While I do think it was a bit silly for this delay, I actually am happy we're getting dueling only. I think it's more fun and more social than mindless matchmaking deathmatch games.
I wonder when ppl just realize that d3 is a HACK&SLAY. If you want pvp move on to another game...
When will you understand that ALL DIABLOS(HACK&SLASH) always have had pvp as far is i know..... so i dunno why youre saying that
Hack&slash doesnt mean PVE only.... else they would name mit PVEHack&Slash or something.
Im sad they are throwing deathmatches to garbage tho (hey nostalgia, sounded like hostile system a bit (mindless fighting))
But yteah gotta deal with duels only... might as well give us arenas as they are alrdy finished ...
Another crybaby thread. First people crying out loud this game is taking so long to be released. Result, Blizzard releases the game before its finished. Then, more crying because the game is ''crap''.
Now im getting a bit tired of cry babies like the op. STFU already and let Blizzard finish the damn game. It's not good right now stop complaining and let them do what as to be done...
Jesus, im so sick and tired of this new generation of gamers... If you got nothing intelligent to say, don't say anything. Close this thread.
Another crybaby thread. First people crying out loud this game is taking so long to be released. Result, Blizzard releases the game before its finished. Then, more crying because the game is ''crap''.
Now im getting a bit tired of cry babies like the op. STFU already and let Blizzard finish the damn game. It's not good right now stop complaining and let them do what as to be done...
Jesus, im so sick and tired of this new generation of gamers... If you got nothing intelligent to say, don't say anything. Close this thread.
Im sick of people like you... Making no sense acting like Blizz has the right to NOT deliver and still take peoples money.
RULE #1 of making games. You better do it right or suffer the backlash of people who paid money for it.
Jay Wilson and D3 devs are liars and full of crap.
So if you have nothing inteligent to say.. Shaaaaaaaaaad up. Go back and play your half-assed, unfinished broken DIABLO 3 and love it. Maybe after a few xpacs worth 50 dollars each you will finally get the full product.
Il be waiting for POE... FREE TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... MUAhahhHAHaaA
Im sick of people like you... Making no sense acting like Blizz has the right to NOT deliver and still take peoples money.
You mean your parent's money? Close your account with DiabloFans, uninstall D3, and tell them to spend $60 on another game that will charge more down the line for DLC.
Im sick of people like you... Making no sense acting like Blizz has the right to NOT deliver and still take peoples money.
You mean your parent's money? Close your account with DiabloFans, uninstall D3, and tell them to spend $60 on another game that will charge more down the line for DLC.
Ya.. Ok. Il go down to the old folks home now.. Where I PAY for them and tell them this right now because some forum loser with no sense of reality told me to do something retarded.. And i just do it because im such tool.
RULE #1 of making games. You better do it right or suffer the backlash of people who paid money for it.
And you know this because you're a designer, eh? Since you reside in an old folks home, you MUST have been around when Pong was reseased, so you should have decades of knowledge under your belt.
But you don't. All you have are your derp QQ posts on a fansite.
RULE #1 of making games. You better do it right or suffer the backlash of people who paid money for it.
And you know this because you're a designer, eh? Since you reside in an old folks home, you MUST have been around when Pong was reseased, so you should have decades of knowledge under your belt.
But you don't. All you have are your derp QQ posts on a fansite.
When did i say " I " lived at an old folks home. Learn to read...
And make sense. This maybe a fansite. But its not a mindless drone site.
So, if youre mad im not a mindless drone and i actually make sense....I DON"T CARE.
Blizz makes people wait 7 months for a feature that should have been in the game on release... Bottom line.
People wanted a duel button on release and waited 7 months for arenas.. And the give the exact opposite.
So, please. Show a little respect for the paying customer pal. Not all of us like being lied to over and over while being kept in the dark about the simplest things. Maybe you do, but i sure as hell don't.
the thing about is that half the players were in it for the pvp , just because some are doesn't make the gameseries pure pve.
I have had a lot of fun with diablo , but when they announced "no pvp , but we will probably have it out before the end of the year" i was shocked . How hard could it be to put in a casual pvp system ? . And now this , i was ok with dueling before they started with all they're hype about how cool pvp must be and we probably wont have dueling cause it ain't good enough . and now it is good enough ?
all in all , i enjoy the game but this is seriously a bummer
This thread is full of nothing but people bashing each other, close it please!
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Bashiok - Blizzard Representative - 08/01/2011 -"So how many skill combinations are there now? Well taking into account 6 active skills, all the rune combinations, and 3 passives we currently expect each class to have roughly 2,285,814,795,264 different build combinations."
"Hey, I thought you'd like the witty irony of grub-on-glowie violence!"
Even though OP is a troll with such a lame thread title and post but i still want to add my opinion. All you little whiners, if Blizzard wouldn't reveal planned features at all and just announce the included features would you be happy? pvp in D2 was quite big. It's actually one of the things that held many players in the community and made many people come back to play d2 every time there was a ladder reset. I used to play on NL so i dont really care, its just that pvp on NL was really hard since many people were totally maxed out and not to mention the crazy NL items from 0.8 and such. I am confident that we will get some sort of a team based pvp sometime. Maybe not exactly tdm but something along those lines. I hope they will add the dueling system soon though, cuz really it dosnt sound that hard to implement at all.
All the kids who are like "gg blizz no pvp" are just a bunch of trolls. If they had something good they would have released it since it will surely make them some profit. But apparently its not good so its scratched. Claiming that Blizzard scammed us is just silly. I remember that asshole who had a huge post about how he managed to get his 60 euros back because he kept whining and threatened to sue Blizzard after he spent like 100 hours on the game. All i can say is - Freaking spoiled brats.
Even though OP is a troll..All i can say is - Freaking spoiled brats.
No offense, but troll or not he has a point.
D3 was sold on the promise of pvp. When it was released they said pvp will be released shortly after. After 7 months of NOTHING they release a pvp blog stating that TDM is not fun and we will get 'dueling'.
So, 8 months for a duel button?
Thats just plain stupid. But, its a great way to get the players really mad.
SImple logic would have been. Simple duel button and work on TDM. NOT, ignore everyone and make them wait for 7 months just to say HERP A DERP.
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D3 Channel: OnetwoD3
When will you understand that ALL DIABLOS(HACK&SLASH) always have had pvp as far is i know..... so i dunno why youre saying that
Hack&slash doesnt mean PVE only.... else they would name mit PVEHack&Slash or something.
Now im getting a bit tired of cry babies like the op. STFU already and let Blizzard finish the damn game. It's not good right now stop complaining and let them do what as to be done...
Jesus, im so sick and tired of this new generation of gamers... If you got nothing intelligent to say, don't say anything. Close this thread.
I wonder when people like you will just shaaaad up and realize PVP was a huge part of Diablo 2.
Im sick of people like you... Making no sense acting like Blizz has the right to NOT deliver and still take peoples money.
RULE #1 of making games. You better do it right or suffer the backlash of people who paid money for it.
Jay Wilson and D3 devs are liars and full of crap.
So if you have nothing inteligent to say.. Shaaaaaaaaaad up. Go back and play your half-assed, unfinished broken DIABLO 3 and love it. Maybe after a few xpacs worth 50 dollars each you will finally get the full product.
Il be waiting for POE... FREE TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... MUAhahhHAHaaA
You mean your parent's money? Close your account with DiabloFans, uninstall D3, and tell them to spend $60 on another game that will charge more down the line for DLC.
Ya.. Ok. Il go down to the old folks home now.. Where I PAY for them and tell them this right now because some forum loser with no sense of reality told me to do something retarded.. And i just do it because im such tool.
But you don't. All you have are your derp QQ posts on a fansite.
When did i say " I " lived at an old folks home. Learn to read...
And make sense. This maybe a fansite. But its not a mindless drone site.
So, if youre mad im not a mindless drone and i actually make sense....I DON"T CARE.
Blizz makes people wait 7 months for a feature that should have been in the game on release... Bottom line.
People wanted a duel button on release and waited 7 months for arenas.. And the give the exact opposite.
So, please. Show a little respect for the paying customer pal. Not all of us like being lied to over and over while being kept in the dark about the simplest things. Maybe you do, but i sure as hell don't.
I have had a lot of fun with diablo , but when they announced "no pvp , but we will probably have it out before the end of the year" i was shocked . How hard could it be to put in a casual pvp system ? . And now this , i was ok with dueling before they started with all they're hype about how cool pvp must be and we probably wont have dueling cause it ain't good enough . and now it is good enough ?
all in all , i enjoy the game but this is seriously a bummer
Bashiok - Blizzard Representative - 08/01/2011 -"So how many skill combinations are there now? Well taking into account 6 active skills, all the rune combinations, and 3 passives we currently expect each class to have roughly 2,285,814,795,264 different build combinations."
"Hey, I thought you'd like the witty irony of grub-on-glowie violence!"
Currently played toon: https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Rage-2973/hero/97362116
I spent the majority of my time DUELING in Diablo 2. Thats all i did and the pvp scene was huge from FFA to leagues.
So please, don't start this crap with me. Im sick WOW/PVM care bare kids starting these bullshat arguements every single time PVP is brought up.
DUELING was huge in D2. Deal with it.
Ha. Bagstone.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
All the kids who are like "gg blizz no pvp" are just a bunch of trolls. If they had something good they would have released it since it will surely make them some profit. But apparently its not good so its scratched. Claiming that Blizzard scammed us is just silly. I remember that asshole who had a huge post about how he managed to get his 60 euros back because he kept whining and threatened to sue Blizzard after he spent like 100 hours on the game. All i can say is - Freaking spoiled brats.
No offense, but troll or not he has a point.
D3 was sold on the promise of pvp. When it was released they said pvp will be released shortly after. After 7 months of NOTHING they release a pvp blog stating that TDM is not fun and we will get 'dueling'.
So, 8 months for a duel button?
Thats just plain stupid. But, its a great way to get the players really mad.
SImple logic would have been. Simple duel button and work on TDM. NOT, ignore everyone and make them wait for 7 months just to say HERP A DERP.