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    posted a message on repair gold increase?
    I agree with the changes, however my only small concern would be about natural item decay, since monks/barbs are in the frontline getting hit alot, they will have higher repair cost from just normal combat without dying. This isnt much atm but with such an increase it becomes noticable.

    * exemple post above would have made his 80-100k with a ~25-40k repair bill without dying pretty much. while a range character might be only around 2-5k.

    So maybe they should adjust that for monk/barb only? just a thought.
    Am happy atm with the direction they are taking, waiting for that 1,1 balance changes to see how they apply themselves.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [US] WTS 16x Pair of Good Gloves
    18 Gloves *

    Here is a link to all gloves with yellow number tag


    Supersize screenshot :

    **Going down due to restraint of time, will probably be back up in couple days
    Posted in: Old Trading
  • 3

    posted a message on Inferno Act3-4 Tanking
    Ok, so me and my group got to ac4 inferno now and been struggling with the tanking issue alot. Most grps in act3-4 are just suicide running bosses and not killing champs/elites.

    We are, kinda... slowly....

    The problem is that the only way of proprely tanking is to focusing EVERY single stats in tanking stats,

    For a Barb,
    Vit + All resists + Str

    for a Monk
    Vit + All resists + Specific Resist + Dex

    Rare items can have up to 6 random stats (best ones and rare) and having all the random stats be high is almost impossible to find.

    For tanking you also need both the monk AND the barb in a group because they synergize. Barb bring 50% armor/resist boost to all, Which helps high stacking ALL+Specific Resist Monks alot
    Monks bring Mantra of Healing boon of protection which helps High HP barb and themselves live. They also have some utility skills like group ignore pain and group serenity to help get back up from bursts.

    The barb will have an extremly easy time tanking as long as the monk is up and spamming Mantra, if he avoids lazers and desecrations. The Monk will still have a hard time living and can get bursted down fast and get unlucky, if he does, the barb is likely to follow in his death.

    That leaves 2 DPS in your game. I have no experience with WD at all so I cannot comment on them. Demon Hunters can get some high single target DPS with OK AOE dmg and can live pretty good. Wizards have the BEST aoe dmg AND the best single target damage WITH Archon up which means they are perfect for bringing down the champs/elites.

    A perfect group setup for act3-4 inferno is Barb+Monk+Wiz+Wiz. The group utility is very high but even with the best tanking gear currently available the tanks are not unkillable. The normal mobs won't be a problem, Elites/Champs will most likely be chain killing you alot but a decent amount of combos will be possible and for the others you need to seperate them and take them down 1 at a time while one of your tanks is running around kiting the rest of the pack to keep em busy.


    My thoughts on the game design :

    Barbs and Monks being forced to go pure survival and killing normal mobs slower than a wizard killing a boss is just a bad idea of a game. Leveling up on normal mode barb and monks have a good feeling of killing and doing great damage and loving the game, this changes slowly as progression goes on and when you enter inferno act2+ the idea of dpsing is just completly out of the picture...

    The game itself (Quest/Bosses) on inferno are a joke compared to the champs/elites. From what I understand, this is blizz game design and they are fine with that. However the only way to make the game hard in their design is to make champs/elites extremely hard hitting and anti-melee so that they cannot be tanked in place for long period of times. But this system only leads to extreme kiting/seperation of packs in order to kill one and then reseting the fight to kill another until they are all dead. That is not what I call hard, it is plain annoying and a chore to do, and not only that but extremely boring to play tanks as there is no damage output coming from them.

    I beleive that blizz should redesign the entire inferno mode.

    Anyway for those interested in my group's stats, here is an approximate:
    Barb - 80khp, ~700resists
    Monk - 60khp, ~1k resists
    Wiz - 70kdps
    DH - 35kdps
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on My conclusions/assumptions/predictions
    pretty sure it takes ~30min to get lv 8, and around 2hrs to get level 13 in the beta of WHICH is not good to level to 13 in because the xp falls off quickly since you are over the level of the mobs.... so the first 30levels i bet is doable in ~5-6hrs tops if played efficiently
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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