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    posted a message on Best weapon legendaries for fire barb
    Devastator, Burning Axe of Sankis.

    Devastator is crafted, you need Shattered Cores.

    Check Legendary Materials Guide for farming information.

    Burning Axe of Sankis and Thunderfury are simply farmed from nowhere in particular, so just farm as efficiently as you can, meaning choose appropriate to your gear difficulty.
    Posted in: D3 Class Forums
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    posted a message on Penalties, death... where is it?
    Remove resurrection timers, that's my biggest peeve. Another idea; re-introduce instantly placeable town portals. They added a strategic element. Place one if you knew you were heading into a very dangerous pack. They also cut down drastically on time spent running back. If the run back was too long, I'd just swallow the exp loss and save and quit and respawn my body in town.

    Repair costs are something that are more of an annoyance than anything, because as it is, they aren't a meaningful gold sink. There isn't enough variance in repair costs between each individual item, that's what made it so expensive in Diablo 2. It's something I'm on the fence about though. I don't know an eloquent way for them to approach the durability equation. Use materials for repairing? Or large amounts of golds? Use a mix? 50/50 split? I don't know. Is it simplicity, or complexity that is the answer?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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