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    posted a message on Zoom Function
    I think it will probably be wheel button because spells are bound where the potions use to be... Much like in Wow, which btw is a great system.

    I am actually glad that it is an isometric view because most games of this genre that are 360 degrees are confusing, and disorienting. Although it is cool for some instances, the majority of the time when you are playing you will use the same angle anyway.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Zoom Function
    You can zoom its in the first 20 min game play video of the Barb.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Shield and Sword Barb
    Quote from "Havoc485" »
    yea Sheild and weapon Barb i think will be one of the best specs because of his inability to not die. lol
    Inability to not die means he has the ability to die....
    Double negatives FTL?

    But I totally agree with what you are trying to say, 1h + shield is awesome and that is what I am going to play.

    I hope they give shields a huge defense bonus, and hope they do defense like in Wow so it gives damage reduction which I think is better than in D2.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Character Variations?
    Every one and their mother that plays Barb says they want to be dual wield or 2h, am I the only one that will be using a shield?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Exploding heart on skeletons?
    Quote from "Zenith" »
    like 1 of the guys said theres things that blizzard makes in games that make no sense whatsoever for sake of gameplay and just like WoW mini tyrael? mini diablo? why they put those things on WoW just like the murloc in starcraft armor lol
    Those things are cool because of how popular these things are.
    They are the "essence" of blizzard, they are pop culture icons, at least for every Blizzard fan.

    And actually D1 D2 did make allot of sense, skeletons did not bleed. If you played a Barb the skill "find potion" it did not work on slain skeletons, because they were not corpses! Imagine that.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Scenic View Points
    The devs mentioned that they wanted to have a feeling of a open world in Diablo, that is living and breathing all in its own.

    They now have added a world map.

    To further increase this immersion, I suggest that there are selects spots in the game where there are view points, allowing you to have a panoramic view from that perspective. Giving you a idea of space in the game.

    A place that this could be implemented (using a Diablo 2 example) is after you defeat the 3 ancients on top of Mt. Areat. It would be nice to click on a designated "view point" icon(binocular icons seem fitting) near the edge of the mountain that would give you a panaramic view of the Frozen Tundra you have traversed and the town you came from; watching the seige unfold as the remaining barbarians fight.

    This could also be used to push forward the story. Telling unlocking a short in game voiced over cinematic that pans around the character givng the player a feel of what has happened and what is yet to come.

    I understand the technical barriars involved with this idea, that D3 is designed to be viewed from an isometric point of view. But these view points would only be in select places, places that are very beautiful, unique, and meaningful to the story. I believe this concept can be a great tool to create a sense of immersion. Making the work that would go in to them well worth it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Exploding heart on skeletons?
    Quote from "JumpMan" »
    I like how almost everybody in this topic has completely twisted mad3nch1na's words, and are actually telling him that he is asking for realism in Diablo III, despite the fact he made it perfectly clear in his original post that he isn't. People should stop shoving words down his throat and let him elaborate, in my opinion.

    Yes it is amazing how some people don't read.

    But I mean skeletons exploding blood does not make sense to me, because skeletons don't have blood.

    That would be like popping a water balloon and having OJ Simpson jump out and shoot you in the face.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Not enough defense+support oriented skills?
    I think there should be more defensive skills for the battle master tree and more group buffs.
    There is not even a single skill that increases passive block chance, and only 1 skill that is even related to blocking(although it is freaking awesome).

    I want to start playing D3 is 1h+shield with many points in the battle master tree and a few points allocated elsewhere, and I think the battle master tree is lacking compared to the other trees, as far as defensive, tanking, and group support role.

    What do you guys think?

    Also, I think a battle master spec barbarian with a shield should be the HARDEST class to kill out of ALL the classes, and at the same time have the greatest potential for solo game play more so than any other class.(assuming equivalent skill level)
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Where will you be when D3 comes??
    By 2011, I will have graduated college(2010), have nice paying job, have a nice car, have a hot gf that plays video games, and I will probably have rivers of tears from my eyes.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on End game Itemization suggestion
    Quote from "emilemil1" »
    This will be hard since the possible combinations will spread over the internet quickly.

    The point is not to keep them hidden forever. It is like runes in D2, it would be impossible to mouse over a rune and look at all of the rune words that could be made with this rune, because it would just take up too much space due to all of the possible combinations. So this is one reason why potential matching items would not be listed in game.

    Another reason why it is not listed is due to the fact, that there is a possibility of discovering a new one. Though eventually it is possible to have discovered 100% of the combinations, it would be unlikely as long as there are outlier sets that do not follow a particular pattern. Sure there will be patterns with the sets, like 3 or 5 or 7 of the same pre/suffix, 3 similar suffixes(animals, brothers, and such), and other combination that follow logic. But there could be combination that rare "easter egg" combinations, perhaps these combinationa are based off of stuff in real life(pop culture, movies, other games), or from obscure lore in other blizzard games like dare I say Wow or Starcraft.

    It could be possible that all the "easter egg" combinations are never found. And when they are all "found" new ones could be made, thus creating new fervor to play the game adding to the replayability. And I am not only suggesting these combinations as the only possible types of combinations, I am only adding these suggestions to a large pool of potential possible combination types.

    And with the lore related easter egg combinations, it would be a great adventure for a player to find a scroll on a monster that was lore, or pick some fine details in a conversation with an NPC. But it contains VERY VERY subtle clues and hints about a combination, that may or may not be an actual combination. Like some sort of like a riddle. It would be very rewarding players that are deeply involved with lore especially when they discover that their 10 week hunt, speaking with differnt NPCS, peicing togehter differnt peices of the puzzle, determining what is important information and what is irrelevant, and finally collecting all of the needed items(seemingly unrelated) and obscure unlock some awesome crazy synergy. Let me tell you, if I worked for 10 weeks to discover some awesome new synergy, the last thing I would do is post it on the internet so any noob can get what I worked 10 weeks to get.

    I think this system is perfect, because it is suitable for the casual player just collecting some items of the same stuff, the hard core player getting all of his items with the same prefix and suffix, and also rewards the UBER UBER hard core lore fanatic that can solve clues based on subtle hints and riddles.

    (If you discovered this awesome crazy synergy all by your self, through your hard work and research would you be willing to post it on the internet and share it with the whole world?)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's Your Favorite Monk Skill?
    I hate the Monk.
    Barbarian FTW!!!!!!!111111!!111
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Barb Leap Attack and Charge question
    I go battle master mostly and some fury with 1h and shield its gona pwn with charge.
    charge is just like leap attack except you do damage to everything along the way, except maybe for the fact that you cant jump over certain things with charge...
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Is Diablo 3 to visually busy?
    I don't think that Diablo 3 is visually busy, I think the Monk class is visually busy. The skill in particular is the exploding heart skill. There is little reason for a person NOT to use this skill, and this skill seems overpowered, and will lead to the overuse and abuse of this skill.

    In the game play videos, it seems that the monk always finishes with the exploding palm skill, to the point where they are executing the same combos over and over, no matter what the monster type.

    I suggest that the exploding palm skill be modified so that to cast the last stage that causes the bleed effect and ultimately the explodeing AOE effect have a 1-2 second cast rate, where it shows the monk doing really fast animations with his hands hitting the pressure points on the target to trigger this effect. During this period, he is unable to dodge and block incoming attacks.

    This in effect will make this spell more balance and give it less incentive to be spamable. To spam this spell it would require the monk to slow down game play slightly with the cast time.

    And him not being able to block or dodge will give the skill sufficient risk to reward ratio. Because it is an AOE skill and pretty much kills everything around the target(from what I've seen from the game play video), the damage received during this cast period is correlated to the total damage the monk will put out to the monsters around him. The more monsters around the monk when he casts this skill, the more damage he will take from being attacked by all of these monsters, but at the same time, the more effective the exploding AOE effect will become.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Exploding heart on skeletons?
    How can skeletons with no blood or heart be effected by exploding heart?
    and then explode in a pool of blood?

    IMO skeletons, golems, things that dont have blood SHOULD not be affected by certain types of spells. Also skeletons should be immune to such effects including bleeding and poison. Because skeletons dont have any blood to bleed out and they also dont have any muscles or organs to poison!!!

    People will cry "oh thats not fair" but I mean that is just the way it has to be. The same way maces do 50% more damage to undead, certain spells needed to be restricted not for realism but for common sense.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on New Vids (Compilation)
    the wizard video is not new, infact its quite old.
    here is a high quality full version.
    watch full screen for full effect!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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