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    posted a message on Halo of Arlyse - New Legendary Ring

    It may work with a WOW build, you hvae to stay close enough to take a lot of melee dmg with it. Thats the reason I wanted one. I'll see in about 5 months if it helps much. Unless I luck out and get a WOW with my Season wiz.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Let's talk about Delsere's Magnum Opus

    I want that so I can play my Mirrorball!

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Firebird 6set reset by shielding affix

    Sounds kinda like when the Orlash teleports out, the dot resets.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Halo of Arlyse - New Legendary Ring

    I got the ring equipped on my season wiz, it had a socket, so I put a bane of the trapped in it. My build is fire (got a CIndercoat) except Ice Armor.

    It works okay with a low level paragon. What i usually do is run close enough to chill enemies (and it really minimizes the melee while do so) and then hit them with black hole, blizzard and disintegrate.

    Its fun, but not the greatest item.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Physically Stacked Pylons

    I want that glitch.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard hates lovers...

    Twoflower, I was making jokes, too.

    My word isnt law, nor is it always serious.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard hates lovers...

    like I said, most D3 players havent got a girl so its not gonna hurt the S2 launch! lol!

    I believe Friday the 13th was the angle, but they might not have thought it through enough...

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.
    Quote from MeritClips»

    you guys are stupid lol just switch to POE updates every week :D

    I'm not so concerned about lack of weekly updates.

    I would like to see certain quality of life updates, even if it takes a long time to arrive. there has been a lot of sensible ideas and feedback ignored cuz they are going to do what they want regardless.

    too bad some great ideas arent being implemented.


    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.

    ehh, ruksak, you arent gonna agree with me regardless, so it doesnt matter. I'm not gonna continue arguing with you.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.
    Quote from ruksak»

    Here, you asserted that the cause for the online only status of Diablo 3 has more to do with Blizzard wanting to present us with D3 on a temporary basis, that the online-only status is an indication that Blizzard is "power-mad". You ignore what happened in Diablo 2, where the game was never played the way the devs of Blizzard North wished it to be played. They did not intend for everyone to be running around with Enigma, Fort, EbotdZ etc etc. They never intended for these Runewords to be prevalent. These RW's were supposed to be exquisitely rare. But due to the offline play of D2, people were capable of raping the game of it's integrity, and everyone had the most rare RW's in the game, and we all took it for granted.

    Online-only is meant to prevent this sort of loss of integrity, and it has succeeded. So you call it "power mad", I call it a success.

    The Devs originally stated that offline was not available only due to the AH. Very understandable due to the history of D2 and dupes, 3rd parties would screw it all up. You are correct in that its a win stopping dupes and other cheats.

    Offline mode does NOT have to be anything like D2 offline mode. Simple way to do it (like many games do) is that your offline toons are ONLY offline toons. You cannot go online with them, you cannot use your offline stashes or offline items online.Your online toons are stored on Blizzards servers. your online stashes are stored in Blizzards servers. Blizzard would STILL retain 100% control of ALL online characters and items and stash. 100%, all of it. Total Godlike control.

    Bandwidth is one of Blizzards BAD problems. Hardcore has DC issues and that is keeping many from playing HC. Forcing everyone to play online isnt helping that issue at all. personally, I prefer single player games. I buy single players games and if I like it, I might try out the multiplayer. how many people would be offline, saving server load? Its a win/ win if implemented correctly. its very simple. very very simple.

    I have played a few single player/ multiplayer games. ME3 (for an easy example) has a 4 man online coop game. Your offline, locally saved characters have nothing at all to do with the online multiplayer aspect. nothing at all. your online toons leveling and items are completely different than what you have in singleplayer. you can go to the Origin website and view your muliplayer achievements and items and character levels cuz its saved online. blizzard could easily do something similar and (again) have 100% control of what you play online. 100%

    I call them power mad because big brother demands to look over your shoulder and have total control at all times and have the power to pull the plug on you right now. D1 and D2 can be played by anyone with the disc at any time. D3 can be taken from you if they dont like you, even though you bought a piece of polycarbonate from them. people who prefer single player (like me) have to put up with server down time and hackers and etc for no reason. I would play online, as I do like multiplayer in this game, but allowing offline would make my online experience better cuz I think it would lighten the server load.

    if they started offline tomorrow (the way I recommended), it would be like seasons starting fresh, or you could EXPORT one or all of your toons to offline and make them local offline only. or you could keep all of your toons online only. this is simple and easy.


    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.
    Quote from oldschool_2o4f»

    I came here to avoid all the little timmies that still ride the bus to school, or at least wish they were.

    As for Blizzard wanting your money, the house you live in costs money, hell, that food in the fridge, yep, costs money too...

    Things like the server control, D2 still online and plugging along.

    I don't get this, is it a medication thing, a plea for attention, or maybe just some teen angst and railing against the man?

    Big waste of time reading this thread, should be locked and tossed.

    I do like that D1 and D2 can be played right now offline on any PC. There is a single player mode on D3, but big brother has to look over your shoulder when you play, and its because your single player toons can be used in multiplayer. to prevent dupes and cheaitng, offline would merely need to be exclusive toons that cannot be played online in multiplayer. that simple. that easy.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.
    Quote from ruksak»

    Are you really this thick or is this a ploy for attention?

    I believe the dev comment in question was meant to be understood as "D3 is meant to be played in binges, you get burned out and can go play whatever you wish until the desire to play D3 comes back". Of course they dropped their own product name, you goofball. Did you want them to use PoE as an example? C'mon man......grow up.

    You took this crap a few steps too far into the realm of nonsense. They refuse to make D3 offline because of all the idiots that would immediately hack and dupe and lay ruin to the games integrity.

    "It's a business". No shit.....really? I bet these Blizzard motherfuckers are even making money off us!!!!

    1. My statement wasnt about if WOW or POE or Checkers should have been used as an example (as you clearly think I was meaning by your statement) I was saying "I think Blizzard has realized D3 is pretty played out so they hope you migrate to WOW, and thats why D3 is similar to WOW in many ways and has many ties to it.

    2. offline mode is easy. no different than any other game with a single player aspect. you simply have ALL online characters and stashes saved on the Blizzard servers, only to be used and viewed online and offline characters can only be played single player offline (or maybe a Lan party). its easy to separate online and offline and virtually every other game does it. they do it with seasons and regular right now, except its all saved on their servers. as soon as they decide they dont want to support D3, they will probably make a patch that gives us offline mode.

    3. and I said its a business cuz some people clearly arent understanding that. Blizz is in it to make money (no sh1t, right) and WOW is a monthly check, whereas D3 only gets them money when expansions come out. even I would support WOW as much as I could. anyone wanting to pay their bills and draw a steady paycheck would think that way.

    you did question me, but you ranted and raved, Bnet troll style, so i avoided you, but there is some answers

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.
    Quote from ruksak»

    Quote from pantherdan666»

    Quote from Esspiritu»

    I came to these forums thinking it would be better then the blizzard Diablo 3 forums, with ruksak, I can see both are the same.

    To the OP, I think a lot of people are just upset at what was not said at that interview as well as what they did say. But I do agree that Diablo 3 is a game that you play for short bursts, the guy could have prob worded it better to know say wow in it though. But after all they want people to keep playing wow seeing as sub numbers are slowly dropping again.

    Overall I do feel Diablo 3 team is prob 90 to 95% of the size it was and most of the workers are moved to something else. I still have for X-pack 2 for D3.

    like I said, he didnt read my post, he just went troll and started going on about me.

    I clearly read your post. I even listed line for line what about it I didn't care for. Why don't you respond to that, instead of complaining about how I hurt your feelings? All you've done is complain about the reception your thread has gotten, yet you haven't said one single fucking word in response to what people (myself included) have said about the actual point of your thread.

    Do you have anything to say for yourself, aside from complaining about how I first responded to you? I've tried to help foster a valid conversation from an OP that was really quite off-the-mark. Why don't you try to add something constructive to your own thread?

    No, you still are just being abrasive for no reason, but lets talk. Specify a point and I will give you my opinion and support it.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.
    Quote from Madara89»

    Blizzard wants D3 to be a starter drug to get you hooked on WOW. There are many ties between the two, anyway. Kerrigans Wings..

    Wait.. what?

    Yeah, I think Kerrigans wings came with the D3 Collectors Edition. Anyway, its those bat like wings you see in multiplayer, not the yellow angel wings. I think there is another set of wings, too but I cant remember.

    If you like those wings you may be able to upgrade your account to CE and get them, but I'm not sure so someone please tell him if that is correct.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on for those complaining about Blizzard seemingly forcing WOW on D3 players.
    Quote from ruksak»

    Quote from pantherdan666»

    Thornagol, clearly you read my post and understood what I was getting at. You seem to be the only one with reading comprehension. btw, I wasnt calling you "thick" I was merely reciprocating.

    Would you change your opinion if I told you that he adamantly disagrees with you? Because.....he does disagree with you. He does not support your ideas at all, as he clearly described in his posts here.

    You are STILL the thick one here. He DID read my post and understood most of it.

    An ADULT will disagree and say why. Someone like YOU will troll by throwing out insults instead of saying why they disagree.

    My first line I clearly stated "I see some people are complaining about the Dev saying D3 is a game to play for a while and then you go over to play WOW. Well I see method to their madness..." I am saying I see whats going on and it makes sense, whether ANY of us like it or not. D3 dosnt belong to us, its not like D1 and D2, we cant do offline, so they can turn off the switch tomorrow if they feel it isnt profitable enough, cuz they see WOW as their cash cow with the monthly fees. Simple. I went on to say i dont like how they do as they please despite so many great suggestions and they clearly dont support their fans and seem to have a God complex.

    Then you guys start acting EXACTLY like your reply to Esspiritu about my post reeking of Bnet fodder. Several of you started acting like one of those BNET trolls that you say you despise.

    Yeah, Thornagol doesnt agree with me and stated so, but HE IS ACTING LIKE AN ADULT (unlike you and a bunch of you friends I see) and earned respect by NOT calling me stupid and etc. but by merely stating his point of view. You need to learn how to discuss and debate things. If you want to get people to think that your opinions are in any way valid, you should act respectable to people. You may be able to sway my opinions and I may totally agree with your opinions, but talking like you are will not make me think you are anything but a childish troll.

    I have held off replying to you because I dont want this to become one of those Bnet threads that became a childish name calling contest. YOU seem to be going on and on TRYING to make it a Bnet name calling thread. If you wanna talk, then we can, but act civil, cuz you AREN'T, you are acting like a troll.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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