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    posted a message on It really is time for Blizzard to stop being lazy.
    Quote from Zero(pS)

    Why can't people ever perceive things as just being "changed" instead of being "nerfed" or "buffed".

    It's how a lot of changes in MOBAS are perceived, and most reasonable players are just fine with that.
    That's because there is a reason to change/balance things in multiplayer games (especially if there's e-sport involved). Not the case here with Diablo 3, being pretty much singleplayer game with zero competition over anything. That's why it's so frustrating.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Future Patch notes [joke]
    Quote from Zero(pS)

    I :lol: ed.. specially at the Leeroy Jenkins part... made me choke with my orange juice..

    edit: added [joke] to the thread title... ease up the moods everyone, this is supposed to be a humorous thread (yeah captain obvious, I know, but some people didn't get it, so)...

    Thanks. Sorry, for not adding it myself - thought it would be obvious once people start reading. :D
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Future Patch notes [joke]
    Thought I'd share this with you. :lol:

    Here's the source: http://www.gamefront...rom-the-future/

    July 10
    • In order to eliminate all quest turn-in exploits, the rewards for completing quests have been removed
    • In an effort to reduce resplendent chest farming, resplendent chests will no longer spawn
    • In order to bring their powers in line with each other, the Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, and Increased Attack Speed affixes have been combined into a single affix: Lethality
    • Champions, Elites, and Uniques will now dynamically move 75% faster than the player
    • In order to balance the affix with life leech, life-on-hit items will now return 95% less health in Inferno
    • In order to rollback the achievements players received via bugs and exploits, all achievements have been reset. This should also encourage former players to replay the game in its entirety.
    • Enrage timers will now be named Awesome timers to promote a more positive message about them
    • Radius of Desecrator, Molten, and Plagued effects have been doubled. Because **** you, that’s why.
    • Followers will now preferentially target Treasure Goblins over other on-screen monsters
    • In order to combat botting, breaking more than three objects in a 30-second period will disconnect you from Battle.net for 10 minutes and report you to the RIAA, because you’re probably a music thief, too
    July 17
    • In order to combat auction house bots, the gold auction house is being taken offline until patch 1.1
    • In order to reduce server load after maintenance, players who attempt to log in more than twice in five minutes will be IP banned for 30 minutes and blocked from complaining posting on the forums
    • In Inferno difficulty, the Warden will also gain the Vortex, Teleport, Arcane Enchanted, Extra Health, Fast, Frozen, Knockback, Missile Dampening, Mortar, Nightmarish, Plagued, Vampiric, and Waller affixes, in addition to Jailer, Fast, Desecrator, and Molten
    • To address complaints regarding swapping to Magic Find gear before delivering a killing blow, items can no longer spawn with the Magic Find affix. This should encourage vigilante moderation in the forums and discourage players from complaining about anything else.
    • Monsters will no longer target followers, ever
    • To encourage cooperative play, all games will now be public games. You will also always be matched with a player who is either AFK, under-geared, or Leeroy Jenkins.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed for near 24/7 server uptime. Servers will now go down every night from 1am to 8am PDT to ensure players continue to go to work and make money to spend on the RMAH.
    • Karyna, the spider cave woman, now walks 75% slower
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to trade in-game. All trades must now take place through the auction house, as intended.
    • Pots of ashes in Act I and vases in Act IV will now exclusively drop dozens of white items
    • Maximum chat message length has been increased to accommodate gold spammers
    July 24
    • Error message number codes will now be randomized, and an achievement has been added for finding all number codes: “To Err Is Human”
    • Tyrael no longer deals damage. He now follows behind you, shouting “JUSTICE.”
    • In order to compensate for the guaranteed rare drops on bosses when players have sufficient stacks of Nephalem Valor, all rare items now have a 95% chance of being unusable by your class
    • Fixed a bug in which player input was immediately and reliably recognized and executed. Inputs are now delayed by 2 seconds and ignored 50% of the time, as intended.
    • Zoltan Kulle now laughs 75% more often
    • Added in-game lore description of position desync bug (aka “rubberbanding”). This has been explained to be a consequence of Tyrael destroying the Worldstone in Diablo II.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to have other games installed on their hard drives
    • The Templar is now 65% more glorious
    • Fixed several gold and leveling exploits. Players can no longer earn gold or XP.
    • Kiting was an unintended game mechanic. Players will now be unable to move for 1 second after attacking.
    • Soul Rippers and Soul Lashers no longer move faster than other creatures. Instead, they instantly blink to players from up to three screens away. This effect has no cooldown.
    • $25 will automatically be deducted from your Battle.net balance if you don’t use the RMAH for a week. If your Battle.net balance is empty, your account password will be given to gold thieves.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 taken apart.
    Quote from Findulidas

    Pretty fucking hard. Especially when there are many people out there with completely unrealistic views on d2. When people expect the game to have modern graphics, modern things like auctionhouse while some people hate all of this and both sides expected the game to be the game of the century from release. Completely devoid of bugs and balanced from the start to end.

    Facing unrealistic expectations makes it pretty fucking hard to say the least.
    Yet many companies manage it. The trick is not to bite more than you can chew.
    Quote from ruksak

    I see plenty of improvement.

    No longer have to remake to adjust a chars build. 3rd party item sites and gold sellers have to compete with a safe and secure alternative. Dupes and hacks have been put in check. Insanely improved graphics and sound. IMO the new skill system beats the pants off of the old skill tree, where you had to place points into non-factor skills just to get to the skills you wanted to use.

    As to the vocal minority; People that love the game aren't making 12 threads an hour to show their love for it....why would we? Just to get trolled by IMPATIENT, self-entitled, cynical brats?

    This game is fun...if people would stop romanticizing over an antiquated game (D2) that took many years to get to where it was, only to circle the drain because it was a financial sinkhole for Blizzard. The RMAH provides them with exponential reasoning to continue to provide a quality game for us for years to come.

    All the lack of patience comes from Long wait + When it's ready™= Obviously not ready. Does this game look like it's ready to you? They nerf, nerf, buff, nerf. They fix one thing and break the other. They change something only to say the next day that they don't like it and will look into it. I can't help myself sometimes but imagine a bunch of people standing around silently and looking into it. Looking into the vases that droop no gold for example. They keep throwing "our current philosophy" at people implying that they had it different and will most likely change it again. They're acting like a randomly running headless chicken.

    D2 a financial sinkhole? oh my god lol
    Post-release support is not a financial sinkhole - it's an investment in the future. And they were VERY successful with that investment, hence the crazy sales of D3 (and as a side effect - all the flame wars).

    About the improvements - you named only one actual gameplay improvement (not counting the reinvention of dynamic respec) the skill system. I fail to see how placing points into non-factor skills is any different than having useless skills in the pool. But ok, maybe it's a question of balance and we will be running with Hot Pursuit instead of Sharpshooter in the future. Whatever.

    Yet in whole the game is "less of everything" - less itemization (less gems, no runes, no Jewels, no charms), less drops (are there even any other colors besides white blue and yellow in this game?), less gameplay mechanics (no chest traps, less damage types on player part, no Horadric cube, less sockets). I realize that some of the things I mentioned are arguably needed to jump into the sequel. The thing is, they stripped the game of everything it had and didn't give anything in return. And no, it's not the question of time or potential right now - thanks to the RMAH they will keep the game simple ant sterile.

    It's not romanticizing the antiquated game. It's romanticizing an old and developed genre which was not about bufs/nerfs or RMAHs or online onlys or whatever. It was about finding loot, bashing monsters and feeling awesome. They were not afraid to throw a lot of customization options at players and let people loose. And it was fun.

    And about the vocal minority. Neither do all the people, who have concerns, post in the forums (I have 0 post on official forums for example). As for "People that love the game aren't making 12 threads an hour" and the "self-entitled, cynical brats" part in particular - it's funny to hear that from you, as you appear in almost every thread here bashing and calling names at people who dare dislike something about D3.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on D3 taken apart.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Why Blizzard messed up the story so bad?
    The story is fine overall if you sum it up. It's the way they present it like the OP mentions - all the taunting and childish mocking - this is what is messed up.

    P.S. "My people have been lost. Scattered to the winds. But I will survive, as long as YOU buy something" - Am I the only one wishing this guy follows his people in a most brutal and gory way after listening to this a thousand times?
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on If the purpose of the game is to kill elites...
    Quote from lorien1973

    No one ever said viable. They said combinations. They went out of their way to say there'd be clunker builds.

    Jay Wilson: "So why? Why Viable over optimal? Why are we even talking about this? So, Diablo has tons and tons of customization, we did the math on the new skill systems with the combination of passives and runes and we threw a crazy number out, uh, a few years back like 69 Billion, we're really more in the area of 2.8 Trillion- Trillion? Trillion. [2.8] Trillion builds. So that's a lot of builds. Um, and why? Why so many builds? Because customization is self expression, and if you have to build a character to be perfectly optimized, that's not really going to allow you to customize that character.

    So our job is to make sure that, yeah, that, you know, while there might be some best builds there's tons and tons of viable ones. It's totally okay for there to be best builds, it's totally okay for someone to go 'you know what, I made this Barbarian and he's got like 0.5% more damage than any other build you can possibly make.' And you know what, there's nothing wrong with that...unless you can't...unless that number becomes 'oh this, this Barbarian's like 50% more powerful.'

    So if we can get enough builds into that range of 'these are all viable, they can play at the max level.' It means you can play the character you want to play at max level and not be beholding anyone. So what we say is, go out, have fun, be free and make the Diablo character you want to make."
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ungrateful people
    Quote from Designation15

    People are prone to bitch. It's human nature.
    Apparently some people are ok about everything life throws at them. "Product's not working? - It's fine, really. Promises not being held? - who cares? Silly DRM? - Well, whatever. Greedy corporates? - I'm fine with that. Shitty government? It's ok - no need to bitch."
    It's that kind of cattle mentality that slows things from becoming better.

    To the OP it's not that people are ungrateful or that nobody understands the problem of maintaining servers. It's just that people want the game to work and the game should have had offline mode, to start with, which could negate most of the problems we're facing right now.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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