• 1

    posted a message on Season 7 and 2.5 suggestions?

    There's so much that Blizz could expand on in the next patch (future patches or an expansion). Did anyone ever play the Eastern Sun mod for D2? That was really cool because you could equip ALL merc slots, so giving the follower more love would be huge for D3. I definitely want to see another class soon - a Necro summoner or Druid like shape shifter character would be awesome.

    The endless power creep in GRs gets so old. But, I do not know what the solution is. They buff sets and legendaries so we can do higher GRs, but are we really accomplishing anything new? Of course we'll be able to do higher GRs. But, did we really earn them?

    The whole paragon system. Wow. I guess it's too late to scrap it, but I wonder sometimes. It would be nice if tanks and support got more love when spending paragon because up until 800 where we can dump everything into Vitality we are forced to put points into things that give us no benefit like crit chance, etc.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why people are so obsessed with COSMETICS?

    All these shiny wings and pets. Why people even care? They don't do anything except require more processing power-> MORE LAG. They don't gather gold or boost your character.
    I''ve been playing since 2014 and have like 1 wings from purchasing collector's edition of ROS. Still i dropped all these on the ground.
    You have nothing more to do guys? Seriously...?
    And people spend countless hours farming these stupid goblin rifts and crap. Holy rngesus. And all that for a stupid pet that does NOTHING.

    Am i the only one that do not care about cosmetics?

    I guess I have to ask - why do you care that others care? :) Kind of ironic isn't it? I'm guilty of it too and catch myself sometimes saying - why the hell is that player playing that build, or whatever it is I may be thinking. Ask yourself this - how does other players farming cosmetics affect your gaming experience?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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