Your metaphor had nothing to do with mine, you tried to spin it a different way.
Wait for table (since RoS) -> want steak (d4) -> finally sit at table (blizzcon) -> Expect steak (hype) -> bring out salad first instead (immortal) -> throw salad across room and rage (immortal outburst) -> yelp account (YouTube downvoted) -> waiter says plz be patient they are still grilling steak (next day QA panel) -> steak comes out (d4 releases).
Immortal will not slow D4 at all, an entirely different COMPANY is working on it. So are you mad you’re getting a diablo mobile game while you wait? The alternative is you get nothing at all....I understand the delivery was off, and probably shouldn’t have ended blizzcon with it. But ultimately more diablo the better.
I won't be playing this, but I hope some of the more encouraging comments about it prove to be true. I have no interest in mobile games, but if anything brings "them" closer to making a game as entertaining as Diablo 3 has been for me I'm all for it.
I'm not hip enough on the various ins and outs,so back to playing for me.
let me ask you a serious question: how are you playing your games? would you mind to play on a phone / tablet for an extended period of time? would you pull an allnighter if a new diablo has addictive gameplay? do you have mobile hardware for diablo? and, if you play and like it very much and you spend money on it, would you hope that blizzard uses that money to fuel the next pc version of diablo or further their mobile gaming?
I only play on PC. I don't personally enjoy using my phone for games. I don't own a tablet, and really I am not interested in buying a new system. I don't know what mobile hardware is available, but I don't utilize any of it. (That's a less a testament to its quality, and more own personal preference. It could be amazing, it's just not my thing.)
I don't mind if Blizzard tries for a mobile audience, I just won't be a part of that audience. I hope they're successful, because the rising tide raises all ships right? I consider myself a pretty casual gamer-I'll always be the last guy to get a copy, I'll probably play it until way too late-but for me it's pretty unlikely to be on a phone, or mobile device.
Blizz, just please be honest. Wanna turn the franchise into casual full fantasy style, depth and gameplay?
I might not agree, but hey... Not my call.
If this is your final call, then OWN IT. Don't give me D2 like feeling cinematics (armor and axes on the baba look actually usable), then flash out some Final Fantasy game BS.
If super fantasy is what you are going for (despite our efforts), then so be it and use THAT both ingame, AND in cinematics.
Let us see what is the like to dislike ratio if you promote the game for what you are truly designing. I'd love to see the reaction to cinematics where the characters are decked in full sets, with shoulder plates the size of small cars and designed by Salvador Dali.
Honestly, I would rather have a mobile Diablo card game, instead of another generic hack and slash.
Agreed, but that could cut on hearthstone revenue.
How about paying for extra character slots? You get lets say 5 slots upon buying the game, one for each class, and then you have to pay 1-2 dollars for each extra character. (This has been discussed before)
With this monetization scheme, a game like D2 with meaningfull, permanent choices would make a TON of money. Streamers and build makers would flourish, and content patches would not only sell like pancakes, but should naturally incentivize the devs to make new builds available. Let's not even mention Hardcore.
PD: I wouldn't mind having a auction house mobile app, even with real money! As long as they allow for a Solo Self Found mode.
The funny thing is, I feel like if they would have pulled a Bethesda and just had a screen that said "Diablo 4" at the end, the hate wouldn't be as bad.
Its really sad see how they treat this wonderful franchice by going mobile now....
watching the conference they looked so arrogant... "dont you guys have phones" ?? - yes i have phones but i never thought i would have to play a new diablo game on my phone.. i have plenty other games for that then diablo....
then some guy asked about hardcore mode if thats gonna be in immortal and they really talked nonsense,
its clear they target this game for asian market, just because the game on mobile phones doesnt mean rest of the world plays the same....
it was bad they released diablo on consoles but on mobiles? come on nobody in that blizzcon audience was happy except that Wyayy Cheng bastard i hate him and his fake smile...... he should get fired!
I have no issues with mobile if it was done right or brought something unique to the table from D3.
It is a massive letdown they aren’t even attempting to do new classes. Thats always half the excitement of a new Diablo. D3 did a terrible job bringing enough new innovation to the classes. And now this game can’t even rehash Assassin or Druid at the least? This is why this looks like a sad money grab to me. We have all the assets, lets rehash them in mobile to reach a new audience which requires minimal investment and high profit upside.
The only thing that could save them is to do some kind of new skill advancement system like D2 had with permanent choices. Right now, this looks only like a D3 expansion on mobile, which is bad.
Looking back at this a week later, I have a couple thoughts:
1) The mobile market is hard to ignore, so I can understand a mobile game. I think they should have had something to offer to the audience present, and that was a foolish PR move on their part. The "will this be ported to PC/Console" question could have been answered better with "we're not planning on it, but maybe we'll consider it based on feedback."
2) This will be *something* to fill the gap while other stuff is being developed and I can play it while not at home, so I wouldn't say I'm excited about it, but I may get it anyways cause it's still Diablo.
3) Bringing a Blizzard-Quality game to Mobile could be a pretty awesome thing. The initial reviews sounded positive about the way it plays, even though it's a mobile game. I don't really like mobile games, but if this is a cut above the rest, that may be good both for this game and other mobile games along the way.
4) Part of me hopes there's some skunkworks going on. As one of the fans pointed out in the initial Q&A, there seem to be features I'd like to see in a PC/Console Diablo title. Bosses with mechanics, interacting with the environment...stuff that was initially teased for Diablo 3. If they do it for Immortal, I hope they do it in D4 and even improve upon it.
5) I don't blame anyone for being angry. I'm still not really happy about it. I'm trying to find the positives with it, but man, I really get why people are mad. And reiterating on point 1, I can't believe they didn't announce *SOMETHING* that would've been properly directed at the assembled audience. The initial responses made it worse. People deserve to be mad about this one. I just hope it ends well.
Edit: 6) I also wonder if they dropped some fairly covert hints relating indirectly to D3. All of the classes in Immortal are D3 classes. They mentioned adding their favorite classes: Assassin, Witch Doctor and Druid. WD is obviously also a D3 class. There have been subtle hints about Druid being added to D3 in the future...could Assassin also be on its way to D3?
On the very best case scenario, like Brandy said: they wanted to wait that also Switch players have gotten their copy of D3 before they want to tell about new things for D3..."We are not done with D3."
Looking back at this a week later, I have a couple thoughts:
1) The mobile market is hard to ignore, so I can understand a mobile game. I think they should have had something to offer to the audience present, and that was a foolish PR move on their part. The "will this be ported to PC/Console" question could have been answered better with "we're not planning on it, but maybe we'll consider it based on feedback."
2) This will be *something* to fill the gap while other stuff is being developed and I can play it while not at home, so I wouldn't say I'm excited about it, but I may get it anyways cause it's still Diablo.
3) Bringing a Blizzard-Quality game to Mobile could be a pretty awesome thing. The initial reviews sounded positive about the way it plays, even though it's a mobile game. I don't really like mobile games, but if this is a cut above the rest, that may be good both for this game and other mobile games along the way.
4) Part of me hopes there's some skunkworks going on. As one of the fans pointed out in the initial Q&A, there seem to be features I'd like to see in a PC/Console Diablo title. Bosses with mechanics, interacting with the environment...stuff that was initially teased for Diablo 3. If they do it for Immortal, I hope they do it in D4 and even improve upon it.
5) I don't blame anyone for being angry. I'm still not really happy about it. I'm trying to find the positives with it, but man, I really get why people are mad. And reiterating on point 1, I can't believe they didn't announce *SOMETHING* that would've been properly directed at the assembled audience. The initial responses made it worse. People deserve to be mad about this one. I just hope it ends well.
Edit: 6) I also wonder if they dropped some fairly covert hints relating indirectly to D3. All of the classes in Immortal are D3 classes. They mentioned adding their favorite classes: Assassin, Witch Doctor and Druid. WD is obviously also a D3 class. There have been subtle hints about Druid being added to D3 in the future...could Assassin also be on its way to D3?
I agree with some of your statements, however I can not agree with #3, this is not their game, this is NetEasy's game that is just reskinned with the current diablo animations, they didn't even bother to create anything new for it.
D3 is dead. Makes no money. They're going mobile to make money. They don't care about the old player base because we've been playing for free for years. All they care about is money, obviously. They want a consistent revenue stream because you don't need a monthly sub for D3. No doubt in my mind that they will add currency like all mobile games that you can buy with $. They'll probably add cosmetic items as well. If they are successful in that then I don't expect them to put any focus in D3 for PC. Why would they put in tons of man hours for something that doesn't make money?
It's 2018 and all of the best games are free right now but they all sell cosmetic items. They all make tons of money. Paladins has like 30 million players? They are on every console now. I think they blew Overwatch out of the water. Fortnite has been dominating the video game realm. PoE, LoL, DoTa, Quake Champions, etc. All of these games are free to play and has millions of players playing them. Blizzard has fallen way behind since 2014 or so. I'm sure everyone has noticed it. They seem desperate. Going mobile was desperate. Making Destiny 2 free this month was another desperate move. It's crazy to think that Blizzard could go out of business but they can't even keep up with all of the free games I mentioned. Just look at the development. D3 hasn't had new skins in how many years? 5? WoW is on the same boat. They just recolor old skins every expansion. Look at all these other games. All the time spent in creating beautiful models and skins while everyone says the same thing about Blizz devs... they're either lazy or just don't care anymore.
D3 is dead. Makes no money. They're going mobile to make money. They don't care about the old player base because we've been playing for free for years. All they care about is money, obviously. They want a consistent revenue stream because you don't need a monthly sub for D3. No doubt in my mind that they will add currency like all mobile games that you can buy with $. They'll probably add cosmetic items as well. If they are successful in that then I don't expect them to put any focus in D3 for PC. Why would they put in tons of man hours for something that doesn't make money?
It's 2018 and all of the best games are free right now but they all sell cosmetic items. They all make tons of money. Paladins has like 30 million players? They are on every console now. I think they blew Overwatch out of the water. Fortnite has been dominating the video game realm. PoE, LoL, DoTa, Quake Champions, etc. All of these games are free to play and has millions of players playing them. Blizzard has fallen way behind since 2014 or so. I'm sure everyone has noticed it. They seem desperate. Going mobile was desperate. Making Destiny 2 free this month was another desperate move. It's crazy to think that Blizzard could go out of business but they can't even keep up with all of the free games I mentioned. Just look at the development. D3 hasn't had new skins in how many years? 5? WoW is on the same boat. They just recolor old skins every expansion. Look at all these other games. All the time spent in creating beautiful models and skins while everyone says the same thing about Blizz devs... they're either lazy or just don't care anymore.
I disagree with you about going mobile being an act of desperation. The mobile market is vast and there's a lot of money to be made there. It'd be silly not to augment your existing development with mobile titles. And to be fair, giving away Destiny 2 wasn't that big of a deal. It's a $10 game with the intent of getting people to like it and buy the expansion. And it's only if you sign up during a fairly small window. It's kinda like the trial versions for some of the Blizzard games, like being able to play WoW up to level 20 or D3 up to skeleton king.
I agree with you about revenue streams. D3 was supposed to have a continued revenue stream from the RMAH, but that went out the window and left D3 in a tough spot for continued revenue. As a result we got a small trickle of content (seasons) that is meant to keep people relatively interested until they can put out stuff like Necromancer or at best another expansion.
I'm not so irrationally angry at the idea of the game being mobile since I don't play mobile games at all anyways. Long as they actually do Diablo 4 and do it justice, is my only concern. The more I look at this, the more it looks like a mere jump into the mobile market cause they know there's more money to be made, and Diablo is the one property they have that they haven't milked to death with micro-transactions or paid cosmetics.
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Perfect summation. =D
And may the odds be ever in your favour.
Your metaphor had nothing to do with mine, you tried to spin it a different way.
Wait for table (since RoS) -> want steak (d4) -> finally sit at table (blizzcon) -> Expect steak (hype) -> bring out salad first instead (immortal) -> throw salad across room and rage (immortal outburst) -> yelp account (YouTube downvoted) -> waiter says plz be patient they are still grilling steak (next day QA panel) -> steak comes out (d4 releases).
Immortal will not slow D4 at all, an entirely different COMPANY is working on it. So are you mad you’re getting a diablo mobile game while you wait? The alternative is you get nothing at all....I understand the delivery was off, and probably shouldn’t have ended blizzcon with it. But ultimately more diablo the better.
I only play on PC. I don't personally enjoy using my phone for games. I don't own a tablet, and really I am not interested in buying a new system. I don't know what mobile hardware is available, but I don't utilize any of it. (That's a less a testament to its quality, and more own personal preference. It could be amazing, it's just not my thing.)
I don't mind if Blizzard tries for a mobile audience, I just won't be a part of that audience. I hope they're successful, because the rising tide raises all ships right? I consider myself a pretty casual gamer-I'll always be the last guy to get a copy, I'll probably play it until way too late-but for me it's pretty unlikely to be on a phone, or mobile device.
Hmmmm let's see, as a Deckard Cain old timer who has waited for and played all the Diablo games until now.
Diablo 1 PC game was released in 1996 and it was awesome!
Diablo 2 PC game was released 4 years later in 2000 and it was awesome!
Diablo 3 PC game released 12 long years later in 2012 and it was, arguably, sort of awesome.
Diablo Immortal, 6 years later is released for just cell phone.
I can't imagine why people are upset.
Blizz, just please be honest. Wanna turn the franchise into casual full fantasy style, depth and gameplay?
I might not agree, but hey... Not my call.
If this is your final call, then OWN IT. Don't give me D2 like feeling cinematics (armor and axes on the baba look actually usable), then flash out some Final Fantasy game BS.
If super fantasy is what you are going for (despite our efforts), then so be it and use THAT both ingame, AND in cinematics.
Let us see what is the like to dislike ratio if you promote the game for what you are truly designing. I'd love to see the reaction to cinematics where the characters are decked in full sets, with shoulder plates the size of small cars and designed by Salvador Dali.
Honestly, I would rather have a mobile Diablo card game, instead of another generic hack and slash.
Agreed, but that could cut on hearthstone revenue.
How about paying for extra character slots? You get lets say 5 slots upon buying the game, one for each class, and then you have to pay 1-2 dollars for each extra character. (This has been discussed before)
With this monetization scheme, a game like D2 with meaningfull, permanent choices would make a TON of money. Streamers and build makers would flourish, and content patches would not only sell like pancakes, but should naturally incentivize the devs to make new builds available. Let's not even mention Hardcore.
PD: I wouldn't mind having a auction house mobile app, even with real money! As long as they allow for a Solo Self Found mode.
Maybe you will get your wish ... lol
"We have many of our best developers now working on new mobile titles across all our IPs".
Have not seen this interview posted here yet...
above quote is around the 02:09
Everyone gets a turn....
You're a wizard Harry.....
The funny thing is, I feel like if they would have pulled a Bethesda and just had a screen that said "Diablo 4" at the end, the hate wouldn't be as bad.
Its really sad see how they treat this wonderful franchice by going mobile now....
watching the conference they looked so arrogant... "dont you guys have phones" ?? - yes i have phones but i never thought i would have to play a new diablo game on my phone.. i have plenty other games for that then diablo....
then some guy asked about hardcore mode if thats gonna be in immortal and they really talked nonsense,
its clear they target this game for asian market, just because the game on mobile phones doesnt mean rest of the world plays the same....
it was bad they released diablo on consoles but on mobiles? come on nobody in that blizzcon audience was happy except that Wyayy Cheng bastard i hate him and his fake smile...... he should get fired!
"Do you guys not have phones?"
I have no issues with mobile if it was done right or brought something unique to the table from D3.
It is a massive letdown they aren’t even attempting to do new classes. Thats always half the excitement of a new Diablo. D3 did a terrible job bringing enough new innovation to the classes. And now this game can’t even rehash Assassin or Druid at the least? This is why this looks like a sad money grab to me. We have all the assets, lets rehash them in mobile to reach a new audience which requires minimal investment and high profit upside.
The only thing that could save them is to do some kind of new skill advancement system like D2 had with permanent choices. Right now, this looks only like a D3 expansion on mobile, which is bad.
Looking back at this a week later, I have a couple thoughts:
1) The mobile market is hard to ignore, so I can understand a mobile game. I think they should have had something to offer to the audience present, and that was a foolish PR move on their part. The "will this be ported to PC/Console" question could have been answered better with "we're not planning on it, but maybe we'll consider it based on feedback."
2) This will be *something* to fill the gap while other stuff is being developed and I can play it while not at home, so I wouldn't say I'm excited about it, but I may get it anyways cause it's still Diablo.
3) Bringing a Blizzard-Quality game to Mobile could be a pretty awesome thing. The initial reviews sounded positive about the way it plays, even though it's a mobile game. I don't really like mobile games, but if this is a cut above the rest, that may be good both for this game and other mobile games along the way.
4) Part of me hopes there's some skunkworks going on. As one of the fans pointed out in the initial Q&A, there seem to be features I'd like to see in a PC/Console Diablo title. Bosses with mechanics, interacting with the environment...stuff that was initially teased for Diablo 3. If they do it for Immortal, I hope they do it in D4 and even improve upon it.
5) I don't blame anyone for being angry. I'm still not really happy about it. I'm trying to find the positives with it, but man, I really get why people are mad. And reiterating on point 1, I can't believe they didn't announce *SOMETHING* that would've been properly directed at the assembled audience. The initial responses made it worse. People deserve to be mad about this one. I just hope it ends well.
Edit: 6) I also wonder if they dropped some fairly covert hints relating indirectly to D3. All of the classes in Immortal are D3 classes. They mentioned adding their favorite classes: Assassin, Witch Doctor and Druid. WD is obviously also a D3 class. There have been subtle hints about Druid being added to D3 in the future...could Assassin also be on its way to D3?
On the very best case scenario, like Brandy said: they wanted to wait that also Switch players have gotten their copy of D3 before they want to tell about new things for D3..."We are not done with D3."
Possiblities to be revealed soon
1. New theme and cosmetics
2. New content patch or balancing at least
3. Druid DLC
4. Expansion
I'm feeling fool for still believing in #3.
I agree with some of your statements, however I can not agree with #3, this is not their game, this is NetEasy's game that is just reskinned with the current diablo animations, they didn't even bother to create anything new for it.
"Do you guys not have phones?"
D3 is dead. Makes no money. They're going mobile to make money. They don't care about the old player base because we've been playing for free for years. All they care about is money, obviously. They want a consistent revenue stream because you don't need a monthly sub for D3. No doubt in my mind that they will add currency like all mobile games that you can buy with $. They'll probably add cosmetic items as well. If they are successful in that then I don't expect them to put any focus in D3 for PC. Why would they put in tons of man hours for something that doesn't make money?
It's 2018 and all of the best games are free right now but they all sell cosmetic items. They all make tons of money. Paladins has like 30 million players? They are on every console now. I think they blew Overwatch out of the water. Fortnite has been dominating the video game realm. PoE, LoL, DoTa, Quake Champions, etc. All of these games are free to play and has millions of players playing them. Blizzard has fallen way behind since 2014 or so. I'm sure everyone has noticed it. They seem desperate. Going mobile was desperate. Making Destiny 2 free this month was another desperate move. It's crazy to think that Blizzard could go out of business but they can't even keep up with all of the free games I mentioned. Just look at the development. D3 hasn't had new skins in how many years? 5? WoW is on the same boat. They just recolor old skins every expansion. Look at all these other games. All the time spent in creating beautiful models and skins while everyone says the same thing about Blizz devs... they're either lazy or just don't care anymore.
I disagree with you about going mobile being an act of desperation. The mobile market is vast and there's a lot of money to be made there. It'd be silly not to augment your existing development with mobile titles. And to be fair, giving away Destiny 2 wasn't that big of a deal. It's a $10 game with the intent of getting people to like it and buy the expansion. And it's only if you sign up during a fairly small window. It's kinda like the trial versions for some of the Blizzard games, like being able to play WoW up to level 20 or D3 up to skeleton king.
I agree with you about revenue streams. D3 was supposed to have a continued revenue stream from the RMAH, but that went out the window and left D3 in a tough spot for continued revenue. As a result we got a small trickle of content (seasons) that is meant to keep people relatively interested until they can put out stuff like Necromancer or at best another expansion.
I'm not so irrationally angry at the idea of the game being mobile since I don't play mobile games at all anyways. Long as they actually do Diablo 4 and do it justice, is my only concern. The more I look at this, the more it looks like a mere jump into the mobile market cause they know there's more money to be made, and Diablo is the one property they have that they haven't milked to death with micro-transactions or paid cosmetics.