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    posted a message on The Future... 2.1 and stuff
    We're getting a second set, but frankly, I don't see many people using it unless they have terrible luck with Akkhan's.

    The potential of permanent Akarat's Champion is just so ludicrously strong... I'd love to see the set bonuses that could actually convince people to give that up.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on New Arcane Dust Reqs = Gold Sink?
    When I want to craft bracers, I simply make sure I start picking up all the blue items in a rift as opposed to yellows. All non respendent chest will usually cough up one blue if not two, and thankfully it's not a 1 dust per blue deal on salvaging. You get multiple dust per.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Finally a use for all my [Adventurer's Journal]s!!! 2.4 million gold!
    Quote from Solmyr77
    I cannot express in uncensored words how stupid this move is. I even thought about going to the official forums, but I couldn't find the time/motivation so far. They take away 1 of 3 things to do in the endgame. Now that mat farming is gone, we're left with bounties and rifts. Awesome.. Why not remove a class while we're at it?
    If you had any idea how much you're comparing apples to oranges... Is making and closing thousands of games to try and get that rare spawn to spawn as a bounty actually as fun as bounties or rifts to you? Is it as fun as an entire class? You'd seriously compare removing a complete pain in the butt that few if any people can honestly tell me they truly enjoyed to removing a class?

    I mean, OK, I'll buy the whole "Oh no, they're removing from the game" thing, but seriously, it was one of the fun "three" things to do at end game? REALLY?!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Additional 2.0.6 patch datamined content
    Quote from polybus11
    I will kind of miss the unique mats required if that's true. I wonder if this is a server stability issue or something with lots of people creating and killing games constantly to find what they need.
    If it's true, I'd wager that's at least half of it. I must have created thousands of games by now searching for the correct bounty.

    Definitely won't miss it though. The material just becoming a random "Hey, congrats, you earned a bonus 50k gold" would still keep rares exciting when I see them.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Additional 2.0.6 patch datamined content
    I'd be thrilled to spend less time farming rares, but I'd be REALLY surprised at such a crafting change. Course Diablo knows I've got Death's Breath pouring out of my every orifice and would seriously love to spend more of those in exchange for not farming up some goofy random material from some random rare spawn... Would love the change, but won't believe that until I see it.

    I'd hope Blizzard's plans for putting Monks in a better place doesn't involve the Monk struggling to get their end game sets and then suddenly doing absurd amounts of damage simply due to having their sets.

    Perhaps the change I'd hope is most true is the boost in class sets. I am so sick and tired of seeing Blackthorne's. Green beams should be a lot more exciting than they are currently. Right now a green beam is only semi exciting, and once I open my inventory to identify it, I can already see that it's Blackthorn's before I even confirm it...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Adding Super powered Legendaries (Your thoughts)
    I agree with AeneasBK, the problem with super powered legendaries such as the prenerf Shard of Hate, or even the SoJ, is that they're pretty much expected at high end. Do they feel great? Sure, but people whom are unlucky are left feeling like they're simply being carried in the game. Player A and Player B being exact duplicates except player A has an SoJ and player B has any other ring, Player A could be doing 50% more damage to elites... Cause of one item.

    Is the SoJ great? Of course. Is it perhaps too powerful? I think so. Legendaries in general need to have a fairly close delta to keep legendary drops interesting. If a legendary ring drops for me now, I don't care at all unless it's an SoJ, Unity, or RRoG so I can potentially get a better version than my current ones. The other rings offer nothing that can even begin to compare. They may as well be white items. This is a problem imo. Pick any other ring, give it the most opitmal, max stat rolls for my Crusader, and I wouldn't take it over my optimal, less than max stat rolls of my other three (four counting the one on my follower).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Microtransactions: What would you pay for?
    I would pay for green beams to never be Blackthorns again.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How much HP/Toughness/Armor/Healing/Resist needed for T6 farm?
    I mean no offense, but you're a softcore crusader, who cares?

    Take your gear, enter a T6 game and see if you kill stuff fast and/or die horribly. Poof, you have your answer.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on "Whi will open the rift?" - Public games and the waiting game >.>
    It's a good idea, but I agree with some of the later posts. I think an even better idea would be to reward the rift opener with bonus magic/gold find. I don't think it needs to be anything as extreme as a guaranteed legendary off the rift boss, but there should be some benefit to the opener. If people still want to leech, fine, but at least you the opener have a far better chance at seeing the stuff you want.

    Hell, I'd be happy opening rifts if I got a buff that simply promised me that green beams would not be Blackthorne's ;P
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will new expansion raise level cap?
    You can talk yourself out of all games that involve loot and leveling with that thought.

    I grind loot/gear/upgrades now because I want to be better now. Will all my current loot eventually be total meh when there are level 80 versions of all my gear that I need to regrind? You bet, and I'll grind that gear when it's time to grind it. But for right now, if I can get better, why not.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on WTB more density in Rifts
    I'm fine with density being random, but there are still a lot of rifts/floors that I feel like the quickest way to "completion" is to just find the next floor and hope it's got a thicker population.

    My very first rift with a friend is one I’d rather have more often. We spawned at what would normally be the site of the barracks or cursed shrine in the middle of the Battlefields and it was packed to the gills with mobs, mostly spiders. We were literally always fighting a champion pack or two every time we moved a full screen’s length. In the words of the Templar, it was “Glorious!”.

    Then I’ll get the Pandemonium Fortress layout and want to kill myself because it’s always, always, ALWAYS (at least for me anyway) been so sparcely populated that the best thing to do is to just run to the door and hope the next level is better.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Runewords - Duping - Droprates - D3 Implementation
    I'll be perfectly happy with D3 never having runes and rune words personally. They just weren't fun imo.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Was the Shield Bash bug fixed with today's patch?
    I'm sadly still stuck at work for a few hours, but wondering if anyone's had a chance to see if you still get stuck whenever you shield bash into a sudden object or get jailed mid charge (aka jailer and waller mobs easily cause it).
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on How long until Blizzard fixes people "cheesing" normal mode?
    Meh, Torment has it's own set of legendaries, not to mention the incredible legendary potions.

    I'm content knowing I can get unique/better legendaries in torment. If someone wants to farm their brains out on normal and fall asleep, they're free to do so, makes no diff to me.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Torment 6 Hardcore Malthael Down.
    That is awesome. Truly nothing else to say.
    Do wish I had a bloody Thunderfury though :(
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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