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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Denius1704

    I consider myself a very logical person, but at the same time i am human as well. The need to believe in something is one of the strongest psychological needs.

    I don't thik belief has anything to do with it. But I would assert that the social community provided by many religions are something that makes up a foundation of many societies.

    Quote from Denius1704

    Now as for the proof that you want so badly. As i said it is about perspectives. From the example with the egg that you said that:

    I think you're confused. I don't need to proof the absence of god. I'm not pursuant to that end. All I need to do is insist we have no evidence for god.

    Quote from Denius1704

    This is an assumption. In-fact i've read from modern physicists that the matter and energy could have both appeared and exploded all by natural forces that we understand.

    No. That is the assumption. Natural forces do not happen by themselves, even scientists still adhere to causality on macro level and when it happens on quantum level they just start working with probabilities, because as even Hawking has said, they might be missing a factor which would explain the way certain elements behave (ok side tracking here). So all in all, at the end even they can't really explain why the Universe would have exploded and they can just "assume". Well i as a determinist don't assume, i give that unknown factor a property: Intent.

    All I need ask you here is: where does that evidence god or first cause? I'm well aware that quantum mechanics is based on probabilities and that Hawking, like any other scientist or mathematician, cannot speak about absolute certitude. They aren't attempting to explain the universe in absolute terms because they do not have to. They can assume and infer because they are not making absolute claims. Regardless of how we label factors in the probabilities of the universe we are not coming any closer to the truth of things which we do not have evidence for.

    Quote from Denius1704

    You see the thing is that we can keep going back and forth with every type of theory and belief. The annoying part is that (and i'm sorry if it's offensive) atheists are too scared to believe in anything so instead they choose to believe in nothing EXCEPT the facts, which as i stated in my previous post, tend to change with the times. I have gone through all the possible stages of belief, i have been baptized as a christian, then i had my doubts and went through a stage where god did not exist and finally i am where i am, and it is a good place. I have no big questions, i have no doubts, i have no fears. At the same time i also accept that in the case where i might be wrong, i wouldn't care once i'm dead, because well... i wouldn't even know i existed.

    You see, this is the most dangerous kind of pseudo-argument. You are offering a juxtaposition of theory and belief as though the two things represented similar levels of understanding. They do not. A theory has to withstand scruitiny by the scientific community. A theory must stand up to evidence, testing, observation, etc. A belief has no such standard. A belief can be changed or it can be absolute and dogmatic. A belief has no rhyme or reason except that one person holds it. Once you take this dangerous position, you are immidiately tellng these great physicists that their work is no more valuable than the ramblings of a preacher at an evangelical church. This could not be further from the truth.

    If you actually had no fear, no big questions, no doubts, then you would have absolutely no reason to believe in any such god that might or might no exist. The very concept of god that is being prescribed here is one that fills in our scientific gaps and uncertainties. All I am insisting here, is that no such concept is required. We have not established, at any point, that there is a need for such a thing.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Denius1704

    Infinite-regression arguments for first-cause (flying in the face of quantum physics and the concept of space-time) do not provide proof either
    First of all it is not "infinite regression", it is in fact quite finite and it goes back to the First Bang. That egg could not explode by itself

    This is an assumption. In-fact i've read from modern physicists that the matter and energy could have both appeared and exploded all by natural forces that we understand. I cannot say that is how it happened for sure and I cannot rule out some god igniting the fire by hand, but to assert as you have that this condition of "first bang," is a proof of creation concept, that's just not correct. We know better than that.

    Quote from Denius1704

    As for the proof lying with the Theists, that is not true either. They are not the ones that want the proof, they rely on belief and faith and that is enough for them. It is the Atheists that are not ok with that and hence they demand the proof, but the thing is that they simply cannot prove that God does not exist. Those 50 proofs that someone posted in the begining are just funny, and they don't really prove anything. Don't try to disprove the christian or muslim God, try and disprove a Creator, a First Cause, something that had intent.

    This, as i've been trying to point out with another poster, is a fallacy. Belief and faith are not discriminatory, they are credulous and should apply to a great many things. However, when one observes what a religious person puts their faith in, it turns out that only very specific things make that list. Almost everything else in the unvierse falls under the same rules that rationalists would use to judge what is and is not proved to be true to real. I don't think i've wasted any time disproving a particular sect rather than simply point out (as with you) that arguments we are certain of a god are false. Nothing demands that god exist. That isn't to say a god doesn't, but there is no reason to assume one does either. The universe works without god.

    Quote from Denius1704

    As a side note i am still to this day puzzled about the amount of energy the atheists spend trying to disprove this and this religion or trying to get in the way of this and this religion. Yes i know that ignorance bothers them and they want to show the world that hard facts and empirical evidence are the gods of our Universe, but then again, ignorance comes in many shapes and forms and religion is faaaaaar from the worse. Religion has given us a lot of things (not all of them good i admit), because of which civilization is what it is today.

    I explained why I am effected by religion a few pages back. But curiosity is a big part of it too. Learning about the universe includes learning why other people (part of our universe) act as they do and choose the beliefs that they have. I haven't taken the time to say that religion gives us more good or evil because in terms of the OP, I don't feel the need to make that assertion.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Pit Stains

    Believers don't need "proof" they need "faith"

    Don't need proof.

    Guess you missed this!

    Quote from proletaria

    And you cannot prove that there are not faries. It is impossible to prove a negative in general.

    Should we also then have faith in faries? What is unique about this non-evidential entity "god," that commands our illogical respect and faith instead of faries?

    I would assume you are an atheist in regard to faries. Why then, are you willing to extend faith to god when it is equally lacking in evidence? What is it about this myth that makes it more valuable than the equally grandios myths of the egyptian pantheon, the greek pantheon, the myriad other works of unverifiable fiction that we enjoy in literature today?

    Why can we not simply accept that there is not a plausible reason to view any of these things outside of their literary value?

    We don't need proof for faries either.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from maela

    Interesting point... the test of most religions however is the ability to continue through time, culture shifts and takeovers. We don't see many religions springing up in recent history... the ones that do, flame brightly then fade quickly - condemned to fiction. However the major religions have stood the test of time and continue to flourish.

    In that case, the most true religion would be the one that could most effectively wipe-out the competition. I believe that gives the title over Islam at the moment. Needless to say, how popular a myth is as a story does not say anything about how much truth is held within. Beowulf is one of the oldest texts to survive in the west. I don't think that it's survival says anything about the reality of grendel, his mother, mist-beasts, dragons, or warriors with god-like powers.

    Quote from maela

    Do I believe in Zeus, Thor or Ra? Nope, why, because those religions have not stood the questions and test of time that other religions have - thus they must have been incorrect. If we take christianity as an example it has progressed through many societies and cultures and even though it doesn't have satisfactory scientific answers to some of people's questions it is still here and hass stood through a number of tests that religions that have been relegated to mythology haven't.

    Had you been born in the greek countryside at the time, you very well could have believed in Zeus. Why are you dismissing this fact? Christianity has been around a few thousand years. The polytheistic religons were around for thousands of years prior to that. Which one people believed in had nothing to do with the correctness of their dogma, it had to do with which religion held the reigns of power and favor. You're ignoring the fact that hindu theology has been longer-lasting, more accepting, and more peaceful than christianity, judeism, or islam. Do you believe that makes hinduism and it's great polytheistic stories true?

    I would say that they are all equally rightly branded as mythological literature. It is quite clear that the adapatability of religion explains not their truth, but of their man-made origin, and of those men's desire to remain in power by virtue of and unseeable and unknowable omnsicient entity or entities.

    Quote from maela

    If christianity were to be disproven then I would expect it to be considered mythology... however I don't think that is likely or could happen.

    Christianity is not disproven by mythology, it is contradicted by facts. You cannot disprove one myth with another, because they are fact-less tracts of pure fiction. Where do you set about asserting truth of one myth so the other is not also true?

    An argument between a christian and a muslim would be as follows:

    Christian: Christianity is correct because the bible says x.
    Muslim: Islam is correct because the Qur'an says x.

    How do you convince the other to recind the point when they have no objective viewpoint and champion their mythology as the only truth (for no reason and without evidence)?

    The answer is simple: neither religion is backed by evidence. Both are wrong to one another. Holding such "beliefs," are helpful to nobody except those who want to demonize the other in order to consolidate power for themselves.

    Quote from Daemaro

    Hitler wasn't Christian by the way. He masqueraded as one, much like I'd guess a lot of politicians do, it's easier that way to get into power for some reason.

    Hitler had his hand in all sorts of occult stuff, he'd bow to any God or science as long as it gave him more power. He included himself in things like the Ahnenerbe and was rumored though I don't think ever proven to have been part of Thule Society and the Vril Society.

    This is a fair critique, and it's obvious Hitler dabbled in all manner of cults, but one cannot divorce Hitler from the church. Neither can one divorce the strident anti-semitism of europe from it's origin in the catholic church. So potent, in-fact that even protestant dissidents maintained their anti-jewish rhetoric.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Sabvre

    FFS Proletaria... stop being so hostile. I understand you are on your quest to make yourself look like the genius that refuted religion but you need to calm down. I did not say hell exists because of people like Hitler. You weren't even part of the last 2 replies... those were both to Necrodrac in continuation of a conversation that was occuring on like page 6.

    I gave you the facts, sorry if that is upsetting to you, but I have no resorted to ad hominem at any point. So your assertion that I am being hostile is not valid either. You're attempting to position me in some kind of intellecual ivory tower I guess, but that doesn't further your argument. You most certainly did beg that question and I, rightly, pointed out it was unfounded.

    Quote from maela

    Anyway... Altruism - looking after people who are not related to you in a way that benefits them but does nothing for you or reduces your survival in some way.

    Not really. Early on in our evolution, i'm willing to bet altruism was applied at the tribal level (at best) to ensure the transmission of our genes (because our genese are passed on not just by ourselves, but our biologically similar family/ethnicity members). The reason it is now extended to people who do not benefit your genes' survival is the gradual extension of the tribe concept in our culture. We're no longer fiercely loyal to just our immidiate or extended family, but to our cities, our countries, or our regions (some people are even the entire human race). These aren't altruistic traits that demand an divine intervention, they are a cultural evolution of altruism which was an evolutionary (socially expressed) trait in and of itself.

    The point being: there is a strictly evolutionary manner to describing the occurence of altruism and it does not force the question of gods existence on it's own terms.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Doctors are such douchewaffles
    Quote from PakstraX

    O squiggly line in my eye fluid
    I see you there
    Lurking on the periphery of my vision
    But when I try to look at you
    You scurry away
    Are you shy squiggly line?
    Why only when I ignore you
    Do you return of the centre of my eye?
    O Squiggly line
    It's all right, you are forgiven

    Hahahah +1. I hope someone else got that refrence too.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 9

    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.

    After some reflection to my invitation for a thread about the merits of religious supersitions (thank you Umpa!), it occured to me that a catchy title would do me no good if it set about from the wrong side of the coin. This is a mistake many debating atheists and anti-theists make and one that almost always sees them waste undue time explaining his own position. With that in mind, I spout not the renunciation of Yaweh or Allah (or Zeus, Ra, Seth, Zaroaster, Shiva, Vishnu, Thor, Ananzi, etc.) from my title, but request that those living in the certitude of such a being explain why they suppose their God(s) to exist. As an atheist, I make no such claim to knowledge.

    I freely admit that my knowledge has limits in the physical world as well as to the realm of what scientists can currently experiment and observe. I fully acknowledge that there will be new ideas, new postulaions, and even new religions long after my life has ended. I expect many would argue that science is dispensed with, having admitted these limitations, but to that I must push the question: what makes anything else more plausible? What makes a many-millenia old work of creative non-fiction (or historical fiction, take your pick) any more a useful tool to seek truth?

    I must be careful to caveat on several points, again, in the hopes that we will have as little grandstanding and unnecessary derailing from the central issue:

    1. Atheists do not maintain there is no god, they maintain there has never been convincing evidence for a god. While this distinction seems flippant, it is not. The former is a claim that would make atheists no more rational than a strident theist.

    2. Atheists do not (all) contend that religious texts are entirely useless, morally bankrupt, or request their destruction. Many of us, myself included, oblige the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, etc. as works of literature worth reading. They may be windows into iron/bronze age society, common literary experiences that enrich the reader just as much as The Illiad, works of Shakespear, or (perhaps more modern context) a classic film series like The Godfather.

    3. What then, seperates the agnostic from the Atheist? Good question. There is some debate on this, but my take is this: Agnostics just don't care about the question and Atheists have pursued the question and found all answers wanting. If you are a professed agnostic and find a problem with my diffirentiation, please let me know how you see yourself. I am quite interested in this dichotomy.

    4. "The universe," is not proof of the existence of a god or gods. Infinite-regression arguments for first-cause (flying in the face of quantum physics and the concept of space-time) do not provide proof either. Appeals to authority on the matter of quantum physics proving a deist position would be interesting to hear (though i've yet to hear a good one).


    With that out of the way I would like to make the small request that posters identify (at least in their first post) themselves as Theist, Deist, Agnostic, or Atheist. This is not to typecast or mock anyone I view as holding an indefensible position, but rather to help me (and anyone else who wants to contribute) understand the context of what is being said by way of position.


    In deference to our gracious moderation team I will also request that ad hominem and useless trolling be kept at a cordial level. I'm well aware that most of these discussions don't "convert," or "englighten," anyone and that the prospect of this thread charging into the flaming abyss of crap are high: therefor, let us do our best to maintain a civil discourse.

    So: Prove to me your God exists!
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on What do you do for a living?
    Quote from SpinPool

    Quote from proletaria

    Quote from SpinPool

    a woman in my life with whom I can start a family.

    This is not a thing single men say.

    It's hard being young and not properly understanding the world. But you will, too, one day.

    Assuming you are just out of undergrad; making you about twenty-three, years old (give or take). I'm about three times your age.

    What was all that about understanding the world again?
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Ultimate Random Chat Thread [URT] v4
    Quote from Jamoose

    If you havent already, check this awesome game out:
    Super Mario Bros. Crossover

    *Shake fist*

    Must resist the urge to play while students... here. Argh.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Ultimate Random Chat Thread [URT] v4
    Quote from Lt. Venom

    I have an evil plan of epic proportions in the works.

    Hint: It has something to do with my signature.

    I see no reference to the Koch brothers.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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