Well I made this a while back but didn't post it so I thought I would now. Umm I'm going Euclidean Geometry with this but w/e. Please only reply as to what more we KNOW/STRONGLY AGREE ON<- must I define this. This is Euclidean Style so if you don't agree with the first then you don't agree with the rest. Based on the first we conclude that so far-
Will be some form of ranged class, or at least have a ranged option.
With that in mind it will or at least partly rely on bows for main weapon.
Will be a tactical class, meaning it will have a certain play style.
^^^^Barb- Upfront and personal. Get in there and chop em till they die.
Wizard- Stay away, damage, escape or movement imparing effect on enemy, damage more.
Witch Doctor- Debuff, Pets attack, stay behind and support OR debuff, debuff more, run and spam Direct Damage
Monk- Upfront but cautious. Kill quick or die yourself. Combo system designed to deal massive damage if your a quick thinker.
5th Class- Some say wont be a fragile class, or at least the second option wont be. ??? We see the differences with the other four so whats left?
Blizzard wants many loot types, meaning they canont just leave bows to be useless ingame.
Will have a specific play style than just shoot and run. Their source of energy must come from something, so we can expect this will not be just a class who can mana pot and spam some more, can expect it to play differently from the bowazon in D2.
[Possible] Second Option.
? Need info here.
Blizzard likes each class to be fresh:
Highly doubt, it will be a holy char, or a pure melee, or a summoner/debuffer, or a pure spellcaster, which leaves you with ranged class and ?.
Barb- Melee, Best Tank [so far, this isn't WoW people]
Mage- Best Spell Damage Dealer and ?
WD- Best Debuffer, Best Summoner, Spell Damage
Monk- Holy, Party Class, Best Melee Damge
5th Class- Primary Ranged Damge, ?
Only the Barb will be returning.
Blizz wants specified Archetypes.
Can we add to or edit this to give us all a better idea ?! This is not meant to be what you think it will be but rather give us facts to come to a conclusion... you know like smart people do
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And I want to see a diaspora of ranged weapons. Throwing Knives, bows of all sorts, cross bows of all sorts, blow darts, throwing knives, throwing spears, throwing axes, and more stuff I don't even know of.
I don't think we are missing a class for daggers. I believe that the WD primary weapon is the dagger. He has always held one on the character screen. So, you don't have to find a class that contains daggers.
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Blizzard already made a ranger and it did not use summons at all
but instead did massive damage with a bow =3
it was in warcraft 2 so blizz can still make a ranger and be different than other companies rangers
however im not entirely expecting the class to use bows im expecting more throwing weapons but due to not looking at the barbs skill tree in a while im not sure if the barb used throwing weapons or not lol
i actually want to see a rouge with a skill tree myself xD
also in diablo 2 polearms went pretty much unthemed by any class
the barbarian usually could use any weapon but no real reason other than personal liking lol
so i would not be surprised if bows existed but werent a theme of any char only due to throwing weapons existing =3
Wizard- Stay away, damage, escape or movement imparing effect on enemy, damage more.
well by this, a "ranger" type of class would practically be the same thing. people think too linear, everyone says that the next class will most likely be bow class. im not saying this is not true, but for the sake of this thread, we should assume that we will not have a fragile "stay away" type of class, again. marksmanship or ranged attack are very likely going to be included, but the class should also include a close range defense, and hopefully something more "exciting", knowing blizzard. in conclusion, the class will be a hybrid of range, combat, and magic.
Updated a little. Can we maybe add a new section other that what I already have, other than names too? Any other ideas?
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Have an Android phone? Tired of having to pull out and unlock your phone just to change the song that's playing? Want to be able to use the volume and power buttons to control your music player instead? Check out Tactile Player, made by yours truly.
Well there is only one thing we all really know, and that is that we know nothing.
Everything was speculation, even the 'facts' you have is based on nothing but speculation.
I could copy the OP and say it everywhere but everything is based on speculation.
They don't have to use bows (while it is most likely that the game will have them) but they can also just leave them out of the game all together.
This thread can be closed now.
Apperently you disregard the red text. If you don't believe it will be a little bit ranged then leave. Yes I know what I have isn't fact. But the titles are fact based on the red letter text then we compare how the other classes are and try to come up with an idea. Speculation is not a bad thing you know, and if we can organize it well enough with decent information we might come up with something very similar to the final product. You might as well post something helpful because Blizzard isn't going to reveal the last class tomorrow.
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Have an Android phone? Tired of having to pull out and unlock your phone just to change the song that's playing? Want to be able to use the volume and power buttons to control your music player instead? Check out Tactile Player, made by yours truly.
We know for a fact that no other class from D2 will be returning.
We know for a fact that Blizzard is looking at classic archetypes from classic RPG's.
We know for a fact what other characters we have and Blizzard does not want to overlap the characters.
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Excuse me? You said this thread is for facts only, if you just go break your own rules why even make this thread.
"This is for facts only but I'm the OP so I'll just put this here eventhough it's speculation." You may dislike it, but it's real. We know nothing, this thread is pointless and knowing Blizzard there will be no new information about the 5th class for at least till the next blizzcon.
Good day sir.
We know nothing, yes. Can we come up with something that is not fact BASED upon facts? Yes. This is called speculation, basing an idea off facts. So when I say facts I mean the titles especially and if anyone can come up with a under appreciated fact it would help.
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Have an Android phone? Tired of having to pull out and unlock your phone just to change the song that's playing? Want to be able to use the volume and power buttons to control your music player instead? Check out Tactile Player, made by yours truly.
All of the other classes don't seem to use weapon augmentation as a primary way of dealing damage. (magical substances applied to weapons maybe?)
Versus the monk actually using holy spells in combination to his martial arts.
My browser is particularly slow right now so I can't look around very easily but the barbarian can dual wield two-handed weapons in D3 right?
If so maybe a focus away from two-handed weapons and seamless switching between ranged and single handed weapons could be another focus of this class.
(Transition Skills maybe? Like a specific skill will carry the character animation seamlessly into a melee or ranged mode?)
The monk seems to be able to use exotic single handed weapons so I don't think it would really step on his toes.
If ranged was to actually remain the primary weapon then maybe this character will have an arsenal of knockback abilities.
The idea that there is an entire section of basic weaponry laying about with no one to claim it indeed points towards some kind of ranged, (mostly) physical-damage dealing character as the fifth, probably an archer. However, beyond that, we really don't have enough to go on to do anything other than flail randomly in the dark about it.
They don't have to use bows (while it is most likely that the game will have them) but they can also just leave them out of the game all together.
watch the original gameplay vid if you havent, |t shows a small bow drop.
[just stating a fact :P]
and | really l|ke the |dea of a class that spec|al|zes on fast switch|ng from bow to sword or something of the sort, most l|kly what the class will be.
Well there's still the possibility of a shapeshifter with ranged abilities though the chances of it happening are pretty small... I wonder what the last class with be lol.
Though it may be sad, but until they give us more info, it's impossible to know exactly what it'll be.
i speculate that this 5th character will be somewhat of a rouge that is versatile with many quick killing items. This character will be mainly bow but i could easily see it using 2 daggers for melee attacks. Also i feel that the character will use traps and other immobilizing moves. To pin the enemy down and barrage them with ranged attacks. Now if this character Mainly uses bow then we will have to expect a lot of bow skills to come with it. For example flaming arrows, poison arrows, piercing arrows. exploding arrows and others of this sort.
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With that in mind it will or at least partly rely on bows for main weapon.
Will be a tactical class, meaning it will have a certain play style.
Blizzard wants many loot types, meaning they canont just leave bows to be useless ingame.
Will have an alternate mana system.
[Possible] Second Option.
Blizzard likes each class to be fresh:
Only the Barb will be returning.
Blizz wants specified Archetypes.
Can we add to or edit this to give us all a better idea ?! This is not meant to be what you think it will be but rather give us facts to come to a conclusion... you know like smart people do
Hunter = No cuz its in Wow.
Amazon = No cuz its female only.
Rogue = Im not sure if a male can be called a Rogue in
Ranger = If WD has summons, its kinda hard to believe a ranger would make it in the game cuz rangers rely on summons / companions too.
Raider = Could very well be the right one. More possibly a Sand / Desert Raider since there is a desert area in the game and a big city etc.
Marksman = Relies only on projectile weapons, but as you see, we are missing daggers and small swords too, so i dont htink it will be a Marksman.
Assassin = No because the barb is the only one that is coming back, and the monk is using claw weapons.
Druid = Also, wont be back. Maybe in an expansion though.
What other classes could possibly use Bows and daggers? I cant think of more names right now.
Edit: Demon Hunter?
And I want to see a diaspora of ranged weapons. Throwing Knives, bows of all sorts, cross bows of all sorts, blow darts, throwing knives, throwing spears, throwing axes, and more stuff I don't even know of.
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but instead did massive damage with a bow =3
it was in warcraft 2 so blizz can still make a ranger and be different than other companies rangers
however im not entirely expecting the class to use bows im expecting more throwing weapons but due to not looking at the barbs skill tree in a while im not sure if the barb used throwing weapons or not lol
i actually want to see a rouge with a skill tree myself xD
also in diablo 2 polearms went pretty much unthemed by any class
the barbarian usually could use any weapon but no real reason other than personal liking lol
so i would not be surprised if bows existed but werent a theme of any char only due to throwing weapons existing =3
Be my Buddy =^.^=
well by this, a "ranger" type of class would practically be the same thing. people think too linear, everyone says that the next class will most likely be bow class. im not saying this is not true, but for the sake of this thread, we should assume that we will not have a fragile "stay away" type of class, again. marksmanship or ranged attack are very likely going to be included, but the class should also include a close range defense, and hopefully something more "exciting", knowing blizzard. in conclusion, the class will be a hybrid of range, combat, and magic.
Apperently you disregard the red text. If you don't believe it will be a little bit ranged then leave. Yes I know what I have isn't fact. But the titles are fact based on the red letter text then we compare how the other classes are and try to come up with an idea. Speculation is not a bad thing you know, and if we can organize it well enough with decent information we might come up with something very similar to the final product. You might as well post something helpful because Blizzard isn't going to reveal the last class tomorrow.
We know for a fact that Blizzard is looking at classic archetypes from classic RPG's.
We know for a fact what other characters we have and Blizzard does not want to overlap the characters.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
We know nothing, yes. Can we come up with something that is not fact BASED upon facts? Yes. This is called speculation, basing an idea off facts. So when I say facts I mean the titles especially and if anyone can come up with a under appreciated fact it would help.
Versus the monk actually using holy spells in combination to his martial arts.
My browser is particularly slow right now so I can't look around very easily but the barbarian can dual wield two-handed weapons in D3 right?
If so maybe a focus away from two-handed weapons and seamless switching between ranged and single handed weapons could be another focus of this class.
(Transition Skills maybe? Like a specific skill will carry the character animation seamlessly into a melee or ranged mode?)
The monk seems to be able to use exotic single handed weapons so I don't think it would really step on his toes.
If ranged was to actually remain the primary weapon then maybe this character will have an arsenal of knockback abilities.
watch the original gameplay vid if you havent, |t shows a small bow drop.
[just stating a fact :P]
and | really l|ke the |dea of a class that spec|al|zes on fast switch|ng from bow to sword or something of the sort, most l|kly what the class will be.
very off top|c, but copy and paste gets very old, very fast when yor m|ss|ng keys on yor ghetto keboard. | work w/ what | got.
for future refrence, |m m|ss|ng:
u h i 0 9 7 6 8
Though it may be sad, but until they give us more info, it's impossible to know exactly what it'll be.