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    posted a message on Power for money ? Is that ok with the D3 Community?
    Real money for game items have been going on forever in every multiplayer game with some persistance. Only this time Blizzard figured it can provide a safe trade environment while making some money on the side.

    1. Blizzard doesn't sell items, players do.
    2. If it pays for the infrastructure so I don't have to pay a fee, it's all good.
    3. There are so many gold sinks in the game gold will retain at least some value, so I'll still be able to buy stuff I want for gold instead of dollars.
    4. PVP in Diablo 3 will be as serious as it was in D2: not serious at all. If you want a serious and balanced PVP environment, go play a different game. Not every Blizzard game has to be an e-sport.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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