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    posted a message on Stat priorities for HotA?
    Doesnt mention dual wield vs Skorn though.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Stat priorities for HotA?
    I have seen some people stack attack speed and some people not use any except for the normal pieces like mempo, lacuni, and witching hour. Do I need IAS on everything like my gloves, ammy, and rings as well or is 2-3 items with it good enough? Also can you HotA with a Skorn?
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Did Blizz change the drop rates of certain rares?
    Over the past few weeks since I came back I have noticed a large majority of the rares I see drop are 1 handed weapons, Helions, gloves, rings, ammys, and lvl 62/63 bracers. I also find it funny that those are the also only rares people usually equip. Is it just a coincidence that the only rares Im seeing drop also happen to be the only rares that are still in high demand?

    I remember when all I used to see drop were quivers and shields and other worthless junk like spirit stones, boots, belts, and 2 handers. Now I hardly ever see those drop. Im halfway done with an Alk run and my inventory is 2 gloves, 1 ring, 1 razorspike bracer, 1 archon shoulder and 7 weapons (3 of which are 63s). Almost all my runs end up with the same thing. A lot of weapons, 3-4 pairs of gloves, and a few rings and ammys. Also its not because Im just leaving the other junk on the ground. Its because Im not seeing as much junk anymore.

    Has anyone else noticed this?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Need gear advice please
    Looking on ways to upgrade my gear, especially what I should craft next. I logged out fully buffed and just wondering what I need to do to get better and what slots need the most help? Also where do I stand with my current stats and what MPs I can do? Id like to get over 400k DPS but I think thats going to cost a ton. Since my resists wont show in Archon Im at 775 resist all. I also use Scoundrel with 15% chance to freeze if that will help any with higher MPs. I hear not getting hit is a good thing. Or should I sell my Buriza and get a Windforce for the knockback?

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on How much DPS to do MP 4/5 as Archon?
    Im really not digging my WD. Im thinking about selling off his Skorn and buying a 1100 DPS black weapon and a decent Triumvirate and gearing my Wiz back out.

    Here is his gear now: http://d3up.com/b/432120.
    And my Bnet profile: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Dabrixmgp-1694/hero/32124308

    Obviously will change my helm to probably either a 6% crit Tal Rash or maybe a Andariel's Visage and then my Legs to a Inna's with Int. Just wondering what else I need to change to be able to run Archon on something other than MP 0-1? Will craft Gloves and Bracers ASAP to get rid of the pick up radius since I wont need it anymore so thats more DPS.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Skorn vs Carving Knife+Mojo help please
    Right now I have a 1350 DPS Skorn with 312 Int, 187% crit damage and 5.6% LS. I was wondering how good of a Carving Knife+ Mojo would I need to get around hte same DPS? Also is 2.8-3% LS still enough for doing MP 6/7? Seems like losing half of my lifesteal will hurt my survivability a lot.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on How can I improve my drops?
    Well I been looking at a lot of people's profiles and their elite kills. Seems like 20k is the magic number for having tons of gold. Most people with 20k kills or more have 50+ million gold items in every slot. So only need 14k more elite kills. I mean if I cant get at least 1-2 decent drops killing 14,000 elites I quit.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How can I improve my drops?
    Quote from Emberos

    I have sample runs in my channel below of a fast 70+ mil/xp hour Alk run -- you do this repeatedly at max MF with a Tempest Rush build and you should see legendaries and sets dropping far more frequently -- I can't promise you they'll be good legendaries but you will see them.

    OK dropped my dual wield set for a 1250 DPS skorn with LS but my DPS is only like 115k with self buff so even on MP0 some stuff doesnt get 1 shot and I have to circle back on groups of mobs a few times to kill them all. Just finished an Alk run in 11 mins and only got 6 mil exp so thats only 32-35 mil per hour. Half of what you get. I guess I will just have to farm that slow until I can afford 100 mil items so I can 1 shot everything.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How can I improve my drops?
    Id love to use a hellfire if I could ever get a carry group. Have 3 machines just rotting in my stash. Also I did a few runs on MP2 vs MP 1 and I got almost exactly the same so thats why I do MP2. If Im gonna get the same exp and have it take just as long I might as well get the xtra MF bonus out of it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How can I improve my drops?
    Quote from thormond

    well im doing like 5-7 minute alkaizers on mp0 with max mf and can get about 20 legendaries per day if i play long enough(not every day cuz of RNG), but 80% of them are brimstones : /

    for comparison: first 10 paragons would take me under 2h with my current speed, and even 3h periods without any legendary happened in the past already so it's just RNG being a bitch, shit happens bro

    Do you just blow threw trash and only kill elites?

    Quote from Kyoob

    Also your route is not as efficient as alkaizer's, XP/hour wise.

    Yea but more kills means more chances at loot.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How can I improve my drops?
    I am Paragon 30 on my Monk and have always farmed MP 2 becuase thats all I can do. With 5 stacks I have 245 MF with Templar and I have never gotten a single upgrade or anything worth posting on the AH that would give me the millions of gold I need to farm higher MPs. In fact I only have the gear to do MP2 because I was forced to buy gold off the RMAH. Id probably still be stuck in Act 1 if there wasnt a RMAH and probably wearing blues off the NPC vendors. Thats how bad my luck with drops is. In 5 months of playing this game I have only sold two decent items on the AH and both of them were back in July before I quit.

    Can someone with 500+ mil in gear that gets 10 legendaries a day tell me your secrets please. I know these people exist cause I watch their streams and I see them get Legendaries. Since my Monk has hit 60 and started grinding Paragon levels I have only gotten 3. So thats 1 Legendary per 10 paragon levels so obviously Im doing something very very wrong. I dont care if I get bad ones Id just like to know that they are in fact dropping and my character isnt bugged. Im getting really sick of playing 8 hours a day for vendor loot. Also I cant quit, at least not until I have made back what I had to spend on the RMAH.

    My normal farming run is:

    Tower 1
    Crater 2
    Keep 3
    Keep 2
    Rakkis Backwards
    Fields of Slaughter + Cave
    Skycrown Backwards

    So Im getting tons of elites, 1-2 resplendants, and 2-4 goblins every run. So why dont I get loot?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cheapest and easiest class for MP4-6?
    I have a Archon Wiz with 5500 Armor and 900 resists along with 230K Damage when in Archon and MP 4 gets hairy and 5 is just red gear. Id like a class that can farm those pretty easily for some good drops. Id have to spend like 600+ million on gear to be able to get my Wiz to that point but I just dont have it. Is there an easy class that doesnt require a billion gold to be able to easily do mid level MPs. Also please no WW barb. Im willing to roll another Barb again but I tried WW and hated it. It just wasnt for me, no matter how much I forced myself to enjoy the build I just couldnt, and eventually just rage quit and deleted him. If they have viable 2 Handed builds thats fine, but NO WW!. Also open to other classes as well like Monk or WD. Im just sick of always doing MP2/3 and also Archon is about slow as hell. I kill fast but move soooo slow.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Skorn vs 1hander + TOTD
    Shouldnt this be Skorn vs 1Hander + Uhkapian Serpent? Thing is probably the most over rated item in the game. PUR can easily hit 20 from other items like bracers, boots, shoulders, and helm w/o sacrificing too much stats. Id rather have a mojo thats a lot better.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on How would you rank each of the set bonuses?
    Just wondering which classes have better set piece bonuses than others? About to make a Barb and will pick up 2 piece for sure (probably belt for LS and Helm cause its cheap) but dont see the value in 5 piece. How would you rank each class's set piece bonuses from "lolz waste of gold" to "must have"
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on WW Barb vs TR Monk?
    Been messing around with a Tempest Rush monk but I can only really plow MP 0 with no effort while 1 shotting everything. I tried MP 2 and it was easy but Tempest Rush could no longer 1 shot everything even with 120k DPS so not as efficient. Would a WW Barb be better and faster at farming? Only reason I went with monk is because sprint only has a 3 second duration that you always have to keep spamming while my movement speed is build into my main attack so it never has to be refreshed. Im lazy so less buttons = better. I mean can a WW barb clear MP 3-4 just as easy as a TR monk doing MP0-1? If so what kind of gear would you need and is it even worth it?
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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