Any of you guys found the Gibbering Gemstone lately ? From d3 vanilla to ros i have never found one, its the only missing part that i need for the Whimsydale. The rng is not with me :(.
EDIT: my first post on this great community.
I wasn't even looking for it last season, it dropped once while doing bounties. Back in Vanilla days I probably was extensively looking for it at least 3 days in a row, and I found it back then as well.
It is confirmed that the droprate for it is very low, sadly. So, good luck on your hunt.
I'm paragon level 545 I only have 2 ancient rings nothing else My live barb has a full set of waste ancients I been farming for 7 days 12+ hours a day I have some crappy luck can any one who has good luck group with me today so I can get some nice gear. I been using DB , Souls to upgrade gear I'm thinking of just going to none seasonal This sucks
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Life is good when you get that perfect item tell you reforge it in it turns shitty
Stupid T10 crafting sh!t! Doing bounties all day. The same fucking act. Then again the next day. Then finally I get the fucking boots in ancient with good rolls and they have DEX on them so I can't use them. Fucking off-class stupid shit fuck!
New day, new hope, new tries: hellfire amulets. I just craft 38. Only 4 were ancient and all 4 of them suck monkey balls. It is only because my current amulet was so god damn awdul that I now use one of them. The passive doesn't even affect my playstyle of build.
This is getting ridiculous. If you don't have an organized clan, you can basically forget optimizing your LON gear.
I've been playing vanilla diablo 3 and ps3 UEE off and on for a little over a year.
i originally got the vanilla version as a test the Christmas before last to decide whether or not i wanted UEE. but about 6 months ago i decided to go back to the vanilla version to get the trophies, some paragon levels and go back into UEE with 5 level 60 heroes, 100 paragon levels and a spread of legendaries and set items.
thus far i've achieved half of those goals. i've got 5 level 60 heroes, 16 paragon levels and i'm 2 trophies short of the full list.
the only problem i'm having. is with getting the legendaries.
over the last few days i've taken my demon hunter, barbarian and monk on test runs with my new crafted gear in inferno master 1 difficulty (remember i'm still playing the original version, so no comments about what inferno is please) i managed to survive and between the barbarian and the demon hunter i got 10 legendaries in 2 runs. nothing stellar but even with my inferno master 1 magic find boost, the boost from my paragon levels and the limited amount of magic find i have on my gear (i had to make some sacrifices for stats and properties on crafted gear) i was barely pushing 350% magic find.
and with that 300 off percent i went into the monk last nite for a farming run in act 3. i went onto the first snowfield area to get 3 nephalem valors and then hit stonefort, skycrown battlements, the keep depths 1 + 2 + 3, the fields of slaughter. and the ENTIRETY of arreat crater, from the first level all the way to the core. and what did i get for all my trouble?
i know it seems like i'm just griping but this is about more than just the crap drops during the farming run last night. i've been getting lousy drops with the monk for months. no matter how much magic find i pump into the monk. even at the detriment of my other stats. no matter what i do i just cant seem to get a decent drop with the monk and it's PISSING ME OFF.
i'm beginning to think that if i want to get anything resembling a decent farming run with the monk i'm going to have to use the other classes to shoot up the paragon levels and then come back for the monk later. which to be honest wouldn't bother me in the least. the time i've spent working at the monk has given me a deep seated hatred of the class thanks to the crap rng i've been getting with him.
now that i've gotten my rant over with. i just finished watching a video on youtube which disproves what i thought about there being a 300% magic find cap in the vanilla version. therefore. i'm beginning to think that my theory about needing to shoot for paragon 50 or 100 and then start doing farming runs with the monk is correct.
so. thoughts? opinions? suggestions? comments about how much of an idiot i am?
Did they change the drop rate for In-geom? Currently paragon level 600+ but have not seen it dropped yet. Even tried using kanai cube to reforge yellows in to legs but having no luck finding it.
Or is it because I have bad RNG?
bad RNG lol i did about 8 regular T10 rifts today and got about 50 legs total in an hour and i found 4 of them,. 2 were ANC LEG 2 were regulars. im on barb as well maybe that helps? RNG is always RNG haha
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...Been playing Diablo Since Diablo 1 came out...and haven't stopped playing Diablo since...
Smart loot, eh? I don't even have a DH. All I play is barb (S5 @ PL 737).
I can get this (whatever it is I'm assuming it's decent since all my DH buddies talk about it) but I can't get a nicely rolled ancient IK helm, Mr. RNG?
I was cubing yellow rings into legendaries trying to get ancient LoN rings... I got 2 ancient Litany of the Undaunted in a row. I had to change my pants after that.
Now if only I had the same luch with The Wailing Host...
Blizzard has put out there the idea that RNG (random number generator) is used to determine many factors in D3. This was simply a ploy on their part. They were hoping their fanboy base would pick up the idea and run with it. They did. There are no random events in D3.
Why would I say this? Because in the word random lies the idea that all items in the potential population have an equal likelihood of being chosen. In D3 that is never the case. With all the rift guardians available, if they were generated based on random, it would be statistically improbably to ever get the same one 4 rifts in a row. I personally have experienced many, uncountably, instances where I've gotten the same one 6, 8, even 10 rifts in a row. The same case would be true of specific legendary items from Kadala. With all the potential bracers available, 3 of the same, and no others, in the same visit to her is not probable. Yet is has happened to me over and over. NOT random.
Blizzard has coded RNG out of the game, and in fact has coded into the game through layers of tables of choices an anti-randomness. It would be honest of them to come out and deny the existance of RNG in D3, but in my 25+ years of playing Blizzard games, I have yet to see honesty as being something they put any emphasis on.
What a sick season start. In 700 paragon levels on the opening weekend, I got no less than EIGHT (!) Starmetal Kukris. One of them ancient, and well-rolled so. Also got a Dagger of Darts:
Too bad neither of them is relevant for end-game. I'm running some full pet T10 build now with 31 little fellas fighting for me, just to put the SMK to use, but it's not really efficient (but who cares).
Also got a nice Mask of Jeram - nowhere near "world's best" or anything like that, but pretty good for season start. However, I discovered something else that's interesting: You can actually re-roll the skill damage on Deadly Rebirth (which is unusual, because usually that's a stat that can't be re-rolled, like Explosive Blast damage on WoW. That means you can have 5 main stats plus socket on that weapon:
Pretty neat!
I guess I'm done, all conquests and season journey finished, so back to non-season (or taking a break in general). How is everyone else doing this season?
What a sick season start. In 700 paragon levels on the opening weekend, I got no less than EIGHT (!) Starmetal Kukris. One of them ancient, and well-rolled so. Also got a Dagger of Darts:
Too bad neither of them is relevant for end-game. I'm running some full pet T10 build now with 31 little fellas fighting for me, just to put the SMK to use, but it's not really efficient (but who cares).
Also got a nice Mask of Jeram - nowhere near "world's best" or anything like that, but pretty good for season start. However, I discovered something else that's interesting: You can actually re-roll the skill damage on Deadly Rebirth (which is unusual, because usually that's a stat that can't be re-rolled, like Explosive Blast damage on WoW. That means you can have 5 main stats plus socket on that weapon:
Pretty neat!
I guess I'm done, all conquests and season journey finished, so back to non-season (or taking a break in general). How is everyone else doing this season?
I am SUPER JEALOUS here :((((
Never got any of these in 3000+ hours on NS. Also none on seasons. I get mostly crap and more crap.
Did you get all these as drops or crafted?
It is confirmed that the droprate for it is very low, sadly. So, good luck on your hunt.
My D3 armory
My Youtube Channel
I'm paragon level 545 I only have 2 ancient rings nothing else My live barb has a full set of waste ancients I been farming for 7 days 12+ hours a day I have some crappy luck can any one who has good luck group with me today so I can get some nice gear. I been using DB , Souls to upgrade gear I'm thinking of just going to none seasonal This sucks
Life is good when you get that perfect item tell you reforge it in it turns shitty
Ya I been having terrible luck 4 ancient items in 7 days game play 12 hours + if you have luck on getting gear can I group with you for a few dungeons
Tell I finish off my charge set post back on this thread Ty if you can help feel free to add my battle tag at the bottom of the thread.
Life is good when you get that perfect item tell you reforge it in it turns shitty
Stupid T10 crafting sh!t! Doing bounties all day. The same fucking act. Then again the next day. Then finally I get the fucking boots in ancient with good rolls and they have DEX on them so I can't use them. Fucking off-class stupid shit fuck!
New day, new hope, new tries: hellfire amulets. I just craft 38. Only 4 were ancient and all 4 of them suck monkey balls. It is only because my current amulet was so god damn awdul that I now use one of them. The passive doesn't even affect my playstyle of build.
This is getting ridiculous. If you don't have an organized clan, you can basically forget optimizing your LON gear.
Still hoping for The Ring of Emptiness to drop one day on my WD, reaching paragon level 600 in a bit.
I may roll with any shitty roll, idc. As long as it drops, it's for the cube so lol. But not lucky enough yet.
Rerolled regular tasker and theo 38 times now, no ancient for LoN WD builds.
Spent over 50k shards on it trying for ancient.
Over 5k DBs pumped into it as well.
This is getting kinda absurd :|
I dont even care anymore if its terribly rolled
I've been playing vanilla diablo 3 and ps3 UEE off and on for a little over a year.
i originally got the vanilla version as a test the Christmas before last to decide whether or not i wanted UEE. but about 6 months ago i decided to go back to the vanilla version to get the trophies, some paragon levels and go back into UEE with 5 level 60 heroes, 100 paragon levels and a spread of legendaries and set items.
thus far i've achieved half of those goals. i've got 5 level 60 heroes, 16 paragon levels and i'm 2 trophies short of the full list.
the only problem i'm having. is with getting the legendaries.
over the last few days i've taken my demon hunter, barbarian and monk on test runs with my new crafted gear in inferno master 1 difficulty (remember i'm still playing the original version, so no comments about what inferno is please) i managed to survive and between the barbarian and the demon hunter i got 10 legendaries in 2 runs. nothing stellar but even with my inferno master 1 magic find boost, the boost from my paragon levels and the limited amount of magic find i have on my gear (i had to make some sacrifices for stats and properties on crafted gear) i was barely pushing 350% magic find.
and with that 300 off percent i went into the monk last nite for a farming run in act 3. i went onto the first snowfield area to get 3 nephalem valors and then hit stonefort, skycrown battlements, the keep depths 1 + 2 + 3, the fields of slaughter. and the ENTIRETY of arreat crater, from the first level all the way to the core. and what did i get for all my trouble?
i know it seems like i'm just griping but this is about more than just the crap drops during the farming run last night. i've been getting lousy drops with the monk for months. no matter how much magic find i pump into the monk. even at the detriment of my other stats. no matter what i do i just cant seem to get a decent drop with the monk and it's PISSING ME OFF.
i'm beginning to think that if i want to get anything resembling a decent farming run with the monk i'm going to have to use the other classes to shoot up the paragon levels and then come back for the monk later. which to be honest wouldn't bother me in the least. the time i've spent working at the monk has given me a deep seated hatred of the class thanks to the crap rng i've been getting with him.
now that i've gotten my rant over with. i just finished watching a video on youtube which disproves what i thought about there being a 300% magic find cap in the vanilla version. therefore. i'm beginning to think that my theory about needing to shoot for paragon 50 or 100 and then start doing farming runs with the monk is correct.
so. thoughts? opinions? suggestions? comments about how much of an idiot i am?
My VERY FIRST Hellfire Amulet EVER MADE.
Never bothered with the uber bosses until today...
The crit damage you see was originally +5% Attack speed. First re-roll was to 7% Attack speed, and on re-roll number 5 was 91% critical damage,
Took about 12 more re-rolls to get 94%
Dropped a Rank 40 toxin gem on there for good measure......
Smart loot, eh? I don't even have a DH. All I play is barb (S5 @ PL 737).
I can get this (whatever it is I'm assuming it's decent since all my DH buddies talk about it) but I can't get a nicely rolled ancient IK helm, Mr. RNG?
I was cubing yellow rings into legendaries trying to get ancient LoN rings... I got 2 ancient Litany of the Undaunted in a row. I had to change my pants after that.
Now if only I had the same luch with The Wailing Host...
Is this officially the QQ thread too?
Blizzard has put out there the idea that RNG (random number generator) is used to determine many factors in D3. This was simply a ploy on their part. They were hoping their fanboy base would pick up the idea and run with it. They did. There are no random events in D3.
Why would I say this? Because in the word random lies the idea that all items in the potential population have an equal likelihood of being chosen. In D3 that is never the case. With all the rift guardians available, if they were generated based on random, it would be statistically improbably to ever get the same one 4 rifts in a row. I personally have experienced many, uncountably, instances where I've gotten the same one 6, 8, even 10 rifts in a row. The same case would be true of specific legendary items from Kadala. With all the potential bracers available, 3 of the same, and no others, in the same visit to her is not probable. Yet is has happened to me over and over. NOT random.
Blizzard has coded RNG out of the game, and in fact has coded into the game through layers of tables of choices an anti-randomness. It would be honest of them to come out and deny the existance of RNG in D3, but in my 25+ years of playing Blizzard games, I have yet to see honesty as being something they put any emphasis on.
STR/VIT kinda low, but the rest rolled very nice:
My D3 armory
My Youtube Channel
Took me the entirety of S5 up to this point looking for a bloody Wand of Woh....then I get two in two days. RNGesus likes me this week!
What a sick season start. In 700 paragon levels on the opening weekend, I got no less than EIGHT (!) Starmetal Kukris. One of them ancient, and well-rolled so. Also got a Dagger of Darts:
Too bad neither of them is relevant for end-game. I'm running some full pet T10 build now with 31 little fellas fighting for me, just to put the SMK to use, but it's not really efficient (but who cares).
Also got a nice Mask of Jeram - nowhere near "world's best" or anything like that, but pretty good for season start. However, I discovered something else that's interesting: You can actually re-roll the skill damage on Deadly Rebirth (which is unusual, because usually that's a stat that can't be re-rolled, like Explosive Blast damage on WoW. That means you can have 5 main stats plus socket on that weapon:
Pretty neat!
I guess I'm done, all conquests and season journey finished, so back to non-season (or taking a break in general). How is everyone else doing this season?
gg pledge
Never got any of these in 3000+ hours on NS. Also none on seasons. I get mostly crap and more crap.
Did you get all these as drops or crafted?
have a lvl 49 may laugh, I may cry...
Wasn't the Ceremonial Knife I was going for when I upgraded a rare but I'm not complaining one bit: