seth what I meant is, all the nephalem that exist now are derived into other cultures, necromancer, sorceress, barbarian ectect. What im saying is, like the"bard" idea, that we could have it like a regular old citizen of Westmarch who startes getting powers back, energy returning to him. Since he hasnt derived into some culture, he is essentially like a Bard, Jack of all classes (since Naphalem have BECOME all other classes), master of none. He uses all the ablilities of the classes to an extent and adds a few pieces of his own. Having the ability to use all, but not master, brings the difference between the Necro Nephalem, and all others.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
The Jack-of-All-Trades Class is nice, but not to my liking. I can see where Dorge is getting about the Nephalem. Most likely that would be included into the lore and story of D3, I haven't read the books (don't own any) But I've always been reading about them. If a Jack-of-All-Trades it is, then he's best not having the abilities of the other classes. Especially not the Character's signature moves like Whirldwind/Exploding Palm/etc. Plus he is an ordinary person; he doesn't have that much experience in combat. So his fighting style and skills would be very lax and maybe not as brutal. Even with the Power of the Nephalem slowly returning, he's not a student of all and not a master of all. Come to think of it I don't know how he can be a Jack-of-All-Trades unless he's been to the cultures. The Bard is a good example because the Bard travels. But if you're going for someone who's not traveled at all, not integrated into any form of culture or teachings, and just realizing his new found power; he's just as ordinary as anyone.
But think about it, how did all the classes diversify if they didnt all have the ability in the first place. If the nephalem didnt have necromanct, sorceror, and barbarial skills from the get, they couldve never developed into those classes anyway. My gess was the had all the abilities form the start, chose a fork in the road, and as the class they chose became more developed, they lost the skills they disnt use, slo a general nephalem class would have all the skills from birth, just never the ability to develop itself due to the worldstone.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
You are debating how Science should fit into Diablo and Sanctuary, and one of your arguments is that armor and stuff isn't created with magic..this is Diablo...this is in the world of sanctuary...I am pretty damn sure magic can create armor. Where there is magic that exists science leaves. Very few people would want an alchemist or a scientist in the Diablo world, it just wouldn't work. Why would an alchemist have the power to stop Diablo? He gonna throw some acid on the Lord of Terror? Alchemist and scientist are not generally looked at in a warrior or hero view and thus would not make a good fit in Diablo. I can see an alchemist or scientist working quiet well in SC...but thats a totally different topic.
Edit: Where are the alchemist in Diablo?
MAYBE in an eye for an eye ordeal with equivalent exchange (Like Full Metal Alchemist) where the alchemist has some off the wall powers to tap into some magic with alchemy and do some amazing stuff but at a cost of could say mana, or maybe some life then that could work. Make it medieval like and I would actually enjoy using an alchemist like full metal in the Diablo world and it would'nt feel awkward. If he is a crazy scientist tho with gunpowder and thanks, guns are a huge reason why I am even debating on trying Torchlight..(Guns don't belong in fantasy games unless its SCIFI)
But think about it, how did all the classes diversify if they didnt all have the ability in the first place. If the nephalem didnt have necromanct, sorceror, and barbarial skills from the get, they couldve never developed into those classes anyway. My gess was the had all the abilities form the start, chose a fork in the road, and as the class they chose became more developed, they lost the skills they disnt use, slo a general nephalem class would have all the skills from birth, just never the ability to develop itself due to the worldstone.
Not exactly dorge. Not every Nephalem had every power, they were still dispersed and they were dependent on their ancestry. I'll name a few which are in the Wikia.
Rathma (Real name Linarian)
Son of Lilith and Inarius
Creater of the Priests of Rathma, also known as the Necromancers.
Creater of the Barbarians
Here is a quote on him from the Wikia
"Steeped in mystery and tradition, these people refer to themselves as the "Children of Bul-Kathos", the great and ancient king. To better protect their lands from outside forces, they adopted a nomadic lifestyle, frequently moving within the confines of the Steppes and maintaining few permanent settlements. Isolating themselves from the world outside their territories, they eschew the use of magics and complex machinery, as they believe these things can only weaken their resolve developed over so many years." "The Children of Bul-Kathos have developed a kinship with the land and have learned to harness the primal energies within nature to enhance their own substantial physical prowess. It is because of this, together with their freedom from the trappings of the outside world, that the Western Kingdoms have historically referred to these tribes as "Barbarians", an epithet that belies the rich cultural and spiritual history these people truly possess. Although some trade with these curious bands of nomads, they do so only along the outermost borders of their lands. All intrusions into the territory surrounding Mount Arreat are forbidden, and warriors from the northern tribes are quick to thwart any incursions. Every foreign attempt at conquest has been met with fierce and decisive resistance.''
The Creator of the Sorceresses.
This being said, they didn't all have the power but only some form. Thus even now the Humans, after regaining some form of power, still need to be integrated into a culture to learn. The Bard, again, is a good idea for the fact he travels. But any other human who has not traveled and learned of the many cultures would not benefit at all. He would have a different form or have none at all, for he learns without a guide or teacher in any art.
""Not exactly dorge. Not every Nephalem had every power, they were still dispersed and they were dependent on their ancestry. I'll name a few which are in the Wikia.
Rathma (Real name Linarian)
Son of Lilith and Inarius
Creater of the Priests of Rathma, also known as the Necromancers.
Creater of the Barbarians
The Creator of the Sorceresses.""
This only proves my point. You say they all have to follow there ancestry. There all of the SAME anscestry, there isnt any different ones, ALL Naphalem came from the reproduction of a demon with an angel, which resulted in a single anscestry. It also proves my point that each must have followed a diferent road. Rathma, followed the roots of a necromancer, and his decendants are necros. Bul'Kathos followed the roots of what wouldbe a barbarian, and his decendants were. Esu folllowed the paths of what would be the sorceress, and her decendants were.
All 3 of them came from ONE act, the mating of demon and angel, making them all the same. If there all the same, howd each go down a different branch? They all have the same powers, untill they decide to follow one branch. So if there was any of the original nephalem that never diversified, there dilluted powers would have no specification, resulting in a normal mortal, so by theory, every human that isnt a specified diablo class could just be a nephalem that didnt turn itself into an individual class like Rathma, Bul, or esu.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
EXACTLY! Rathmas, Buls, Esus children wouldve been damn next to as powerful as them, I never said they got power by focising to a branch, thats just what they did. The children were almost if not as, powerful as there parents, it was the enactment of the worldstone that finally weakened them. It wouldve been those that aqctually didnt chose a branch to follow that oculdve b een the strongest because they enver personally dilluted there powers by going down one single road.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
There not another way to explain how one single person can sprout many many "races" of people that all have higher than angelic and demonic skills at birth, theres no way to explain why one cant use the powers of another class that all came from the same one person.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
not really both are just as good, with magic you have limits i.e your mana witch science your limits are your resources...sure a magician can throw a fireball at you...but a man of science would shoot crossbow bolts at you tipped with explosives poison and gas and he can do it as much as he wants (as long as he has the resources)
A man of science using a crossbow...why in the hell would a Scientist use a crossbow?
no but wtf is a barbarian supposed too do to a demon barbs dont even have magic, so if someone who only uses melee beating a powerful demon i am more then certain some nerd can come up with a huge bomb the blow the shizzer out of - so you are basically against he assassin class in diablo 2 or any class that is similair in a fantasy world..correct?
Um I don't know...a Barbarian using warfare as a background and being extremely strong and very good at battle..I think he stands a chance vs a demon atleast a better chance then some nerdy guy who would prob shit himself if he ever went face to face with anything more a math equation. Yea, let's go ahead and put huge bombs into Diablo, why not a nuke while we are at it? Assassin used tactics and traps, not potions or poision tipped arrows haha.
thats the dumbest thing I have ever herd ok and a necromancer, an assassin and a vicious barb are hero material?
Hmm again let's think here. A WEALTH of history in barbarians, necromancers, and assassins. All epic by the many epic scientist stories were you told as a child? How many epic scientist stories are you told about them being brave heros and conquering an enemy or evil? They conquer desease and that's it. Unless you wanna get into the future like SC then sure, scientist all the way buddy.
that explains everything, anime fan, no sry alchemist like that dont exist, they defy the point of alchemy.
So since I watch some anime suddenly I should be profiled awesome. Shame that alchemist exists inside the anime so Diablo is so much different and real that there is no possible way for that alchemist to exist inside of the fantasy world...great thinking. Why again have skeletons that walk...or Diablo exist at all? Why have magic? Great fail at your response by the way.
and this is how i know you are an idiot why does GUNPOWDER = GUNS.....for crying out loud its like people assume this class would mean guns and western my friend.....
Ok gunpowder = guns, explosions...explosions unless it is a huge ass atom bomb or something is pathetic compared to anything the magician or the alchemist could pull out. This class fails at all aspects and you fail to realize this. If SC became an ARPG yea scientist could work, but guess what this is sanctuary magic rules and it defys rules and laws and thus the scientist is nothing more then a nerd with a chemistry set that is weak and just simply won't match up or be anywhere near epic.
This only proves my point. You say they all have to follow there ancestry. There all of the SAME anscestry, there isnt any different ones, ALL Naphalem came from the reproduction of a demon with an angel, which resulted in a single anscestry. It also proves my point that each must have followed a diferent road. Rathma, followed the roots of a necromancer, and his decendants are necros. Bul'Kathos followed the roots of what wouldbe a barbarian, and his decendants were. Esu folllowed the paths of what would be the sorceress, and her decendants were.
All 3 of them came from ONE act, the mating of demon and angel, making them all the same. If there all the same, howd each go down a different branch? They all have the same powers, untill they decide to follow one branch. So if there was any of the original nephalem that never diversified, there dilluted powers would have no specification, resulting in a normal mortal, so by theory, every human that isnt a specified diablo class could just be a nephalem that didnt turn itself into an individual class like Rathma, Bul, or esu.
I get your point, but what I was pointing at when I went to the Wikia was that they weren't born will all those powers. Of course they came from the Demons and Angels, but not every angel and not every demon had the same power. Meaning Bul may not have Esu's power while Rathma may not have Bul's and vice-versa.
Plus what you're saying would make any human a playable class. Another point of mine;any human now would still need a form of culture to learn anything. They could study their powers on their own, but that would turn it into almost anything. Meaning, he may or may not be a jack-of-all-trades. He may also form his own branch of the nephalem powers. Other than that, its also deviating from the goal that blizzard wants to make every class unique! They give you the name of the class you know what it can do. Not someone who could do a little bit of everything.
(The last Paragraph is kind of off topic and only my own idea of the Bard)
If I wanted a Bard esque character to come out with the Goal of Blizzard in it. He wouldn't have magic, but he could use a bow, a sword, and a musical instrument. The Instrument would be for his debuffs, while the bow and sword would be for his other abilities. It conflicts with the Witch Doctor in some respects; the Witch Doctor is about confusion, while my idea of the Bard is into musically stunning/confusing/debuffing the enemy. While he could use his bow or sword to attack the enemy.
the wikia doesnt say that they all have the same powers, but it does say that there were only actually two cases of demon-angel offspring. Whcih means that EVERY CLASS came about from 2 instances, rogue, warrior, sorcerror, sorceress, necro, barb, pally, assasin, druid, witch doctor, wizard, monk ectectect came from TWO PEOPLE which means that they all must have had all the poiwers (or atleast half each, coming form 2 people) to be able to diversify, they couldve chosen any aspect of there power and went with that group.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
the wikia doesnt say that they all have the same powers, but it does say that there were only actually two cases of demon-angel offspring. Whcih means that EVERY CLASS came about from 2 instances, rogue, warrior, sorcerror, sorceress, necro, barb, pally, assasin, druid, witch doctor, wizard, monk ectectect came from TWO PEOPLE which means that they all must have had all the poiwers (or atleast half each, coming form 2 people) to be able to diversify, they couldve chosen any aspect of there power and went with that group.
You're the one who's stating they all have the same powers, not me. I said it isn't possible for them to have all the powers. Because they came from Angels & Demons and not every Angel and Demon would have the same powers as others.
not the angels and demoms having the same powers, but if the mating of both (which DILUTES both bloodlines by half) results in a being that can be stornger then both, I think those beings had al powers and diversified, not the angels and demons.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
the wikia doesnt say that they all have the same powers, but it does say that there were only actually two cases of demon-angel offspring. Whcih means that EVERY CLASS came about from 2 instances, rogue, warrior, sorcerror, sorceress, necro, barb, pally, assasin, druid, witch doctor, wizard, monk ectectect came from TWO PEOPLE which means that they all must have had all the poiwers (or atleast half each, coming form 2 people) to be able to diversify, they couldve chosen any aspect of there power and went with that group.
I would like to mention that Rathma had actually been taught how to be a necromancer by the celestial being and Bul Katho is the druid barbarian. now believe it or not but they each have unique powers and were characters created to be the basis and foundation for society in Sanctuary. While technically yes, Nephalem do exist they were deduced to mere humans. end of it'. it seems to me that some of you are ignoring the time period of which all of these events take place also. i tried reading the whole thread but its 4 am and way too much to respond to. so i tried to collect my thoughts best possible. but i just read it and forgot what i was relating it to... goodluck ill be back tomorrow with a freash brain -fail-
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:thumbsup: Oh my... look, it's the wizard:thumbsup:
not the angels and demoms having the same powers, but if the mating of both (which DILUTES both bloodlines by half) results in a being that can be stornger then both, I think those beings had al powers and diversified, not the angels and demons.
I am stating that there still isn't any possibility they can have ALL the powers. Because the Angels don't share all the powers of the Angels and so do the Demons. Thus even though the Angels and Demons did mate, their powers are still different from the other Offspring of other Angels and Demons
I predict the final diablo buddy will be a ranged class with extremely efficient slingshot and rock pebble projectile skills. his name will probably be David... fer der Wen
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:thumbsup: Oh my... look, it's the wizard:thumbsup:
Your wrong, even say that he was taughht, and Bul was the druid barb, hesres the point. 3 people. A necromacer, A Druid/Barb, and A Sorceress. Where do ALL the other classes come from if they didnt have the skills and abiilities to begin with? They did, and they seperated themselves and grew there own family.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Skills are learned and taught, its a life lesson. The Rogues trained, the Monks trained, the Barbarians learned from their way of life, the Sorceresses learned and were taught. The Necromancers learned within their own order, its still there. They were taught, I think what you're going about is the innate ability to actually preform godly acts. That is their power, Bul Kathos was born with inhumane strength, Esu and Rathma we're born with different Magical Abilities. They were taught to hone them. They weren't born with the ability to do everything, they were born with a specific power. Then they were taught how to use it and refine it.
These 3 People, Bul Kathos, Esu, and Rathma they weren't born with the skills. They were born with their ability, not every ability, and they were still taught how to use them. Thus gaining the Skills. All the Classes came from their own Society and Order.
how bout a revamped warrior from d1 using technology? he clearly could use most weapons in d1. i think he would be a perfect candidate for a ranged class
got this from
The Warriors of the lands of Khanduras are well trained in all of the weapons of war. Ranging from crusading paladins to unscrupulous mercenaries, Warriors can be found wherever there is conflict amongst their countrymen.
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Edit: Where are the alchemist in Diablo?
MAYBE in an eye for an eye ordeal with equivalent exchange (Like Full Metal Alchemist) where the alchemist has some off the wall powers to tap into some magic with alchemy and do some amazing stuff but at a cost of could say mana, or maybe some life then that could work. Make it medieval like and I would actually enjoy using an alchemist like full metal in the Diablo world and it would'nt feel awkward. If he is a crazy scientist tho with gunpowder and thanks, guns are a huge reason why I am even debating on trying Torchlight..(Guns don't belong in fantasy games unless its SCIFI)
Not exactly dorge. Not every Nephalem had every power, they were still dispersed and they were dependent on their ancestry. I'll name a few which are in the Wikia.
Rathma (Real name Linarian)
Son of Lilith and Inarius
Creater of the Priests of Rathma, also known as the Necromancers.
Creater of the Barbarians
Here is a quote on him from the Wikia
The Creator of the Sorceresses.
This being said, they didn't all have the power but only some form. Thus even now the Humans, after regaining some form of power, still need to be integrated into a culture to learn. The Bard, again, is a good idea for the fact he travels. But any other human who has not traveled and learned of the many cultures would not benefit at all. He would have a different form or have none at all, for he learns without a guide or teacher in any art.
Rathma (Real name Linarian)
Son of Lilith and Inarius
Creater of the Priests of Rathma, also known as the Necromancers.
Creater of the Barbarians
The Creator of the Sorceresses.""
This only proves my point. You say they all have to follow there ancestry. There all of the SAME anscestry, there isnt any different ones, ALL Naphalem came from the reproduction of a demon with an angel, which resulted in a single anscestry. It also proves my point that each must have followed a diferent road. Rathma, followed the roots of a necromancer, and his decendants are necros. Bul'Kathos followed the roots of what wouldbe a barbarian, and his decendants were. Esu folllowed the paths of what would be the sorceress, and her decendants were.
All 3 of them came from ONE act, the mating of demon and angel, making them all the same. If there all the same, howd each go down a different branch? They all have the same powers, untill they decide to follow one branch. So if there was any of the original nephalem that never diversified, there dilluted powers would have no specification, resulting in a normal mortal, so by theory, every human that isnt a specified diablo class could just be a nephalem that didnt turn itself into an individual class like Rathma, Bul, or esu.
A man of science using a crossbow...why in the hell would a Scientist use a crossbow?
Um I don't know...a Barbarian using warfare as a background and being extremely strong and very good at battle..I think he stands a chance vs a demon atleast a better chance then some nerdy guy who would prob shit himself if he ever went face to face with anything more a math equation. Yea, let's go ahead and put huge bombs into Diablo, why not a nuke while we are at it? Assassin used tactics and traps, not potions or poision tipped arrows haha.
Hmm again let's think here. A WEALTH of history in barbarians, necromancers, and assassins. All epic by the many epic scientist stories were you told as a child? How many epic scientist stories are you told about them being brave heros and conquering an enemy or evil? They conquer desease and that's it. Unless you wanna get into the future like SC then sure, scientist all the way buddy.
So since I watch some anime suddenly I should be profiled awesome. Shame that alchemist exists inside the anime so Diablo is so much different and real that there is no possible way for that alchemist to exist inside of the fantasy world...great thinking. Why again have skeletons that walk...or Diablo exist at all? Why have magic? Great fail at your response by the way.
Ok gunpowder = guns, explosions...explosions unless it is a huge ass atom bomb or something is pathetic compared to anything the magician or the alchemist could pull out. This class fails at all aspects and you fail to realize this. If SC became an ARPG yea scientist could work, but guess what this is sanctuary magic rules and it defys rules and laws and thus the scientist is nothing more then a nerd with a chemistry set that is weak and just simply won't match up or be anywhere near epic.
I get your point, but what I was pointing at when I went to the Wikia was that they weren't born will all those powers. Of course they came from the Demons and Angels, but not every angel and not every demon had the same power. Meaning Bul may not have Esu's power while Rathma may not have Bul's and vice-versa.
Plus what you're saying would make any human a playable class. Another point of mine;any human now would still need a form of culture to learn anything. They could study their powers on their own, but that would turn it into almost anything. Meaning, he may or may not be a jack-of-all-trades. He may also form his own branch of the nephalem powers. Other than that, its also deviating from the goal that blizzard wants to make every class unique! They give you the name of the class you know what it can do. Not someone who could do a little bit of everything.
(The last Paragraph is kind of off topic and only my own idea of the Bard)
If I wanted a Bard esque character to come out with the Goal of Blizzard in it. He wouldn't have magic, but he could use a bow, a sword, and a musical instrument. The Instrument would be for his debuffs, while the bow and sword would be for his other abilities. It conflicts with the Witch Doctor in some respects; the Witch Doctor is about confusion, while my idea of the Bard is into musically stunning/confusing/debuffing the enemy. While he could use his bow or sword to attack the enemy.
You're the one who's stating they all have the same powers, not me. I said it isn't possible for them to have all the powers. Because they came from Angels & Demons and not every Angel and Demon would have the same powers as others.
I would like to mention that Rathma had actually been taught how to be a necromancer by the celestial being and Bul Katho is the druid barbarian. now believe it or not but they each have unique powers and were characters created to be the basis and foundation for society in Sanctuary. While technically yes, Nephalem do exist they were deduced to mere humans. end of it'. it seems to me that some of you are ignoring the time period of which all of these events take place also. i tried reading the whole thread but its 4 am and way too much to respond to. so i tried to collect my thoughts best possible. but i just read it and forgot what i was relating it to... goodluck ill be back tomorrow with a freash brain
I am stating that there still isn't any possibility they can have ALL the powers. Because the Angels don't share all the powers of the Angels and so do the Demons. Thus even though the Angels and Demons did mate, their powers are still different from the other Offspring of other Angels and Demons
These 3 People, Bul Kathos, Esu, and Rathma they weren't born with the skills. They were born with their ability, not every ability, and they were still taught how to use them. Thus gaining the Skills. All the Classes came from their own Society and Order.
got this from