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    posted a message on Login issues

    the website is pretty messed up, but I have been able to play today.

    lag is still bad, though. they are having some kind of trouble. the interface has some notice about trouble with the Battlenet patch

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    posted a message on New Sets in PTR

    I know this game is AGAIN going to force me to change my favorite characters setup. Not saying its a bad thing, just saying that this is the PRIME EXAMPLE of how we are forced to hoard some items just in case. People quickly forget this happens every few months and rant about how you "shouldn't hoard" to save stash space. Good rolled gear is hard to find, and if you find it you SHOULD store it, cuz it may be the only good thing you have next patch.

    I will still have to try out the new armor, but I do have some nice Tal Rashas stored up that should be retroactively changed.


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    posted a message on Why do people do full clears on regular Rifts?
    Quote from Savi»

    So, the main reason I want to close the rift right away is not for bloodshards anymore. It's all about getting the keystones fast so you can go back to farming GR35-38. Why bother clearing a full T6 rift when you can run GR35-38 in less than 5 min. You get so much more experience, legendaries (average 3-4~ per kill) and bloodshards (160-180 shards) doing these runs.

    This would be the only valid argument I have seen. It is correct and can be proven. The only way you can get a Trial Key is by closing a rift. Thats is a fact. If you prefer Grifting, and are low or out of Trial Keys, then you have a real reason to close immediately after the RG is dead.

    The most common reason I see most people clear is so they can get the exp and gold even though they cant tell the difference since the are tycoons and are paragon 500. Then they split, so all they are doing is being a douche bag. Thats it. People are just jerkoffs and want to screw others. If I know this group clears and I want to leave cuz I am bored, getting no drops or just gotta go, I leave the rift open. Big deal. I have all the gold, and .0000000001% exp is nothing. Why screw others? I am not a childish jerkoff douche bag so I wont.


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    posted a message on Ancient Flying Dragon?

    I was running a normal WOW and an ancient WOW dropped for me. I dont think thats why you havent got an ancient one. Its just rare to begin with.

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    posted a message on I hope Karma wont bite me in the ass for this...

    Yeah karma is coming to get you on a white horse. You all three owe him so much. Prolly about 50 mil gold or so and a bunch of legs each. Lol

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    posted a message on New Goblins in next patch

    The most fun I have now is chasing gob mobs. Gotta catch em all! Making them do the things described on the new ones sounds more challenging and fun but still being rewarding. This move is a good one IMHO. It appears the Devs realize gobs mobs are popular and are trying to take advantage of that and improve the fun. Its also good that the Devs seem to be actually listening to us and trying to do what many of us like. Good PR is good PR and will go a long way.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Stacking Ramaladni's Gifts - As if!

    I have found a couple in S2 and about 10 in regular play. I currently only have 1 left in my inventory. That is because I USE THEM.

    I think some people are either holding on to them waiting for the "perfect" weapon or just plain scared they will run out. I am not afraid of using them even on my followers weapon. I understand saving some things that may have a use when the next patch drops, but hoarding rama gifts isnt required IMHO. I wouldnt worry about keeping more than 1 or 2 in my stash.

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    posted a message on Season 2 Specific Legendary Item Drop Rate Buff (Video)

    Everyone will come unglued and go on about rng is rng, but I got my first WOW at about paragon 520 and then found an ancient WOW at about paragon 535. Never found one before and havent found one since those two.I have also found the same leg within 10 minutes of each other, and have seen that happen repeatedly to my clan mates.

    As far as seasons, i run a Wizard and the first leg ring I got (after making lvl 70) was the Halo and within the first 5 rifts I got all three of the new leg gems.

    Looks to me like the reward system decides it time for you to get this or that and possibly gets stuck on it for a while. lol, the infamous "loot tables"?


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    posted a message on Best use of Microtransactions

    Microtransactions could also help the game have a more frequent update. Right now everyone is waiting for another bid expansion. A new set of quests or levels or whatever could be added for a much smaller price instead of waiting for enough to be put together to be called and expansion.

    Again I will refer to Mass Effect 3 and all of the dlc they offered for it. The dlc really improved the game and you could pick and choose what you wanted or didnt want. I know they made more $$$$ doing it that way cuz the price added up to more than an expansion would cost but it came spread out in increments.

    Several games do this and its about time Blizzard got up to date. Seriously they have been so far behind everyone else they were still running the 20+ year old mpq files. Thats an obvious example of how they havent even tried to keep up with technology or how the gaming industry is running these days. They have been over the top resistant to change.

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    posted a message on The elephant in the room (rorg)

    Or make rorg only work for 6 piece sets. Blizzard can and has made certain item changes retroactive (see Marauders). A few people run less than 6 piece sets so it would lessen the value of rorg somewhat while still keeping in a nice item to use.

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    posted a message on Why do people do full clears on regular Rifts?

    I have only seen gob packs in certain rifts (ones with open space) so I like at least looking around those levels if we kill a rg on it. I suggest it to the party when I know they usually speed run. Most guys I have played will at least check it out if you say something.

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    posted a message on The elephant in the room (rorg)

    I just wish rorg had better attributes roll on it from the start. In mosts builds a rorg is required, but you rarely can get one with great stats. People farm for it and then have to settle for the crappy rolls. I have 2 ancients and they still arent that great.

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    posted a message on Why do people do full clears on regular Rifts?

    It is preference and I normally just go with the flow in pubs. I personally would rather full clear since I hate bounties and farming keys but do whatever is placed before me.

    The only problem I have is those that think they are being smooth and teleporting in to town and closing, then teleporting back asap to pretend they didnt do it. Lol! If you like the group and want to stick around then do what the group wants. If someone closes and everyone else likes full clears, stealth doesnt work and you will prolly get kicked. But, if I am too worried about doing full clears I will run with my clan. Pubs are hit and miss.

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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.

    many people want to compare apples and oranges as far as how D2 was and what D3 can be. like comparing a old car to a new one. technology has changed exponentially since then. there are many examples of games that run online and offline very well. both offline and online modes can be done if executed properly and the solid proof is all over the internet right now. blizzard has just shown they arent capable of managing their software like other companies can.

    ...like I said, an offline patch will come when Blizzard doesnt want o keep supporting D3 like they do today. Prolly about the time D4 comes out.

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    posted a message on Monk gets stuck

    Sometimes I get stuck virtually anywhere when I lag long enough. I have to teleport to town and back to fix it. I think this is what people call "rubber banding". This has happened to me from day one and is not fixed like reported.

    I have also been stuck buy getting knocked back off the edge of a cliff or behind a chest or something. This has only started with this last patch. Annoying that this has been introduced with a patch when I never had this problem before.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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