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    posted a message on D3 Player+Follower Damage Calculator/Gear Comparison Tool (No Downloads Needed!)
    I don't get why you ask people for the sum total of their primary stat, but then have them put in the details (aside from primary stat) on every piece of gear. It seems to me like it would make more sense to just have them enter their Dex for every piece of gear, so that they don't have to go up and do math when comparing a new piece with a different Dex number on it.
    If anyone wanted the simplicity of not putting in all their gear numbers, they could still just put all their summed stats on the first piece of gear.
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on [US] Auctioning off all my Barb gear! A3/A4 inferno
    Still interested in the gloves and Ring #12 if you have them. Entropy42#1913 in game.
    Posted in: US Servers Trading
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    posted a message on [US] Auctioning off all my Barb gear! A3/A4 inferno
    Ring #12: 2.2 m
    Posted in: US Servers Trading
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    posted a message on [US] Auctioning off all my Barb gear! A3/A4 inferno
    Gloves #6 3.6m
    Belt #10 750k
    Ring #12: 2.2 mil
    Posted in: US Servers Trading
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    posted a message on Witch Doctor Soloing Inferno Videos
    Man, there is so much whining in this thread you'd think it was the Blizzard forums. Props to the OP for putting together some nice videos and tips on how to beat lots of bosses in inferno. I'm sure that will help some people.

    Gotta say, as a Barb I'm pretty jealous of people that can spend that little on gear and be able to progress in inferno, but I think its pretty ridiculous to say that "the right way" to play is to build with with lots of survivability. Especially when all the people saying it are still in Act 2. When great defensive gear still gets you 1-2 shot in Act 3, that doesn't sound very viable to me. I hope Blizzard changes it so that having some survivability is useful, but for now the glass cannon style seems to be the way to go for ranged classes.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on No one talking about infinite bersker + whirlwind?
    Quote from Gulaji

    Quote from Lotus

    I'm a huge fan of this Idea, I'm going to try this out as soon as I hit 60....
    THough I agree with Selefico, the Dust Devils rune may be a better choice, given the synergy you're already recieving. You could potentially use that if you ever had to stand and tank, maybe in group play? I dunno even then the ability to dash all over the place at just 5 rage more is still a nicer sounding option
    Thanks! Definitely give it a try, it's WAY more fun than tank and spank / revenge spam / hope to heal enough.

    Thing is though, I NEVER stand and tank - EVER. Hell, even on Belial I constantly sprint and ww along the inner diameter of his hit radius laying down five cyclones to hit him (which leads to not getting bashed by his hit combos), though on him is a perfect example of having to stop and let a combination of the cyclones and bash build up a little fury before going on another ww sprint spree. Also, screw that fight with lag spikes, so frustrating to do it perfectly and die to green bombs when you literally can't move...
    Whats your DPS and Resist All?
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on How to gear for solo Act 3 farming on a LOW budget
    Nice to hear a perspective on how to gear that isn't just "buy these 3 items that cost tons of gold". I've probably spent about as much as you have on my gear, and I have different stat allocations (35% block Sacred, 52k HP, 8.5k AC, 800-900 Resist, 1k LOH), and I find Act 3 manageable in a group, but there are too many mob types that hit me far too hard to survive on my own. The Skeletal Cleavers and Golgors, as far as I can tell, have extremely strong power attacks that can't readily be avoided. Normal versions of them hit me for huge damage, and elite packs of them instantly destroy me.
    I don't feel like adding some more physical resist is likely to help much, given how hard they hit me. Do you find these mob types manageable?

    Edit: I should note though, you definitely can find a Helm of Command with a socket for less than 5 mil, just don't expect resist all on it :-)
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Diablo3 Effective Health Pool Calculator

    Last thing that I know has already been requested but is a massive deal is including block. On my spreadsheet I included it in a similar way to dodge, a seperate effective health. I used the numbers from the brady guide highest per act to figure out what kind of damage I would be taking and then factored in the block amount and block chance. I know this is far from perfect but its what I started with I am sure with some discussion we could figure out a great way to implement it. On my spreadsheet I did a simulated DR by simulating 1000 attacks based on mob level and determined if you included block and dodge what kind of DR they gave you per simulation.
    I think a good way to implement block is just to give the user a box to input the estimated damage taken (either before or after their DR). You could provide a list of average or highest damage hits per act, to give people a point of reference. But there is no sensible way (that I can see) to just automatically calc the value of block for everyone, because its completely dependent on how hard the mob is hitting you. After that, it seems fairly straightforward to calculate it the way you do for dodge EHP.
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on Diablo3 Effective Health Pool Calculator
    Quote from masterkaran

    Thak you for this - this has helped me a lot in my gearing decisions. I have a couple of questions -
    1) Higher EHP means i can take more damage correct? So if the tool says i have hgher EHP by changing some of my vit gear into resist all - i should do that even though i have lower overall hp?
    2) Dodge EHP assumes incomming damage is lesser than your hp right? Since in the case of DH the incoming damage is usually > your hp which would increase dodge EHP by a lot since you are negating a LOT more damage.
    1. Yes. I mean, the tool can't tell you what you should do, but its accurate that it would increase your EHP and theoretical "time to live".
    2. EHP really shouldn't be used in a situation in which you are getting 1 shot. The dodge EHP, in particular, is meant to be a long-term average, since there is a chance you will just not dodge several attacks in a row. Thats why he calcs dodge EHP separately, because (like block) its not as a reliable as straight DR.
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on PC on Stormshield
    Quote from Fastin

    Sold, Thanks everyone.
    For how much? Don't just price check and leave us hanging...
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Diablo3 Effective Health Pool Calculator
    I really think just locking out the unbuffed values (rather than the buffed values) in the character edit screen would work. Then as long as people keep their buffs in-game synched up with the buffs in the editor, they should always be able to enter the final armor value and have the program back-convert it.
    Its just confusing to enter buffed values the first time and then have to enter unbuffed values after that.

    Also, I agree with the guy that said normalized values to Vit would be awesome. Just another number next to the EHP and % values that indicates how much Vit that stat is equivalent to. i.e. 1% melee damage reduction is worth about 9.4 Vit to me in my current gear, while 1 Resist all is worth about 1.3 Vit
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on Tip for upgrading my gear in act 3 plz!!
    I have similar stats, but more HP and block, and I'm having quite a bit of trouble with the end of act 2. Elite packs of 2-3 elemental affixes are crushing me in the lead up to Zulten Kulle. Though I'm missing the LOH and 19% melee reduction, I guess those are kind of a big deal.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Diablo3 Effective Health Pool Calculator
    Itemcompare is looking cool. Will be fantastic for assessing upgrades.
    On the main character screen though, it still tells me Dex, Str, and Int have 0 EHP value, when clearly 10 Int = 1 Res All and 10 Str = 10 AC. It would be useful to get a sense of how valuable that 50 extra Dex on an item is.

    I now understand how the script is calculating my initial resists/armor, but I still think that it needs to work differently somehow. Once I've set up my direct-from-character-screen stats (and hit create character), if I remove Nerves of Steel, it doesn't reduce my armor by that amount. Also, once I've made my character, if I want to update my armor values (say I get a new piece of gear), all I can change is the unbuffed armor value that it calculated for me, which means I need to completely debuff myself in-game, and remove all my passives, so I can find my unbuffed armor value.
    Maybe I am just trying to use this tool in a way that wasn't intended, but I still find this aspect of it to be confusing and/or not working correctly.
    Thanks again for making this tool though, please understand I'm just trying to provide constructive criticism/feedback.

    Edit: I think one thing that would work is to just allow the user (after they have created the character), to edit only the buffed value for Armor or Resist All, rather than only the unbuffed values, as those values are always easier to get at in-game (at least for Barbs, can't speak for other classes).
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on Just Started Inferno, How's my gear?
    I think more Vit would help you a lot. Replace your shoulders with some Vit shoulders. With a defensive build like yours, the extra HP is just great. It gets the +18% modifier, and it directly increases your armor from the passive. Your resist all seems pretty high to me (which is great). I'm doing mid-act 2 right now, killing 95% of elites, and I have lower resists than that, but about 10k more HP, and more Armor. I have pretty low Str (800 ish), and do about 10k dps.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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