headed back to the cockpit of the ship. Just as the ship began to slow down, Dorf could see Lt.Venom's body lying on the floor with mounds of bloodied dead Reptylia around him. Dorf landed the ship next to Lt.Venom's body. The door to the ship opened as Dorf walked out. Dorf picked up Lt.Venom's limp body and carried him into the ship and brought him to the infirmary. After placing Lt.Venom's body into the recovery chamber, Dorf headed back to his pilot's seat and set the ships coordiantes to his home planet of Bormunth.
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"Ugghhh," Venom groaned, "Where am I... My wife... Kids? Scorpius? ...Is that you?""Yes, I am here. You have taken quite a beating and dished out so much more." Scorpius then proceeded to explain what happened as he knew that once the Lieutenant woke up from his episode, that he was in complete control of himself. "That poor little girl, wish she got away, reminded me of my own daughter. Well, we can't change the past now, can we?" Venom said as he gets up and examines himself,and finds that everything is healing quite nicely. "I could really use a hot cup of tea." He muttered as he slowly walks with stiff legs to his bunk to get some fresh clothing on. Sorpius goes to share the news that Venom is awake and should be in the Mess Hall shortly.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Dorf walked around the ship as he noticed some of the founding members of the Revenants no longer apart of the team. Dorf continued walking as he took notice of each of the remaining members.
He walked past Blinside thinking how his good his timing was with the shots he has delivered. Zip, who has shown himself to be a worthy drinker. He then passed John's room whose blades have come in more handy then he thought. He saw Lt.Venom making his way out of the recovery chamber wondering how they would have finished that last mission without him and more importantly what did happen to him. He thought about Kayden how his contraptions haev impressed even Dorf. He then met up with Meth, the last member to join the team. Dorf thought how glad he was to invite him to the team.
Dorf was pleasantly encouraged by the hard work and determination of his crew.
"So Meth, how you enjoyng the team so far?" Dorf asked.
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Kayden began to get bored waiting around for the next mission, and started to tinker with his blade to see if he could increase the energy blade intensity. After some rearranging of the focusing crystals, he ignited his maul blade and noticed that the blade now crackled with the sound of miniature lightning. "We'll see how this does in the next battle."
Kayden, still bored, made his way around the ship, where he eventually found the holographic combat room. "I'll give you a try."
"Activate Random Level, difficutly 1." And the world morphed about him into a green open field with a rainbow off in the distance. A small rabbit came hopping slowly towards Kayden. "You've got to be shitting me!" And with one decisive motion, Kayden picks up right boot, and brings it slamming down upon the rabbits frail skull, blood oozes out from under his boot.
"Activate Random Level, difficulty 15."Once again, the world shifts and morphs into a new world. The sky blends from the clear blue, to a blood red, now on a distant planet orbiting 2 red giant stars at the center of the system. Kayden is now in a valley of some kind, where jagged black and yellow rocks cover the landscape. He begins walking through the rough terrain, towards the valley entrance. RROOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!!
A massive toothy feline animal bellowed out in anger from high up one of the rock walls. Kayden turns just in time to see this massive beast leaping down upon him. Shhhhhhinkkk!! The blades flick out, the crackle of electricity coming from his newly altered maul. Kayden crouches, charging his power armor, and explodes skyward to meet his foe. Kayden swings out, as he passes by the twisting beast in mid air. The smell of burnt hair and flesh fills the air.
The feline crashes into the ground, landing solid on it's feet. Kayden flips in mid air, half expecting his enemy to already be slain. But the large cat only was cut on the side, and showed it's prowess at aerial combat as well as ground combat. Kayden landed on one knee, cracking the jagged rocky landscape around him. Before he could stand, the feline monster had already lunged again at Kayden. He rolled out of the way, flicking his maul upwards as he moved. The blade sliced into the belly of the animal, where muscle was now visible. RRREEEEAAOOOOWWWWW!!!!!
The beast screamed, and was shocked that this tiny person had hurt him so badly. The feline turned slowly around to face it's rival once again. But the giant cat wouldn't get the chance. Kayden plunged his maul deep into the forehead of the creature, burning away the hair where small bolts of lightning flicked against the skin. The beast lay still.
"Activate Random Level, difficulty 47."
The world shifted once again. The heat was what he felt first. This time Kayden found himself standing precariously on a small pillar of rock suspended mere feet above a flowing river of molten stone. The sky was dark, the blackness obscuring his vision. He quickly switched to night vision to see his new enemy. On the banks of the lava river, stood the group of around 200 heavily armed Troscka. The group parted down the middle, revealing the unmistakable red armor encasing the legendary General Shinko. The great Troscka who once defeated a Bull Krilexian Dragon single handlely. Most armies wouldn't take on that task. The story goes that war had become too easy for him, so he took his Battleship out beyond the Outer Rim, into uncharted space, in search of a challenge. That was nearly 100 years ago, and no one has heard from him since.
"Finally a challenge." Kayden says with a smile. He crouches, charging his jump once again, and launches into battle.
General Shinko raises his right hand, fully extended, and sweeps it in the direction of his opponent. Kayden is sent careening towards the river of lava, and digs his blades into the ground, stopping his slide. His body hanging over the edge.
A voice rang out in the valley, "Mind some company in there?"
"Come on in, the weather's fine!" Laughed Kayden, as he leaped back up into the fray. Kayden collided with another massive Troscka warrior, and pounded both blades through the soldier's chest. Out of the corner of his eye, Kayden saw the General preparing another attack. Kayden kicked the dying Troscka body in the direction of General Shinko, in an attempt to absorb the blast. It was a feeble attempt, as the 250lb Troscka body slammed into Kayden, sending them both flying.
"What are you waiting for?!" Yelled Kayden as he once again crashed into the ground.
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"I hope we don't have to deal with more rough landings like that." says Kayden as he enters the cargo bay.
He listens to Dorf's explanation of the crash landing, and chimes in "I should be able to repair the ship if someone can diagnose exactly what was damaged in the crash."
"alright boys let's move out" Dorf commanded.
Kayden readied himself as the crew moved out to the enemy camp. The appetite for blood radiating from each soldier.
"Ready when you are" he whispers to the team, his blades extended, prepped for battle.
"Now everybody!" Dorf shouted out.
With the main entrance open, Dorf watched as some of the other Reptylia unveiled themselves and began attacking. He watched as one Reptylia spit out a corrosive acid onto another Reptylia, their skin melting from the flesh it was attached to. Another one swung his tail around piercing the heart of the enemy with the giant spikes on his tail.
Dorf stood there for only a brief second before joining the fight himself. With his hammer in his four hands, Dorf raised it into the air before slamming it into the ground. The shock wave from both the force and the electricity rang out and knocked down several of the Reptylia to the ground.
A Reptylia ran towards Dorf from behind with his spear in his hand.
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Kayden didn't wait for Dorf to crash open the gate. Instead, he crouched near the 20ft fence, charged his powered legs, and exploded upwards. He sailed over the fence, his Heads Up Display selecting the immediate targets on his projected course. Kayden came down right in the thick of the Umbazi Reptylia, which appeared as solid white against a background of blues and reds.
Kayden landed on the back of one of the Reptylia, and with both of his arms extended, he pierced his blades straight through the tough hide of the lizard man. He tore the maul from the Reptylia's side, intestines spilling out as the blade pulls free. In the same outward motion, Kayden swiped the blade to his side to impale another Umbazi in the throat, a sick gurgling sound coming from the creature's mouth. A dozen Umbazi begin surrounding Kayden, and move in to strike.
A loud crash sounds out, and Kayden feels the earth tremble for a second, as Dorf's hammer smashed into the ground. Good, the others have joined the fight. Kayden used the momentary distraction to his advantage, and slashed out at the legs of several lizard men, severing their limbs from their bodies.
The HUD in Kayden's helmet flashed a brief warning, as a spear was released, and flew through the air, destined to impale him. Kayden rolled away, his blades ripping free of his victims. The spear deflected off Kayden's shoulder armor, and slammed an Umbazi in the stomach, spraying blood out the lizardman's back as the sharpened spearhead burst free of the flesh.
Kayden got to his feet, and punched out with both blades straight to his side, catching two attacking Umbazi's in their chests. The bone crunched, and the bodies slumped as they began to fall free of the blades. Kayden began to march towards the gate of the encampment, his blades cutting a bloody path through the swarms of lizardmen.
Just as he was about to grab another one, the Reptylia to his left spit out a corrosive acid onto his armor. The saliva quickly melted through the dense armor and hit his flesh.
"AAARRGH!!" Dorf yelled out at the acid burned through his arm.
The other four Reptylia continued their advancement towards Dorf and Meth.
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Kayden stood slowly, tightening his grip on the maul. The Reptylia started in Kayden's direction with pure hatred filling it's eyes, weapons at the ready. Kayden begins walking towards the warrior Reptylia, his weapons held low to his sides. A couple strides seperate the warriors now. The Reptylia roars. Kayden lunges.
The Reptylia moved like lightning, dodging Kayden's strike, and swung the battleaxe, meaning to seperate Kayden's head from his body. Kayden ducks, the wind of the axe letting him know how close he was to being beheaded. Only a moment later, the Hammer came crashing down, Kayden doing the best he could to deflect the blow with his armored forearm. The dampers did their job, but the pain still buzzed up his arm.
Kayden had no time to react to the pain, and swept his maul towards the feet of the warrior Reptylia. But the blade met nothing but air as the Reptylia catapulted himself flying over his opponent. Kayden spun with his maul, in an attempt to catch the beast offguard, but Kayden's weapon embedded itself into the heavy metallic alloy of the axe. The Reptylia yanked and flung both weapons away, leaving Kayden now unarmed save for his wrist blades. The Reptylia raises the hammer with both hands. Kayden crosses his arms in a feeble attempt to block the blow. The hammer begins it's decent to crush the human...
Quickly, Oltu diverts his hands toward one single Reptylia, focusing his energy on him. The Reptylia lifts from the ground before slamming his way through the front lines of the other Umbazi Reptylia, knocking several to the ground. As they stumble back to their feet, the large Reptylia flies back through them, knocking them back and down once more. Oltu releases his mental grip on the large Reptylia into the crowd, knocking more Reptylia down.
Looking over Oltu sees Venom standing, watching as more Reptylia close in on him, laughing. Oltu's hands lunge out, grabbing two Reptylia and throwing them into the air as the Reptylia around them stare unknowingly. Two more Reptylia fly away as Oltu's hands raise into the air again. They keep pushing their way toward Venom as Oltu tries to dilute the number of forces.
Oltu grabs two more, but he's forcefully thrown to the ground as the spikes from a Reptylia's tail rip from Oltu's side. Slowly making his way back to his feet, Oltu sizes up the enemy that attacked him. It's a medium build Reptylia, standing over Oltu, ready to attack again. As it's spiked tail come down upon Oltu like a hammer, Oltu pushes out his hand, stopping the attack. He jerks his hand upwards, flipping the Reptylia off its feet, landing it face first in the ground. Oltu releases his hold as it rises to one knee, ready to fight more, before lurching his hand out at the Reptylia. Oltu's hand slowly starts to close as the Reptylia cannot make his way to his feet under the intense crushing force of Oltu's power. Oltu's hand closes more and more as the Reptylia falls to the ground becoming smaller and smaller into the dirt. The sound of breaking and crushing bones is heard before Oltu's hand closes completely and the Reptylia is reduced to nothing more than a spec of what was life on the ground on the tribe. So brutal, but this must be done, Oltu thinks, before turning back to the main fight.
Dorf ran towards the Reptylia as he threw his entire body onto him. The lizard fell under the weight of Dorf's large body. Dorf stood up and slammed his foot down onto the skull of the Reptylia.
Dorf looked over at the humans and commanded "Quick get out of here" as he pulled apart the chains holding them there. The two men and one woman ran out of the house into the chaotic battlefield.
"Follow me" Dorf shouted as he lead the way out of the village.
Another Reptylia jumped in front of Dorf, halting their escape. Dorf valiantly stood in between the Reptylia and the freed captives. Dorf took blow after blow from the Reptylia as he covered the fragile humans from the Reptylia's attacks. Dorf took an opportunity and grabbed the lizard's tail. He used three of his arms, avoiding further damage to the burned arm, and tossed the Reptylia hard, causing him to crash into the side of a building.
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Scorpius immediately knew what was coming and took off as fast as he can, towards the leaders to tell them what is happening.
*"Kill them all, let him live as he will be very useful." "Yes, boss, he will be useful." Screams echo out of the small house as a much younger Venom witnesses the death of his wife and two children. "No!" Venom said with such force, standing up. "You will not survive to see the next dawn." He quickly darts forward and grabs the closest thug and tears his throat out with his teeth.*
Suddenly as Venom watched the girl collapse, the demons within surfaced. Venom suddenly gets wounded on the right thigh as Reptylia saliva hit him. He suddenly whirls around, forgetting his weapons and lunges for his throat, tearing the flesh.
*Young Venom's self control lost and his Sanity nearly shattered. Goes into such a rage that not even the bullets of the gun wielding thugs could stop him. He lashed out with such a fury, they had no chance of survival.*
He then gets thrown into a group of very big Reptylia, before any of them could react, he then grabbed one by a foot and brought him down to the ground as he got up. He then used the adrenaline surge to power his next move. Using the Umbazi Reptylia as a sledge hammer, he then pounded at all those closest to him and after all they were destroyed, he was not finished.
*Venom raced outside and spotted three more thugs burning three similar houses. Taking off, he smashed into the nearest one and before the thug could fall, he grabbed him and slammed the other two with such force that they flew 6 feet through the air before hitting the near by wall with a heavy, wet thud. He then tossed the thug he was holding right into the burning house.*
The Lieutenant then throws the Reptylia with such force at a nearby tree, cracking it in two, sending the tree and its Umbazi inhabitants to the ground. He made quick work of the rest of the surviving Umbazi that came down with the tree.
*Venom then runs into a larger house and found the last of the thugs, who were making a pile of the dead family and intended to burn the house to the ground. Friend and neighbors they were. He suddenly lost it, and throwing all caution to the wind, he lunged at the first thug, killing him and before the blood hit the floor, Venom then bolted to the last two thugs. They quickly dropped their weapons and pleaded for mercy. They had shown none, so shall he. Grabbing both of them, he slammed them into the wall and floor until they were unrecognizable piles of flesh and blood.*
Lt. Venom, wracked with grief, found the last three Reptylia, and before they could react, he kicks one in the head with enough force to decapitate him, the other two turned to flee, but venom jumped and landed on one and ripped his throat out and threw the body at the other. The last Reptylia screamed as Lt. Venom tore into his torso and spilling out the organs into a ghastly heap. He then, falls to his knees and with one last cry, falls to the ground. Unconscious and severely wounded.
"We must leave now!" Oltu shouts to the group, "Lt. Venom is too dangerous. His rage only brings destruction and death to whoever he can reach. He'll be fine, but we must leave. Let's head back to the Ungaru tribe now."
Oltu turns with the rest of the Revenants behind him and they flee back to the Ungaru tribe as Venom murders the remaining Reptylia.
Dorf and the group eventually make there way back to the Ungaru tribe.
"We are here to speak to Turok" Dorf tells the two guards outside the gate. As they are lead in, Dorf looks around at all of the Reptylia excited by their return.
"Did you kill them all?" Turok asks Dorf as they enter his hut.
"They should all be dead by now" Dorf answers
"What do you mean should"
"We left our last man there to finish the job. I assure you that no member of the Umbazi tribe will bother you again." Dorf explains to the Reptylia leader.
"Very good then, here is your money." Turok exclaims as he passes over a small pouch with money.
"This is everything you can spare?" Dorf asks Turok.
"That is all of the money we have, but don't forget my friend, my home is now your home. Anytime you need a safe place to hide, you can come here. We will keep you hidden from the rest of the Dark Abyss."
"Well boys, I guess our work is done here. Let's get back to the ship and go pick up Lt.Venom, I shudder to think of what that man did to the rest of those Reptylia."
Dorf headed back to the ship ready and eager to start another mission.
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Kayden jumped, and in one final motion, plunged the maul straight down into the skull of the beast. The massive Reptylia fell to the ground and finally laid still, and the few remaining Reptylia in area, turned and fled.
"We must leave now!" Oltu shouted to the group.
"Good timing" Said Kayden, exhausted from the fight.
Kayden accompanies the rest of the Revenants back to the Ungaru camp, where they recieved their insignificant pay. Once they had left earshot and were nearly at the ship, Kayden said to Oltu, "Next time, can we get a job from someone who pays better?"
Dorf settled into his pilot's seat taking a moment to relax. Just as soon as he drifted off, the pain from his burned arm woke him up.
"Ahh" Dorf let out as he wrapped his hand around the wound.
"I should head to the infirmary" Dorf thought to himself. Dorf engaged the autopilot set to Lt.Venom's coordiantes as he left the cockpit and went to the infirmary.
Dorf reached down into a cabinet and pulled out a large bottle of soothing ointment. With his lower left arm, he pulled out a giant glob of the stinky lotion and rubbed into into the burn on his upper right arm.
"Ehhh!" Dorf squealed out as the cream burned and soothed at the same time.
Dorf headed into the cargo bay and reached for the intercom.
The sound of the intercom chimed.
"Attention Revenants, our next job will be taking us to my home planet of Bormunth. We have been hired to sabotage a mining company. More information will be given when we land." Dorf announced to the team.
Dorf headed back to the cockpit of the ship. Just as the ship began to slow down, Dorf could see Lt.Venom's body lying on the floor with mounds of bloodied dead Reptylia around him. Dorf landed the ship next to Lt.Venom's body. The door to the ship opened as Dorf walked out. Dorf picked up Lt.Venom's limp body and carried him into the ship and brought him to the infirmary. After placing Lt.Venom's body into the recovery chamber, Dorf headed back to his pilot's seat and set the ships coordiantes to his home planet of Bormunth.
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He walked past Blinside thinking how his good his timing was with the shots he has delivered. Zip, who has shown himself to be a worthy drinker. He then passed John's room whose blades have come in more handy then he thought. He saw Lt.Venom making his way out of the recovery chamber wondering how they would have finished that last mission without him and more importantly what did happen to him. He thought about Kayden how his contraptions haev impressed even Dorf. He then met up with Meth, the last member to join the team. Dorf thought how glad he was to invite him to the team.
Dorf was pleasantly encouraged by the hard work and determination of his crew.
"So Meth, how you enjoyng the team so far?" Dorf asked.
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"I am eager for this next mission. I have not been home for such a long time." Dorf explained to Meth.
"Have you ever been to Bormunth?" Dorf asked him.
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Kayden, still bored, made his way around the ship, where he eventually found the holographic combat room. "I'll give you a try."
"Activate Random Level, difficutly 1." And the world morphed about him into a green open field with a rainbow off in the distance. A small rabbit came hopping slowly towards Kayden. "You've got to be shitting me!" And with one decisive motion, Kayden picks up right boot, and brings it slamming down upon the rabbits frail skull, blood oozes out from under his boot.
"Activate Random Level, difficulty 15."Once again, the world shifts and morphs into a new world. The sky blends from the clear blue, to a blood red, now on a distant planet orbiting 2 red giant stars at the center of the system. Kayden is now in a valley of some kind, where jagged black and yellow rocks cover the landscape. He begins walking through the rough terrain, towards the valley entrance.
A massive toothy feline animal bellowed out in anger from high up one of the rock walls. Kayden turns just in time to see this massive beast leaping down upon him. Shhhhhhinkkk!! The blades flick out, the crackle of electricity coming from his newly altered maul. Kayden crouches, charging his power armor, and explodes skyward to meet his foe. Kayden swings out, as he passes by the twisting beast in mid air. The smell of burnt hair and flesh fills the air.
The feline crashes into the ground, landing solid on it's feet. Kayden flips in mid air, half expecting his enemy to already be slain. But the large cat only was cut on the side, and showed it's prowess at aerial combat as well as ground combat. Kayden landed on one knee, cracking the jagged rocky landscape around him. Before he could stand, the feline monster had already lunged again at Kayden. He rolled out of the way, flicking his maul upwards as he moved. The blade sliced into the belly of the animal, where muscle was now visible.
The beast screamed, and was shocked that this tiny person had hurt him so badly. The feline turned slowly around to face it's rival once again. But the giant cat wouldn't get the chance. Kayden plunged his maul deep into the forehead of the creature, burning away the hair where small bolts of lightning flicked against the skin. The beast lay still.
"Activate Random Level, difficulty 47."
The world shifted once again. The heat was what he felt first. This time Kayden found himself standing precariously on a small pillar of rock suspended mere feet above a flowing river of molten stone. The sky was dark, the blackness obscuring his vision. He quickly switched to night vision to see his new enemy. On the banks of the lava river, stood the group of around 200 heavily armed Troscka. The group parted down the middle, revealing the unmistakable red armor encasing the legendary General Shinko. The great Troscka who once defeated a Bull Krilexian Dragon single handlely. Most armies wouldn't take on that task. The story goes that war had become too easy for him, so he took his Battleship out beyond the Outer Rim, into uncharted space, in search of a challenge. That was nearly 100 years ago, and no one has heard from him since.
"Finally a challenge." Kayden says with a smile. He crouches, charging his jump once again, and launches into battle.
A voice rang out in the valley, "Mind some company in there?"
"Come on in, the weather's fine!" Laughed Kayden, as he leaped back up into the fray. Kayden collided with another massive Troscka warrior, and pounded both blades through the soldier's chest. Out of the corner of his eye, Kayden saw the General preparing another attack. Kayden kicked the dying Troscka body in the direction of General Shinko, in an attempt to absorb the blast. It was a feeble attempt, as the 250lb Troscka body slammed into Kayden, sending them both flying.
"What are you waiting for?!" Yelled Kayden as he once again crashed into the ground.