Anything that is not able to absolutely decimate path of exile in the pc-arpg genre would've been doomed to fail. As long as PoE is alive and kicking, there won't be a D4, or honestly, even a D3Exp2.
Blizzard knew this, so they went a completely different direction with mobile.
The problem is, mobile as it is is more tailored towards the asia market. It most certainly will be successful there. But having this in mind, announcing it with such a big ceremony was the big wrong decision here.
If they would've announced nothing (and just did this in some asia only thing....) or as a side note (like: oh btw we're bringing diablo to mobile, tailored for asia market, but you can play it outside of asia as well) it would've been better than this. everything would've been better than this.
This is the worst PR they could've ever gotten out of that. I feel really sad for blizzard, but the shitstorm which is brewing or already ongoing is self made, and thus deserved. But I still feel sad for them, because blizzard usually had great success with whatever they did. Or at least they hat like neutral reactions (HoTS being the only real thing which isn't a huge success I guess), and now they're getting such an overwhelmingly bad reaction from basically everywhere...
Whatever you are drinking dude , it must be some massively fucked up cocktail....
Anything that is not able to absolutely decimate path of exile in the pc-arpg genre would've been doomed to fail. As long as PoE is alive and kicking, there won't be a D4, or honestly, even a D3Exp2.
Blizzard knew this, so they went a completely different direction with mobile.
The problem is, mobile as it is is more tailored towards the asia market. It most certainly will be successful there. But having this in mind, announcing it with such a big ceremony was the big wrong decision here.
If they would've announced nothing (and just did this in some asia only thing....) or as a side note (like: oh btw we're bringing diablo to mobile, tailored for asia market, but you can play it outside of asia as well) it would've been better than this. everything would've been better than this.
This is the worst PR they could've ever gotten out of that. I feel really sad for blizzard, but the shitstorm which is brewing or already ongoing is self made, and thus deserved. But I still feel sad for them, because blizzard usually had great success with whatever they did. Or at least they hat like neutral reactions (HoTS being the only real thing which isn't a huge success I guess), and now they're getting such an overwhelmingly bad reaction from basically everywhere...
Whatever you are drinking dude , it must be some massively fucked up cocktail....
Yeah PoE doesn't have anywhere near the number of activated accounts as D3, and it's freaking free.
There may well be more active PoE players right now, but that's why Blizzard is busy making D4 instead of updating their 5 year old game.
No matter how much you dont like this game i dont understand how it destroys Diablo 3? You can still play it as we have doing it 5 or 6 years.
That said i dont know myself how to feel about it, i was hopeing for d2 remake and 1 or 2 new classes like druid and/or amazon and d4/d3 exp next year.
Well at least it's multiplayer and i like it as i was playing d3 on ps4 (single player).
I played it on Friday, twice. My interest in it peaked after about 15 minutes and then I realized how pointless it was playing a Diablo game on mobile. For what it was worth Diablo Immortal was entertaining, but at the end of the day I am not a mobile player and neither are the millions of other already existing Diablo players. I would NOT recommend Diablo Immortal for Diablo fans; with that said, if you like mobile games maybe you would enjoy this.
You guys do realize they told us twice, not once but twice that there would not be anything big for diablo this year at blizzcon. Go ahead and siv through the diablofans post. One heads up was January /February of this year. The next was 6 months later.
Sorry but its you guys pulling hype out of your butts out of no where. As well as a youtuber that pulls hype from job postings every year.
So quit your bitching and wait for Wolcen to come out.
Absolutely horrible announcement, more foolish then the Hearthstone one.
The only thing that even comes out positive is knowing D4 is in the works.
Honestly I think they are waiting for these other ARPG's coming out to be out, die a little then D4 will be supreme again.
Well had fun watching my dreams get crushed, I am sure most of us would of made gold compared to the shit shown today.
GL HF Diablo Fans.
can we really know that D4 is in the works? and if we judge by the quality of game and UI, which seem to be lower quality-wise than what we already have, do we REALLY want a D4 from this team?
If it makes you feel any better, it isn't Blizzard developing this game. They farmed it out to a mobile dev that makes generic copycat ARPGs
Honestly I don’t think the “sky is falling” attitude is warranted.
Plenty of people were plenty excited about the past console releases, and I found them to be vastly inferior to the gameplay experience on PC/m&kb. Clearly this didn’t turn enough people off to keep them from making a Switch version. I’m far more put off by the switch version than a new full title for mobile.
Mobile devices are getting impressive. Whatever one’s personal issue with the features and prices of current gen mobile devices, the simple fact is that they’re successful. Immortal might be a great game - we simply don’t know enough yet.
Anyone ever play Eternium? I think that game is a “proof of concept” that gesture based controls work well for an iso ARPG (imo a better fit than any controller i’ve played with so far). Now consider that Eternium is not a triple-A title with the kind of team and money behind it that Immortal has/will have.
If shop transactions run wild in Immortal, only then will I be disappointed. Do we know anything about this yet?
Regardless - as someone with 26 years of serious gaming (I’d say easily 90% on PC), I think mobile gaming is here to stay, and it is certainly not always a bad thing. Tech and trends move on. Embrace it or be stuck in the past.
....... Unless there’s $99 p2w “micro”transactions. Then screw this, torches and pitchforks.
But until we know more, I simply don’t think the game can be dismissed just because hating on the mobile gaming trend is “cool.”
sorry, but you are wrong.
in march next year, RoS will turn five. there is still the same old endgame as of release and that is rifts. now added with artificial difficulty in the form of higher numbers to achieve higher numbers while playing in the constellation of the correct numbers.
they added the micropaymancer dlc along with some shabby anniversary filter and went silent for the rest of the year until 08.08.2018, where nevalistis told us about the hot burning forges at blizzard and i vaguely remember some tweet that diablo fans will be really excited for blizzcon 2018.
sure, they didn't hype us. we hyped ourselves. but weren't the signs in our favor? were there any polls or opinions that gave voive to the lack of diablo games on mobile? did we run this game for nearly five years with changing devs and no real development, no real communication about the state or the future and the little wish that there'd be some form of exciting announcement at blizzcon 2018?
yes, the signs were in our favor. no, nobody asked for mobile. yes, we endured much of the same old, hoping against hope that somewhere a real forge was in fact, really hot.
this immortal will come to pass. it will have your $99 transactions and i guarantee you, even more. and like every good mobile game, these $99 transactions amount for nearly nothing in the grand scheme. heck, i could buy crystals in galaxy of heroes for the chance of 5-330 (most characters unlock at 30 shards which are gateway drugs, 330 maxes the character out) for $20-$40 and only get 50ish. that is the same in most successful mobile games and diablo immortal won't be the exception to that rule.
and i tell you: people will suck it up. players like me won't make it past the initial free energy. i never spend much time in one sitting, maybe 30 minutes if a game requires full focus. but after that? you wait real life hours for energy. you get bonus drops for daily logins and if you miss one, you lose your consecutive logins. you get bonus items for playing X hours, while that shiny little button tells you to further that bonus by investing some small amount of money.
after one month you are fatigued and if it didn't kill the franchise up until then, it will be done by then. mark my words. immortal is an abomination and moneygrab of the worst kind and blizzard deservers every ounce of backlash.
Reminds me of that scene from 300 when King Leonidas says (please excuse the artistic license)............."Diablo Immortal....well we'll put that name to the test."
Remember guys, a mobile game is the perfect way to test the water for the proper monetisation of D4 - a chineese shared at reddit what could happen. This is the main objective now - in what way to extract the maximum from D4 - this mobile game will GREATLY help them in understanding that.
You guys do realize they told us twice, not once but twice that there would not be anything big for diablo this year at blizzcon. Go ahead and siv through the diablofans post. One heads up was January /February of this year. The next was 6 months later.
Sorry but its you guys pulling hype out of your butts out of no where. As well as a youtuber that pulls hype from job postings every year.
So quit your bitching and wait for Wolcen to come out.
I don't understand all the negativity. They told us D4 wouldn't be there...
It's like if you went to a Texas Road House for some steak. You are super hungry. You love rib-eye. Rib-eye is your favorite food. You had to wait 45 minutes for a table, which sucks, but you finally sit down. The waiter comes around and after you tell him you want your rib-eye, he says ok we'll get that started. What kind of dressing do you want on your house salad. THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!! Texas road house offers me a salad? Are they crazy? They have lost touch with their customers. Customers want meat. Why aren't they offering me another steak? Texas road house is nothing more than corporate cash grabbing pigs. They just want to charge me for a side salad. Why do they want to bring me a salad before I eat rib-eye?? I just want rib-eye right now! No rolls, no salad, no drinks, I just want meat! I will make a yelp account just to give a 1 star rating just so the rest of the world knows how much a vegetable loving piece of crap Texas road house has become!
Or could just enjoy some ranch dressing while your precious rib-eye is being
Diablo Immortal is nothing more than a house salad. Chill out people, you're acting like a 1 year old at the booth.
I don't understand all the negativity. They told us D4 wouldn't be there...
It's like if you went to a Texas Road House for some steak. You are super hungry. You love rib-eye. Rib-eye is your favorite food. You had to wait 45 minutes for a table, which sucks, but you finally sit down. The waiter comes around and after you tell him you want your rib-eye, he says ok we'll get that started. What kind of dressing do you want on your house salad. THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!! Texas road house offers me a salad? Are they crazy? They have lost touch with their customers. Customers want meat. Why aren't they offering me another steak? Texas road house is nothing more than corporate cash grabbing pigs. They just want to charge me for a side salad. Why do they want to bring me a salad before I eat rib-eye?? I just want rib-eye right now! No rolls, no salad, no drinks, I just want meat! I will make a yelp account just to give a 1 star rating just so the rest of the world knows how much a vegetable loving piece of crap Texas road house has become!
Or could just enjoy some ranch dressing while your precious rib-eye is being
Diablo Immortal is nothing more than a house salad. Chill out people, you're acting like a 1 year old at the booth.
yeah, no. totally wrong comparison.
1. they release vanilla d3 in 2012. for many people a shitshow, i liked it and the RMAH to sell stuff for good money.
2. they release RoS in 2014, kill the only revenue stream outside of box sales, implement rifts as endgame content.
3. they release nothing really spectacular which isn't a deviation from the RoS content (rift, grift, crift, forgetting something?).
4. they add the anniversary filter and call it a day.
5. they hype us with a nevalistis video in august 2018.
6. they pull back a few days shy of blizzcon and say that they don't show everything.
7. they show immortal to a bunch of die hard pc diablo fans.
if we were to use your "example": the rib-eye would feature a relatively new recipe than the traditional rib-eye, it would lack some flavor of the former and wouldn't be as satisfying to eat, texas road house would then add something to the dish which would make it a lot more tasty. but after five years you are fed up and can't eat that anymore when all of a sudden texas road house tells you that the rib-con 2018 would be YOUR rib-con since you are such a devout rib-eye-eater. then they would parade her PR specialist rib-eye-listis around with a video where she explains that the ovens are burning hot at texas road house and you would be SO delighted and when the rib-con finally arrives you would go there and be like WHERESMYRIBEYEARRR and they'd be like: "we have this great rib-eye experience and now we are offering you homeopathic rib-eye-pills. ON. THE. GO. you can eat them wherever you want and we promise you: they are exactly like the rib-eye you know, they are the full-fledged flavor!".
would that satisfy you in any meaningful way? would you feel that you've been deceived? was it actively deceiving? should they work on something new, present that and present something mobile somewhere along the way? anyway, they shouldn't do this in front of a crowd of enthusiasts..
I’m sorry you don’t agree with my metaphor, but thank you for proving my last example: the 1 year old at the end of the table.
You can kick, scream, and knock your bottle off the table while everyone else looks at you and shakes their head
you can be the mature people at the table, enjoy your salad for what it is while you wait knowing that the main entree is on the way. Fortunately for both groups, no matter how you view this situation the steak is still on the way. And if you’re that mad, why are you still sitting at the table? There’s plenty of other people still waiting in line.
I won't be playing this, but I hope some of the more encouraging comments about it prove to be true. I have no interest in mobile games, but if anything brings "them" closer to making a game as entertaining as Diablo 3 has been for me I'm all for it.
I'm not hip enough on the various ins and outs,so back to playing for me.
sorry man, i spun your metaphor the correct way and how it went down with diablo.
also: IF, and that is a big if, diablo 4 is in production, we won't see it until they are done with immortal as it is the new game and not some sidegame like it was with fallout shelter to fallout 4. if two years seem plausible to you, we have to wait until at least 2021 for a new diablo pc game.
but hey, let's just roll over and not voice our concern for the direction this company is taking. let's just gobble that shit up.
I won't be playing this, but I hope some of the more encouraging comments about it prove to be true. I have no interest in mobile games, but if anything brings "them" closer to making a game as entertaining as Diablo 3 has been for me I'm all for it.
I'm not hip enough on the various ins and outs,so back to playing for me.
let me ask you a serious question: how are you playing your games? would you mind to play on a phone / tablet for an extended period of time? would you pull an allnighter if a new diablo has addictive gameplay? do you have mobile hardware for diablo? and, if you play and like it very much and you spend money on it, would you hope that blizzard uses that money to fuel the next pc version of diablo or further their mobile gaming?
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Whatever you are drinking dude , it must be some massively fucked up cocktail....
Yeah PoE doesn't have anywhere near the number of activated accounts as D3, and it's freaking free.
There may well be more active PoE players right now, but that's why Blizzard is busy making D4 instead of updating their 5 year old game.
No matter how much you dont like this game i dont understand how it destroys Diablo 3? You can still play it as we have doing it 5 or 6 years.
That said i dont know myself how to feel about it, i was hopeing for d2 remake and 1 or 2 new classes like druid and/or amazon and d4/d3 exp next year.
Well at least it's multiplayer and i like it as i was playing d3 on ps4 (single player).
1. No that can't be true
2. WTF Blizzard: "is this out of season April's fool joke"
3. LordFluffy: Can we play it on PC -> wyatt cheng: no
4. Now I don't feel so good.
5. Oh well, I'll go back to D3 for a week or so next season ... maybe!
I played it on Friday, twice. My interest in it peaked after about 15 minutes and then I realized how pointless it was playing a Diablo game on mobile. For what it was worth Diablo Immortal was entertaining, but at the end of the day I am not a mobile player and neither are the millions of other already existing Diablo players. I would NOT recommend Diablo Immortal for Diablo fans; with that said, if you like mobile games maybe you would enjoy this.
A mobile game...WTF. Blizzard you continue to amaze me with your stupidity toward the PC community.
You guys do realize they told us twice, not once but twice that there would not be anything big for diablo this year at blizzcon. Go ahead and siv through the diablofans post. One heads up was January /February of this year. The next was 6 months later.
Sorry but its you guys pulling hype out of your butts out of no where. As well as a youtuber that pulls hype from job postings every year.
So quit your bitching and wait for Wolcen to come out.
I mean that "multiple projects" video a while back was a thing...
Also, Wolcen looks like crap.
If it makes you feel any better, it isn't Blizzard developing this game. They farmed it out to a mobile dev that makes generic copycat ARPGs
sorry, but you are wrong.
in march next year, RoS will turn five. there is still the same old endgame as of release and that is rifts. now added with artificial difficulty in the form of higher numbers to achieve higher numbers while playing in the constellation of the correct numbers.
they added the micropaymancer dlc along with some shabby anniversary filter and went silent for the rest of the year until 08.08.2018, where nevalistis told us about the hot burning forges at blizzard and i vaguely remember some tweet that diablo fans will be really excited for blizzcon 2018.
sure, they didn't hype us. we hyped ourselves. but weren't the signs in our favor? were there any polls or opinions that gave voive to the lack of diablo games on mobile? did we run this game for nearly five years with changing devs and no real development, no real communication about the state or the future and the little wish that there'd be some form of exciting announcement at blizzcon 2018?
yes, the signs were in our favor. no, nobody asked for mobile. yes, we endured much of the same old, hoping against hope that somewhere a real forge was in fact, really hot.
this immortal will come to pass. it will have your $99 transactions and i guarantee you, even more. and like every good mobile game, these $99 transactions amount for nearly nothing in the grand scheme. heck, i could buy crystals in galaxy of heroes for the chance of 5-330 (most characters unlock at 30 shards which are gateway drugs, 330 maxes the character out) for $20-$40 and only get 50ish. that is the same in most successful mobile games and diablo immortal won't be the exception to that rule.
and i tell you: people will suck it up. players like me won't make it past the initial free energy. i never spend much time in one sitting, maybe 30 minutes if a game requires full focus. but after that? you wait real life hours for energy. you get bonus drops for daily logins and if you miss one, you lose your consecutive logins. you get bonus items for playing X hours, while that shiny little button tells you to further that bonus by investing some small amount of money.
after one month you are fatigued and if it didn't kill the franchise up until then, it will be done by then. mark my words. immortal is an abomination and moneygrab of the worst kind and blizzard deservers every ounce of backlash.
Reminds me of that scene from 300 when King Leonidas says (please excuse the artistic license)............."Diablo Immortal....well we'll put that name to the test."
Remember guys, a mobile game is the perfect way to test the water for the proper monetisation of D4 - a chineese shared at reddit what could happen. This is the main objective now - in what way to extract the maximum from D4 - this mobile game will GREATLY help them in understanding that.
Wolcen is pretty mediocre so far.
I don't understand all the negativity. They told us D4 wouldn't be there...
It's like if you went to a Texas Road House for some steak. You are super hungry. You love rib-eye. Rib-eye is your favorite food. You had to wait 45 minutes for a table, which sucks, but you finally sit down. The waiter comes around and after you tell him you want your rib-eye, he says ok we'll get that started. What kind of dressing do you want on your house salad. THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!! Texas road house offers me a salad? Are they crazy? They have lost touch with their customers. Customers want meat. Why aren't they offering me another steak? Texas road house is nothing more than corporate cash grabbing pigs. They just want to charge me for a side salad. Why do they want to bring me a salad before I eat rib-eye?? I just want rib-eye right now! No rolls, no salad, no drinks, I just want meat! I will make a yelp account just to give a 1 star rating just so the rest of the world knows how much a vegetable loving piece of crap Texas road house has become!
Or could just enjoy some ranch dressing while your precious rib-eye is being
Diablo Immortal is nothing more than a house salad. Chill out people, you're acting like a 1 year old at the booth.
yeah, no. totally wrong comparison.
1. they release vanilla d3 in 2012. for many people a shitshow, i liked it and the RMAH to sell stuff for good money.
2. they release RoS in 2014, kill the only revenue stream outside of box sales, implement rifts as endgame content.
3. they release nothing really spectacular which isn't a deviation from the RoS content (rift, grift, crift, forgetting something?).
4. they add the anniversary filter and call it a day.
5. they hype us with a nevalistis video in august 2018.
6. they pull back a few days shy of blizzcon and say that they don't show everything.
7. they show immortal to a bunch of die hard pc diablo fans.
if we were to use your "example": the rib-eye would feature a relatively new recipe than the traditional rib-eye, it would lack some flavor of the former and wouldn't be as satisfying to eat, texas road house would then add something to the dish which would make it a lot more tasty. but after five years you are fed up and can't eat that anymore when all of a sudden texas road house tells you that the rib-con 2018 would be YOUR rib-con since you are such a devout rib-eye-eater. then they would parade her PR specialist rib-eye-listis around with a video where she explains that the ovens are burning hot at texas road house and you would be SO delighted and when the rib-con finally arrives you would go there and be like WHERESMYRIBEYEARRR and they'd be like: "we have this great rib-eye experience and now we are offering you homeopathic rib-eye-pills. ON. THE. GO. you can eat them wherever you want and we promise you: they are exactly like the rib-eye you know, they are the full-fledged flavor!".
would that satisfy you in any meaningful way? would you feel that you've been deceived? was it actively deceiving? should they work on something new, present that and present something mobile somewhere along the way? anyway, they shouldn't do this in front of a crowd of enthusiasts..
I’m sorry you don’t agree with my metaphor, but thank you for proving my last example: the 1 year old at the end of the table.
You can kick, scream, and knock your bottle off the table while everyone else looks at you and shakes their head
you can be the mature people at the table, enjoy your salad for what it is while you wait knowing that the main entree is on the way. Fortunately for both groups, no matter how you view this situation the steak is still on the way. And if you’re that mad, why are you still sitting at the table? There’s plenty of other people still waiting in line.
I won't be playing this, but I hope some of the more encouraging comments about it prove to be true. I have no interest in mobile games, but if anything brings "them" closer to making a game as entertaining as Diablo 3 has been for me I'm all for it.
I'm not hip enough on the various ins and outs,so back to playing for me.
sorry man, i spun your metaphor the correct way and how it went down with diablo.
also: IF, and that is a big if, diablo 4 is in production, we won't see it until they are done with immortal as it is the new game and not some sidegame like it was with fallout shelter to fallout 4. if two years seem plausible to you, we have to wait until at least 2021 for a new diablo pc game.
but hey, let's just roll over and not voice our concern for the direction this company is taking. let's just gobble that shit up.
Blizzard: "Where are my Diablo fans!?"
Fans: *cheers*
Blizzard: "We got something new for you!"
Fans: *Cheers louder*
Blizzard: *Shows "Diablo Immortal"*
Fans: *stops cheering - "wtf?"
Blizzard: "Oh we are targeting a different audience, this wasn't for you"
let me ask you a serious question: how are you playing your games? would you mind to play on a phone / tablet for an extended period of time? would you pull an allnighter if a new diablo has addictive gameplay? do you have mobile hardware for diablo? and, if you play and like it very much and you spend money on it, would you hope that blizzard uses that money to fuel the next pc version of diablo or further their mobile gaming?