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    posted a message on last second AH snatch
    This shouldn't be an issue because of the max bid function. If you are willing to pay 5million gold for an item, set that as your max bid. Then, if someone outbids you at the last second, you know that they spent more than your 5million gold on the item. If you aren't setting your max bid as the max amount you are willing to pay, then you're doing it wrong and, frankly, deserve to have an item snatched from you at the last moment.

    If you aren't willing to use the max bid function, then you have no cause for complaint. If you truly want a "bid war," then auction items off in trade chat.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Undocumented 1.0.4 Changes
    Quote from Boss_Hogg

    So I just spent 11 minutes of my life reading this thread, and I have come to the assumption that half the posts are from people who never bothered to read the patch notes. The name of the thread was:
    Undocumented 1.0.4 Changes
    Many of the changes listed in this thread were not included in the patch notes yesterday. The patch notes have been updated today to reflect these omissions.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on This Feels Backwards-But Necessary
    Quote from Nodnarb

    Quote from Kooqu

    Quote from Nodnarb

    Why do the general "entitlement thumpers" on here feel as if it is too much to ask for blizzard to remember how they got to where they are today? You do not build anything that lasts without sticking to the core values and loyal customers that stick with you through the ups and downs. I know this b/c I help run a family business that has been in business for over 20 years. Blizzard is a business and should be treated as one.
    Then treat Blizzard like a business: If their games are fun, buy them. Otherwise, don't.

    You seem to forget that you have already reaped the rewards of early adoption: You got to play and enjoy the game before the newer players. You got to accumulate gear before the newer players. Everything you have in game? You got it before the newer players. That is the benefit of supporting the game from the beginning.

    You haven't earned any special items or treatment. You paid $60, the same as everyone else. What makes you more special than someone who buys the game tomorrow? Playing the game is supposed to be its own reward, so why are you sitting here asking for more? What have you done that entitles you to better treatment than the newer players?

    Why are you asking for more when Blizzard has already provided you with patches, fixes, and a solid game?

    Again, what have you done that makes you deserving of more than the other players?

    Well, u make me feel like nothing I do makes me more deserving (i disagree). But, I will say this. Like it or not, my feedback is just as important as someone who feels the opposite as I do. I dont think I am a minority here either. So let me put the shoe on your foot. What can I do so that my opinion holds as much weight as yours? Or do you feel like anyone expressing their opinion on here if not positive is a waste of time? I have been constructive in past post with suggestions as to how to quiet some of this calamity, and I have agreed and disagreed with good and bad ideas alike.
    Feedback is fine. Asking for handouts is not.

    The premise of your thread is that the "newer you are to the game the better off you are." This premise is demonstrably false. If someone were to purchase the game today, they'd start off at level 1 with no gear and no idea how any of the classes work. I, on the other hand, have been playing since the first week. I have a decent set of gear (for my time played), I've cleared inferno, I have some resources (gold and mats) saved up, and I know how to play my class and what stats are desireable for my class. I am clearly better off than a new player. So, why is it that you suggest otherwise? Because they don't have to deal with the harder version of inferno? Because they will never have a pre 1.0.4 legendary drop and know how worthless it is? Have you forgotten that the earliest adopters are, generally speaking, the ones that made tons of gold selling inferno gear to the people that hadn't yet reached/made progress through inferno?

    All I see you asking for are free benefits. You want them to scrap the legendary buffs because then noobs have a chance at getting a better item than you have? Uh, how about the fact that pre-1.0.4 legendaries are terrible? Do you really think such a major issue with the game should be left intact just so that "noobs" can't get them before you do? And why should you be given perks for past time spent playing? Did you not enjoy that time spent? Have you never considered that, if they gave you credit for that time, botters would all start off at paragon level 100?

    Why do you have a problem with new players benefiting just as much as old players? They still have to work to hit max level, they still have to work to acquire gear, and they certainly have to work a hell of a lot harder than YOU do to take advantage of the 1.0.4 changes.

    So, again, feedback and opinions are fine. Asking to screw over new players is not fine. No one should benefit from new players being screwed over -- that's bad design and a horrible way to treat new potential "loyal" fans.

    You mentioned that you help run a family business. Think about this: What if a new customer walked into your business and stood in line behind a regular customer. Let's say they were both buying the same item. Let's say you charge the regular $10 for the item, but you charge the new customer $12. Do you think that new customer will ever want to visit your business again? Congratulations, you just lost a potentially loyal customer.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on This Feels Backwards-But Necessary
    Quote from Nodnarb

    Why do the general "entitlement thumpers" on here feel as if it is too much to ask for blizzard to remember how they got to where they are today? You do not build anything that lasts without sticking to the core values and loyal customers that stick with you through the ups and downs. I know this b/c I help run a family business that has been in business for over 20 years. Blizzard is a business and should be treated as one.
    Then treat Blizzard like a business: If their games are fun, buy them. Otherwise, don't.

    You seem to forget that you have already reaped the rewards of early adoption: You got to play and enjoy the game before the newer players. You got to accumulate gear before the newer players. Everything you have in game? You got it before the newer players. That is the benefit of supporting the game from the beginning.

    You haven't earned any special items or treatment. You paid $60, the same as everyone else. What makes you more special than someone who buys the game tomorrow? Playing the game is supposed to be its own reward, so why are you sitting here asking for more? What have you done that entitles you to better treatment than the newer players?

    Why are you asking for more when Blizzard has already provided you with patches, fixes, and a solid game?

    Again, what have you done that makes you deserving of more than the other players?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo III is dead.
    Quote from Visioned

    Quote from Catalept

    Oh joy! Another troll-thread complaining about how Blizzard isn't listening to The Right People.

    The internet definitely needs more of those.

    I don't want them to listen to me. I have no suggestions. I will allow you to retract your statement. Not exactly a troll thread.
    Remember those poll options you made? It's exactly a troll thread.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Diablo III is dead.
    The only thing dead, OP, is the horse you're beating.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from proletaria

    Honestly, I don't think such as thing as faith really exists. It is just a word we used to describe an expectation, be it realistic or otherwise. In order to have that expectation we need to be conditioned either by experience of a given outcome over and over again: ie. I have faith in Joe, he wins all his boxing matches, he won't loose this one. Or it may be an expectation through repetition of a theoretical outcome: ie. I have faith that heaven exists because I chant a verse about it weekly and my parents, friends, etc. have a similar expectation.

    Oh, come on. Do you honestly think that all people "of faith" were conditioned to be so? I certainly wasn't. My parents never taught me anything about god or religion except that I was free to choose. I've never considered myself a part of any organized religion.

    Your examples aren't even descriptions of faith. Joe winning all his matches is something that can be observed and is based in fact. The other example is, quite frankly, insulting to everyone who has ever had faith and not had a religious upbringing.

    Except, on the contrary, one does not simply believe as a default. One must be deeply inculcated with the doctrine of their religion in order to get to the point where they simply believe without proof. In essence, the brain has been re-programmed to make an exception to it's usual rational routine. When confronted with any other problem, it must make a logical conclusion based on the presented data; however, in this one case the brain has been overridden by force of habit.
    When I first saw this thread, it seemed like you were interested in an actual discussion (despite the inherent problem of asking for proof of something that isn't supposed to involve any proof at all), but the above paragraph completely disabused me of that notion.

    You suggest that spiritual beliefs require religious doctrine. It's true that the concepts of god and heaven are commonly known and are core elements of certain religions, but does that mean that my beliefs are a result of someone "educating" me on the tenets of their religion? Because that certainly is not the case. No one beliefs it by default, true, but that doesn't mean they can't choose to believe it on their own, does it? Must everyone be coerced into belief? Not at all.

    It's pretty clear that you've got a bias against religion, which is understandable, but you're also projecting that bias onto people who believe without having had religion as a part of their lives. You suggest that faith is simply learned behavior -- the result of repetitive religious teachings, or songs, or prayers. I mean, why would you bother asking people for conversation if you're basically going to shut down their answer based on a matter of (your) opinion?

    Long story short: You've got a bone to pick with religion and believers. I say that it can't be proven because belief in god is supposed to be a matter of faith and you say that faith doesn't even exist. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    I don't know how this thread could've gotten to 49 pages when the correct response to the OP is:

    Asking for proof in something that is supposed to be a matter of faith is silly. Faith, when applied to god, means the belief in something in the absense of proof.

    One cannot prove the existance of God and that's kind of the whole point of having faith.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on difficulty and ah
    You can progress through the game, work hard, and beat it in a couple weeks (or whatever time-frame your skill level allows), or you can let other people play the game for a year and then show up and beat it with barely any effort as a result of their auction house throwaways. It would not be unfair to describe this as akin to cheat codes.

    Personally, I feel that the latter would cheapen the experience. Hell, the experience might completely change between now and then and you might never get a chance to play Diablo 3, as it is now, ever again.

    If you just want another boring, easy game to play, go ahead and wait. You'll probably forget the game exists and never play it again. Honestly, it sounds like maybe you should just finish the game on Hell and be done with it. Either way, you're going to get a cheapened, easy experience.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on difficulty and ah
    Quote from dethroned1

    kooqu: read my reply to doez, it is clear that im not here for a discussion on wheter its bad or not bad that the difficulty is varying. im here just to learn whether or not its true that the difficulty is varying. your whole post is really only talking about stuff that i said was irrelevant in this thread, that is quite an achievement when u think about it.
    Yes, the difficulty of the base game will obviously vary between now and 5 months/a year/5 years from now. Of course, expansions and content updates will change the balance of certain aspects of the game. For instance, the expansion will almost certainly be easier for people who play now than people who start playing when the expansion releases.

    But you also have to consider the fact that when items get devalued to the point where they're selling for 5-10k on the AH, most people will simply start vendoring them. At that point, you're, once again, dealing with high-priced expansion items because no one bothers selling anything but the best "old Diablo 3" items.

    The effect of expansions and content updates are hard to predict. Will the expansion raise the level cap? If so, then all current level 60 items pretty much become worthless. If not, then the new item tiers will severely devalue the current item tiers, possibly to the point of removing them from the market.

    In other words, no one can predict what it's going to be like beyond the almost certainty that it will be slightly easier.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on difficulty and ah
    Quote from dethroned1
    of course ppl could argue that "u shouldnt worry so much about what other players are doing" so i will limit this discussion to not include any arguments of this form.
    In other words, you're not interested in a discussion -- you're interested in people agreeing with you. Because, honestly, you just cut out the only real argument there is against your point.

    The fact of the matter is that you should never play a game with any concerns about how other people are playing it. Yes, you could wait until the market is so saturated with cheap goods that you can just buy a full set for cheap. But, guess what? That's just letting other people play the game for you.

    Here's my suggestion, OP: Quit reading the forums. Just drop out of the community and play the game. If it's fun, keep playing. If it's not, stop playing. If you stop playing, try again a few months/years down the road and see if it has gotten any better. But don't let other people's progress or ease of play influence you, because that is stupid.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on One of the best written words about D3
    Quote from Bleu42

    Yea uh, fuck dat.

    Edit; To expand, this person offers almost no idea on how to improve the features and functions he does not like. Simply stating 'I hate this' without anything further does nothing to promote discussion within the community. Just another whiner.

    Edit 2; Forgot to add my all caps LMFAO for this douche wanting an apology. This is literal proof of the entitled attitude of young people today. Jesus.

    And let's not forget that he included outright lies.

    You let your petty greed change the drop rate to suit the RMAH which disgusts me to no end.

    It was pretty obvious from that point that he was just going to go on a cry-baby rant. And, sorry, but if it takes you 10 pages to talk about what is wrong with the game, you're probably shouldn't be writing at all.

    Most of his complaints were pathetic. It's also pretty clear that he's on a massive nostalgia trip. Incredibly shitty post.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why make a game where skill doesnt matter?
    I went through acts 1-4 on inferno without upgrading my gear more than once or twice. Skill is what allowed me to get through the game when everything could 1-shot me.

    Gear is important, yes, but so is skill. Requiring a healthy mix is a good thing.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3D images, (cross-eyed)
    It's a sailboat!
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Can You Cancel Bids?
    Quote from Savages

    Didn't think cancelling bids was possible?
    It's not supposed to be.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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