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    posted a message on What ways are you guys going to be purchasing D3?
    Quote from Zoltor

    You should've added within the first week, as a option(lol whenever I get a chance could be months or even a year after release).

    D3 lacks the quality that would warrant a pre-order/first day release purchase(for me to pre-orde/buy on day 1, it better be a Great or atleast a high end very good game), but providing Blizzard doesn't screw up the rune system, it still seems good enough to warrant buying faily close to release.

    If by some reason Blizzard chooses to go against what every single gamer wants, and screws up the rune system, D3 will probally be a wait unto the expansion comes out game, to see how they improve what would then be a meh game.

    I'm still hoping Blizzard has more sense then that though, the fact that they pulled back on that suggested rune system, leads me to think they are leaning away from that POS rune system now(good thing too, they almost had a riot on their hands).

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Graphite

    Why does anyone need an explanation for any of this? You will believe what you want because you are given free will to do so. Which by the way was given to all of us by God the creator of all things. I choose to believe in God. You choose not to believe in God. There is no inbetween, you either believe or you do not. Now believe that your choice is correct and leave the rest of the world to die in misery as there is nothign you can to save them.

    I am not a good christian as I do not have the patience to save people from eternal damnation which is a task commanded to all that believe by God himself. I will have failed as a chiristian and may one day join all those that turn from God in the eternal burning blazes of hell.

    It matters because athiests believe they are "enlightened" and that they need to share this "enlightenment" with the rest of the world. Since most things can be proven with science (and most educated religious people these days believe god used science as a means to an end), they use science as a means to brush off all "religious evidence." Athiests, as you can tell by what Proleteria, Necrodrac and LinkX have been doing this whole thread... can be just as preachy as religious whack jobs. They just do it in a different form.

    It boils down to the fact that if god uses/used science to govern/create the universe, you simply cannot prove that he exists without discovering indisputable metaphysical evidence. However, on the other side of the coin... being that science could very well have been created by god, athiests CANNOT disprove his/its existence either.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from LinkX

    Quote from Sabvre
    Ohhhhhhhh Proletaria... I have already diffused you on this argument. Theres a fact you simply cannot and or willnot and or don't want to understand, and that is that God does not require an origin.

    As I have stated multiple times now if god (whatever he or it is) designed the universe ... including time and all that governs it (physics... quantum dynamics) ... these laws do not apply to him. I am going to use a Nerd Metaphor for you... and hope you understand it:

    If a dungeon master in D&D decides that it is night time during the campaign he is designing... does that necesarily make it night for him in real life? No, because the DM is simply the creator and he is designing the rules/laws/status of the game.

    Time is something that we interpret in order to necesitate an origin for something. As I've said 5x now... the universe holds to the necessity to have an origin as time is part of the universe. Time is NOT part of god... it is the ruling decided by the dungeon master.. it is in the realm of his mind and his creation but not part of his reality.

    To quote _Salvation "Proletaria you silly goose".

    That's awesome. You just proved that Deism could be possible.

    Now...what about Theism?

    In addition to that, to quote Carl Sagan, "If the general picture, however, of a Big Bang followed by an expanding universe is correct, what happened before that? Was the Universe devoid of matter and then suddenly somehow created, how did that happen? In many cultures the customary answer is that a god or gods created the universe out of nothing. But if we wish to pursue this question courageously we must of course ask the next question, where did god come from? If we decide that this is an unanswerable question, why not save a step and conclude the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question. Or, if we say that god always existed, why not save a step and conclude that the universe always existed, there was no need for a creation, it was always here. These are not easy questions, cosmology brings us face to face with the deepest mysteries. With questions that were once treated only in religion and myth."

    Carl Sagan. <3

    As I said when Proletaria used this quote... and to reiterate the point from my last point you ignored. GOD DOES NOT REQUIRE AN ORIGIN.

    If god created this universe, the laws of the universe are not necessarily applicable to him. Carl Sagan is thinking in terms of what we understand from this universe, drawing from his knowledge of this universe.

    Time is something that was created and defined by God (again whatever he is). If time does not exist in whatever realm/dimension/whatever the heck you want to call in that god exists in... then there is no such thing as a beginning or an end.

    Time is a proven dimension... although it is temporal, it is affected by the universe. Scientific evidence proves that the faster you get to the speed of light, the slower time moves. The same is said in the theory of relativity in the case of extreme gravity (singularitys - frame dragging - space time warping - etc).

    I understand this is a hard concept to grasp, but there are a few things the human brain cannot grasp (EVER).

    1.) Multiple dimensions in a non-mathematical way
    2.) God
    3.) The multiverse
    4.) The true meaning and power behind infinity.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Winged

    I understand the bases of your view and just want to state I in no way condemn you for it, I just share my view strongly, as any confident person should.

    Lets talk reason for a second though. In your belief, god is unprovable, and controls all, so nothing is constant and nothing is provable. How does this help you live your life? How would this help our race get to where we are today if everyone believed it? If your view is true, than your free will is an illusion created by this God. If your God controls all, than he'd control you doing these things, and thus be part of his plan, correct? I just don't see this good in your view from a ration stand point. God has the wheel, so just let him drive?

    Again, this is all covered in Antirealism, but I'd like to pick your brain to understand why you live by these views.

    Yes and no... you are again conceptualizing god as a single self aware being. As I have stated, in my opinion god is outside of our universe and therefore not the same as us. As someone else on this thread stated... god could be the universe itself.

    Anyways, I'm going to split the answer to your question in three.

    First, it is extremely simple/ close minded to deny the existence of anything metaphysical. If something lies outside of physics then the term exist does not even apply to it? Humanity... while it has conceptualized theories such as the multiverse and M-Theory... will never be able to prove these. However, alot of mainstream science believes and often lives by these theories?

    Second, if you do not believe in a higher power at all... then why do you believe in morals or ethics? If there is no extraworldly punishment for what we conceptualize as evil... why do YOU not live a hedonistic selfish life? Why do YOU conform to the rules of society when they do not personally benefit you? Theoretically, if there is no such thing as sin... then there is no reason to not commit these acts. Lying, Stealing, Cheating, Raping, Murder... they are all perfectly fine acts, as there is absolutely no reason to be an ethical person.

    Third, I have personally witnessed what I consider miracles in my life. You non-believers will argue with me all day and try to tie a physical cause to what I consider a metaphysical result... and so, I will not even attempt to list them. However, no matter how much I try to explain these things with a worldly reason... I cannot (and trust me, my brain processes everything with logic rather than emotion).
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Winged

    Basing choices off metaphysical concepts like that can't lead to anything. If you believe what you're saying, than why take your next breath? Since you may all the sudden not need oxygen. Why share your thoughts? The universe could rubber-band on itself and create another big bang. Why do any god in the world? Your views are purely metaphysical, I know I've beat that work with a stick but it's all your opinion is based on. You can not be living by your view, it is impossible.

    I don't think you fully understand my views :-/. As I tried to explain in my initial post that you replied to. I believe there is a god that either intentionally or unintentionally created all that we know (including science). I do not think of god in terms of a single being that smites people for blasphemy, or blesses people for good behavior.... I believe that god is something that our human brains cannot comprehend, as he is outside of our universe and therefore our brains cannot properly conceptualize him/it.

    To use the dimensional example to explain god, if 2D beings existed, they would not be able to understand or conceptualize a 3D being, as their brain only thinks in 2D. Our human brains think in what I call 3.5D as we can only truely conceptualize time as moving foward. Our human brains cannot conceptualize anything beyond this, and this is why so many people try to say that God requires an origin as well.

    God does not require an origin... Science does. In my initial post I mentioned that science is stuck in a self contained paradox. For the rules of relativistic science to hold true, then the universe itself must be contained within this rules. If these rules do hold true (without a god), we should not exist at all as there is no way for the origin to occur. ---> Matter cannot be created without energy. Energy cannot be created... simply change forms. <------
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on No Mod Support for Diablo 3
    Seriously LinkX.... just stop talking. I guarantee you are one of those asshats that sympathize with the hackers that brought PSN down for a month... you seem to think that it is Blizzards job to suck your cock for your $59.99. You paid them money (which btw $59.99 isn't all that much) and you won't pay them again until they release an xpac.

    Diablo 3 is not WoW. You are not paying a monthly fee. You are not paying $180 a year. You are not paying this $180 a year for multiple years between xpacs. If you think you are so fucking entitled to mods, go be a smart consumer and go play a different game.

    Blizzard has every right to ban mods. This whole thread is a pefect example of why they should. So many of you have so often cited that the community can make better UIs... well maybe blizzard doesn't want to have to deal with people undermining them and making them look bad (horrible PR). Blizzard also doesn't want to have to deal with people installing a mod... having technical issues and running to tech support. Blizzard also doesn't want to have to deal with releasing their code to the mainstream... allowing all formulae to be publicly announced and turn diablo 3 into an e-peen "I need grow my cock by having 3 more points of dps" fest.

    They have their reasons for not supporting modding. They are a Corporate Entitity, and thus have the right to do whatever the fuck they want with their products within their legal rights.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on PC or/and Console version?
    It depends on how they do it. If they can make it so that you and a friend can play on the same screen with a console... I'm down with console. Otherwise its a coin toss. My PC would get better graphics... and i'm used to playing that style. But theres something to be said about being lazy and laying my ass down on the sofa and getting my demon slaying on.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I think the KFC delivery guy has a crush on me
    Quote from _Salvation

    Quote from Sabvre

    I freaking knew he was gonna SOME sort of pic at us. I literally said to myself... this guys is going to try to post a picture if we keep proding him.

    Why should I care? It's a picture. I got tired of explaining things in words, so posting a picture was an easy way to quit having a silly conversation, you silly person.

    No. Its your end goal by this whole thread. You are peacocking (If that really is you)...... You are trying to go on a diablo fansite forum to talk about yourself, and baiting people into "baiting" you to put up a picture. Presumably in the end goal of attracting (probably based on the statistical population of this site) a male mate.

    Otherwise why would you go on a male dominated site and start talking about your abs and how some other male has a crush on you... continue talking about how great you are and then throw up a pic of (some guys) abs?
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on How much would you pay for a beta key?
    Nothing... Its only 2 hours of gameplay. I could get more enjoyment out of a flash game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Same Skill, Multiple Slots
    I would NOT be fine with this. This is part of what makes choosing a rune determine your build. There are several skills that i wish i could choose option -> All of the above for rune effects. Being able to do that is just silly and removes the point of having to choose.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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