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    posted a message on Another Ban wave just hit and Surprise !

    We do believe they can make mistakes. But we also believe that if they did in fact make mistakes, it will get fixed if the banned person contact them. But if they contact them and they say the decision is final, I trust the person did in fact do something wrong and that Blizzard has evidence of it in the logs.

    If anyone was banned and are certain it was a mistake, they should contact Blizzard to get it reviewed and reversed rather than complain about it here, where nothing will be done about it.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Another Ban wave just hit and Surprise !
    Quote from Moboroshi»

    You have little fate in people that is your problem.

    But I guess the problem is more about what friends do you have in game, around what kind of players do you float around because me as a non cheater I delete every one that I suspect of cheating and believe me its very easy to see this. Actually players are so used to cheating and be friends with cheaters that when someone sais he never sued Turbo Hud or Botting they wont believe him.

    I actually do trust that person he doesn't bot or use turbo hud, he was the leader of the only no cheater allowed clan on Hardcore EU.

    No I don't have little faith in people. But I have been playing computer games for 30 some years, and the excuses are always the same when people cheat and get caught. Usually they claim innocence and faulty anti cheat or false positives. Yet it has never happened for me or anyone of the many people I've played with online through the years in any game.
    I used the friend thing as an example of how little I would believe a person ever did anything wrong, even if he was my friend. I hate cheaters. Always have an always will. If you play offline, cheat your heart out all you want. But if you play online, don't be a wanker and cheat. That's all I can say. If I knew of any of my friends who cheated in any game I play with them, I couldn't want to play with them anymore. But this is getting a bit off topic in fictive scenarious and stuff. :)
    Bottom line is, I don't care how well you know your friend. If he was banned he cheated somehow. Bannable cheating can be many things and as I said, he might only have done it once ages ago. But I don't buy he was banned for using Yolomouse. If he was, it should be easy to prove with Warden logs, and I have yet to hear of anyone being banned/unbanned for false Yolo positives. Warden knows what it see in your memory and know the difference between Yolo and bots and stuff.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Another Ban wave just hit and Surprise !
    Quote from Moboroshi»

    I don't doubt you and many others use yolomouse and other ( actually not cheating programs ) but I think some of those programs can cause fake positives when it comes to warden scans.

    Until I see one case where it has been proved someone got banned by a false positive because of one of these no cheating things, I won't believe it. Sure, it's the go to excuse for cheaters that they never cheated, but I wouldn't even trust my best friend if he told me he got banned while being 100% innocent. Maybe he only checked out a bot once, or tested a map hack for a day or two ages ago, but Warden collects information and if it detect anything out of the ordinary, you will get banned. Not right away, maybe not in a month, but maybe in 6 months. But almost every cheater try the innocent excuse just to see if it works.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Another Ban wave just hit and Surprise !

    Funny, I use Yolo mouse, ReShade and Numlock cast which are most of the stuff people say they get banned for, and I haven't been banned yet. I've used this for years now so your friend and everyone else who claim innocence are full of it, sorry. What I haven't used ever are bots/ui overlays and maphacks. See how that works? So don't look like a fool trying to defend them or start a shitstorm.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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