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    posted a message on General Government Discussion Thread
    Well you not trusting the american gouvernment I can understand. With so many organisations that operate completely in the dark, combined with your system of election is just begging for corruption.

    Other than that, I'd like to postulate that Americans are stupid... x) *hides*

    Americans have democrats and republicans... Only one thing they both agree on, and thats that the system of gouvernment is deeply, deeply flawed. Yet nobody does anything but bitch and moan about it =P

    If you don't trust your gouvernment, get a new one! Even Egypt can do that ;)
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on General Government Discussion Thread
    Ooooh actual debate, how fun ^^

    Well I'm from Holland, which actually is a socialist country.

    Now all American alarms go off, "oh no, communism!" but this is due to a misconception concerning socialism. You see, every form of economy that taxes high incomes more than low incomes is socialist, though it can be in varying degrees.

    Your idea of making the different classes pay different taxes has been incorporated in our tax system, in an adapted form. You see, if you decide someones class based on their income, and then decide how much taxes they should pay, this leads to a problem. Say, for arguments sake, that the lower class makes upto 20k a year. 20k-40k can then be considered middle class.

    So, if you make 19.999 dollar a year, you have to pay 10%, equalling ~2k, giving you a net income of ~18k.
    But, if you make 21.000 dollar a year, you have to pay 20%, equalling ~4k, giving you a net income of 17k.

    This actually means that going forward in life is being punished. This is very detrimental to economic growth and a reason not to seek progress.

    Our system?
    Say the classes are divided like this;
    Lower: 0-20k
    Upper middle: 40-60k
    Elite: 60k+

    Now lets say we got someone with a before taxes income of 80k a year. This person would then have to pay 10% taxes over the first 20k, 20% over the second 20k, 30% over the third 20k, and 50% over anything above that. In this case that would be 2k + 4k + 6k + 10k = 22k.

    This way it is never detrimental to your net income to make more money. This is glorious you say? Why doesn't the entire world quickly adapt this wonderfull system? Well here's why...

    On paper, it sounds great. The people who have the most, contribute the most. But things that sound great on paper don't always work out as well.

    Why do people spend years in college learning tremendously difficult things, and busting their brains, living on a diet of coffee? Because the reward is big. What happens when you cut down the reward? People's aspirations go down. This is the same problem communism had, though to a much higher degree.

    Second is a very practical problem. Poor people may rejoice at this system, rich people are surprisingly un-fond of it, especially in a country like the USA, where anything resembling socialism is nearly equalled to satanism. A result is that big companies will move their business to other countries, that aren't as social in their tax policies.

    I wholely agree that a socialist structure would be an ideal. Problem is, how do you sell it to the people who have to make it happen?
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on In-game collectors item
    Technically though, aren't ALL items in diablo games by definition 'collectors' items? =P
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Activision Blizzard Q4 2010 Financial Results Conference Call
    Since everyone at blizzcon 2011 will recieve a beta key, my guess is beta will start around june/july. Then by october, they are ready to start stress testing. Seems right on track for a Q4 2011 release. On top of that, I believe Bashiok wouldn't have bothered with his 'clearing up' post if he did not consider 2011 a very real possibility.

    My 2 cents..
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Activision Blizzard Q4 2010 Financial Results Conference Call
    Late 2011 sounds most likely to me aswell, barring some kind of unforeseen setback.. However, considering the game was announced in 2008, I do believe it's fair to say Blizzard was wrong to not 'exclude' possible release years. Would it truly have been so risky for them to have said it would DEFINITELY not be released BEFORE 2011? Would have set a whole different set of expectations than the continuous "it might be released next year.. or it might not be".

    In no way do I believe Blizzard should announce their release dates earlier than they do. But I do hope nobody will even attempt to convince me that Blizzard actually underestimated the amount of work to be done by 2-3 years.

    All in all I find this a bit poor =)
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on PvP mode idea
    Quote from SandyTheSandman

    That would make the 'football' idea something like capture the flag, wouldn't it?
    I don't think the idea will catch on, albeit it being a creative one. There's just too many hiccups to solve :P
    Yup, it's essentially capture the flag, only with 1 flag ;)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on PvP mode idea
    Quote from Gum

    I'm not that much into football but this is what I've played and it's pretty fun.

    Funnily enough that's pretty much exactly what I had in mind, though I didn't know this game.. xD Imagine that game diablo style :D
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on PvP mode idea
    Well I considered it a given that some actions can't be performed while carrying the ball ;o
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on PvP mode idea
    Hey all ^^

    I was just reading the battle.net forums. Specifically a topic requesting different pvp modes. Idea's like domination and capture the flag were offered.

    My idea is similar to capture the flag, but has its roots with a game like football.

    Football originated as a way to resolve clan or town disputes, without the troublesome bloodshed. The idea was that a dead sheep would be put in between 2 towns, and the clans would fight to drag the sheep to the opponents town. In later years the sheep got replaced by a ball, and it became a form of sport.

    How about an arena map, where in the middle there is a demon head, or perhaps a dead mongrel. If you walk over it, you pick it up. If you manage to take it behind the opponents line, you score a point. If you get killed, you drop it. This seems to me like a game that can go back and forth for a while, if each team has 4 players trying to push on, and cover their carriers. It also seems like something people can put a lot of strategic thinking into. Do you for instance assign one person to pick up the 'ball', and have him specced with a lot of defense, or do you all go for offense.

    Thoughts? ^^
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Imagine a blizzcon D3 release..
    For the fun of it, imagine there's a blizzcon 2011 (as of yet unconfirmed).. Then imagine, that on the first day of blizzcon 2011, they would surprise everyone by saying "Diablo 3 release date is.... NOW!!!"

    ...20000 gamers at blizzcon suddenly confronted with the dilemma of staying at blizzcon, or hurrying home/to their hotel to play it... I foresee massive mental breakdowns, and possibly bloodshed ^^

    Thoughts? :3
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Interesting reply on twitter
    Quote from Nekrodrac

    I must admit my friend that after a night of studying this seemingly benign twitter response, I no longer doubt that the hint is indeed very strong in this one.

    If you examine it properly and piece together the snippets of cleverly-hidden clues strewn across these 2 sentences, this would indicate Bashiok may be hunting orcs or elves. We need some more evidence to determine the correct answer, so by all means keep watching the twitter carefully.
    Since I know you will be unable to understand the complex logic that drove me to reach such a formidable conclusion, I will answer your question-

    Diablo 3 is playable from start to finish. Jay Wilson said so himself but conceded there's still quite a bit of work to do. So present tense means essentially nothing in terms of Mac or PC.
    I'm well aware mockery is the norm on these forums, however even I, not having English as my native language, know that it is customary to reply in the same tense as the question asked, unless you wish to put emphasis on said tense.

    ^^ Hope is a hard thing to kill ;)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Interesting reply on twitter
    @Diablo: Will Diablo III run natively on a Mac?
    @BartimaeusvUruk: It does indeed!

    It seems like a really generic response, except for the fact the question is asked in future tense, and the reply is in present tense. Coincidence, or slight hint? ;o
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Release date announced!
    ...Myeh not really, but atleast I got your attention ^^

    Right, for those of you who didn't just keel over from heart failure, I would like to introduce your newest troll on these forums ^^ Hailing from the rainy lands of Holland, ironically both known for being a low and high country at the same time.

    Been lurking these forums for quite some time now, and only posted once I think, about a year ago. Decided to become a more active poster (read troll) here :D


    Plz don't kill me for the title ^^;
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 5th one
    Im telling you, apache indian
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Strong Evidence for 2009 Diablo 3 Release
    In a world of skeletons being punched out of bodies, people exploding by a fist attack, wizards and all sorts of magic, you really wanna say diablo 3 is based on physics cuz you can toss over a bookshelve? x)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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