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    posted a message on Day before Diablo 3 release.
    Oh jeez... where to start!?

    - I'd run to the bank, screaming at the cashier for a withdrawal of 5 grand. After the guards tackle me down and throw me out due to my 'disturbance of the peace' (actually, I don't have that kind of money anyway, and they don't trust me with loans).
    - Then I'll head to the computer store after making a back-alley transaction for my dough with this weird dude.
    - Buy myself a computer with top-specs.
    - Head to EB games 23 hours early and then shout "Fuck this" after 11 seconds and head back to the weird dude
    - Buy a map and time schedule of the routes the trucks shipping D3 are taking.
    - Hijack... err... welcome the trucks with open arms.
    - Jump up and down like an excited child that will grow up to become a crazed maniac.
    - Run, arms and bags flailing wildly, making a drool trail all the way home.
    - Lock myself in the toilet and start setting up de shiz!
    - Orgasm
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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