I personally believe, strongly that is, that there are some mechanics involved that dictate to a high degree what you get and when you get it. That's why when you first start, your paragon level tends, amongst other factors, to give you items from the "starter pack", and only after you played with those for a while, you get actually build changing ones. Which is reasonable. I would recommend finding some friends to play with, at least until you are 350+ paragon, otherwise you will struggle with your upgrades.
This doesn't seem to happen, at least in season. I've got some of my best items when I was less than 200 paragon, and haven't seen any better luck now that I am 1500. But I can't remember what was it like when I started in NS for the first time.
While it is true that certain items are programmed harder to get than others eg, Rimeheart, wand of woh are about 1% chance while Leorics crown is about 5% and others are guaranteed to be in bounties, nothing is lower than that except for finding Princess Lillian.
There items that will drop earlier in the game as you're not expected to have the full set yet. Pig sticker can roll up to 30% dmg against half the enemy types in the game, Tyrael's Might rolls with up to 20% dmg against demons which is what RG's are, so between those 2 items you have a healthy dmg buff against 3 quarters of the games monsters including RG's.
I see a lot of people saying that they feel it's too easy to find gear...while I agree that it is easy to find set items, pieces you need for a build..I think it's too HARD finding that one awesome piece of gear, that one ancient, that has decent stats, and pushes you to a higher tier of greater rift clears. For myself and my wife and kids (we play on console) finding gear has gotten harder. Kadala seems more stingy in patch 2.4.3, upgrading rares seems to be a mixed bag, and getting a decent ancient anything to drop has become a pain. I've also noticed that when rolling Kadala, it seems like she almost always gives you set items you are not wearing. For instance, if I'm looking for a "Cage of the Hellborn" and wearing other pieces of that set, I usually see her give me Marauders pieces. It's almost as if the game is programmed to give you a lower chance of her giving you pieces of the set you are currently wearing, you get mostly everything else.
TLDR---It may be easy to find "gear"..but finding GOOD gear is another story.
I see a lot of people saying that they feel it's too easy to find gear...while I agree that it is easy to find set items, pieces you need for a build..I think it's too HARD finding that one awesome piece of gear, that one ancient, that has decent stats, and pushes you to a higher tier of greater rift clears. For myself and my wife and kids (we play on console) finding gear has gotten harder. Kadala seems more stingy in patch 2.4.3, upgrading rares seems to be a mixed bag, and getting a decent ancient anything to drop has become a pain. I've also noticed that when rolling Kadala, it seems like she almost always gives you set items you are not wearing. For instance, if I'm looking for a "Cage of the Hellborn" and wearing other pieces of that set, I usually see her give me Marauders pieces. It's almost as if the game is programmed to give you a lower chance of her giving you pieces of the set you are currently wearing, you get mostly everything else.
TLDR---It may be easy to find "gear"..but finding GOOD gear is another story.
Had to move this to the RNG thread, because honestly, a lot of what you write might be very misleading.
Kadala has not become "more stingy". It has not become more difficult to get items than before. Nothing changed in terms of drop rates at all. Also, RNG doesn't care if you already have an item or not. It doesn't try to screw you off by giving you pieces you don't need; there's simply 4 different sets so you have a 25% chance to get a "wrong" set item. It's okay to vent some steam, but please don't start believing this, and please don't make other people believe this because it's really bad misinformation.
RNG is RNG. Just because you don't win the lottery doesn't mean it hates you, it's just RNG. As Kadala says: "better luck next time".
I dont even pick up Ledgendaries anymore. I craft rares and upgrade them till I get what I want or need. Of course, this is do to the unlimited crafting resources.
So here's my little RNG story of Season 10. Started as monk+DH (for conquests). But after a week or so of falling behind wizards in speed T13 rifts, I was sick of it and decided to make a wizard as well. Gambled some random Tal pieces, re-rolled them using the cube's cheap set re-roll recipe. Ended up with those two (I know it sucks they're non-ancient, but I'm actually fine with it since I don't intend to augment anything; wizard is gonna be purely my T13 farming class):
Gear overall looked nice - except for belt, Manald Heal, and weapon I had all the right rolls now. So let's try to cube a few wands... got 5 Starfires, none of them ancient. "Well, why not try to re-roll some, you got bounty mats left anyways."
Wish it was ancient. Well, no use for it anyway at the moment.
Get lucky on the hardest part..

Cannot get the most stupid parts..
RNG being RNG. Troll as always.
ps. I'm very sorry for it being in another language. I hope u can understand
While it is true that certain items are programmed harder to get than others eg, Rimeheart, wand of woh are about 1% chance while Leorics crown is about 5% and others are guaranteed to be in bounties, nothing is lower than that except for finding Princess Lillian.
There items that will drop earlier in the game as you're not expected to have the full set yet. Pig sticker can roll up to 30% dmg against half the enemy types in the game, Tyrael's Might rolls with up to 20% dmg against demons which is what RG's are, so between those 2 items you have a healthy dmg buff against 3 quarters of the games monsters including RG's.
I see a lot of people saying that they feel it's too easy to find gear...while I agree that it is easy to find set items, pieces you need for a build..I think it's too HARD finding that one awesome piece of gear, that one ancient, that has decent stats, and pushes you to a higher tier of greater rift clears. For myself and my wife and kids (we play on console) finding gear has gotten harder. Kadala seems more stingy in patch 2.4.3, upgrading rares seems to be a mixed bag, and getting a decent ancient anything to drop has become a pain. I've also noticed that when rolling Kadala, it seems like she almost always gives you set items you are not wearing. For instance, if I'm looking for a "Cage of the Hellborn" and wearing other pieces of that set, I usually see her give me Marauders pieces. It's almost as if the game is programmed to give you a lower chance of her giving you pieces of the set you are currently wearing, you get mostly everything else.
TLDR---It may be easy to find "gear"..but finding GOOD gear is another story.
Kadala has not become "more stingy". It has not become more difficult to get items than before. Nothing changed in terms of drop rates at all. Also, RNG doesn't care if you already have an item or not. It doesn't try to screw you off by giving you pieces you don't need; there's simply 4 different sets so you have a 25% chance to get a "wrong" set item. It's okay to vent some steam, but please don't start believing this, and please don't make other people believe this because it's really bad misinformation.
RNG is RNG. Just because you don't win the lottery doesn't mean it hates you, it's just RNG. As Kadala says: "better luck next time".
I believe Primals from PTR shouldn't be here...
I got this from Kadala, unrolled (it is not showing right damage range as it is from my profile - they never fixed that...):
When I get some more paragons/augments, I will roll VIT to either APOC or elite damage...
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THERE IS A GOD!!! Found this lastnight
I dont even pick up Ledgendaries anymore. I craft rares and upgrade them till I get what I want or need. Of course, this is do to the unlimited crafting resources.
Shadow AngelsSo i got this bow Thursday night be4 the season ended and i had to go to bed. Still happy using it for the two hours i could on friday in season.
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Nice one
So here's my little RNG story of Season 10. Started as monk+DH (for conquests). But after a week or so of falling behind wizards in speed T13 rifts, I was sick of it and decided to make a wizard as well. Gambled some random Tal pieces, re-rolled them using the cube's cheap set re-roll recipe. Ended up with those two (I know it sucks they're non-ancient, but I'm actually fine with it since I don't intend to augment anything; wizard is gonna be purely my T13 farming class):
Gear overall looked nice - except for belt, Manald Heal, and weapon I had all the right rolls now. So let's try to cube a few wands... got 5 Starfires, none of them ancient. "Well, why not try to re-roll some, you got bounty mats left anyways."
Spoiler-free link.
Damn it Bagstone. You got some Community buff going there...
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pagold, you really are a lucky person...
I got a Primal Lord Greenstone's Fan, while I was aiming for an ancient Karlei's point though...
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Here we go, first usable Primal for me in season:
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First 5 or so Primals were for builds I don't use. Then when it rains, it pours!
Two primals from one GR run. One was from the rewards loot for killing the Rift Guardian and the other was from Kadala.
Both are usable!
This was the first 1h yellow i upgraded in the cube.
Also has anyone got any idea what to roll I was thinking max essence but i am not sure.