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    posted a message on Diabolesques: White Items!
    This was amazing, thanks for sharing these with us.

    EDIT: The Barb's expression is priceless.
    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on HURRY! annual pass LIMITED TIME OFFER!
    Quote from WishedHeHadBeta

    Quote from Molster

    limited time.. means not for ever, I dont understand the point of this thread either.. sorry beta =(

    limited time offers in sales is often one weekend or week, or at the very most one month. actually ive never seen a one month sale....unless it was a going out of business sale.... DOH

    It's a special offer, not a sale. Retail stores do have sales that last longer than the usual week or weekend and when they end up lastling that long they usually start to call them something other than "sales", like "special buys" or "limited time offers".

    The fact that the offer is not something they plan to continue upon D3's release makes "limited time offer" perfectly appropriate wording.

    I do get what you were thinking, it's just not correct (which is why most people don't get why you made the thread).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will Blizzard make the first quarter release date?
    I'm still waiting for the conference call. If we don't hear something before that happens then I'm guessing we will get a "minor" delay. So stay tuned for the next 2 weeks, if they're on track we should definitely hear something.

    It may not mean a definite delay if they don't announce something before the call, but the chances are extremely slim of it releasing in March if we don't.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Jewelcrafter toughts?
    The Mystic will be back, just not in time for release. We may not even have to wait for an Xpac either.

    She, along with new gems, is probably something that will be going into a major content patch a few months after release, hopefully. Unless they don't have any ideas of how to differentiate her and make her "cooler" yet.

    I thought that enchanting items with the Mystic was pretty cool personally as it was, but if they say they have ideas to make it better and more different than gems, then it probably will be worth the delay, as I said, we may not have to wait for an Xpac to get a new Mystic and new gems.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on So when does patients end?
    Quote from nemesis2252

    thats the main reason the majority of us are getting mad. is because theyre delaying the game, to incorporate needless shit that dumbs the game down

    I wouldn't call that dumbing the game down (except for the simple tooltips I guess, but as long as there is a toggle option to keep advanced ones on it's not a big deal at all).

    It doesn't take smarts or skill to have scrolls to identify items. The change helps with inventory issues. Little changes like this are quality of life changes, I don't know why people get hung up on scrolls and the "stone of recall", NOTHING changed funcionality wise, it's just EASIER to do now which DOES NOT mean that it's DUMBED DOWN.

    There is a huge difference between making quality of life changes and dumbing things down, HUGE difference.

    The cooldown on the skills is there for a reason. It doesn't have anything to do with intelligence or skill. It's there to stop switching them in battle, that's all. That makes perfect sense.

    The changes they are making now is really just removing stuff that was superfluous (stuff that they can make better and cooler for an xpac instead of half assed now). It doesn't take any less skill or less intelligence to play the game now than it did before patch 10.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 - New System (option) ToolTips
    Quote from Nivius

    use of bad graphic and therefor don't require much computer power

    Are you refering to FX? If so that's not quite correct.

    It does exactly what it says it will do. It lowers the particle count in Spell/Skill FX.

    So a big shiny Meteor used by a Wizard won't be as sparkly/shiny/firey with the LowFX option turned on.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Individual Loot
    Does anyone else wish they could see the loot that is dropping for other players? This whole individual loot system is a love/hate thing with me.

    I think it's great for purposes of looting and the game going along smoothly but at the same time, if 3 of my friends get some awesome items, I would like to share in the "OH SHIT LOOK AT THAT SHIT THAT JUST DROPPED SHITSHIT SHIT!" feeling when you see great loot land on the ground.

    The loot could be outlined in a specific color pertaining to a particular player (Player 1 Blue loot, Player 2 Red loot). Then make it so only your loot has a slight "glow" around the name (or the item itself, or both) on top of that.

    I'm guessing the best argument against this is that there will just be wayyyyy too much loot on the ground. Well then to that I say FILTER! Just let the player choose what level of "other player" loot to show. As examples, you could set it so you only see "other player" loot if it is a Magic item or better (blue font) or you can set it to only see Legendaries that drop for other players. In other words, you would never see white items that are for other players. This would make this feature much more functional and less cluttered. As the very least, I would like to see Yellow/Orange items of other players by default for the reasons I outline below.

    This makes it so you can share their excitment or even strike up a conversation for a trade/buy (since you otherwise would have no idea they got something nice most of the time unless you exclusively play with friends on skype).

    So has anyone else thought about this? Has anyone brought this up on the D3 forums? I looked around a bit and didn't see this subject discussed much. I wish I had a character so I could post there, would love to hear a Blue's opinion on the matter, and yours too.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Book of Cain. Not to be taken all literally?
    Quote from Entity

    Quote from Tanith

    The giant serpent is actually Trag'Oul, who is the mysterious "world dragon" who watches over Sanctuary. He does not directly interfere with the doings of the world, but Rathma (the fellow in the robe you referenced) was his first apprentice and founder of the Necromancer brotherhood. He's all about the Balance.

    Trag is a dragon made of stars, which I think is pretty cool.


    You're correct but not at the same time, the serpent i posted is what Cain believes to be the necromancer Rathma, there is another serpent in the book here...

    ...this is Trag, and i have no idea why they thought Rathma was a serpent, I mean he helped Kalan/Mendeln teach the necromancers so people must've seen him and even in the Books of Kalan he should be described as a person. So clearly this isn't met to be the definitive diablo lore, but rather a collection of perspectives on the history of the world of sanctuary.

    Does it actually say that the picuture shown is Rathma?

    It's entirely possible and that just because he's talking about one character on the page doesn't mean whatever picture is on that same page is supposed to be that character.

    Quote from Entity

    He can't take trag's place because Trag basically is an embodiment of sanctuary. And Yes lilith can take on different forms but her True form is the one supposed to be depicted above in the pictures, and in the sin war trilogy. That is where it is contradictory

    It doesn't matter what the picture in the book is, it's not a contradiction as long as she has that ability. Does the Book of Cain say that it is particularly describing her "true" form and then saying it is picturing it also?
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Angel wings on D3 characters.
    You need another voting option.

    "They have nothing to do with the lore and I want them."

    Consider them a "power" or an item with an aesthetic effect (which they actually are). It's not like it's a permanent fixture actually growing out of your character (then maybe I could see where you're coming from).

    It's not turning anyone into angels or anything like that, it's simply putting magical wings on humans. No lore involved. You would have to start looking into the lore for times where people used [any other item in the game].

    If there was a magic buff in the game and it's graphical effect was wings it wouldn't matter and this is no different.
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Runed Rain of Vengeance, Blue Post, Beta Screenshots
    Quote from VegasRage

    :Thumbs Up: Nice vid!

    Quote from Novalith

    Quote from Xhawk

    Very nice !!! But anyone else think it kinda makes no sense, that the Demon Hunter who is out to kill and destroy demons, uses them herself for a few of these spells ?

    I guess one can always argue she captures some as well to use against the forces she is out to destroy.

    Ok then, we'll go with that ....
    "You can fight fire with fire"
    Right you are, that's the whole premise of Ghost Rider, the devils creation used against him.

    They always explained that the Demon Hunter has been hunting demons for so long that she kind of lost some of her "discipline" and was consumed by the hunt to the point that there's a little bit of her enemy inside her now. So she has this darkness inside her (kind of like Dexter) and she just directs it towards demons.

    That's the premise for the whole Hatred/Discipline resource.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Korea Not To Get RMAH On Launch? Release Date Soon?
    Quote from VividIce

    Quote from bigheaded

    Quote from italofoca

    Yrah.. Look how bugged beta is..

    Theres much work to be done =[ The delay has nothing to do with it.

    I wouldn't be entirely sure about that. I have no doubt's that Blizzard will push the game with a crap ton of bugs.

    I think he meant that the RMAH Negotiating shouldn't have anything to deal with the delay?

    My opinion, this was never the problem of the delay. I think Blue posts finally spoke the truth on this part. I think the fact the AH (both RM and GM) have bugs with it, the rune system isn't complete, and final touches on everything else, is why it's been delayed.

    Bashiok has already stated that it is definitely PART of the delay. I believe that it's not the only reason.

    BUT, I also believe that the only reason anything else isn't "finished" is because they had this extra time to do things so they started tinkering with stuff more. I think If this whole situation never happened they would have shipped it as is.

    Jay Wilson has said that things like the rune stone system aren't holding the game back, that they had an awesome game but they just wanted to try to make some parts of it better. If they had to ship it as is it would be fine because their original ideas were still good. When this GRB stuff happened, they got the time they needed to try to do that. That's how I think things went down.

    That's my opinion of course but every time something happened between the GRB and Blizzard there has been some news post (the oringal delay post) or new beta contest. Seems all too coincidental. If we get a release date soon after the GRB stuff, we'll know.

    Quote from rEDNiNE

    Interesting news. So they got some information from them saying that some specific feature (cash-out) can't be in the game, after which they re-applied the entire game, but this time without the cash-out feature?

    Well, they weren't told that the cash out feature couldn't be in the game, the GRB just wanted more documents and stuff outlining and explaining the RMAH better so they could make the most educated conclusion on the feature as possible. They were given a week (or something like that) to gather those materials and give them to the GRB.

    Instead of doing that though, they just resubmitted without the cash out feature so it's a "Blizzard Bucks" AH (can still use the money to buy Blizzard services at the Blizzard store). They did this because they either didn't want to waste any more time (they know players are in unrest over the delay) or becuase they felt a week wasn't long enough to get their best material together to defend the RMAH. I think it's a little of both.

    So they will still try to get the enture RMAH in Korea, they just want to do it via a patch at a later date.

    This definitely points at the GRb being a huge reason for delay in a release date announcement. If anything, the GRB stuff is holding back the release date but not the game since once the GRB stuff is over they will have a good idea of how long everything else will take.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Difficulty (new video)
    Quote from italofoca

    I good way to see the difficulty is trying to play a naked character (only starter weapon).

    The entire time? That's just creating difficulty not showcasing the innate difficulty of the game.

    This seems actually really good to me. An hours worth of play for the first half of the first act on the first difficulty. It's a nice tutorial speed without being super boring. I imagine the rest of the acts step it up a tiny bit (like maybe the possibility of dying on the 4th act of normal).

    But according to the time this took we're looking at about 7-10 hours (depending on personal play style and luck) per difficulty (probably more towards 10 on higher ones). That's an extremely rough estimate based off 1 video but it sounds alright to me. So 40-50 hours of play time just to get to the "end game" point of endless farming and perfection of your character.

    Thanks for the video.

    EDIT -

    It probably would have went much faster if you didn't use Grasp of the Dead + Haunt combo.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Korea Not To Get RMAH On Launch? Release Date Soon?
    Quote from Verity

    From what I understood they still intend to keep the RMAH but only for "blizzard bucks" and with no option to cash-out. They still have to get that accepted though so it's nothing for sure yet.

    Yes they are trashing the cash out option and trying to leave Blizzard Bucks in for now.

    Definitely nothing for sure but it does show that Blizzard will do what they have to do to get it out the door. If it came down to it they will cut it out instead of holding the game back any longer. That's what I take away from the situation.

    This whole thing makes me feel certain we will have a release date before January 14th which points to 1st week of March release.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Korea Not To Get RMAH On Launch? Release Date Soon?

    And of course everyone is throwing this guys blog around....


    But regardless how you feel about that blog, other news sites are reporting it as well (mainly Korean ones).

    So I'll boil it down real quick here. Blizzard submitted the game to the GRB a few weeks ago. A few days ago the GRB requested "additional materials" in order to come to a conclusion about the game and the RMAH.

    Then recently, instead of complying with that request, Blizzard abandoned that submission and simply resubmitted the entire game again with some RMAH content cut out of it.

    It seems their plans are to release the game in Korea without the RMAH and then work on getting it in at a later date via a patch.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Gold: Why Its Important
    Quote from Nektu

    Gold may be important to increase stash size and leveling up your artisans and buying stuff from them, but not in the case of selling. I know I will be using the Nephylem cube to get scrap to craft. So for me it's importance is kind of minimal.

    This doesn't make much sense to me. You can't say gold is important for buying but not for selling. Gold is either important or it isn't and if it is then you will need to sell things eventually to obtain a healthy amount of it.

    It seems you're assuming you will do nothing but use crafted/dropped armor (even if you did gold would still be extremely important) but there will definitely be upgrades for you to buy from...
    1. Vendors (they made their gear much more viable)
    2. The AH
    3. Artisans, which as you already mentioned and know costs gold to have things crafted (including creating gem slots on gear, removing gems, combining gems, and enchanting gear, all of which you will do very often)
    So, my point is, you will end up selling stuff as well as destroying it for materials simply to use these services and other avenues of obtaining gear.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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