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    posted a message on Drop Games are Dumb, and Other Bashiok Thoughts
    Quote from Magistrate

    Item hoarders rejoice! Though nothing particularly definitive yet, Bashiok updated us today with another bit of the shiny silver lining of the proverbial clouds of Diablo III! Okay, that was pretty much the worst analogy ever, but still:

    Official Blizzard Quote:

    it's something we hope to do, it's not designed or in any sort of implementation phase so until we reach that point and either hit a revelation of it working or not we won't know for sure. But yes, still hope to have some sort of easy way to share between characters. "Drop games are dumb." - Bashiok

    Shared stashes on the caliber of the popular Diablo II mod Eastern Sun? Wandering from the archaic and traditional stash concept of the previous games into something more accessible and modern? Hopefully more information will come in the days ahead, and BlizzCon 2010.

    i wuz the post creator, and bash replied to my question, nao i feel special, YAY ME!
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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