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    posted a message on Royal Ring of Grandeur
    Depends on your class. You can unlock a lot of the crafted 3 set pieces with it. Personally getting aughilds, cains, and 4 set tal rasha (with cpt crimson's being potentially possible if I ever get a tal rasha neck).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Best way to farm gems?
    Quote from Saerah4
    Quote from Draco_Draco
    Quote from Saerah4
    i would say bounty bags farm is the fastest way to collect gems.
    anyway mind to post profile? interested with your tri-set builds :)
    http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Draco-2719/hero/35820468 for now. The "ultimate" goal is getting a Cain's glove instead of my legs, and then using Captain Crimsons' legs+belt to add another "set" to the build. Sage's wasn't worth it (double deaths breath? Got 1K of those stashed), Borns can't be done with Tal Rasha without sacrificing huge stats (chest/wep/shoulders only), Guardians was borderline pointless (15% move speed, 250 vit?), Demon's the same (thorn+25% aoe dmg?) and Asheara didn't have the "right" pieces.

    I can't use the crimsons set till I get a tal rasha neck though, but "ending goal" is:

    Helm - Rasha
    Neck - Rasha
    Shoulder - Aughild
    Chest - Rasha
    Gloves - Cain
    Bracer - Aughild
    Legs - Captain Crimson
    Ring1 - Royal grandeour
    Ring2 - ???? (Currently a leorics trifecter for exp bonus).
    Belt - Captain Crimson
    Boots - Cain.
    Leaving Thunderfury for MH, and W/E Offhand I please (winters flurry now, Mirrorball if I should get it). In total, the "extra sets" builds:

    7% Reduced Melee/ranged dmg
    15% reduced elite dmg/increased dmg to elites
    8% IAS
    50% bonus EXP
    50% Magicfind
    10% CD reduc
    10% resource cost Reduc
    2K Life regen
    50 All resist.

    None of the above includes tal rasha :P.
    nice build you have, i was trying to farm cain set mats but maghda just being stingy with me, guess i'll wait till they buff the legendary drop mats to cont my farming of legandary mats.

    just 1 question, the 50% bonus exp from cain is it additive? or multiplicate? , in t1 we have 400%, the cain set make it 450%? or 600%?

    Just 72% added on top for my leorics/cains. 550%+72% in T3 = 622%.

    And Xiep, I am well aware. I didn't really bother with Vyr's (I would have to use 3 of vyr's chest, gloves, legs or boots - losing out on my cains and / or my tal rasha chest, forcing me to use tal rasha offhand). While it's nice and all, the only good thing about that 4 set is allowing you to use both improved archon rune + -20 sec CD archon rune at the same time - all the others are largely irrellevant. And to effectively use that archon to it's fullest potential, you need to build up a CDreduc set around it. I can still pop archon whenever I meet a tough elite and just melt it's face off - vyrs wouldn't change that.

    On a happy note, got 97% critdmg on my neck and 5.5% crit on my ring now - 32 and 15 rolls, respectively.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Best way to farm gems?
    Quote from Saerah4
    i would say bounty bags farm is the fastest way to collect gems.
    anyway mind to post profile? interested with your tri-set builds :)
    http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Draco-2719/hero/35820468 for now. The "ultimate" goal is getting a Cain's glove instead of my legs, and then using Captain Crimsons' legs+belt to add another "set" to the build. Sage's wasn't worth it (double deaths breath? Got 1K of those stashed), Borns can't be done with Tal Rasha without sacrificing huge stats (chest/wep/shoulders only), Guardians was borderline pointless (15% move speed, 250 vit?), Demon's the same (thorn+25% aoe dmg?) and Asheara didn't have the "right" pieces.

    I can't use the crimsons set till I get a tal rasha neck though, but "ending goal" is:

    Helm - Rasha
    Neck - Rasha
    Shoulder - Aughild
    Chest - Rasha
    Gloves - Cain
    Bracer - Aughild
    Legs - Captain Crimson
    Ring1 - Royal grandeour
    Ring2 - ???? (Currently a leorics trifecter for exp bonus).
    Belt - Captain Crimson
    Boots - Cain.
    Leaving Thunderfury for MH, and W/E Offhand I please (winters flurry now, Mirrorball if I should get it). In total, the "extra sets" builds:

    7% Reduced Melee/ranged dmg
    15% reduced elite dmg/increased dmg to elites
    8% IAS
    50% bonus EXP
    50% Magicfind
    10% CD reduc
    10% resource cost Reduc
    2K Life regen
    50 All resist.

    None of the above includes tal rasha :P.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Best way to farm gems?
    So, I'm in a bit of a peculiar situation.

    I spent the weekend farming 129 bounties for the act 1 ring to enable all my set bonusses (3 set aughild, 3 set cains, 4 set tal rasha). Finally got it tonight. The issue then came when I realised, "shit, this thing needs flawless imperial topaz to reroll?" - Over the past few days I've been rerolling a Vaxo (which also requires topaz) to try and get crit dmg - flawless crit chance, IAS, and a good chunk of Int. This left me quite "dry" of topaz (as I spent +30 rolls on the vaxo with no luck), and after spending the 13 rolls I could on my new Leroics ring, I still haven't gotten crit once.

    This means that I'm in the dire situation that my "gear progression" is gated by freaking *topaz* drops on two items. So obviously, I need to get farming like a madman (souls and gold are no issue).

    Does anyone have a specific way that seems to yield alot of gems, other than just normal gameplay? I know they build up over time, but I'd like to focus my efforts on getting as many as possible, as quick as possible, really.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How does damage against elites work?
    It does what it says. It raises your damage against elites by 25%. If you did 10M in one hit to an elite before, now you do 12.5M (excluding, of course, other differences in stats such as the chd damage).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 20 RIFTS on T1 and 2000 plus blood shards = 1 legendary plan
    Quote from nyjl

    20 rifts, 6-12 hours a day? 20 rifts is like a one full day of gameplay, stop lying to people.
    Just because you're horribly slow doesn't mean everyone are. If I were to do 20 T1 rifts in my current gear, I'd be done in less than 4 hours (~10 min max per rift). Remember, he might not be playing HC, which means his output is way higher than yours =P
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on A5 Normal Horadric Caches (Video)
    The fact that you got nothing from 15 caches means nothing. I opened 34 caches the other day, I got 1 legendary - from number 31. They were all farmed on Torment 2.

    And Dunmait, some set items can be dropped outside of Torment - small sets (for wizards, it's chantodo's wand and source for example) are available.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on We are the Squishy
    I have no issues tanking stuff in Mp4 with 200 all resi, 3.5K armor and 28K hp using Gloom.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Jeweler plans are BLUE?
    Patch notes, jeweller plans are now yellow. It really did take 2 seconds^^.

    On another note, through 52 Paragon levels, I've found two jeweller recipes. Before that, with what, +500 play hours? None. They're *rare* because they're permanent (using it means you never have to again on that account).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.05 WW barb nerfed?
    Quote from NoSignToLife

    since the fury costs of ww are reduced to 9, its not that much of nerf

    i think they are just tryin to slow them down a little, since they are quite the fastest farmers

    Quite on the contrary, really. WW still can't be spammed more often than your animation allows you to, you'll regen less fury, and you'll spend less fury. Know what that means?
    Yea, thats right, good luck keeping WOTB-TOC up :D.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Loot Servers - > Easy Legendary Drops?
    Quote from Ridiculousss

    It actually makes sense that this is possible, all you bashers should try it before you diss, there is some logic behind it, i will try it out.

    But I did. A .74 Server. I had one of my worst runs ever, as stated before. I ran with max (375%) magicfind, and got 17 lvl 63's, 3 jewellery items and a lvl 62 quiver.
    Clearly, though, this just means I was unlucky, and the people getting legendaries on these connections are having a "normal" day. It can't be that those people are just lucky, right?
    And to the guy saying you expect 1 legendary every hour or so - I'd have to disagree and say every 3-4 hours for me personally, with max MF.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Loot Servers - > Easy Legendary Drops?
    Completly insane. But as no person should ever be so distrustful that they do not attempt something atleast once to see what happens, I went and got myself a .74 IP in Act 3, and did a *FULL* clear of every mob/pack/dungeon/area in there - 17x lvl 63's, 4x rings/sanctified quiver/amulets. That's 21 "usefull" items, total.
    My usual average for a full clear is +30 of those "usefull" items. I got one and a half inventory full of items, total. I average one to one and a half inventory doing "optimised" clears, Core->tower1->Keeps3+2+1->fields->crater 2->cursed tower, 2 floors.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on +EXP gear/gem working?
    It works on kills.
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    posted a message on Hall of Shame - ilvl 63 edition
    Quote from Gubian

    Rings cap at i62, so hope this counts haha.

    Wasn't even aware this was possible actually. Can rings roll triple damage and a socket, or did the socket count as two affixes?

    +min dmg, +max dmg, and a min-max physical dmg affix.3 affixes on the dmg,and 1 for the socket ;).
    Also, to people linking blue items like Dokfaust - hopefully you're aware that blues will NEVER roll more than 2 affixes, which means things like your hand crossbow never even HAD the chance of being good.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on black Bone Arrows
    People thought Black Bone Arrows would become stronger with the legendary-buff patch, so people hoarded the recipe for extreme amounts in order to hopefully make a profit on it when the patch hit. It didn't get buffed, so now people are counting their losses and trying to get whatever they can for their plans.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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