Ancient everything BIS gear rank 30 on the ladder with plenty of time to keep pushing If i felt up for it, only playing a few hours each day, never died on hardcore, did all the journeys.. what else is there?
The challenge rifts are okay but not that interesting.
Im bored with this game again quickly after not playing the last 3 seasons.. anyone need a rush or want some gear? I think its time to go back to diablo 2 or divinity orginal sin again
Ancient everything BIS gear rank 30 on the ladder with plenty of time to keep pushing If i felt up for it, only playing a few hours each day, never died on hardcore, did all the journeys.. what else is there?
The challenge rifts are okay but not that interesting.
Im bored with this game again quickly after not playing the last 3 seasons.. anyone need a rush or want some gear? I think its time to go back to diablo 2 or divinity orginal sin again
You play a few hours each day, and your claiming your full BiS ancient with rank 30 on the ladder?
Straight up, just don't believe you. That's a pure lie. The ladder started 6 days ago at a few hours a day your talking ~18 hours of play, rank 1s aren't even full ancient "bis" yet and those guys are doing like 10hrs/day. Link your profile, I wanna see this 18hr character that's rank 30 with full bis ancients.
On point of the lack of challenge... Pushing HC for rank 1 is challenging. There is a high risk of dying as you have go more and more glass cannon to meet the damage checks, i'd argue it's one of the more challenging things that exist in gaming at the moment.
I doubt he got full ancients BiS best stats, too. But the point is it's easier to get ranked top30 in hc than in sc on day 6 during the season.
point being is:
- alot less hc players than sc
- hc players are often very scared of dying. so if you really push your limit you have that LB benefit on your side as well.
- season is only 6 days old, very low chances of dying due to a DC or any other internet issue at this point. (this is the point why I don't play hc anymore, need offline mode )
Rank 30 is absolute trash on HC since its easier to attain rank 30 on 4 different class in hc than reach rank 1000 in 1 character in sc ladder
if you want challenge for the ladder go SC or at least be a man and reach rank 5 minimum on HC and as you can see on HC the list isnt event full of 1000 on any class but necro so....... absolute BIS and only rank 30 your'e pretty darn bad
nobody is denying that it's not a challenge to push GR to your limits in HC mode.
but it's a fact that it's easier to reach a certain rank in HC than it is in SC. Main reason was already mentioned several times. The competition is just not there.
My profile is Nokturnal #1520 i havn't played in a few days but yeah ok.. don't believe me but look for yourself.
Getting BIS is really not hard to do with Haedrigs gift and a little luck though.. This is my casual game when im not playing my competative ones, and I only play solo. rushing people when they ask.
Pushing the greater rifts isn't that interesting, maybe it would be funner with a group when you have more of a role, especially in HC. Playing a game like Divinity in HC mode is much more a challenge then this game, which gives you so many cheat deaths its kinda silly
Sorry I'm not "man enough" to reach rank 5 on the ladder like someone said, (lol?) But I find it way too boring to continue, even getting past grift 80 was enough grind for me. I cubed my high level gems and some ancient gear to expirment with the game a little. Anyways have fun I'll see you in a few seasons as usual. Meanwhile ill play divinity hardcore, a much more challenging rpg that isn't so rng
What seems to be the issue? You think the endgame is boring and not challenging? Maybe you should look to see how far you can go with a self made build? Polish it and push? You could always look for another game because to me it sounds as if you don't like the game. Also, if you're rank 30 now, then you'll be way, way down when the season ends. Top 30 now and stopping is like having a good start in Mario Cart and then just say you're done without finishing the race.
I'm so curious though. What is so good about D2 compared to D3 endgame wise? They both have the grind and while D3 have greater rifts, D2 has Baal runs for days? What do you do in endgame D2? I've been playing D2 like you play D3, never to it's fullest so I would not know. Please enlighten me!
But I have to agree with the OP. I played this season every day for around 8 hours ( yeah I know ) , and I managed to reach g rift lvl 95 on my Crusader ...5 days? after the season started and I could of push it easily to 98 ( now 100 ) . I then made Barb , with all sets : T13 farm speed , push rift, z barb , ww barb and I can not see myself log in to play anymore.
Ancient everything BIS gear rank 30 on the ladder with plenty of time to keep pushing If i felt up for it, only playing a few hours each day, never died on hardcore, did all the journeys.. what else is there?
The challenge rifts are okay but not that interesting.
Im bored with this game again quickly after not playing the last 3 seasons.. anyone need a rush or want some gear? I think its time to go back to diablo 2 or divinity orginal sin again
You play a few hours each day, and your claiming your full BiS ancient with rank 30 on the ladder?
Straight up, just don't believe you. That's a pure lie. The ladder started 6 days ago at a few hours a day your talking ~18 hours of play, rank 1s aren't even full ancient "bis" yet and those guys are doing like 10hrs/day. Link your profile, I wanna see this 18hr character that's rank 30 with full bis ancients.
On point of the lack of challenge... Pushing HC for rank 1 is challenging. There is a high risk of dying as you have go more and more glass cannon to meet the damage checks, i'd argue it's one of the more challenging things that exist in gaming at the moment.
I doubt he got full ancients BiS best stats, too. But the point is it's easier to get ranked top30 in hc than in sc on day 6 during the season.
point being is:
- alot less hc players than sc
- hc players are often very scared of dying. so if you really push your limit you have that LB benefit on your side as well.
- season is only 6 days old, very low chances of dying due to a DC or any other internet issue at this point. (this is the point why I don't play hc anymore, need offline mode
Rank 30 is absolute trash on HC since its easier to attain rank 30 on 4 different class in hc than reach rank 1000 in 1 character in sc ladder
if you want challenge for the ladder go SC or at least be a man and reach rank 5 minimum on HC and as you can see on HC the list isnt event full of 1000 on any class but necro so....... absolute BIS and only rank 30 your'e pretty darn bad
Make a glass cannon build to increase the challenge.
I don't understand the drive to go back to D2, I've played so much D2 I can't stand the game anymore. I find D3 to be much more fun.
nobody is denying that it's not a challenge to push GR to your limits in HC mode.
but it's a fact that it's easier to reach a certain rank in HC than it is in SC. Main reason was already mentioned several times. The competition is just not there.
My profile is Nokturnal #1520 i havn't played in a few days but yeah ok.. don't believe me but look for yourself.
Getting BIS is really not hard to do with Haedrigs gift and a little luck though.. This is my casual game when im not playing my competative ones, and I only play solo. rushing people when they ask.
Pushing the greater rifts isn't that interesting, maybe it would be funner with a group when you have more of a role, especially in HC. Playing a game like Divinity in HC mode is much more a challenge then this game, which gives you so many cheat deaths its kinda silly
Sorry I'm not "man enough" to reach rank 5 on the ladder like someone said, (lol?) But I find it way too boring to continue, even getting past grift 80 was enough grind for me. I cubed my high level gems and some ancient gear to expirment with the game a little. Anyways have fun I'll see you in a few seasons as usual. Meanwhile ill play divinity hardcore, a much more challenging rpg that isn't so rng
What seems to be the issue? You think the endgame is boring and not challenging? Maybe you should look to see how far you can go with a self made build? Polish it and push? You could always look for another game because to me it sounds as if you don't like the game. Also, if you're rank 30 now, then you'll be way, way down when the season ends. Top 30 now and stopping is like having a good start in Mario Cart and then just say you're done without finishing the race.
I'm so curious though. What is so good about D2 compared to D3 endgame wise? They both have the grind and while D3 have greater rifts, D2 has Baal runs for days? What do you do in endgame D2? I've been playing D2 like you play D3, never to it's fullest so I would not know. Please enlighten me!
God damn necro...
Exactly my reaction when I saw the date
But I have to agree with the OP. I played this season every day for around 8 hours ( yeah I know ) , and I managed to reach g rift lvl 95 on my Crusader ...5 days? after the season started and I could of push it easily to 98 ( now 100 ) . I then made Barb , with all sets : T13 farm speed , push rift, z barb , ww barb and I can not see myself log in to play anymore.